Inheritance: ChromeLogic
Esempio n. 1
        public static void SetupEditableSlotWidget(LobbyLogic logic, Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c, OrderManager orderManager)
            var slot = parent.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("SLOT_OPTIONS");

            slot.IsVisible   = () => true;
            slot.IsDisabled  = () => orderManager.LocalClient.IsReady;
            slot.GetText     = () => c != null ? c.Name : s.Closed ? "Closed" : "Open";
            slot.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowSlotDropDown(logic, slot, s, c, orderManager);

            // Ensure Name selector (if present) is hidden
            var name = parent.GetOrNull("NAME");

            if (name != null)
                name.IsVisible = () => false;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void ShowSlotDropDown(LobbyLogic logic, DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Slot slot,
                                            Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager)
            var options = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <SlotDropDownOption> >()
                { "Slot", new List <SlotDropDownOption>()
                      new SlotDropDownOption("Open", "slot_open " + slot.PlayerReference, () => (!slot.Closed && client == null)),
                      new SlotDropDownOption("Closed", "slot_close " + slot.PlayerReference, () => slot.Closed)
                  } }

            var bots = new List <SlotDropDownOption>();

            if (slot.AllowBots)
                foreach (var b in logic.Map.Rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfos <IBotInfo>().Select(t => t.Name))
                    var bot           = b;
                    var botController = orderManager.LobbyInfo.Clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsAdmin);
                    bots.Add(new SlotDropDownOption(bot,
                                                    "slot_bot {0} {1} {2}".F(slot.PlayerReference, botController.Index, bot),
                                                    () => client != null && client.Bot == bot));

            options.Add(bots.Any() ? "Bots" : "Bots Disabled", bots);

            Func <SlotDropDownOption, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (o, itemTemplate) =>
                var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate,
                                                  () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command(o.Order)));
                item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => o.Title;

            dropdown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 167, options, setupItem);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ShowSlotDropDown(LobbyLogic logic, DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Slot slot,
			Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager)
            var options = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<SlotDropDownOption>>() { { "Slot", new List<SlotDropDownOption>()
                new SlotDropDownOption("Open", "slot_open " + slot.PlayerReference, () => (!slot.Closed && client == null)),
                new SlotDropDownOption("Closed", "slot_close " + slot.PlayerReference, () => slot.Closed)
            } } };

            var bots = new List<SlotDropDownOption>();
            if (slot.AllowBots)
                foreach (var b in logic.Map.Rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfos<IBotInfo>().Select(t => t.Name))
                    var bot = b;
                    var botController = orderManager.LobbyInfo.Clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsAdmin);
                    bots.Add(new SlotDropDownOption(bot,
                        "slot_bot {0} {1} {2}".F(slot.PlayerReference, botController.Index, bot),
                        () => client != null && client.Bot == bot));

            options.Add(bots.Any() ? "Bots" : "Bots Disabled", bots);

            Func<SlotDropDownOption, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (o, itemTemplate) =>
                var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate,
                    () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command(o.Order)));
                item.Get<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => o.Title;
                return item;

            dropdown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 167, options, setupItem);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void SetupEditableSlotWidget(LobbyLogic logic, Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c, OrderManager orderManager)
            var slot = parent.Get<DropDownButtonWidget>("SLOT_OPTIONS");
            slot.IsVisible = () => true;
            slot.IsDisabled = () => orderManager.LocalClient.IsReady;
            slot.GetText = () => c != null ? c.Name : s.Closed ? "Closed" : "Open";
            slot.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowSlotDropDown(logic, slot, s, c, orderManager);

