Esempio n. 1
File: WPos.cs Progetto: embix/OpenRA
        public static WPos LerpQuadratic(WPos a, WPos b, WAngle pitch, int mul, int div)
            // Start with a linear lerp between the points
            var ret = Lerp(a, b, mul, div);

            if (pitch.Angle == 0)
                return ret;

            // Add an additional quadratic variation to height
            // Attempts to avoid integer overflow by keeping the intermediate variables reasonably sized
            var offset = (int)(((((((long)(b - a).Length * mul) / div) * (div - mul)) / div) * pitch.Tan()) / 1024);
            return new WPos(ret.X, ret.Y, ret.Z + offset);
Esempio n. 2
        public static WPos LerpQuadratic(WPos a, WPos b, WAngle pitch, int mul, int div)
            // Start with a linear lerp between the points
            var ret = Lerp(a, b, mul, div);

            if (pitch.Angle == 0)
                return ret;

            // Add an additional quadratic variation to height
            // Uses fp to avoid integer overflow
            var offset = (int)((float)((float)(b - a).Length*pitch.Tan()*mul*(div - mul)) / (float)(1024*div*div));
            return new WPos(ret.X, ret.Y, ret.Z + offset);
Esempio n. 3
        public OpenAlSound(int source, int buffer, bool looping, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume)
            if (source == -1)

            Source = source;
            Volume = volume;

            AL.Source(source, ALSourcef.Pitch, 1f);
            AL.Source(source, ALSource3f.Position, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
            AL.Source(source, ALSource3f.Velocity, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            AL.Source(source, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer);
            AL.Source(source, ALSourceb.Looping, looping);
            AL.Source(source, ALSourceb.SourceRelative, relative);

            AL.Source(source, ALSourcef.ReferenceDistance, 6826);
            AL.Source(source, ALSourcef.MaxDistance, 136533);
Esempio n. 4
        ///<summary>Evaluates the attractiveness of a position according to all considerations</summary>
        public int GetAttractiveness(WPos pos, Player firedBy)
            var answer = 0;
            var world = firedBy.World;
            var targetTile = world.Map.CellContaining(pos);

            if (!world.Map.Contains(targetTile))
                return 0;

            foreach (var consideration in Considerations)
                var radiusToUse = new WRange(consideration.CheckRadius.Range);

                var checkActors = world.FindActorsInCircle(pos, radiusToUse);
                foreach (var scrutinized in checkActors)
                    answer += consideration.GetAttractiveness(scrutinized, firedBy.Stances[scrutinized.Owner], firedBy);

            return answer;
Esempio n. 5
File: Map.cs Progetto: pchote/OpenRA
 public WDist DistanceToEdge(WPos pos, WVec dir)
     var projectedPos = pos - new WVec(0, pos.Z, pos.Z);
     var x = dir.X == 0 ? int.MaxValue : ((dir.X < 0 ? ProjectedTopLeft.X : ProjectedBottomRight.X) - projectedPos.X) / dir.X;
     var y = dir.Y == 0 ? int.MaxValue : ((dir.Y < 0 ? ProjectedTopLeft.Y : ProjectedBottomRight.Y) - projectedPos.Y) / dir.Y;
     return new WDist(Math.Min(x, y) * dir.Length);
Esempio n. 6
		public static bool PlayVoiceLocal(string phrase, Actor voicedUnit, string variant, WPos pos, float volume)
			if (voicedUnit == null || phrase == null)
				return false;

			var mi = voicedUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault<SelectableInfo>();
			if (mi == null || mi.Voice == null)
				return false;

			var type = mi.Voice.ToLowerInvariant();
			return PlayPredefined(voicedUnit.World.Map.Rules, null, voicedUnit, type, phrase, variant, false, pos, volume, true);
Esempio n. 7
        public void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
            // Move the listener out of the plane so that sounds near the middle of the screen aren't too positional
            AL.Listener(ALListener3f.Position, position.X, position.Y, position.Z + 2133);

            var orientation = new[] { 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, -1f, 0f };
            AL.Listener(ALListenerfv.Orientation, ref orientation);
            AL.Listener(ALListenerf.EfxMetersPerUnit, .01f);
Esempio n. 8
File: Map.cs Progetto: pchote/OpenRA
        public CPos CellContaining(WPos pos)
            if (Grid.Type == MapGridType.Rectangular)
                return new CPos(pos.X / 1024, pos.Y / 1024);

