Esempio n. 1
		//If this table type will exist as cached data, uncomment the CachePattern region below and edit.
		#region CachePattern
		//This region can be eliminated if this is not a table type with cached data.
		//If leaving this region in place, be sure to add RefreshCache and FillCache 
		//to the Cache.cs file with all the other Cache types.

		///<summary>A list of all MedLabFacAttaches.</summary>
		private static List<MedLabFacAttach> listt;

		///<summary>A list of all MedLabFacAttaches.</summary>
		public static List<MedLabFacAttach> Listt{
			get {
				if(listt==null) {
				return listt;
			set {

		public static DataTable RefreshCache(){
			//No need to check RemotingRole; Calls GetTableRemotelyIfNeeded().
			string command="SELECT * FROM medlabfacattach ORDER BY ItemOrder";//stub query probably needs to be changed
			DataTable table=Cache.GetTableRemotelyIfNeeded(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),command);
			return table;

		public static void FillCache(DataTable table){
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.

		public static long Insert(MedLabFacAttach medLabFacAttach) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return medLabFacAttach.MedLabFacAttachNum;
			return Crud.MedLabFacAttachCrud.Insert(medLabFacAttach);
Esempio n. 2
        //If this table type will exist as cached data, uncomment the CachePattern region below and edit.

         #region CachePattern
         * private class MedLabFacAttachCache : CacheListAbs<MedLabFacAttach> {
         *      protected override List<MedLabFacAttach> GetCacheFromDb() {
         *              string command="SELECT * FROM MedLabFacAttach ORDER BY ItemOrder";
         *              return Crud.MedLabFacAttachCrud.SelectMany(command);
         *      }
         *      protected override List<MedLabFacAttach> TableToList(DataTable table) {
         *              return Crud.MedLabFacAttachCrud.TableToList(table);
         *      }
         *      protected override MedLabFacAttach Copy(MedLabFacAttach MedLabFacAttach) {
         *              return MedLabFacAttach.Clone();
         *      }
         *      protected override DataTable ListToTable(List<MedLabFacAttach> listMedLabFacAttachs) {
         *              return Crud.MedLabFacAttachCrud.ListToTable(listMedLabFacAttachs,"MedLabFacAttach");
         *      }
         *      protected override void FillCacheIfNeeded() {
         *              MedLabFacAttachs.GetTableFromCache(false);
         *      }
         *      protected override bool IsInListShort(MedLabFacAttach MedLabFacAttach) {
         *              return !MedLabFacAttach.IsHidden;
         *      }
         * }
         * ///<summary>The object that accesses the cache in a thread-safe manner.</summary>
         * private static MedLabFacAttachCache _MedLabFacAttachCache=new MedLabFacAttachCache();
         * ///<summary>A list of all MedLabFacAttachs. Returns a deep copy.</summary>
         * public static List<MedLabFacAttach> ListDeep {
         *      get {
         *              return _MedLabFacAttachCache.ListDeep;
         *      }
         * }
         * ///<summary>A list of all visible MedLabFacAttachs. Returns a deep copy.</summary>
         * public static List<MedLabFacAttach> ListShortDeep {
         *      get {
         *              return _MedLabFacAttachCache.ListShortDeep;
         *      }
         * }
         * ///<summary>A list of all MedLabFacAttachs. Returns a shallow copy.</summary>
         * public static List<MedLabFacAttach> ListShallow {
         *      get {
         *              return _MedLabFacAttachCache.ListShallow;
         *      }
         * }
         * ///<summary>A list of all visible MedLabFacAttachs. Returns a shallow copy.</summary>
         * public static List<MedLabFacAttach> ListShort {
         *      get {
         *              return _MedLabFacAttachCache.ListShallowShort;
         *      }
         * }
         * ///<summary>Refreshes the cache and returns it as a DataTable. This will refresh the ClientWeb's cache and the ServerWeb's cache.</summary>
         * public static DataTable RefreshCache() {
         *      return GetTableFromCache(true);
         * }
         * ///<summary>Fills the local cache with the passed in DataTable.</summary>
         * public static void FillCacheFromTable(DataTable table) {
         *      _MedLabFacAttachCache.FillCacheFromTable(table);
         * }
         * ///<summary>Always refreshes the ClientWeb's cache.</summary>
         * public static DataTable GetTableFromCache(bool doRefreshCache) {
         *      if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
         *              DataTable table=Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),doRefreshCache);
         *              _MedLabFacAttachCache.FillCacheFromTable(table);
         *              return table;
         *      }
         *      return _MedLabFacAttachCache.GetTableFromCache(doRefreshCache);
         * }

        public static long Insert(MedLabFacAttach medLabFacAttach)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                medLabFacAttach.MedLabFacAttachNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), medLabFacAttach);