            // Ensure Name selector (if present) is hidden
            var name = parent.GetOrNull("NAME");
            if (name != null)
                name.IsVisible = () => false;
Esempio n. 5
        internal LobbyMapPreviewLogic(Widget widget, ModData modData, OrderManager orderManager, LobbyLogic lobby)
            var available = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_AVAILABLE");

            if (available != null)
                available.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && (!lobby.Map.RulesLoaded || !lobby.Map.InvalidCustomRules);

                var preview = available.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    var font  = Game.Renderer.Fonts[titleLabel.Font];
                    var title = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m => WidgetUtils.TruncateText(m.Title, titleLabel.Bounds.Width, font));
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => title.Update(lobby.Map);

                var typeLabel = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var authorLabel = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (authorLabel != null)
                    var font   = Game.Renderer.Fonts[authorLabel.Font];
                    var author = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(
                        m => WidgetUtils.TruncateText("Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author), authorLabel.Bounds.Width, font));
                    authorLabel.GetText = () => author.Update(lobby.Map);

            var invalid = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_INVALID");

            if (invalid != null)
                invalid.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.InvalidCustomRules;

                var preview = invalid.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = invalid.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = invalid.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

            var download = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_DOWNLOADABLE");

            if (download != null)
                download.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = download.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var authorLabel = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (authorLabel != null)
                    authorLabel.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

                var install = download.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("MAP_INSTALL");
                if (install != null)
                    install.OnClick = () => lobby.Map.Install(() =>
                        Game.RunAfterTick(() => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("state {0}".F(Session.ClientState.NotReady))));
                    install.IsHighlighted = () => installHighlighted;

            var progress = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_PROGRESS");

            if (progress != null)
                progress.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.Available &&
                                     lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = progress.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    if (typeLabel != null)
                        var type = new CachedTransform <MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                        typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var statusSearching = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_SEARCHING");
                if (statusSearching != null)
                    statusSearching.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Searching;

                var statusUnavailable = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE");
                if (statusUnavailable != null)
                    statusUnavailable.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable;

                var statusError = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_ERROR");
                if (statusError != null)
                    statusError.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError;

                var statusDownloading = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_STATUS_DOWNLOADING");
                if (statusDownloading != null)
                    statusDownloading.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Downloading;
                    statusDownloading.GetText   = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadBytes == 0)

                        // Server does not provide the total file length
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0)
                            return("Downloading {0} kB".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024));

                        return("Downloading {0} kB ({1}%)".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024, lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage));

                var retry = progress.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("MAP_RETRY");
                if (retry != null)
                    retry.IsVisible = () => (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError || lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable) &&
                                      lobby.Map != MapCache.UnknownMap;
                    retry.OnClick = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError)
                            lobby.Map.Install(() => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("state {0}".F(Session.ClientState.NotReady))));
                        else if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable)
                            modData.MapCache.QueryRemoteMapDetails(new[] { lobby.Map.Uid });

                    retry.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError ? "Retry Install" : "Retry Search";

                var progressbar = progress.GetOrNull <ProgressBarWidget>("MAP_PROGRESSBAR");
                if (progressbar != null)
                    progressbar.IsIndeterminate = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0;
                    progressbar.GetPercentage   = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage;
                    progressbar.IsVisible       = () => !retry.IsVisible();
Esempio n. 6
        internal LobbyMapPreviewLogic(Widget widget, OrderManager orderManager, LobbyLogic lobby)
            var available = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_AVAILABLE");
            if (available != null)
                available.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Cached;

                var preview = available.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var author = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (author != null)
                    author.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

            var invalid = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_INVALID");
            if (invalid != null)
                invalid.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Invalid;

                var preview = invalid.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = invalid.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = invalid.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

            var download = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_DOWNLOADABLE");
            if (download != null)
                download.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = download.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var author = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (author != null)
                    author.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

                var install = download.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("MAP_INSTALL");
                if (install != null)
                    install.OnClick = () => lobby.Map.Install();

            var progress = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_PROGRESS");
            if (progress != null)
                progress.IsVisible = () =>
                    (lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.Available || lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Unknown) &&
                    lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = progress.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var statusSearching = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_SEARCHING");
                if (statusSearching != null)
                    statusSearching.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Searching;

                var statusUnavailable = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE");
                if (statusUnavailable != null)
                    statusUnavailable.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable;

                var statusError = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_ERROR");
                if (statusError != null)
                    statusError.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError;

                var statusDownloading = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_STATUS_DOWNLOADING");
                if (statusDownloading != null)
                    statusDownloading.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Downloading;
                    statusDownloading.GetText = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadBytes == 0)
                            return "Connecting...";