            // Convert from world position to isometric cell position:
            // (a) Subtract (512, 512) to move the rotation center to the middle of the corner cell
            // (b) Rotate axes by -pi/4
            // (c) Divide through by sqrt(2) to bring us to an equivalent world pos aligned with u,v axes
            // (d) Apply an offset so that the integer division by 1024 rounds in the right direction:
            //      (i) u is always positive, so add 512 (which then partially cancels the -1024 term from the rotation)
            //     (ii) v can be negative, so we need to be careful about rounding directions.  We add 512 *away from 0* (negative if y > x).
            // (e) Divide by 1024 to bring into cell coords.
            var u = (pos.Y + pos.X - 512) / 1024;
            var v = (pos.Y - pos.X + (pos.Y > pos.X ? 512 : -512)) / 1024;
            return new CPos(u, v);
Esempio n. 9
 public static ISound Play(string name, WPos pos)
     return Play(null, name, false, pos, 1);
Esempio n. 10
        // Returns true if played successfully
        public static bool PlayPredefined(Ruleset ruleset, Player p, Actor voicedUnit, string type, string definition, string variant,
                                          bool relative, WPos pos, float volumeModifier, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (ruleset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ruleset");

            if (definition == null)

            if (ruleset.Voices == null || ruleset.Notifications == null)

            var rules = (voicedUnit != null) ? ruleset.Voices[type] : ruleset.Notifications[type];

            if (rules == null)

            var id = voicedUnit != null ? voicedUnit.ActorID : 0;

            string clip;
            var    suffix = rules.DefaultVariant;
            var    prefix = rules.DefaultPrefix;

            if (voicedUnit != null)
                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey("Attack"))
                    rules.VoicePools.Value.Add("Attack", rules.VoicePools.Value["Move"]);

                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey("AttackMove"))
                    rules.VoicePools.Value.Add("AttackMove", rules.VoicePools.Value["Move"]);

                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in voice pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.VoicePools.Value[definition].GetNext();
                if (!rules.NotificationsPools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in notification pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.NotificationsPools.Value[definition].GetNext();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clip))

            if (variant != null)
                if (rules.Variants.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisableVariants.Contains(definition))
                    suffix = rules.Variants[variant][id % rules.Variants[variant].Length];
                if (rules.Prefixes.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisablePrefixes.Contains(definition))
                    prefix = rules.Prefixes[variant][id % rules.Prefixes[variant].Length];

            var name = prefix + clip + suffix;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (p == null || p == p.World.LocalPlayer))
                                   false, relative, pos,
                                   InternalSoundVolume * volumeModifier, attenuateVolume);

Esempio n. 11
 public static ISound PlayToPlayer(Player player, string name, WPos pos)
     return(Play(player, name, false, pos, 1f));
Esempio n. 12
 public ISound PlayLooped(string name, WPos pos)
     return Play(null, name, true, pos, 1f, true);
Esempio n. 13
 public static ISound Play(string name, WPos pos)
     return(Play(null, name, false, pos, 1f));
Esempio n. 14
 public static ISound Play(string name, WPos pos, float volumeModifier)
     return(Play(null, name, false, pos, volumeModifier));
Esempio n. 15
        public ISound Play2D(ISoundSource sound, bool loop, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (sound == null)
                Log.Write("sound", "Attempt to Play2D a null `ISoundSource`");

            var currFrame = Game.OrderManager.LocalFrameNumber;
            var atten     = 1f;

