protected override void LoadEditor()

            ImageResizeSettings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(Settings, EditorContext.ImgElement);
            Size imageSize = ImageResizeSettings.ImageSize;

            sizeCommand.Value = imageSize;

            if (EditorContext.SourceImageSize == new Size(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue))
                //The source image size is unknown, so calculate the actual image size by removing
                //the size attributes, checking the size, and then placing the size attributes back
                object oldHeight = EditorContext.ImgElement.getAttribute("height", 2);
                object oldWidth  = EditorContext.ImgElement.getAttribute("width", 2);
                EditorContext.ImgElement.removeAttribute("width", 0);
                EditorContext.ImgElement.removeAttribute("height", 0);
                int width  = ((IHTMLImgElement)EditorContext.ImgElement).width;
                int height = ((IHTMLImgElement)EditorContext.ImgElement).height;

                if (oldHeight != null)
                    EditorContext.ImgElement.setAttribute("height", oldHeight, 0);
                if (oldWidth != null)
                    EditorContext.ImgElement.setAttribute("width", oldWidth, 0);
                imageSizeControl.LoadImageSize(imageSize, new Size(width, height), EditorContext.ImageRotation);
                imageSizeControl.LoadImageSize(imageSize, EditorContext.SourceImageSize, EditorContext.ImageRotation);
Esempio n. 2
        void IImageDecoratorDefaultSettingsCustomizer.CustomizeDefaultSettingsBeforeSave(ImageDecoratorEditorContext context, IProperties defaultSettings)
            //clear all defaulted settings for this decorator
            foreach (string key in defaultSettings.Names)

            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings defaultResizeSettings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(defaultSettings, context.ImgElement);
            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings resizeSettings        = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(context.Settings, context.ImgElement);

            //explicitly save the settings we want to support defaulting for.
            defaultResizeSettings.DefaultBoundsSizeName = resizeSettings.ImageSizeName;
            if (resizeSettings.ImageSizeName == ImageSizeName.Custom)
                defaultResizeSettings.DefaultBoundsSize = resizeSettings.ImageSize;
        void IImageDecoratorDefaultSettingsCustomizer.CustomizeDefaultSettingsBeforeSave(ImageDecoratorEditorContext context, IProperties defaultSettings)
            //clear all defaulted settings for this decorator
            foreach (string key in defaultSettings.Names)

            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings defaultResizeSettings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(defaultSettings, context.ImgElement);
            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings resizeSettings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(context.Settings, context.ImgElement);

            //explicitly save the settings we want to support defaulting for.
            defaultResizeSettings.DefaultBoundsSizeName = resizeSettings.ImageSizeName;
            if (resizeSettings.ImageSizeName == ImageSizeName.Custom)
                defaultResizeSettings.DefaultBoundsSize = resizeSettings.ImageSize;
        public void Decorate(ImageDecoratorContext context)
            bool useOriginalImage = true;
            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings settings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(context.Settings, context.ImgElement);
            if (context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert ||
                context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.Reset)
                // WinLive 96840 - Copying and pasting images within shared canvas should persist source
                // decorator settings.
                // If ImageSizeName is set, then use that instead of default values
                if (settings.IsImageSizeNameSet && context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert)
                    // We must be copying settings from another instance of the same image
                    settings.SetImageSize(settings.ImageSize, settings.ImageSizeName);

                    // WinLive 96840 - Copying and pasting images within shared canvas should persist source
                    // decorator settings.
                    // Also if we are copying settings, then use the image instance from context instead of the
                    // original image. This ensures we use the cropped image (if any) to resize.
                    useOriginalImage = false;
                    //calculate the default image size and rotation.  If the camera has indicated that the
                    //orientation of the photo is rotated (in the EXIF data), shift the rotation appropriately
                    //to insert the image correctly.

