private void butIntervention_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (comboInterventionCode.SelectedIndex < 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must select an intervention code.");
            EhrCode  iCodeCur = _listInterventionCodes[comboInterventionCode.SelectedIndex];
            DateTime dateCur  = PIn.Date(textDateIntervention.Text);

            if (iCodeCur.CodeSystem == "RXNORM" && !checkPatientDeclined.Checked)           //if patient declines the medication, enter as a declined intervention
            //codeVal will be RxCui of medication, see if it already exists in Medication table
                Medication medCur = Medications.GetMedicationFromDbByRxCui(PIn.Long(iCodeCur.CodeValue));
                if (medCur == null)               //no med with this RxCui, create one
                    medCur = new Medication();
                    Medications.Insert(medCur);                    //so that we will have the primary key
                    medCur.GenericNum = medCur.MedicationNum;
                    medCur.RxCui      = PIn.Long(iCodeCur.CodeValue);
                    medCur.MedName    = RxNorms.GetDescByRxCui(iCodeCur.CodeValue);
                    Medications.RefreshCache();                    //refresh cache to include new medication
                MedicationPat medPatCur = new MedicationPat();
                medPatCur.PatNum        = PatCur.PatNum;
                medPatCur.ProvNum       = PatCur.PriProv;
                medPatCur.MedicationNum = medCur.MedicationNum;
                medPatCur.RxCui         = medCur.RxCui;
                medPatCur.DateStart     = dateCur;
                FormMedPat FormMP = new FormMedPat();
                FormMP.MedicationPatCur = medPatCur;
                FormMP.IsNew            = true;
                if (FormMP.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
                if (FormMP.MedicationPatCur.DateStart.Date < dateCur.AddMonths(-6).Date || FormMP.MedicationPatCur.DateStart.Date > dateCur.Date)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "The medication order just entered is not within the 6 months prior to the date of this intervention.  You can modify the "
                                + "date of the medication order in the patient's medical history section.");
                Intervention iCur = new Intervention();
                iCur.PatNum        = PatCur.PatNum;
                iCur.ProvNum       = PatCur.PriProv;
                iCur.DateEntry     = dateCur;
                iCur.CodeValue     = iCodeCur.CodeValue;
                iCur.CodeSystem    = iCodeCur.CodeSystem;
                iCur.CodeSet       = InterventionCodeSet.TobaccoCessation;
                iCur.IsPatDeclined = checkPatientDeclined.Checked;
            comboInterventionCode.SelectedIndex = -1;
Esempio n. 2
        private void butConvertGeneric_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gridMissing.SelectedIndices.Length == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select an item from the list before attempting to convert.");
            List <MedicationPat> listMedPats   = (List <MedicationPat>)gridMissing.Rows[gridMissing.SelectedIndices[0]].Tag;
            List <Medication>    listRxCuiMeds = null;
            Medication           medGeneric    = null;