            // Check if max # of instances-per-location reached:
            if (attenuateVolume)
                int instances = 0, activeCount = 0;
                foreach (var s in sourcePool.Values)
                    if (!s.IsActive)
                    if (s.IsRelative != relative)

                    if (s.Sound != sound)
                    if (currFrame - s.FrameStarted >= 5)

                    // Too far away to count?
                    var lensqr = (s.Pos - pos).LengthSquared;
                    if (lensqr >= GroupDistanceSqr)

                    // If we are starting too many instances of the same sound within a short time then stop this one:
                    if (++instances == MaxInstancesPerFrame)

                // Attenuate a little bit based on number of active sounds:
                atten = 0.66f * ((PoolSize - activeCount * 0.5f) / PoolSize);

            var source = GetSourceFromPool();

            if (source == -1)

            var slot = sourcePool[source];

            slot.Pos          = pos;
            slot.FrameStarted = currFrame;
            slot.Sound        = sound;
            slot.IsRelative   = relative;
            return(new OpenAlSound(source, ((OpenAlSoundSource)sound).Buffer, loop, relative, pos, volume * atten));
Esempio n. 16
        public static Order Deserialize(World world, BinaryReader r)
                var magic = r.ReadByte();
                switch (magic)
                case 0xFF:
                    var order     = r.ReadString();
                    var subjectId = r.ReadUInt32();
                    var flags     = (OrderFields)r.ReadByte();

                    Actor subject = null;
                    if (world != null)
                        TryGetActorFromUInt(world, subjectId, out subject);

                    var target = Target.Invalid;
                    if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.Target))
                        switch ((TargetType)r.ReadByte())
                        case TargetType.Actor:
                            Actor targetActor;
                            if (world != null && TryGetActorFromUInt(world, r.ReadUInt32(), out targetActor))
                                target = Target.FromActor(targetActor);

                        case TargetType.FrozenActor:
                            var playerActorID = r.ReadUInt32();
                            var frozenActorID = r.ReadUInt32();

                            Actor playerActor;
                            if (world == null || !TryGetActorFromUInt(world, playerActorID, out playerActor))

                            if (playerActor.Owner.FrozenActorLayer == null)

                            var frozen = playerActor.Owner.FrozenActorLayer.FromID(frozenActorID);
                            if (frozen != null)
                                target = Target.FromFrozenActor(frozen);


                        case TargetType.Terrain:
                            if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetIsCell))
                                var cell    = new CPos(r.ReadInt32());
                                var subCell = (SubCell)r.ReadByte();
                                if (world != null)
                                    target = Target.FromCell(world, cell, subCell);
                                var pos = new WPos(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32());
                                target = Target.FromPos(pos);


                    var targetString  = flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetString) ? r.ReadString() : null;
                    var queued        = flags.HasField(OrderFields.Queued);
                    var extraLocation = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraLocation) ? new CPos(r.ReadInt32()) : CPos.Zero;
                    var extraData     = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraData) ? r.ReadUInt32() : 0;

                    if (world == null)
                        return(new Order(order, null, target, targetString, queued, extraLocation, extraData));

                    if (subject == null && subjectId != uint.MaxValue)

                    return(new Order(order, subject, target, targetString, queued, extraLocation, extraData));

                case 0xfe:
                    var name         = r.ReadString();
                    var flags        = (OrderFields)r.ReadByte();
                    var targetString = flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetString) ? r.ReadString() : null;
                    var extraData    = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraData) ? r.ReadUInt32() : 0;

                    return(new Order(name, null, false)
                            IsImmediate = true, TargetString = targetString, ExtraData = extraData

                    Log.Write("debug", "Received unknown order with magic {0}", magic);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Write("debug", "Caught exception while processing order");
                Log.Write("debug", e.ToString());