                    //Fix the image orientation based on the Exif data (added by digital cameras).
                    RotateFlipType fixedRotation = ImageUtils.GetFixupRotateFlipFromExifOrientation(context.Image);
                    settings.Rotation = fixedRotation;

                    settings.BaseSize = context.Image.Size;

                    //the default size is a scaled version of the image based on the default inline size constraints.
                    Size defaultBoundsSize;
                    if (settings.DefaultBoundsSizeName != ImageSizeName.Full)
                        defaultBoundsSize = settings.DefaultBoundsSize;
                    else //original size is default, so we aren't going to scale
                        defaultBoundsSize = context.Image.Size;
                    //calulate the base image size to scale from.  If the image is rotated 90 degrees, then switch the height/width
                    Size baseImageSize = context.Image.Size;
                    if (ImageUtils.IsRotated90(settings.Rotation))
                        baseImageSize = new Size(baseImageSize.Height, baseImageSize.Width);

                    //calculate and set the scaled default size using the defaultSizeBounds
                    //Note: if the image dimensions are smaller than the default, don't scale that dimension (bug 419446)
                    Size defaultSize =
                        ImageUtils.GetScaledImageSize(Math.Min(baseImageSize.Width, defaultBoundsSize.Width),
                                                      Math.Min(baseImageSize.Height, defaultBoundsSize.Height),
                    if (defaultSize.Width < defaultBoundsSize.Width && defaultSize.Height < defaultBoundsSize.Height)
                        settings.SetImageSize(defaultSize, ImageSizeName.Full);
                        settings.SetImageSize(defaultSize, settings.DefaultBoundsSizeName);
            else if (settings.BaseSizeChanged(context.Image))
                Size newBaseSize = context.Image.Size;
                settings.SetImageSize(AdjustImageSizeForNewBaseSize(true, settings, newBaseSize, settings.Rotation, context), null);
                settings.BaseSize = newBaseSize;

            //this decorator only applies to embedded images.
            if (context.ImageEmbedType == ImageEmbedType.Embedded && !ImageHelper2.IsAnimated(context.Image))
                Bitmap imageToResize = null;

                // To make image insertion faster, we've already created an initial resized image on a background thread.
                if (context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert && useOriginalImage)
                        string imageSrc = context.ImgElement.getAttribute("src", 2) as string;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSrc) && (UrlHelper.IsFileUrl(imageSrc) || File.Exists(new Uri(imageSrc).ToString())))
                            Uri imageSrcUri = new Uri(imageSrc);
                            imageToResize = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(imageSrcUri.LocalPath);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Write("Failed to load pre-created initial image: " + e);

                if (imageToResize == null)
                    imageToResize = context.Image;

                // Figure the desired image size by taking the size of the img element
                // and calculate what borderless image size we'd need to start with
                // to end up at that size. This is different than simply subtracting
                // the existing border size, since borders can be relative to the
                // size of the base image.
                Size desiredImageSize = settings.BorderMargin.ReverseCalculateImageSize(settings.ImageSizeWithBorder);

                //resize the image and update the image used by the context.
                if (desiredImageSize != imageToResize.Size || settings.Rotation != RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone)
                    context.Image = ResizeImage(imageToResize, desiredImageSize, settings.Rotation);
                    context.Image = imageToResize;

                if (settings.ImageSize != context.Image.Size)
                    settings.SetImageSize(context.Image.Size, settings.ImageSizeName);
        protected override void LoadEditor()

            ImageResizeSettings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(Settings, EditorContext.ImgElement);
            Size imageSize = ImageResizeSettings.ImageSize;

            sizeCommand.Value = imageSize;

            if (EditorContext.SourceImageSize == new Size(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue))
                //The source image size is unknown, so calculate the actual image size by removing
                //the size attributes, checking the size, and then placing the size attributes back
                object oldHeight = EditorContext.ImgElement.getAttribute("height", 2);
                object oldWidth = EditorContext.ImgElement.getAttribute("width", 2);
                EditorContext.ImgElement.removeAttribute("width", 0);
                EditorContext.ImgElement.removeAttribute("height", 0);
                int width = ((IHTMLImgElement)EditorContext.ImgElement).width;
                int height = ((IHTMLImgElement)EditorContext.ImgElement).height;

                if (oldHeight != null)
                    EditorContext.ImgElement.setAttribute("height", oldHeight, 0);
                if (oldWidth != null)
                    EditorContext.ImgElement.setAttribute("width", oldWidth, 0);
                imageSizeControl.LoadImageSize(imageSize, new Size(width, height), EditorContext.ImageRotation);
                imageSizeControl.LoadImageSize(imageSize, EditorContext.SourceImageSize, EditorContext.ImageRotation);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Decorate(ImageDecoratorContext context)
            bool useOriginalImage = true;
            HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings settings = new HtmlImageResizeDecoratorSettings(context.Settings, context.ImgElement);

            if (context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert ||
                context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.Reset)
                // WinLive 96840 - Copying and pasting images within shared canvas should persist source
                // decorator settings.
                // If ImageSizeName is set, then use that instead of default values
                if (settings.IsImageSizeNameSet && context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert)
                    // We must be copying settings from another instance of the same image
                    settings.SetImageSize(settings.ImageSize, settings.ImageSizeName);