            if (listMedPats[0].RxCui != 0)
                listRxCuiMeds = Medications.GetAllMedsByRxCui(listMedPats[0].RxCui);
                medGeneric    = listRxCuiMeds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MedicationNum == x.GenericNum);
                if (medGeneric == null && listRxCuiMeds.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MedicationNum != x.GenericNum) != null)           //A Brand Medication exists with matching RxCui.
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "A brand medication matching the RxNorm of the selected medication already exists in the medication list.  "
                                + "You cannot create a generic for the selected medication.  Use the Convert to Brand button instead.");
            if (listRxCuiMeds == null || listRxCuiMeds.Count == 0)         //No medications found matching the RxCui
                medGeneric         = new Medication();
                medGeneric.MedName = listMedPats[0].MedDescript;
                medGeneric.RxCui   = listMedPats[0].RxCui;
                Medications.Insert(medGeneric);                //To get primary key.
                medGeneric.GenericNum = medGeneric.MedicationNum;
                Medications.Update(medGeneric);                //Now that we have primary key, flag the medication as a generic.
                FormMedicationEdit FormME = new FormMedicationEdit();
                FormME.MedicationCur = medGeneric;
                FormME.IsNew         = true;
                FormME.ShowDialog();                //This window refreshes the Medication cache if the user clicked OK.
                if (FormME.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
                    return;                    //User canceled.
            else if (medGeneric != null &&
                     !MsgBox.Show(this, true, "A generic medication matching the RxNorm of the selected medication already exists in the medication list.  "
                                  + "Click OK to use the existing medication as the generic for the selected medication, or click Cancel to abort."))
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            MedicationPats.UpdateMedicationNumForMany(medGeneric.MedicationNum, listMedPats.Select(x => x.MedicationPatNum).ToList());
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            MsgBox.Show(this, "Done.");
Esempio n. 3
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     //generic num already handled
     MedicationCur.MedName = textMedName.Text;
     if (MedicationCur.MedicationNum == MedicationCur.GenericNum)
         MedicationCur.Notes = textNotes.Text;
         MedicationCur.Notes = "";
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Esempio n. 4
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     //generic num already handled
     MedicationCur.MedName = textMedName.Text;
     if (MedicationCur.MedicationNum == MedicationCur.GenericNum)
         MedicationCur.Notes = textNotes.Text;
         MedicationCur.Notes = "";
     //MedicationCur has its RxCui set when the butRxNormSelect button is pressed.
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Esempio n. 5
        ///<summary>Inserts the given medNew.
        ///Given medGennamePair is a medication that we are checking and the given generic name if set.
        ///ListMedsExisting is used to identify the GenericNum for medNew.</summary>
        private static void InsertNewMed(ODTuple <Medication, string> medGenNamePair, List <Medication> listMedsExisting)
            Medication medNew      = medGenNamePair.Item1;
            string     genericName = medGenNamePair.Item2;
            long       genNum      = listMedsExisting.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MedName == genericName)?.MedicationNum ?? 0;

            if (genNum != 0)           //Found a match.
                medNew.GenericNum = genNum;
            Medications.Insert(medNew); //Assigns new primary key.
            if (genNum == 0)            //Found no match initially, assume given medication is the generic.
                medNew.GenericNum = medNew.MedicationNum;
            listMedsExisting.Add(medNew);            //Keep in memory list and database in sync.
Esempio n. 6
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     //generic num already handled
     MedicationCur.MedName = textMedName.Text;
     if (MedicationCur.MedName == "")
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Not allowed to save a medication without a Drug Name.");
     if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("US"))             //United States
         if (MedicationCur.RxCui == 0 && !MsgBox.Show(this, true, "Warning: RxNorm was not picked.  "
                                                      + "RxNorm uniquely identifies drugs in the United States and helps you keep your medications organized.  "
                                                      + "RxNorm is used to send information to and from eRx if you are using or plan to use eRx.\r\n"
                                                      + "Click OK to continue without an RxNorm, or click Cancel to stay in this window."))
         else if (MedicationCur.RxCui != 0)
             List <Medication> listExistingMeds = Medications.GetAllMedsByRxCui(MedicationCur.RxCui);
             if (listExistingMeds.FindAll(x => x.MedicationNum != MedicationCur.MedicationNum).Count > 0)
                 MsgBox.Show(this, "A medication in the medication list is already using the selected RxNorm.\r\n"
                             + "Please select a different RxNorm or use the other medication instead.");
     if (MedicationCur.MedicationNum == MedicationCur.GenericNum)
         MedicationCur.Notes = textNotes.Text;
         MedicationCur.Notes = "";
     //MedicationCur has its RxCui set when the butRxNormSelect button is pressed.
     //The following behavior must match what happens when the user clicks the RxNorm column in FormMedications to pick RxCui.
     MedicationPats.UpdateRxCuiForMedication(MedicationCur.MedicationNum, MedicationCur.RxCui);
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Esempio n. 7
        private void gridAllMedications_CellClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e)
            Medication med = (Medication)gridAllMedications.Rows[e.Row].Tag;

            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("US") && e.Col == 3)           //United States RxNorm Column
                FormRxNorms formRxNorm = new FormRxNorms();
                formRxNorm.IsSelectionMode          = true;
                formRxNorm.InitSearchCodeOrDescript = med.MedName;
                if (formRxNorm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
                    med.RxCui = PIn.Long(formRxNorm.SelectedRxNorm.RxCui);
                    //The following behavior mimics FormMedicationEdit OK click.
                    MedicationPats.UpdateRxCuiForMedication(med.MedicationNum, med.RxCui);
Esempio n. 8
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     //generic num already handled
     MedicationCur.MedName = textMedName.Text;
     if (MedicationCur.MedName == "")
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Not allowed to save a medication without a Drug Name.");
     if (MedicationCur.MedicationNum == MedicationCur.GenericNum)
         MedicationCur.Notes = textNotes.Text;
         MedicationCur.Notes = "";
     //MedicationCur has its RxCui set when the butRxNormSelect button is pressed.
     MedicationPats.UpdateRxCuiForMedication(MedicationCur.MedicationNum, MedicationCur.RxCui);
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_listMedicationPatReconcile.Count == 0)
                if (!MsgBox.Show(this, true, "The reconcile list is empty which will cause all existing medications to be removed.  Continue?"))
            MedicationPat medP;
            bool          isActive;