                // HACK: this can hopefully go away in the future
                Game.Debug("Ignoring malformed order that would have crashed the game");
                Game.Debug("Please file a bug report and include the replay from this match");

Esempio n. 17
        public static bool PlayVoiceLocal(string phrase, Actor voicedUnit, string variant, WPos pos, float volume)
            if (voicedUnit == null || phrase == null)

            var mi = voicedUnit.Info.Traits.GetOrDefault <SelectableInfo>();

            if (mi == null || mi.Voice == null)

            var type = mi.Voice.ToLowerInvariant();

            return(PlayPredefined(voicedUnit.World.Map.Rules, null, voicedUnit, type, phrase, variant, false, pos, volume, true));
Esempio n. 18
 public void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
Esempio n. 19
 public static ISound PlayLooped(string name, WPos pos)
     return(Play(null, name, true, pos, 1f, true));
Esempio n. 20
 public static PPos FromWPos(WPos pos)
     return new PPos(Game.CellSize*pos.X/1024, Game.CellSize*pos.Y/1024);
Esempio n. 21
        // Returns true if played successfully
        public bool PlayPredefined(SoundType soundType, Ruleset ruleset, Player p, Actor voicedActor, string type, string definition, string variant,
                                   bool relative, WPos pos, float volumeModifier, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (ruleset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ruleset");

            if (definition == null || DisableAllSounds || (DisableWorldSounds && soundType == SoundType.World))

            if (ruleset.Voices == null || ruleset.Notifications == null)

            var rules = (voicedActor != null) ? ruleset.Voices[type] : ruleset.Notifications[type];

            if (rules == null)

            var id = voicedActor != null ? voicedActor.ActorID : 0;

            SoundPool pool;
            var       suffix = rules.DefaultVariant;
            var       prefix = rules.DefaultPrefix;

            if (voicedActor != null)
                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in voice pool.".F(definition));

                pool = rules.VoicePools.Value[definition];
                if (!rules.NotificationsPools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in notification pool.".F(definition));

                pool = rules.NotificationsPools.Value[definition];

            var clip = pool.GetNext();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clip))

            if (variant != null)
                if (rules.Variants.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisableVariants.Contains(definition))
                    suffix = rules.Variants[variant][id % rules.Variants[variant].Length];
                if (rules.Prefixes.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisablePrefixes.Contains(definition))
                    prefix = rules.Prefixes[variant][id % rules.Prefixes[variant].Length];

            var name = prefix + clip + suffix;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (p == null || p == p.World.LocalPlayer))
                var sound = soundEngine.Play2D(sounds[name],
                                               false, relative, pos,
                                               InternalSoundVolume * volumeModifier * pool.VolumeModifier, attenuateVolume);
                if (id != 0)
                    if (currentSounds.ContainsKey(id))

                    currentSounds[id] = sound;

Esempio n. 22
        public CPos CellContaining(WPos pos)
            if (TileShape == TileShape.Rectangle)
                return new CPos(pos.X / 1024, pos.Y / 1024);

            // Convert from world position to diamond cell position:
            // (a) Subtract (512, 512) to move the rotation center to the middle of the corner cell
            // (b) Rotate axes by -pi/4
            // (c) Add (512, 512) to move back to the center of the cell
            // (d) Divide by 1024 to find final cell coords
            var u = (pos.Y + pos.X - 512) / 1024;
            var v = (pos.Y - pos.X - 512) / 1024;
            return new CPos(u, v);
Esempio n. 23
 public bool FogObscures(WPos pos)
     return(RenderPlayer != null && !RenderPlayer.Shroud.IsVisible(pos));
Esempio n. 24
 public static ISound PlayToPlayer(Player player, string name, WPos pos)
     return Play(player, name, false, pos, 1);
Esempio n. 25
 public bool ShroudObscures(WPos pos)
     return(RenderPlayer != null && !RenderPlayer.Shroud.IsExplored(pos));
Esempio n. 26
 public ISound Play2D(ISoundSource sound, bool loop, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume, bool attenuateVolume)
     return(new NullSound());
Esempio n. 27
        public static Order Deserialize(World world, BinaryReader r)
            var magic = r.ReadByte();

            switch (magic)
            case 0xFF:
                var order     = r.ReadString();
                var subjectId = r.ReadUInt32();
                var flags     = (OrderFields)r.ReadByte();

