/// <summary>
 /// Creates a MediaServerDiscovery, subscribes to add and remove events and runs the start command
 /// </summary>
 public void StartSourceDisco()
     _SourceDisco = new MediaServerDiscovery();
     _SourceDisco.OnAddedDevice += new MediaServerDiscovery.DiscoveryHandler(AddSource);
     _SourceDisco.OnRemovedDevice += new MediaServerDiscovery.DiscoveryHandler(RemoveSource);
        private static void AddSink(MediaServerDiscovery sender, UPnPDevice d)
            //Console.WriteLine("Added Device: " + d.FriendlyName);

            // To interace with a service, instantiate the appropriate wrapper class on the appropriate service
            // Traverse the device heirarchy to the correct device, and invoke 'GetServices', passing in the static field 'SERVICE_NAME'
            // of the appropriate wrapper class. This method returns an array of all services with this service type. For most purposes,
            // there will only be one service, in which case you can use array index 0.
            // Save a reference to this instance of the wrapper class for later use.

            ConnectionManager = new CpConnectionManager(d.GetServices(CpConnectionManager.SERVICE_NAME)[0]);
            ContentDirectory = new CpContentDirectory(d.GetServices(CpContentDirectory.SERVICE_NAME)[0]);

            // To subscribe to Events, call the '_subscribe' method of the wrapper class. The only parameter is
            // the duration of the event. A good value is 300 seconds.

            // The wrapper class exposes all the evented state variables through events in the form 'OnStateVariable_xx', where xx is the variable name.

            // The wrapper class exposes methods in two formats. Asyncronous and Syncronous. The Async method calls are exposed simply
            // by the name of the method. The Syncronous version is the same, except with the word, 'Sync_' prepended to the name.
            // Asyncronous responses to th async method calls are dispatched through the event in the format, 'OnResult_x' where x is the method name.

            // Note: All arguments are automatically type checked. Allowed Values are abstracted through enumerations, that are defined in the wrapper class.
            // To access the list of allowed values or ranges for a given device, refer to the property 'Values_XXX' for a list of the allowed values for a
            // given state variable. Similarly, refer to the properties 'HasMaximum_XXX', 'HasMinimum_XXX', 'Maximum_XXX', and 'Minimum_XXX' where XXX is the variable name, for the Max/Min values.

            // To determine if a given service implements a particular StateVariable or Method, use the properties, 'HasStateVariableXXX' and 'HasActionXXX' where XXX is the method/variable name.
        public MainWindow()

            MediaServerDiscovery disco = new MediaServerDiscovery();
            disco.OnAddedDevice += new MediaServerDiscovery.DiscoveryHandler(AddSink);
            disco.OnRemovedDevice += new MediaServerDiscovery.DiscoveryHandler(RemoveSink);

 /// <summary>
 /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Should remove the source from the controlpoint. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="d"></param>
 private void RemoveSource(MediaServerDiscovery sender, UPnPDevice d)
     Console.WriteLine("Device removed");
     RemoveSourceEvent(null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Eventfunction that is run when an UPnP source is detected on the network. Only accepts sources with the friendly name: "HiPi - Source". 
        /// If it has the right name then it creates one stacks (ContentDirectory)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        private void AddSource(MediaServerDiscovery sender, UPnPDevice d)
            Console.WriteLine("Added Source Device: " + d.FriendlyName);

            if (d.FriendlyName == "HiPi - Source")
                UPnP_SourceFunctions func = new UPnP_SourceFunctions(null,
                    //new SourceStack.CpConnectionManager(d.GetServices(SourceStack.CpConnectionManager.SERVICE_NAME)[0]),
                    new SourceStack.CpContentDirectory(d.GetServices(SourceStack.CpContentDirectory.SERVICE_NAME)[0]));

                AddSourceEvent(func, null);
 private static void RemoveSink(MediaServerDiscovery sender, UPnPDevice d)
     Console.WriteLine("Removed Device: " + d.FriendlyName);