Esempio n. 1
 public string[] PosTagTokens(string[] tokens)
     if (mPosTagger == null)
         mPosTagger = new OpenNLP.Tools.PosTagger.EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(mModelPath + "EnglishPOS.nbin", mModelPath + @"\Parser\tagdict");
 public string[] PosTagTokens(string[] tokens)
     if (mPosTagger == null)
         mPosTagger = new EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(mModelPath + "EnglishPOS.nbin",
             mModelPath + @"\Parser\tagdict");
     return mPosTagger.Tag(tokens);
 public bool LoadModel(string ModelFile)
         posTagger = new EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(ModelFile);
         _isMAxentModelLoaded = true;
         return true;
         System.Console.WriteLine("Uable to load the Stanford CRF Model... ");
         _isMAxentModelLoaded = false;
         return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a parser and default goals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brain">The brain</param>
        /// <param name="robot">The robot</param>
        public override void Init(Brain.CBrain brain, IRobot robot)
            this.brain = brain;
            this.robot = robot;

            // Load external NLP systems in their own threads
            restorerLoaded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            parserLoaded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            Thread parserLoader = new Thread(InitParser);
            Thread restorerLoader = new Thread(InitRestorer);

            // Load up other systems in the meantime
            this.tokenizer = new EnglishMaximumEntropyTokenizer(sharpNLPPath + "EnglishTok.nbin");
            this.tagger = new EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(sharpNLPPath + "EnglishPOS.nbin", sharpNLPPath + @"\Parser\tagdict");

            // Make default goals
            GoalBuilder gotoGoal = new GoalBuilder("GotoX", brain);
            int ruleIndex = gotoGoal.AddRule("GotoX");
            gotoGoal.AddAndAntecedent(ruleIndex, "CurrentDestination Arg *=*;1");
            gotoGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"Going to the $CurrentDestination_\"");
            gotoGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Motion GoTo $CurrentDestination close");
            gotoGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"Commander, I finished moving to the $CurrentDestination_\"");
            gotoGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Remove", "CurrentDestination Arg");
            gotoGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Quit", "");

            failureGoal = new GoalBuilder("DidNotUnderstand", brain);
            ruleIndex = failureGoal.AddRule("DidNotUnderstand");
            failureGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"I didn't understand what you said.\"");
            failureGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Quit", "");

            GoalBuilder goingToGoal = new GoalBuilder("SayGoingToX", brain);
            ruleIndex = goingToGoal.AddRule("SayGoingToX");
            goingToGoal.AddAndAntecedent(ruleIndex, "CurrentDestination Arg *=*;1");
            goingToGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"I'm Going to the $CurrentDestination_\"");
            goingToGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Quit", "");

            GoalBuilder goingNowhereGoal = new GoalBuilder("SayGoingNowhere", brain);
            ruleIndex = goingNowhereGoal.AddRule("SayGoingNowhere");
            goingNowhereGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"I'm not going anywhere right now.\"");
            goingNowhereGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Quit", "");

            GoalBuilder dontKnowGoal = new GoalBuilder("DontKnowHowToX", brain);
            ruleIndex = dontKnowGoal.AddRule("DontKnowHowToX");
            dontKnowGoal.AddAndAntecedent(ruleIndex, "DontKnow Arg *=*;1");
            dontKnowGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Execs", "Voice Say \"Sorry, but I don't know how to $DontKnow_\"");
            dontKnowGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Remove", "DontKnow Arg");
            dontKnowGoal.AddConsequent(ruleIndex, "Quit", "");

            // Wait for all systems to finish loading
            this.semantics = new SemanticsInterface();
Esempio n. 5
 private void initComponents()
     sentenceDetector = new EnglishMaximumEntropySentenceDetector(Path.Combine(ModelDir, "EnglishSD.nbin"));
     tokenizer = new EnglishMaximumEntropyTokenizer(Path.Combine(ModelDir, "EnglishTok.nbin"));
     posTagger = new EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(Path.Combine(ModelDir, "EnglishPOS.nbin"));
     chunker = new EnglishTreebankChunker(Path.Combine(ModelDir, "EnglishChunk.nbin"));
     parser = new EnglishTreebankParser(FileUtils.WithSeparator(ModelDir), true, false);
Esempio n. 6
        private void TestDechunk()
            // detokenize
            var inputs = new string[]
                "- Harry's your sister. - Look, what exactly am I supposed to be doing here?",
                "\"Piss off!\"",
                "- Sorry Mrs. Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out. - Both of you?",
                "I love playing half-life; that's just who I am!",
                "That's why I... have just begun to write a book.",
                "And they lived happily ever after...",
                "It's gonna be $1.5 sir."

            var tokenizer = new EnglishMaximumEntropyTokenizer(currentDirectory + "../Resources/Models/EnglishTok.nbin");
            var chunker = new EnglishTreebankChunker(currentDirectory + "../Resources/Models/EnglishChunk.nbin");
            var dechunker = new RegexDictionaryDechunker();
            var detokienizer = new DictionaryDetokenizer();
            var englishPosPath = currentDirectory + "../Resources/Models/EnglishPOS.nbin";
            var tagDictPath = currentDirectory + "../Resources/Models/Parser/tagdict";
            var posTagger = new EnglishMaximumEntropyPosTagger(englishPosPath, tagDictPath);

            foreach (var input in inputs)
                string[] tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(input);
                string[] tags = posTagger.Tag(tokens);

                var chunks = chunker.GetChunks(tokens, tags);
                var chunksStrings = chunks
                    .Select(ch => detokienizer.Detokenize(ch.TaggedWords.Select(tw => tw.Word).ToArray()))
                var output = dechunker.Dechunk(chunksStrings);
                Console.WriteLine("input: " + input);
                Console.WriteLine("chunks: " + string.Join(" | ", chunks));
                Console.WriteLine("ouput: " + output);