                Actor subject = null;
                if (world != null)
                    TryGetActorFromUInt(world, subjectId, out subject);

                var target = Target.Invalid;
                if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.Target))
                    switch ((TargetType)r.ReadByte())
                    case TargetType.Actor:
                        Actor targetActor;
                        if (world != null && TryGetActorFromUInt(world, r.ReadUInt32(), out targetActor))
                            target = Target.FromActor(targetActor);

                    case TargetType.FrozenActor:
                        var playerActorID = r.ReadUInt32();
                        var frozenActorID = r.ReadUInt32();

                        Actor playerActor;
                        if (world == null || !TryGetActorFromUInt(world, playerActorID, out playerActor))

                        var frozenLayer = playerActor.TraitOrDefault <FrozenActorLayer>();
                        if (frozenLayer == null)

                        var frozen = frozenLayer.FromID(frozenActorID);
                        if (frozen != null)
                            target = Target.FromFrozenActor(frozen);


                    case TargetType.Terrain:
                        if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetIsCell))
                            var cell    = new CPos(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadByte());
                            var subCell = (SubCell)r.ReadInt32();
                            if (world != null)
                                target = Target.FromCell(world, cell, subCell);
                            var pos = new WPos(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32());
                            target = Target.FromPos(pos);


                var targetString  = flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetString) ? r.ReadString() : null;
                var queued        = flags.HasField(OrderFields.Queued);
                var extraLocation = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraLocation) ? new CPos(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadByte()) : CPos.Zero;
                var extraData     = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraData) ? r.ReadUInt32() : 0;

                if (world == null)
                    return(new Order(order, null, target, targetString, queued, extraLocation, extraData));

                if (subject == null && subjectId != uint.MaxValue)

                return(new Order(order, subject, target, targetString, queued, extraLocation, extraData));

            case 0xfe:
                var name = r.ReadString();
                var data = r.ReadString();

                return(new Order(name, null, false)
                        IsImmediate = true, TargetString = data

                Log.Write("debug", "Received unknown order with magic {0}", magic);
Esempio n. 28
 public static Actor ClosestTo(this IEnumerable <Actor> actors, WPos pos)
     return(actors.MinByOrDefault(a => (a.CenterPosition - pos).LengthSquared));
Esempio n. 29
        public PPos ProjectedCellCovering(WPos pos)
            var projectedPos = pos - new WVec(0, pos.Z, pos.Z);

Esempio n. 30
File: Map.cs Progetto: pchote/OpenRA
 public WDist DistanceAboveTerrain(WPos pos)
     var cell = CellContaining(pos);
     var delta = pos - CenterOfCell(cell);
     return new WDist(delta.Z);
Esempio n. 31
 public void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
Esempio n. 32
File: Map.cs Progetto: pchote/OpenRA
 public PPos ProjectedCellCovering(WPos pos)
     var projectedPos = pos - new WVec(0, pos.Z, pos.Z);
     return (PPos)CellContaining(projectedPos).ToMPos(Grid.Type);
Esempio n. 33
 public ISound Play(SoundType type, string name, WPos pos, float volumeModifier)
     return(Play(type, null, name, false, pos, volumeModifier));
Esempio n. 34
        public void SetBounds(MPos tl, MPos br)
            // The tl and br coordinates are inclusive, but the Rectangle
            // is exclusive.  Pad the right and bottom edges to match.
            Bounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(tl.U, tl.V, br.U + 1, br.V + 1);
            CellsInsideBounds = new CellRegion(TileShape, tl.ToCPos(this), br.ToCPos(this));