                        // Server does not provide the total file length
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0)
                            return "Downloading {0} kB".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024);

                        return "Downloading {0} kB ({1}%)".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024, lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage);

                var retry = progress.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("MAP_RETRY");
                if (retry != null)
                    retry.IsVisible = () => (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError || lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable) && lobby.Map != MapCache.UnknownMap;
                    retry.OnClick = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError)
                        else if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable)
                            Game.ModData.MapCache.QueryRemoteMapDetails(new[] { lobby.Map.Uid });

                    retry.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError ? "Retry Install" : "Retry Search";

                var progressbar = progress.GetOrNull<ProgressBarWidget>("MAP_PROGRESSBAR");
                if (progressbar != null)
                    progressbar.IsIndeterminate = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0;
                    progressbar.GetPercentage = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage;
                    progressbar.IsVisible = () => !retry.IsVisible();
Esempio n. 7
        internal LobbyMapPreviewLogic(Widget widget, OrderManager orderManager, LobbyLogic lobby)
            var available = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_AVAILABLE");

            if (available != null)
                available.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Cached;

                var preview = available.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var author = available.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (author != null)
                    author.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

            var invalid = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_INVALID");

            if (invalid != null)
                invalid.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Invalid;

                var preview = invalid.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = invalid.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = invalid.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

            var download = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_DOWNLOADABLE");

            if (download != null)
                download.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = download.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var author = download.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (author != null)
                    author.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

                var install = download.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("MAP_INSTALL");
                if (install != null)
                    install.OnClick = () => lobby.Map.Install();

            var progress = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_PROGRESS");

            if (progress != null)
                progress.IsVisible = () =>
                                     (lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.Available || lobby.Map.RuleStatus == MapRuleStatus.Unknown) &&
                                     lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = progress.Get <MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview        = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown    = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var title = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (title != null)
                    title.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var type = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (type != null)
                    type.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Type;

                var statusSearching = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_SEARCHING");
                if (statusSearching != null)
                    statusSearching.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Searching;

                var statusUnavailable = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE");
                if (statusUnavailable != null)
                    statusUnavailable.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable;

                var statusError = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_ERROR");
                if (statusError != null)
                    statusError.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError;

                var statusDownloading = progress.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("MAP_STATUS_DOWNLOADING");
                if (statusDownloading != null)
                    statusDownloading.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Downloading;
                    statusDownloading.GetText   = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadBytes == 0)

                        // Server does not provide the total file length
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0)
                            return("Downloading {0} kB".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024));

                        return("Downloading {0} kB ({1}%)".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024, lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage));

                var retry = progress.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("MAP_RETRY");
                if (retry != null)
                    retry.IsVisible = () => (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError || lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable) && lobby.Map != MapCache.UnknownMap;
                    retry.OnClick   = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError)
                        else if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable)
                            Game.ModData.MapCache.QueryRemoteMapDetails(new[] { lobby.Map.Uid });

                    retry.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError ? "Retry Install" : "Retry Search";

                var progressbar = progress.GetOrNull <ProgressBarWidget>("MAP_PROGRESSBAR");
                if (progressbar != null)
                    progressbar.IsIndeterminate = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0;
                    progressbar.GetPercentage   = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage;
                    progressbar.IsVisible       = () => !retry.IsVisible();
Esempio n. 8
        internal LobbyMapPreviewLogic(Widget widget, ModData modData, OrderManager orderManager, LobbyLogic lobby)
            var available = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_AVAILABLE");
            if (available != null)
                available.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && (!lobby.Map.RulesLoaded || !lobby.Map.InvalidCustomRules);

