Esempio n. 1
        public static DataTable GetListOrderBy2014(List <EhrPatListElement2014> elementList)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), elementList));
            DataTable table  = new DataTable();
            string    select = "SELECT patient.PatNum,patient.LName,patient.FName";
            string    from   = "FROM patient";

            string where = "WHERE TRUE ";          //Makes formatting easier when adding additional clauses because they will all be AND clauses.
            for (int i = 0; i < elementList.Count; i++)
                switch (elementList[i].Restriction)
                case EhrRestrictionType.Birthdate:       //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.BirthDate, ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(DATE(patient.Birthdate))) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(DATE(patient.Birthdate),5))) AS Age";
                    from   += "";                        //only selecting from patient table
                    where  += "AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(DATE(patient.Birthdate))) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(DATE(patient.Birthdate),5)))" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + " ";

                case EhrRestrictionType.Gender:                        //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.Gender";                       //will look odd if user adds multiple gender columns, enum needs to be "decoded" when filling grid.

                case EhrRestrictionType.LabResult:                        //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //TODO Units
                    from  += ",ehrlab AS ehrlab" + i + ",ehrlabresult AS ehrlabresult" + i + " ";
                    where += "AND ehrlab" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum AND ehrlab" + i + ".EhrLabNum=ehrlabresult" + i + ".EhrLabNum "; //join
                    where += "AND ('" + elementList[i].CompareString + "'=ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationIdentifierID OR '"
                             + elementList[i].CompareString + "'=ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationIdentifierIDAlt) ";                    //filter, LOINC of lab observation
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime >=" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //on or after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime <=" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //on or before this date
                    switch (elementList[i].LabValueType)
                    //CE and CWE should be SNOMEDCT codes, string compare elementList[i].LabValue to ehrlabresult.ObservationValueCodedElementID or ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt
                    case HL70125.CE:
                    case HL70125.CWE:
                        select += ",(CASE WHEN ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID='' THEN ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt ELSE ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID END) AS LabValue";
                        where  += "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementID='" + elementList[i].LabValue + "' OR "
                                  + "ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueCodedElementIDAlt='" + elementList[i].LabValue + "') "
                                  + "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='CWE' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='CE') ";

                    //DT is stored as a string in ehrlabresult.ObservationValueDateTime as YYYY[MM[DD]]
                    case HL70125.DT:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime ";                                  //+DbHelper.DateFormatColumn("RPAD(ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime,8,'01')","%m/%d/%Y");
                        where  += "AND " + DbHelper.DateColumn("RPAD(ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime,8,'01')")
                                  + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='DT' ";

                    //TS is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, string compare
                    case HL70125.TS:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime ";                                  //+DbHelper.DateTFormatColumn("ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime","%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s");
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueDateTime "                                //+POut.DateT(PIn.DateT(DbHelper.DateTFormatColumn("ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueDateTime","%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s")))
                                  + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TS' ";

                    case HL70125.TM:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueTime";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueTime" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + "'" + POut.TSpan(PIn.TSpan(elementList[i].LabValue)) + "' "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TM' ";

                    case HL70125.SN:
                        select += ",CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueComparator,ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumber1),ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueSeparatorOrSuffix),ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumber2)";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='SN' ";

                    case HL70125.NM:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumeric";
                        where  += "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueNumeric" + GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand) + POut.Double(PIn.Double(elementList[i].LabValue)) + " "
                                  + "AND ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='NM' ";

                    case HL70125.FT:
                    case HL70125.ST:
                    case HL70125.TX:
                        select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationValueText";
                        //where+="AND ehrlabresult"+i+".ObservationValueText"+GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand)+POut.String(elementList[i].LabValue)+" "
                        where += "AND (ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='FT' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='ST' OR ehrlabresult" + i + ".ValueType='TX') ";
                    select += ",ehrlabresult" + i + ".ObservationDateTime ";

                    //select+=",labresult"+i+".ObsValue,labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest";//format column name when filling grid.
                    //from+=",labresult AS labresult"+i+", labpanel AS labpanel"+i;
                    //where+="AND labpanel"+i+".LabpanelNum=labresult"+i+".LabpanelNum AND patient.PatNum=labpanel"+i+".PatNum ";//join
                    //where+="AND labresult"+i+".TestId='"+elementList[i].CompareString+"' "
                    //			+"AND labresult"+i+".ObsValue"+GetOperandText(elementList[i].Operand)+"'"+PIn.String(elementList[i].LabValue)+"' ";//filter
                    //if(elementList[i].StartDate!=null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year>1880) {
                    //	where+="AND labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest>"+POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate)+" ";//after this date
                    //if(elementList[i].EndDate!=null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year>1880) {
                    //	where+="AND labresult"+i+".DateTimeTest<"+POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate)+" ";//before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Medication:                                //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart";                 //Name of medication will be in column title.
                    from   += ",medication AS medication" + i + ", medicationpat AS medicationpat" + i;
                    where  += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum "; //join
                    //This is unusual.  Part of the join logic is in the code below because medicationPat.MedicationNum might be 0 if it came from newcrop.
                    where += "AND ((medication" + i + ".MedicationNum=MedicationPat" + i + ".MedicationNum AND medication" + i + ".MedName LIKE '%" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "%') "
                             + "  OR (medication" + i + ".MedicationNum=0 AND medicationpat" + i + ".MedDescript LIKE '%" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "%')) ";
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND medicationpat" + i + ".DateStart<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Problem:                                                                                                                                                             //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",disease" + i + ".DateStart";                                                                                                                                                 //Name of problem will be in column title.
                    from   += ",disease AS disease" + i + ", diseasedef AS diseasedef" + i;
                    where  += "AND diseasedef" + i + ".DiseaseDefNum=disease" + i + ".DiseaseDefNum AND disease" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum ";                                                            //join
                    where  += "AND (diseasedef" + i + ".ICD9Code='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "' OR diseasedef" + i + ".SnomedCode='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "') "; //filter
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND disease" + i + ".DateStart>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND disease" + i + ".DateStart<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.Allergy:                                                                                                  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction";                                                                            //Name of allergy will be in column title.
                    from   += ",allergy AS allergy" + i + ", allergydef AS allergydef" + i;
                    where  += "AND allergydef" + i + ".AllergyDefNum=allergy" + i + ".AllergyDefNum AND allergy" + i + ".PatNum=patient.PatNum "; //join
                    where  += "AND allergydef" + i + ".Description='" + PIn.String(elementList[i].CompareString) + "' ";                          //filter
                    if (elementList[i].StartDate != null && elementList[i].StartDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction>" + POut.Date(elementList[i].StartDate) + " ";                      //after this date
                    if (elementList[i].EndDate != null && elementList[i].EndDate.Year > 1880)
                        where += "AND allergy" + i + ".DateAdverseReaction<" + POut.Date(elementList[i].EndDate) + " ";                      //before this date

                case EhrRestrictionType.CommPref:        //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    select += ",patient.PreferContactConfidential";
                    from   += "";                        //only selecting from patient table
                    where  += "AND patient.PreferContactConfidential=" + PIn.Int(contactMethodHelper(elementList[i].CompareString)) + " ";

                    //should never happen.
            string command = select + " " + from + " " + where;