            // Directly calculate the projected map corners in world units avoiding unnecessary
            // conversions.  This abuses the definition that the width of the cell is always
            // 1024 units, and that the height of two rows is 2048 for classic cells and 1024
            // for diamond cells.
            var wtop = tl.V * 1024;
            var wbottom = (br.V + 1) * 1024;
            if (TileShape == TileShape.Diamond)
                wtop /= 2;
                wbottom /= 2;

            ProjectedTopLeft = new WPos(tl.U * 1024, wtop, 0);
            ProjectedBottomRight = new WPos(br.U * 1024 - 1, wbottom - 1, 0);
Esempio n. 35
 public ISound PlayToPlayer(SoundType type, Player player, string name, WPos pos)
     return(Play(type, player, name, false, pos, 1f));
Esempio n. 36
 // Temporary hack for things that throw away altitude and
 // cache screen positions directly. This can go once all
 // the callers understand world coordinates
 public static PPos FromWPosHackZ(WPos pos)
     return new PPos(Game.CellSize*pos.X/1024, Game.CellSize*(pos.Y - pos.Z)/1024);
Esempio n. 37
 public ISound PlayLooped(SoundType type, string name, WPos pos)
     return(Play(type, null, name, false, pos, 1f, true));
Esempio n. 38
 public static WPos Lerp(WPos a, WPos b, int mul, int div)
     return a + (b - a) * mul / div;
Esempio n. 39
 public ISound Play(SoundType type, string[] names, World world, WPos pos, Player player = null, float volumeModifier = 1f)
     return(Play(type, player, names.Random(world.LocalRandom), false, pos, volumeModifier));
Esempio n. 40
        // Returns true if played successfully
        public bool PlayPredefined(Ruleset ruleset, Player p, Actor voicedActor, string type, string definition, string variant,
			bool relative, WPos pos, float volumeModifier, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (ruleset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ruleset");

            if (definition == null)
                return false;

            if (ruleset.Voices == null || ruleset.Notifications == null)
                return false;

            var rules = (voicedActor != null) ? ruleset.Voices[type] : ruleset.Notifications[type];
            if (rules == null)
                return false;

            var id = voicedActor != null ? voicedActor.ActorID : 0;

            string clip;
            var suffix = rules.DefaultVariant;
            var prefix = rules.DefaultPrefix;

            if (voicedActor != null)
                if (!rules.VoicePools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in voice pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.VoicePools.Value[definition].GetNext();
                if (!rules.NotificationsPools.Value.ContainsKey(definition))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find {0} in notification pool.".F(definition));

                clip = rules.NotificationsPools.Value[definition].GetNext();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clip))
                return false;

            if (variant != null)
                if (rules.Variants.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisableVariants.Contains(definition))
                    suffix = rules.Variants[variant][id % rules.Variants[variant].Length];
                if (rules.Prefixes.ContainsKey(variant) && !rules.DisablePrefixes.Contains(definition))
                    prefix = rules.Prefixes[variant][id % rules.Prefixes[variant].Length];

            var name = prefix + clip + suffix;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (p == null || p == p.World.LocalPlayer))
                var sound = soundEngine.Play2D(sounds[name],
                    false, relative, pos,
                    InternalSoundVolume * volumeModifier, attenuateVolume);
                if (id != 0)
                    if (currentSounds.ContainsKey(id))

                    currentSounds[id] = sound;

            return true;
Esempio n. 41
        static ISound Play(Player player, string name, bool headRelative, WPos pos, float volumeModifier)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return null;
            if (player != null && player != player.World.LocalPlayer)
                return null;