                var preview = available.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    var font = Game.Renderer.Fonts[titleLabel.Font];
                    var title = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(m => WidgetUtils.TruncateText(m.Title, titleLabel.Bounds.Width, font));
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => title.Update(lobby.Map);

                var typeLabel = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var authorLabel = available.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (authorLabel != null)
                    var font = Game.Renderer.Fonts[authorLabel.Font];
                    var author = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(
                        m => WidgetUtils.TruncateText("Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author), authorLabel.Bounds.Width, font));
                    authorLabel.GetText = () => author.Update(lobby.Map);

            var invalid = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_INVALID");
            if (invalid != null)
                invalid.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Available && lobby.Map.InvalidCustomRules;

                var preview = invalid.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = invalid.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = invalid.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

            var download = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_DOWNLOADABLE");
            if (download != null)
                download.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = download.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var authorLabel = download.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_AUTHOR");
                if (authorLabel != null)
                    authorLabel.GetText = () => "Created by {0}".F(lobby.Map.Author);

                var install = download.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("MAP_INSTALL");
                if (install != null)
                    install.OnClick = () => lobby.Map.Install(() =>
                        Game.RunAfterTick(() => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("state {0}".F(Session.ClientState.NotReady))));
                    install.IsHighlighted = () => installHighlighted;

            var progress = widget.GetOrNull("MAP_PROGRESS");
            if (progress != null)
                progress.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.Available &&
                    lobby.Map.Status != MapStatus.DownloadAvailable;

                var preview = progress.Get<MapPreviewWidget>("MAP_PREVIEW");
                preview.Preview = () => lobby.Map;
                preview.OnMouseDown = mi => LobbyUtils.SelectSpawnPoint(orderManager, preview, lobby.Map, mi);
                preview.SpawnOccupants = () => LobbyUtils.GetSpawnOccupants(orderManager.LobbyInfo, lobby.Map);

                var titleLabel = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TITLE");
                if (titleLabel != null)
                    titleLabel.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Title;

                var typeLabel = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_TYPE");
                if (typeLabel != null)
                if (typeLabel != null)
                    var type = new CachedTransform<MapPreview, string>(m => lobby.Map.Categories.FirstOrDefault() ?? "");
                    typeLabel.GetText = () => type.Update(lobby.Map);

                var statusSearching = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_SEARCHING");
                if (statusSearching != null)
                    statusSearching.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Searching;

                var statusUnavailable = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE");
                if (statusUnavailable != null)
                    statusUnavailable.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable;

                var statusError = progress.GetOrNull("MAP_STATUS_ERROR");
                if (statusError != null)
                    statusError.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError;

                var statusDownloading = progress.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("MAP_STATUS_DOWNLOADING");
                if (statusDownloading != null)
                    statusDownloading.IsVisible = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Downloading;
                    statusDownloading.GetText = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadBytes == 0)
                            return "Connecting...";

                        // Server does not provide the total file length
                        if (lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0)
                            return "Downloading {0} kB".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024);

                        return "Downloading {0} kB ({1}%)".F(lobby.Map.DownloadBytes / 1024, lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage);

                var retry = progress.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("MAP_RETRY");
                if (retry != null)
                    retry.IsVisible = () => (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError || lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable) &&
                        lobby.Map != MapCache.UnknownMap;
                    retry.OnClick = () =>
                        if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError)
                            lobby.Map.Install(() => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("state {0}".F(Session.ClientState.NotReady))));
                        else if (lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.Unavailable)
                            modData.MapCache.QueryRemoteMapDetails(new[] { lobby.Map.Uid });

                    retry.GetText = () => lobby.Map.Status == MapStatus.DownloadError ? "Retry Install" : "Retry Search";

                var progressbar = progress.GetOrNull<ProgressBarWidget>("MAP_PROGRESSBAR");
                if (progressbar != null)
                    progressbar.IsIndeterminate = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage == 0;
                    progressbar.GetPercentage = () => lobby.Map.DownloadPercentage;
                    progressbar.IsVisible = () => !retry.IsVisible();