private void FormEtrans270Edit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageText = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); MessageTextAck = ""; //textMessageText.Text=MessageText; textNote.Text = EtransCur.Note; EtransAck271 = Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransCur.AckEtransNum); x271 = null; if (EtransAck271 != null) { MessageTextAck = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransAck271.EtransMessageTextNum); //.Replace("~","~\r\n"); if (EtransAck271.Etype == EtransType.BenefitResponse271) { x271 = new X271(MessageTextAck); } } listDTP = new List <DTP271>(); if (x271 != null) { listDTP = x271.GetListDtpSubscriber(); } FillGridDates(); CreateListOfBenefits(); FillGrid(); FillGridBen(); if (IsInitialResponse) { SelectForImport(); } }
private void butPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pd2 = new PrintDocument(); pd2.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd2_PrintPage); pd2.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new Margins(75, 75, 50, 100); if (pd2.DefaultPageSettings.PrintableArea.Height == 0) { pd2.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("default", 850, 1100); } linesPrinted = 0; try { #if DEBUG FormRpPrintPreview pView = new FormRpPrintPreview(); pView.printPreviewControl2.Document = pd2; pView.ShowDialog(); #else if (PrinterL.SetPrinter(pd2, PrintSituation.Default, EtransCur.PatNum, "Etrans message text from " + EtransCur.DateTimeTrans.ToShortDateString() + " printed")) { pd2.Print(); } #endif } catch { MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Printer not available")); } EtransCur.Note = Lan.g(this, "Printed") + textNote.Text; Etranss.Update(EtransCur); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void FillGrid() { list = Etranss.GetList270ForPlan(PlanNum, SubNum); List <long> listPatNums = list.Select(x => x.PatNum).ToList(); listPatNums.Add(_subPatNum); _listPatients = Patients.GetMultPats(listPatNums); //Can contain 0. gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Patient"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Response"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(list[i].DateTimeTrans.ToShortDateString()); //All old 270s do not have a patNum set, so they were subscriber request. string patName = Patients.GetOnePat(_listPatients, (list[i].PatNum == 0?_subPatNum:list[i].PatNum)).GetNameLFnoPref(); row.Cells.Add(patName); row.Cells.Add(list[i].Note); gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
private void gridMain_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = gridMain.GetSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) //Clicked in empty space. { return; } //Mimics FormClaimsSend.gridHistory_CellDoubleClick(...) Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Etrans et = (Etrans)gridMain.ListGridRows[index].Tag; //Sadly this is needed due to FormEtrans835Edit calling Etranss.Update . //See Etranss.RefreshHistory(...), this query does not select all etrans columns. //Mimics FormClaimsSend.gridHistory_CellDoubleClick(...) et = Etranss.GetEtrans(et.EtransNum); if (et == null) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; MsgBox.Show(this, "ERA could not be found, it was most likely deleted."); RefreshAndFillGrid(); return; } EtransL.ViewFormForEra(et, this); Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
//private void butDelete_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) { //if(!MsgBox.Show(this,true,"Permanently delete the data for this transaction? This does not alter actual claims.")){ // return; //} //Etranss.Delete( //} private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //EtransCur.AckCode=textAckCode.Text; EtransCur.Note = textNote.Text; Etranss.Update(EtransCur); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EtransCur.Note = textNote.Text; bool isReceived = true; for (int i = 0; i < gridClaimDetails.ListGridRows.Count; i++) { if (gridClaimDetails.ListGridRows[i].Cells[0].Text == "") { isReceived = false; break; } } if (isReceived) { EtransCur.AckCode = "Recd"; } else { EtransCur.AckCode = ""; } Etranss.Update(EtransCur); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void FormEtrans270Edit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageText = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); MessageTextAck = ""; //textMessageText.Text=MessageText; textNote.Text = EtransCur.Note; EtransAck271 = Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransCur.AckEtransNum); x271 = null; if (EtransAck271 != null) { MessageTextAck = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransAck271.EtransMessageTextNum); //.Replace("~","~\r\n"); if (EtransAck271.Etype == EtransType.BenefitResponse271) { x271 = new X271(MessageTextAck); } } listDTP = new List <DTP271>(); if (x271 != null) { listDTP = x271.GetListDtpSubscriber(); } radioBenefitSendsPat.Checked = (!_isConinsuranceInverted); radioBenefitSendsIns.Checked = (_isConinsuranceInverted); FillGridDates(); CreateListOfBenefits(); FillGrid(); FillGridBen(); if (IsInitialResponse) { SelectForImport(); } long patNum = (EtransCur.PatNum == 0?_subPatNum:EtransCur.PatNum); //Older 270/217s were always for the subscriber and have etrans.PatNum of 0. this.Text += ": " + Patients.GetNameLF(patNum); }
