Esempio n. 1
        ///<summary>Offers to use unscheduled appt.  Shows ApptEdit window. Sets Prospective, if necessary.  Fires Automation triggers.  ListAptNumsSelected will contain the AptNum of the new appointment.</summary>
        public void MakeAppointment()
            //Check to see if the patient has any unscheduled appointments and inform the user.
            List <Appointment> listUnschedAppts = Appointments.GetUnschedApptsForPat(_patCur.PatNum);

            //Per Nathan, pinboard appointments will not be considered unscheduled for this logic.
            listUnschedAppts.RemoveAll(x => x.AptNum.In(_listPinboardApptNums));
            FormApptEdit formApptEdit            = null;
            long         aptNum                  = 0;
            bool         isSchedulingUnscheduled = false;

            if (listUnschedAppts.Count > 0 &&
                MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "This patient has an unscheduled appointment, would you like to use an existing unscheduled appointment?"))
                if (listUnschedAppts.Count == 1)
                    aptNum = listUnschedAppts[0].AptNum;
                else                  //Multiple unscheduled appointments, let the user pick which one to use.
                    FormUnschedListPatient formUnschedListPatient = new FormUnschedListPatient(_patCur);
                    if (formUnschedListPatient.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    //Use the appointment the user selected.
                    aptNum = formUnschedListPatient.SelectedAppt.AptNum;
                isSchedulingUnscheduled = true;
            formApptEdit       = new FormApptEdit(aptNum, patNum: _patCur.PatNum, useApptDrawingSettings: IsInitialDoubleClick, patient: _patCur, dateTNew: DateTNew, opNumNew: OpNumNew);
            formApptEdit.IsNew = (aptNum == 0);
            formApptEdit.IsSchedulingUnscheduledAppt = isSchedulingUnscheduled;
            if (formApptEdit.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
            Appointment aptCur = formApptEdit.GetAppointmentCur();

            if (IsInitialDoubleClick)
                if (isSchedulingUnscheduled)                 //User double clicked in Appointment Module, intending to schedule appointment at a specific time/op/etc.
                    Appointment aptOld = aptCur.Copy();
                    aptCur.AptDateTime = DateTimeClicked;
                    aptCur.Op          = OpNumClicked;
                    if (_patCur != null && _patCur.AskToArriveEarly > 0)
                        aptCur.DateTimeAskedToArrive = aptCur.AptDateTime.AddMinutes(-_patCur.AskToArriveEarly);
                    aptCur           = Appointments.AssignFieldsForOperatory(aptCur);
                    aptCur.AptStatus = ApptStatus.Scheduled;
                    Appointments.Update(aptCur, aptOld);
                //Change PatStatus to Prospective or from Prospective.
                Operatory opCur = Operatories.GetOperatory(aptCur.Op);
                if (opCur != null)
                    if (opCur.SetProspective && _patCur.PatStatus != PatientStatus.Prospective)                    //Don't need to prompt if patient is already prospective.
                        if (MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "Patient's status will be set to Prospective."))
                            Patient patOld = _patCur.Copy();
                            _patCur.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Prospective;
                            Patients.Update(_patCur, patOld);
                    else if (!opCur.SetProspective && _patCur.PatStatus == PatientStatus.Prospective)
                        if (MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "Patient's status will change from Prospective to Patient."))
                            Patient patOld = _patCur.Copy();
                            _patCur.PatStatus = PatientStatus.Patient;
                            Patients.Update(_patCur, patOld);
            if (IsInitialDoubleClick)
                _otherResult = OtherResult.CreateNew;
                _otherResult = OtherResult.NewToPinBoard;
            if (aptCur.IsNewPatient)
                AutomationL.Trigger(AutomationTrigger.CreateApptNewPat, null, aptCur.PatNum, aptCur.AptNum);
            AutomationL.Trigger(AutomationTrigger.CreateAppt, null, aptCur.PatNum, aptCur.AptNum);
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
 private void FormPatientUnschedList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.Text = " " + _patCur.GetNameLF();
     _listUnschedApptsForPat = Appointments.GetUnschedApptsForPat(_patCur.PatNum);