            return soundEngine.Play2D(sounds[name],
                false, headRelative, pos,
                InternalSoundVolume * volumeModifier, true);
Esempio n. 42
 public WRange DistanceToEdge(WPos pos, WVec dir)
     var tl = CenterOfCell(Cells.TopLeft) - new WVec(512, 512, 0);
     var br = CenterOfCell(Cells.BottomRight) + new WVec(511, 511, 0);
     var x = dir.X == 0 ? int.MaxValue : ((dir.X < 0 ? tl.X : br.X) - pos.X) / dir.X;
     var y = dir.Y == 0 ? int.MaxValue : ((dir.Y < 0 ? tl.Y : br.Y) - pos.Y) / dir.Y;
     return new WRange(Math.Min(x, y) * dir.Length);
Esempio n. 43
 public void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
Esempio n. 44
 public static ISound Play(string name, WPos pos, float volumeModifier)
     return Play(null, name, false, pos, volumeModifier);
Esempio n. 45
        public ISound Play2D(ISoundSource sound, bool loop, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume, bool attenuateVolume)
            if (sound == null)
                Log.Write("sound", "Attempt to Play2D a null `ISoundSource`");
                return null;

            var world =;
            int currFrame = world != null ? world.FrameNumber : 0;
            float atten = 1f;

            // Check if max # of instances-per-location reached:
            if (attenuateVolume)
                int instances = 0, activeCount = 0;
                foreach (var s in sourcePool.Values)
                    if (!s.isActive)
                    if (s.isRelative != relative)

                    if (s.sound != sound)
                    if (currFrame - s.frameStarted >= 5)

                    // Too far away to count?
                    var lensqr = (s.pos - pos).LengthSquared;
                    if (lensqr >= groupDistanceSqr)

                    // If we are starting too many instances of the same sound within a short time then stop this one:
                    if (++instances == maxInstancesPerFrame)
                        return null;

                // Attenuate a little bit based on number of active sounds:
                atten = 0.66f * ((POOL_SIZE - activeCount * 0.5f) / POOL_SIZE);

            int source = GetSourceFromPool();
            if (source == -1) return null;

            var slot = sourcePool[source];
            slot.pos = pos;
            slot.frameStarted = currFrame;
            slot.sound = sound;
            slot.isRelative = relative;
            return new OpenAlSound(source, (sound as OpenAlSoundSource).buffer, loop, relative, pos, volume * atten);
Esempio n. 46
 public static void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
Esempio n. 47
 public static WPos PositionClosestTo(this IEnumerable <WPos> positions, WPos pos)
     return(positions.MinByOrDefault(p => (p - pos).LengthSquared));
Esempio n. 48
 public ISound Play2D(ISoundSource sound, bool loop, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume, bool attenuateVolume)
     return new NullSound();
Esempio n. 49
        ISound Play(SoundType type, Player player, string name, bool headRelative, WPos pos, float volumeModifier = 1f, bool loop = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || (DisableWorldSounds && type == SoundType.World))
                return null;

            if (player != null && player != player.World.LocalPlayer)
                return null;

            return soundEngine.Play2D(sounds[name],
                loop, headRelative, pos,
                InternalSoundVolume * volumeModifier, true);
Esempio n. 50
        public OpenAlSound(int source, int buffer, bool looping, bool relative, WPos pos, float volume)
            if (source == -1) return;
            this.source = source;
            Al.alSourcef(source, Al.AL_PITCH, 1f);
            Volume = volume;
            Al.alSource3f(source, Al.AL_POSITION, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
            Al.alSource3f(source, Al.AL_VELOCITY, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            Al.alSourcei(source, Al.AL_BUFFER, buffer);
            Al.alSourcei(source, Al.AL_LOOPING, looping ? Al.AL_TRUE : Al.AL_FALSE);
            Al.alSourcei(source, Al.AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, relative ? 1 : 0);