///<summary>Takes any files found in the reports folder for the clearinghouse, and imports them into the database. Deletes the original files. No longer any such thing as archive.</summary> private void ImportReportFiles() { if (!Directory.Exists(Clearinghouses.Listt[comboClearhouse.SelectedIndex].ResponsePath)) { //MsgBox.Show(this,"Clearinghouse does not have a valid Report Path set."); return; } if (Clearinghouses.Listt[comboClearhouse.SelectedIndex].CommBridge == EclaimsCommBridge.CDAnet) { //the report path is shared with many other important files. Do not process anything. Comm is synchronous only. return; } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Clearinghouses.Listt[comboClearhouse.SelectedIndex].ResponsePath); string archiveDir = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(Clearinghouses.Listt[comboClearhouse.SelectedIndex].ResponsePath, "Archive"); if (!Directory.Exists(archiveDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(archiveDir); } for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { Etranss.ProcessIncomingReport( File.GetCreationTime(files[i]), Clearinghouses.Listt[comboClearhouse.SelectedIndex].ClearinghouseNum, File.ReadAllText(files[i])); try{ File.Copy(files[i], ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(archiveDir, Path.GetFileName(files[i]))); } catch {} File.Delete(files[i]); } }
private void PrintItem_Click() { //not currently accessible if (gridHistory.Rows.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "There are no items to print."); return; } if (gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length == 0) { #if DEBUG gridHistory.SetSelected(0, true); //saves you a click when testing #else MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select at least one item first."); return; #endif } //does not yet handle multiple selections Etrans etrans = Etranss.GetEtrans(PIn.PInt(tableHistory.Rows[gridHistory.SelectedIndices[0]]["EtransNum"].ToString())); //blah blah blah bool assigned = false; //TODO: set to true in the case of assigned claims, whatever that means. FormCCDPrint FormP = new FormCCDPrint(etrans, assigned); //Print the form. FormP.Print(); //MessageBox.Show(etrans.MessageText); }
private void ShowRawMessage_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //accessed by right clicking on history if (gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length != 1) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select exactly one item first."); return; } Etrans et = Etranss.GetEtrans(PIn.PInt(tableHistory.Rows[gridHistory.SelectedIndices[0]]["EtransNum"].ToString())); MsgBoxCopyPaste msgbox = new MsgBoxCopyPaste(et.MessageText); msgbox.ShowDialog(); }
/* * private void butShowResponseDeciph_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) { * if(!X12object.IsX12(MessageTextAck)) { * MessageBox.Show("Only works with 997's"); * return; * } * X12object x12obj=new X12object(MessageTextAck); * if(!x12obj.Is997()) { * MessageBox.Show("Only works with 997's"); * return; * } * X997 x997=new X997(MessageTextAck); * string display=x997.GetHumanReadable(); * MsgBoxCopyPaste msgbox=new MsgBoxCopyPaste(display); * msgbox.ShowDialog(); * }*/ private void butDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //This button is not visible if IsNew if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "Delete entire request and response?")) { return; } if (EtransAck271 != null) { EtransMessageTexts.Delete(EtransAck271.EtransMessageTextNum); Etranss.Delete(EtransAck271.EtransNum); } EtransMessageTexts.Delete(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); Etranss.Delete(EtransCur.EtransNum); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void FormEtransEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageText = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); textMessageText.Text = MessageText; textDateTimeTrans.Text = EtransCur.DateTimeTrans.ToString(); textClaimNum.Text = EtransCur.ClaimNum.ToString(); textBatchNumber.Text = EtransCur.BatchNumber.ToString(); textTransSetNum.Text = EtransCur.TransSetNum.ToString(); textAckCode.Text = EtransCur.AckCode; textNote.Text = EtransCur.Note; if (EtransCur.Etype == EtransType.ClaimSent) { if (X12object.IsX12(MessageText)) { X12object x12obj = new X12object(MessageText); if (x12obj.IsFormat4010()) { X837_4010 x837 = new X837_4010(MessageText); checkAttachments.Checked = x837.AttachmentsWereSent(EtransCur.ClaimNum); //This function does not currently work, so the corresponding checkbox is hidden on the form as well. } else if (x12obj.IsFormat5010()) { X837_5010 x837 = new X837_5010(MessageText); checkAttachments.Checked = x837.AttachmentsWereSent(EtransCur.ClaimNum); //This function does not currently work, so the corresponding checkbox is hidden on the form as well. } } } if (EtransCur.AckEtransNum > 0) { AckCur = Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransCur.AckEtransNum); if (AckCur != null) { textAckMessage.Text = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(AckCur.EtransMessageTextNum); textAckDateTime.Text = AckCur.DateTimeTrans.ToString(); textAckNote.Text = AckCur.Note; } } else { AckCur = null; groupAck.Visible = false; } if (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA")) //Not Canadian. { butPrintAck.Visible = false; } }