            //Discontinue any current medications that are not present in the reconcile list.
            for (int i = 0; i < _listMedicationPatCur.Count; i++)       //Start looping through all current medications
                isActive = false;
                medP     = _listMedicationPatCur[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < _listMedicationPatReconcile.Count; j++)                                                                                                             //Compare each reconcile medication to the current medication
                    if (medP.RxCui > 0 && medP.RxCui == _listMedicationPatReconcile[j].RxCui && _listMedicationPatReconcile[j].MedicationNum == _listMedicationPatCur[i].MedicationNum) //Has an RxNorm code and they are equal
                        isActive = true;
                if (!isActive)                                        //Update current medications.
                    _listMedicationPatCur[i].DateStop = DateTime.Now; //Set the current DateStop to today (to set the medication as discontinued)
            //Always update every current medication for the patient so that DateTStamp reflects the last reconcile date.
            if (_listMedicationPatCur.Count > 0)
                MedicationPats.ResetTimeStamps(_patCur.PatNum, true);
            Medication med;
            int        index;

            for (int j = 0; j < _listMedicationPatReconcile.Count; j++)
                index = ListMedicationPatNew.IndexOf(_listMedicationPatReconcile[j]);
                if (index < 0)
                if (_listMedicationPatReconcile[j] == ListMedicationPatNew[index])
                    med = Medications.GetMedicationFromDbByRxCui(_listMedicationPatReconcile[j].RxCui);
                    if (med == null)
                        med         = new Medication();
                        med.MedName = ListMedicationPatNew[index].MedDescript;
                        med.RxCui   = ListMedicationPatNew[index].RxCui;
                        ListMedicationPatNew[index].MedicationNum = Medications.Insert(med);
                        med.GenericNum = med.MedicationNum;
                        ListMedicationPatNew[index].MedicationNum = med.MedicationNum;
                    ListMedicationPatNew[index].ProvNum = 0;                  //Since imported, set provnum to 0 so it does not affect CPOE.
            EhrMeasureEvent newMeasureEvent = new EhrMeasureEvent();

            newMeasureEvent.DateTEvent = DateTime.Now;
            newMeasureEvent.EventType  = EhrMeasureEventType.MedicationReconcile;
            newMeasureEvent.PatNum     = _patCur.PatNum;
            newMeasureEvent.MoreInfo   = "";
            for (int inter = 0; inter < _listMedicationPatReconcile.Count; inter++)
                if (CDSPermissions.GetForUser(Security.CurUser.UserNum).ShowCDS&& CDSPermissions.GetForUser(Security.CurUser.UserNum).MedicationCDS)
                    Medication          medInter = Medications.GetMedicationFromDbByRxCui(_listMedicationPatReconcile[inter].RxCui);
                    FormCDSIntervention FormCDSI = new FormCDSIntervention();
                    FormCDSI.ListCDSI = EhrTriggers.TriggerMatch(medInter, _patCur);
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Esempio n. 10
        private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime date;

            if (textDate.Text == "")
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a date.");
            try {
                date = DateTime.Parse(textDate.Text);
            catch {
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Please fix date first.");
            string codeVal = "";
            string codeSys = "";