                    // WinLive 96840 - Copying and pasting images within shared canvas should persist source
                    // decorator settings.
                    // Also if we are copying settings, then use the image instance from context instead of the
                    // original image. This ensures we use the cropped image (if any) to resize.
                    useOriginalImage = false;
                    //calculate the default image size and rotation.  If the camera has indicated that the
                    //orientation of the photo is rotated (in the EXIF data), shift the rotation appropriately
                    //to insert the image correctly.

                    //Fix the image orientation based on the Exif data (added by digital cameras).
                    RotateFlipType fixedRotation = ImageUtils.GetFixupRotateFlipFromExifOrientation(context.Image);
                    settings.Rotation = fixedRotation;

                    settings.BaseSize = context.Image.Size;

                    //the default size is a scaled version of the image based on the default inline size constraints.
                    Size defaultBoundsSize;
                    if (settings.DefaultBoundsSizeName != ImageSizeName.Full)
                        defaultBoundsSize = settings.DefaultBoundsSize;
                    else //original size is default, so we aren't going to scale
                        defaultBoundsSize = context.Image.Size;
                    //calulate the base image size to scale from.  If the image is rotated 90 degrees, then switch the height/width
                    Size baseImageSize = context.Image.Size;
                    if (ImageUtils.IsRotated90(settings.Rotation))
                        baseImageSize = new Size(baseImageSize.Height, baseImageSize.Width);

                    //calculate and set the scaled default size using the defaultSizeBounds
                    //Note: if the image dimensions are smaller than the default, don't scale that dimension (bug 419446)
                    Size defaultSize =
                        ImageUtils.GetScaledImageSize(Math.Min(baseImageSize.Width, defaultBoundsSize.Width),
                                                      Math.Min(baseImageSize.Height, defaultBoundsSize.Height),
                    if (defaultSize.Width < defaultBoundsSize.Width && defaultSize.Height < defaultBoundsSize.Height)
                        settings.SetImageSize(defaultSize, ImageSizeName.Full);
                        settings.SetImageSize(defaultSize, settings.DefaultBoundsSizeName);
            else if (settings.BaseSizeChanged(context.Image))
                Size newBaseSize = context.Image.Size;
                settings.SetImageSize(AdjustImageSizeForNewBaseSize(true, settings, newBaseSize, settings.Rotation, context), null);
                settings.BaseSize = newBaseSize;

            //this decorator only applies to embedded images.
            if (context.ImageEmbedType == ImageEmbedType.Embedded && !ImageHelper2.IsAnimated(context.Image))
                Bitmap imageToResize = null;

                // To make image insertion faster, we've already created an initial resized image on a background thread.
                if (context.InvocationSource == ImageDecoratorInvocationSource.InitialInsert && useOriginalImage)
                        string imageSrc = context.ImgElement.getAttribute("src", 2) as string;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageSrc) && (UrlHelper.IsFileUrl(imageSrc) || File.Exists(new Uri(imageSrc).ToString())))
                            Uri imageSrcUri = new Uri(imageSrc);
                            imageToResize = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(imageSrcUri.LocalPath);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Write("Failed to load pre-created initial image: " + e);

                if (imageToResize == null)
                    imageToResize = context.Image;

                // Figure the desired image size by taking the size of the img element
                // and calculate what borderless image size we'd need to start with
                // to end up at that size. This is different than simply subtracting
                // the existing border size, since borders can be relative to the
                // size of the base image.
                Size desiredImageSize = settings.BorderMargin.ReverseCalculateImageSize(settings.ImageSizeWithBorder);

                //resize the image and update the image used by the context.
                if (desiredImageSize != imageToResize.Size || settings.Rotation != RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone)
                    context.Image = ResizeImage(imageToResize, desiredImageSize, settings.Rotation);
                    context.Image = imageToResize;

                if (settings.ImageSize != context.Image.Size)
                    settings.SetImageSize(context.Image.Size, settings.ImageSizeName);