private void butPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { linesPrinted = 0; bool isPrinted = PrinterL.TryPrintOrDebugRpPreview(pd2_PrintPage, Lan.g(this, "Etrans message text from") + " " + EtransCur.DateTimeTrans.ToShortDateString() + " " + Lan.g(this, "printed"), auditPatNum: EtransCur.PatNum, margins: new Margins(75, 75, 50, 100) ); if (!isPrinted) { return; } EtransCur.Note = Lan.g(this, "Printed") + textNote.Text; Etranss.Update(EtransCur); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void FormEtrans270Edit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageText = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); MessageTextAck = ""; //textMessageText.Text=MessageText; textNote.Text = EtransCur.Note; EtransAck271 = Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransCur.AckEtransNum); x271 = null; if (EtransAck271 != null) { MessageTextAck = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransAck271.EtransMessageTextNum); //.Replace("~","~\r\n"); if (EtransAck271.Etype == EtransType.BenefitResponse271) { x271 = new X271(MessageTextAck); } } listDTP = new List <DTP271>(); if (x271 != null) { listDTP = x271.GetListDtpSubscriber(); textResponseGroupNum.Text = x271.GetGroupNum(); } if (textCurrentGroupNum.Text != textResponseGroupNum.Text) { errorProviderGroupNum.SetError(textCurrentGroupNum, Lan.g(this, "Mismatched group number.")); } radioBenefitSendsPat.Checked = (!_isConinsuranceInverted); radioBenefitSendsIns.Checked = (_isConinsuranceInverted); FillGridDates(); CreateListOfBenefits(); FillGrid(); FillGridBen(); if (IsInitialResponse) { SelectForImport(); } long patNum = (EtransCur.PatNum == 0?_subPatNum:EtransCur.PatNum); //Older 270/217s were always for the subscriber and have etrans.PatNum of 0. this.Text += ": " + Patients.GetNameLF(patNum); if (Clearinghouses.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.ClearinghouseNum == EtransCur.ClearingHouseNum)?.CommBridge == EclaimsCommBridge.EDS && EtransAck271 != null && EtransAck271.AckEtransNum != 0) { _htmlResponse = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransAck271.AckEtransNum).EtransMessageTextNum); butPrint.Visible = true; } }
private void Undo_Click() { if (gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length == 0) { MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select at least one item first."); return; } if (gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length > 1) //if there are multiple items selected. //then they must all be Claim_Ren, ClaimSent, or ClaimPrinted { EtransType etype; for (int i = 0; i < gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length; i++) { etype = (EtransType)PIn.PInt(tableHistory.Rows[gridHistory.SelectedIndices[i]]["Etype"].ToString()); if (etype != EtransType.Claim_Ren && etype != EtransType.ClaimSent && etype != EtransType.ClaimPrinted) { MsgBox.Show(this, "That type of transaction cannot be undone as a group. Please undo one at a time."); return; } } } //loop through each selected item, and see if they are allowed to be "undone". //at this point, for (int i = 0; i < gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length; i++) { if ((EtransType)PIn.PInt(tableHistory.Rows[gridHistory.SelectedIndices[i]]["Etype"].ToString()) == EtransType.Claim_CA) { //if a } //else if(){ //} } if (!MsgBox.Show(this, true, "Remove the selected claims from the history list, and change the claim status from 'Sent' back to 'Waiting to Send'?")) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < gridHistory.SelectedIndices.Length; i++) { Etranss.Undo(PIn.PInt(tableHistory.Rows[gridHistory.SelectedIndices[i]]["EtransNum"].ToString())); } FillGrid(); FillHistory(); }
private void gridMain_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = gridMain.GetSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) //Clicked in empty space. { return; } //Mimics FormClaimsSend.gridHistory_CellDoubleClick(...) Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Etrans et = (Etrans)gridMain.Rows[index].Tag; //Sadly this is needed due to FormEtrans835Edit calling Etranss.Update . //See Etranss.RefreshHistory(...), this query does not select all etrans columns. //Mimics FormClaimsSend.gridHistory_CellDoubleClick(...) et = Etranss.GetEtrans(et.EtransNum); FormEtrans835Edit.ShowEra(et); Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void OnPrint_Click() { FormClaimPrint FormCP = new FormClaimPrint(); if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < listQueue.Length; i++) { if ((listQueue[i].ClaimStatus == "W" || listQueue[i].ClaimStatus == "P") && listQueue[i].NoSendElect) { gridMain.SetSelected(i, true); } } if (MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "No items were selected. Print all selected paper claims?"), "" , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } } PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); if (!Printers.SetPrinter(pd, PrintSituation.Claim)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length; i++) { FormCP.ThisPatNum = listQueue[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].PatNum; FormCP.ThisClaimNum = listQueue[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].ClaimNum; if (!FormCP.PrintImmediate(pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName, 1)) { return; } Etranss.SetClaimSentOrPrinted(listQueue[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].ClaimNum, listQueue[gridMain.SelectedIndices[i]].PatNum, 0, EtransType.ClaimPrinted); } FillGrid(); FillHistory(); }