            if (gridMain.GetSelectedIndex() == -1)           //no intervention code selected
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You must select a code for this intervention.");
                codeVal = listCodes[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()].CodeValue;
                codeSys = listCodes[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()].CodeSystem;
            //Intervention grid may contain medications, have to insert a new med if necessary and load FormMedPat for user to input data
            if (codeSys == "RXNORM" && !checkPatientDeclined.Checked)
                //codeVal will be RxCui of medication, see if it already exists in Medication table
                Medication medCur = Medications.GetMedicationFromDbByRxCui(PIn.Long(codeVal));
                if (medCur == null)               //no med with this RxCui, create one
                    medCur = new Medication();
                    Medications.Insert(medCur);                    //so that we will have the primary key
                    medCur.GenericNum = medCur.MedicationNum;
                    medCur.RxCui      = PIn.Long(codeVal);
                    medCur.MedName    = RxNorms.GetDescByRxCui(codeVal);
                    Medications.RefreshCache();                    //refresh cache to include new medication
                MedicationPat medPatCur = new MedicationPat();
                medPatCur.PatNum        = InterventionCur.PatNum;
                medPatCur.ProvNum       = InterventionCur.ProvNum;
                medPatCur.MedicationNum = medCur.MedicationNum;
                medPatCur.RxCui         = medCur.RxCui;
                medPatCur.DateStart     = date;
                FormMedPat FormMP = new FormMedPat();
                FormMP.MedicationPatCur = medPatCur;
                FormMP.IsNew            = true;
                if (FormMP.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
                if (FormMP.MedicationPatCur.DateStart.Date < InterventionCur.DateEntry.AddMonths(-6).Date || FormMP.MedicationPatCur.DateStart.Date > InterventionCur.DateEntry.Date)
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "The medication order just entered is not within the 6 months prior to the date of this intervention.  You can modify the date of the medication order in the patient's medical history section.");
                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
            InterventionCur.DateEntry     = date;
            InterventionCur.CodeValue     = codeVal;
            InterventionCur.CodeSystem    = codeSys;
            InterventionCur.Note          = textNote.Text;
            InterventionCur.IsPatDeclined = checkPatientDeclined.Checked;
            string selectedCodeSet = comboCodeSet.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];

            if (IsAllTypes)                   //CodeSet will be set by calling function unless showing all types, in which case we need to determine which InterventionCodeSet to assign
                if (selectedCodeSet == "All") //All types showing and set to All, have to determine which InterventionCodeSet this code belongs to
                    List <string> listVSFound = new List <string>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in dictValueCodeSets)
                        List <EhrCode> listCodes = EhrCodes.GetForValueSetOIDs(new List <string> {
                        }, true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < listCodes.Count; i++)
                            if (listCodes[i].CodeValue == codeVal)
                    if (listVSFound.Count > 1)                   //Selected code found in more than one value set, ask the user which InterventionCodeSet to assign to this intervention
                        InputBox chooseSet = new InputBox(Lan.g(this, "The selected code belongs to more than one intervention code set.  Select the code set to assign to this intervention from the list below."), listVSFound);
                        if (chooseSet.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                        if (chooseSet.comboSelection.SelectedIndex == -1)
                            MsgBox.Show(this, "You must select an intervention code set for the selected code.");
                        selectedCodeSet = chooseSet.comboSelection.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
                    else                      //the code must belong to at least one value set, since count in listVSFound is not greater than 1, it must be a code from exactly one set, use that for the InterventionCodeSet
                        selectedCodeSet = listVSFound[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
                InterventionCur.CodeSet = (InterventionCodeSet)Enum.Parse(typeof(InterventionCodeSet), selectedCodeSet);
            //Nutrition is used for both nutrition and physical activity counseling for children, we have to determine which set this code belongs to
            else if (InterventionCur.CodeSet == InterventionCodeSet.Nutrition && selectedCodeSet != "Nutrition") //Nutrition set by calling form, user is showing all or physical activity codes only
                if (selectedCodeSet == "All")                                                                    //showing all codes from Nutrition and PhysicalActivity interventions, determine which set it belongs to
                //No codes exist in both code sets, so if it is not in the PhysicalActivity code set, we can safely assume this is a Nutrition intervention
                    List <EhrCode> listCodes = EhrCodes.GetForValueSetOIDs(new List <string> {
                        dictValueCodeSets[InterventionCodeSet.PhysicalActivity.ToString() + " Counseling"]
                    }, true);
                    for (int i = 0; i < listCodes.Count; i++)
                        if (listCodes[i].CodeValue == codeVal)
                            InterventionCur.CodeSet = InterventionCodeSet.PhysicalActivity;
                    InterventionCur.CodeSet = InterventionCodeSet.PhysicalActivity;
                //if not all types, and not Nutrition with All or PhysicalActivity selected in combo box, the code set sent in by calling form will remain the code set for this intervention
            if (InterventionCur.IsNew)
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;