Esempio n. 1
 ///<summary>Updates the splits on the journal entries whose indexes are passed in.</summary>
 ///<param name="listJournalEntries">All journal entries for a particular account.</param>
 ///<param name="listIndexesForTrans">The index of the journal entries in listJournalEntries. These are the ones that will be updated.</param>
 ///<param name="dictJournalEntryDescriptions">A dictionary where the key is the JournalEntryNum and the value is the journal entry's
 ///account description.</param>
 ///<param name="acct">The account that whose description is being updates.</param>
 private static void UpdateJournalEntrySplits(List <JournalEntry> listJournalEntries, List <int> listIndexesForTrans,
                                              Dictionary <long, string> dictJournalEntryDescriptions, Account acct)
     //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
     foreach (int index in listIndexesForTrans.Where(x => listJournalEntries[x].AccountNum != acct.AccountNum))
         JournalEntry journalEntry = listJournalEntries[index];
         if (listIndexesForTrans.Count <= 2)
             //When a transaction only has two splits, the Splits column will simply be the name of the account of the other split.
             journalEntry.Splits = acct.Description;
             //When a transaction has three or more splits, the Splits column will be the names of the account and the amount of the other splits.
             //Patient Fee Income 85.00
             //Supplies 110.00
             journalEntry.Splits = string.Join("\r\n", listIndexesForTrans
                                               .Where(x => listJournalEntries[x].JournalEntryNum != journalEntry.JournalEntryNum)
                                               .Select(x => dictJournalEntryDescriptions[listJournalEntries[x].JournalEntryNum] + " " +
                                                       (listJournalEntries[x].DebitAmt > 0 ?
                                                        listJournalEntries[x].DebitAmt.ToString("n") :
Esempio n. 2
        ///<summary>Only called once from FormPayment when trying to change an amount or an account on a payment that's already linked to the Accounting section or when trying to create a new link.  This automates updating the Accounting section.  Do not surround with try-catch, because it was already validated in ValidateLinkedEntries above.  Use -1 for newAcct to indicate no changed. The name is required to give descriptions to new entries.</summary>
        public static void AlterLinkedEntries(double oldAmt, double newAmt, bool isNew, long payNum, long newAcct, DateTime payDate,
                                              string patName)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            if (!Accounts.PaymentsLinked())
                return;                //user has not even set up accounting links.
            bool amtChanged = false;

            if (oldAmt != newAmt)
                amtChanged = true;
            Transaction trans  = Transactions.GetAttachedToPayment(payNum); //this gives us the oldAcctNum
            double      absNew = newAmt;                                    //absolute value of the new amount

            if (newAmt < 0)
                absNew = -newAmt;
            //if(trans==null && (newAcct==0 || newAcct==-1)) {//then this method will not even be called
            if (trans == null)           //no previous link, but user is trying to create one.
            //this is the only case where a new trans is required.
                trans         = new Transaction();
                trans.PayNum  = payNum;
                trans.UserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
                Transactions.Insert(trans);                //sets entry date
                //first the deposit entry
                JournalEntry je = new JournalEntry();
                je.AccountNum    = newAcct;        //DepositAccounts[comboDepositAccount.SelectedIndex];
                je.CheckNumber   = Lans.g("Payments", "DEP");
                je.DateDisplayed = payDate;        //it would be nice to add security here.
                if (absNew == newAmt)              //amount is positive
                    je.DebitAmt = newAmt;
                    je.CreditAmt = absNew;
                je.Memo           = Lans.g("Payments", "Payment -") + " " + patName;
                je.Splits         = Accounts.GetDescript(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AccountingCashIncomeAccount));
                je.TransactionNum = trans.TransactionNum;
                //then, the income entry
                je            = new JournalEntry();
                je.AccountNum = PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AccountingCashIncomeAccount);
                je.DateDisplayed = payDate;         //it would be nice to add security here.
                if (absNew == newAmt)               //amount is positive
                    je.CreditAmt = newAmt;
                    je.DebitAmt = absNew;
                je.Memo           = Lans.g("Payments", "Payment -") + " " + patName;
                je.Splits         = Accounts.GetDescript(newAcct);
                je.TransactionNum = trans.TransactionNum;
            //at this point, we have established that there is a previous transaction.
            List <JournalEntry> jeL  = JournalEntries.GetForTrans(trans.TransactionNum);
            long         oldAcct     = 0;
            JournalEntry jeDebit     = null;
            JournalEntry jeCredit    = null;
            bool         signChanged = false;
            double       absOld      = oldAmt;//the absolute value of the old amount

            if (oldAmt < 0)
                absOld = -oldAmt;
            if (oldAmt < 0 && newAmt > 0)
                signChanged = true;
            if (oldAmt > 0 && newAmt < 0)
                signChanged = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (Accounts.GetAccount(jeL[i].AccountNum).AcctType == AccountType.Asset)
                    oldAcct = jeL[i].AccountNum;
                if (jeL[i].DebitAmt == absOld)
                    jeDebit = jeL[i];
                //old credit entry
                if (jeL[i].CreditAmt == absOld)
                    jeCredit = jeL[i];
            //Already validated that both je's are not null, and that oldAcct is not 0.
            if (newAcct == 0)          //detaching it from a linked transaction. We will delete the transaction
            //we don't care about the amount
                Transactions.Delete(trans);                //we need to make sure this doesn't throw any exceptions by carefully checking all
                //possibilities in the validation routine above.
            //Either the amount or the account changed on an existing linked transaction.
            bool acctChanged = false;

            if (newAcct != -1 && oldAcct != newAcct)
                acctChanged = true;              //changing linked acctNum
            if (amtChanged)
                if (signChanged)
                    jeDebit.DebitAmt   = 0;
                    jeDebit.CreditAmt  = absNew;
                    jeCredit.DebitAmt  = absNew;
                    jeCredit.CreditAmt = 0;
                    jeDebit.DebitAmt   = absNew;
                    jeCredit.CreditAmt = absNew;
            if (acctChanged)
                if (jeDebit.AccountNum == oldAcct)
                    jeDebit.AccountNum = newAcct;
                if (jeCredit.AccountNum == oldAcct)
                    jeCredit.AccountNum = newAcct;