private void FormEtransEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageText = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(EtransCur.EtransMessageTextNum); textMessageText.Text = MessageText; textDateTimeTrans.Text = EtransCur.DateTimeTrans.ToString(); textClaimNum.Text = EtransCur.ClaimNum.ToString(); textBatchNumber.Text = EtransCur.BatchNumber.ToString(); textTransSetNum.Text = EtransCur.TransSetNum.ToString(); textAckCode.Text = EtransCur.AckCode; textNote.Text = EtransCur.Note; if (EtransCur.Etype == EtransType.ClaimSent) { if (X12object.IsX12(MessageText)) { //TODO: we need to do something different here for 5010s. X837_4010 x837 = new X837_4010(MessageText); checkAttachments.Checked = x837.AttachmentsWereSent(EtransCur.ClaimNum); } } if (EtransCur.AckEtransNum > 0) { AckCur = Etranss.GetEtrans(EtransCur.AckEtransNum); if (AckCur != null) { textAckMessage.Text = EtransMessageTexts.GetMessageText(AckCur.EtransMessageTextNum); textAckDateTime.Text = AckCur.DateTimeTrans.ToString(); } groupAck.Text = Lan.g(this, "Acknowledgement"); } else { AckCur = null; groupAck.Visible = false; } if (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA")) //Not Canadian. { butPrintAck.Visible = false; } }
///<summary>Called when we want to refresh form list and data. Also calls FillGrid(). ///Set hasFilters to true when we want to refresh and apply current filters.</summary> private void RefreshAndFillGrid() { _listAllEtrans = new List <Etrans>(); if (ValidateFields()) { DataTable table = Etranss.RefreshHistory(_reportDateFrom, _reportDateTo, new List <EtransType>() { EtransType.ERA_835 }); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { Etrans etrans = new Etrans(); etrans.EtransNum = PIn.Long(row["EtransNum"].ToString()); etrans.ClaimNum = PIn.Long(row["ClaimNum"].ToString()); etrans.Note = row["Note"].ToString(); etrans.EtransMessageTextNum = PIn.Long(row["EtransMessageTextNum"].ToString()); etrans.TranSetId835 = row["TranSetId835"].ToString(); etrans.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum; etrans.DateTimeTrans = PIn.DateT(row["dateTimeTrans"].ToString()); _listAllEtrans.Add(etrans); } } FilterAndFillGrid(true); }
private void FillGrid() { list = Etranss.GetList270ForPlan(PlanNum); gridMain.BeginUpdate(); gridMain.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Date"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g(this, "Response"), 100); gridMain.Columns.Add(col); gridMain.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(list[i].DateTimeTrans.ToShortDateString()); row.Cells.Add(list[i].Note); gridMain.Rows.Add(row); } gridMain.EndUpdate(); }
private void FillHistory() { if (textDateFrom.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateFrom) != "" || textDateTo.errorProvider1.GetError(textDateTo) != "" ) { return; } DateTime dateFrom = PIn.PDate(textDateFrom.Text); DateTime dateTo; if (textDateTo.Text == "") { dateTo = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { dateTo = PIn.PDate(textDateTo.Text); } tableHistory = Etranss.RefreshHistory(dateFrom, dateTo); //listQueue=Claims.GetQueueList(); gridHistory.BeginUpdate(); gridHistory.Columns.Clear(); ODGridColumn col; col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Patient Name"), 130); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Carrier Name"), 170); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Clearinghouse"), 120); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Date"), 130); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Type"), 100); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(3) == "CA") //en-CA or fr-CA { col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "Office#"), 100); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); col = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("TableClaimHistory", "CarrierCount"), 100); gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); } else { col = new ODGridColumn("", 100); //spacer gridHistory.Columns.Add(col); } gridHistory.Rows.Clear(); ODGridRow row; for (int i = 0; i < tableHistory.Rows.Count; i++) { row = new ODGridRow(); row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["patName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["CarrierName"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["Clearinghouse"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["dateTimeTrans"].ToString()); //((DateTime)tableHistory.Rows[i]["DateTimeTrans"]).ToShortDateString()); //still need to trim the _CA row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["etype"].ToString()); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(3) == "CA") { row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["OfficeSequenceNumber"].ToString()); row.Cells.Add(tableHistory.Rows[i]["CarrierTransCounter"].ToString()); } else { row.Cells.Add(""); } gridHistory.Rows.Add(row); } gridHistory.EndUpdate(); }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EtransCur.Note = textNote.Text; Etranss.Update(EtransCur); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }