Esempio n. 1
 internal static Delegate BindToPInvokeAnsi(FunctionIdentity identity, Type generalDelegate)
     if (identity.IsUni)
         identity = identity.ToAnsi();
     return(BindToPInvoke(CharSet.Ansi, identity, generalDelegate));
Esempio n. 2
 // This function is exception-safe and does not throw any exceptions
 internal static void DefaultLogging(IHookHolderAndCallback hhac, FunctionIdentity identity,
                                     string format, params object[] args)
         DebugLogger.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString("D2") + " " +
                               identity.Function + " " + format, args);
     catch (Exception) { }
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Basing on signature delegate having DllFunctionAttribute, determines function name,
 /// dll name and hook category (registry/files/...).
 /// </summary>
 private void GetHookAttribs(Type signature, out FunctionIdentity identity, out string category)
     DllFunctionAttribute[] attrs = (DllFunctionAttribute[])signature.GetCustomAttributes(
         typeof(DllFunctionAttribute), false);
     if (attrs.Length != 1)
         throw new ArgumentException("Hook delegate should have single DllFunction attributes");
     identity = attrs[0].Identity;
     category = attrs[0].Category;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor in addition to just filling the fields with the parameters' values,
 /// initializes cache of bound delegates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <para>For both Ansi and Unicode versions of the same function, the same signature
 /// delegate is used, but to perform actual call, it is bound using
 /// <see cref="PInvokeHelper.BindToPInvokeAnsi"/>
 /// and <see cref="PInvokeHelper.BindToPInvokeUnicode"/>.</para>
 internal Hook(FunctionIdentity identity,
               Type signature,
               Delegate hookHandler,
               string hookCategory)
     signature_    = signature;
     identity_     = identity;
     hookHandler_  = hookHandler;
     hookCategory_ = hookCategory;
     // Building cache of bound pinvoke delegates ahead of itme to avoid nested calls
     // which fail: (reg*hook -> Bind -> reg* by .NET -> Bind)
     PInvokeHelper.BindToPInvokeAnsi(identity, signature);
     PInvokeHelper.BindToPInvokeUni(identity, signature);
Esempio n. 5
 private void Add(FunctionIdentity identity, Delegate hook, string category)
     // The following call checks if function is already in the dict
     dict_.Add(identity, new Hook(identity, hook.GetType(), hook, category));
     if (identity.IsUni)
         // For functions accepting string params we add Ansi version too
         FunctionIdentity ansiId = identity.ToAnsi();
         if (!dict_.ContainsKey(ansiId))
             dict_.Add(ansiId, new Hook(ansiId, hook.GetType(),
                                        PInvokeHelper.Ansi2UniDecorator(hook), category));
Esempio n. 6
        private static Delegate Bind(FunctionIdentity identity, Type generalDelegate,
                                     CharSet charSet)
            string suffix = BuildSuffix(identity, charSet);

            // Base class specified ONLY to make assembly reference OpenSandbox
            // before method gets defined so that types are resolved correctly
            TypeBuilder tb = cachedModuleBuilder_.DefineType(
                generalDelegate.Name + "PInvoke" + suffix,
                TypeAttributes.Class, typeof(Win32Api));

            MethodInfo method = generalDelegate.GetMethod("Invoke");

            ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
            Type[]          paramTypes = new Type[parameters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; ++i)
                paramTypes[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType;

            MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefinePInvokeMethod(
                generalDelegate.Name + "PInvoke" + suffix, identity.Dll, identity.Function,
                MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl,
                method.ReturnType, paramTypes,

                mb.GetMethodImplementationFlags() | MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig);

            for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++)
                var parameter = parameters[i];
                mb.DefineParameter(i + 1, ParameterAttributes.None, parameter.Name);

            Type pinvokeType = tb.CreateType();

//                UnmanagedDelegate(generalDelegate, charSet),
                       pinvokeType.GetMethod(generalDelegate.Name + "PInvoke" + suffix)));
Esempio n. 7
        private static Delegate BindToPInvoke(
            CharSet charSet, FunctionIdentity identity, Type generalDelegate)
            Signature signature = new Signature {
                Identity = identity, GeneralDelegate = generalDelegate

            lock (boundToPInvoke_)
                if (boundToPInvoke_.ContainsKey(signature))
            Delegate bound = Bind(identity, generalDelegate, charSet);

            lock (boundToPInvoke_)
                boundToPInvoke_[signature] = bound;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds hook identified by delegate specifying signature and hook handler method,
        /// DllFunctionAttribute, associated with delegate specifying function name and dll
        /// name to the container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <para>If function also has an Ansi version, it is also added to the container.</para>
        internal void Add(Delegate hook)
            FunctionIdentity identity;
            string           category;

            GetHookAttribs(hook.GetType(), out identity, out category);

            // TODO: decouple the hooks container and the strategy
            // how hooks are added into container

            if (identity.Dll == Win32Api.Advapi32DllName)
                // Registry functions in windows 7 also reside in kernel32.dll, some of system
                // dlls like oleaut32.dll call kernel32.dll versions
                FunctionIdentity kernel32Identity = new FunctionIdentity(Win32Api.Kernel32DllName, identity.Function);
                Add(kernel32Identity, hook, category);
                // Registry functions in windows 8 also reside in kernelbase.dll, some of system
                // dlls like combase.dll call kernelbase.dll versions
                FunctionIdentity kernelBaseIdentity = new FunctionIdentity(Win32Api.KernelBaseDllName, identity.Function);
                Add(kernelBaseIdentity, hook, category);
            Add(identity, hook, category);
Esempio n. 9
 internal static Delegate BindToPInvokeUni(FunctionIdentity identity, Type generalDelegate)
     return(BindToPInvoke(CharSet.Unicode, identity, generalDelegate));
Esempio n. 10
        private static string BuildSuffix(FunctionIdentity identity, CharSet charSet)
            string suffix = identity.Dll + "_" + identity.Function + "_" + charSet.ToString();

            return(suffix.Replace(".", "_"));
Esempio n. 11
 internal static void NoLogging(IHookHolderAndCallback hhac, FunctionIdentity identity,
                                string format, params object[] args)
Esempio n. 12
 internal DllFunctionAttribute(string dll, string function, string category)
     identity_ = new FunctionIdentity(dll, function);
     category_ = category;