            Al.alSourcef(source, Al.AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, 6826);
            Al.alSourcef(source, Al.AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 136533);
Esempio n. 51
File: CPos.cs Progetto: Tsher/OpenRA
 public CPos(WPos a)
     X = a.X / 1024; Y = a.Y / 1024;
Esempio n. 52
        public void SetListenerPosition(WPos position)
            // Move the listener out of the plane so that sounds near the middle of the screen aren't too positional
            Al.alListener3f(Al.AL_POSITION, position.X, position.Y, position.Z + 2133);

            var orientation = new[] { 0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, -1f, 0f };
            Al.alListenerfv(Al.AL_ORIENTATION, ref orientation[0]);
            Al.alListenerf(Al.AL_METERS_PER_UNIT, .01f);
Esempio n. 53
        public static Order Deserialize(World world, BinaryReader r)
                var type = (OrderType)r.ReadByte();
                switch (type)
                case OrderType.Fields:
                    var order = r.ReadString();
                    var flags = (OrderFields)r.ReadInt16();

                    Actor subject = null;
                    if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.Subject))
                        var subjectId = r.ReadUInt32();
                        if (world != null)
                            TryGetActorFromUInt(world, subjectId, out subject);

                    var target = Target.Invalid;
                    if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.Target))
                        switch ((TargetType)r.ReadByte())
                        case TargetType.Actor:
                            if (world != null && TryGetActorFromUInt(world, r.ReadUInt32(), out var targetActor))
                                target = Target.FromActor(targetActor);

                        case TargetType.FrozenActor:
                            var playerActorID = r.ReadUInt32();
                            var frozenActorID = r.ReadUInt32();

                            if (world == null || !TryGetActorFromUInt(world, playerActorID, out var playerActor))

                            if (playerActor.Owner.FrozenActorLayer == null)

                            var frozen = playerActor.Owner.FrozenActorLayer.FromID(frozenActorID);
                            if (frozen != null)
                                target = Target.FromFrozenActor(frozen);


                        case TargetType.Terrain:
                            if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetIsCell))
                                var cell    = new CPos(r.ReadInt32());
                                var subCell = (SubCell)r.ReadByte();
                                if (world != null)
                                    target = Target.FromCell(world, cell, subCell);
                                var pos = new WPos(r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32(), r.ReadInt32());
                                target = Target.FromPos(pos);


                    var targetString = flags.HasField(OrderFields.TargetString) ? r.ReadString() : null;
                    var queued       = flags.HasField(OrderFields.Queued);

                    Actor[] extraActors = null;
                    if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraActors))
                        var count = r.ReadInt32();
                        if (world != null)
                            extraActors = Exts.MakeArray(count, _ => world.GetActorById(r.ReadUInt32()));
                            r.ReadBytes(4 * count);

                    var extraLocation = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraLocation) ? new CPos(r.ReadInt32()) : CPos.Zero;
                    var extraData     = flags.HasField(OrderFields.ExtraData) ? r.ReadUInt32() : 0;

                    Actor[] groupedActors = null;
                    if (flags.HasField(OrderFields.Grouped))
                        var count = r.ReadInt32();
                        if (world != null)
                            groupedActors = Exts.MakeArray(count, _ => world.GetActorById(r.ReadUInt32()));
                            r.ReadBytes(4 * count);

                    if (world == null)
                        return(new Order(order, null, target, targetString, queued, extraActors, extraLocation, extraData, groupedActors));

                    if (subject == null && flags.HasField(OrderFields.Subject))

                    return(new Order(order, subject, target, targetString, queued, extraActors, extraLocation, extraData, groupedActors));

                case OrderType.Handshake:
                    var name         = r.ReadString();
                    var targetString = r.ReadString();

                    return(new Order(name, null, false)
                            Type = OrderType.Handshake, TargetString = targetString

                    Log.Write("debug", "Received unknown order with type {0}", type);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Write("debug", "Caught exception while processing order");
                Log.Write("debug", e.ToString());

                // HACK: this can hopefully go away in the future
                Game.Debug("Ignoring malformed order that would have crashed the game");
                Game.Debug("Please file a bug report and include the replay from this match");
