Esempio n. 1
        private static void TrySetCanadianNetworkNum(Carrier jsonCarrier, OpenDentBusiness.Carrier odCarrier, List <CanadianNetwork> listCanadianNetworks)
            if (jsonCarrier.Network == null || jsonCarrier.Network.Count == 0)
                return;                //We need to be careful not to fully trust data coming from other applications.
            //Telus B is now the primary network in Canada, includes almost all carriers.
            Network jsonCarrierNetwork = jsonCarrier.Network.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Network_Folder == "TGB");

            if (jsonCarrierNetwork == null)           //We have a bypass that treats INSTREAM like Telus B.  Try looking for INSTREAM now.
                jsonCarrierNetwork = jsonCarrier.Network.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Network_Folder == "INS");
            if (jsonCarrierNetwork == null)           //Otherswise default to first value in list.
                jsonCarrierNetwork = jsonCarrier.Network[0];
            string odAbbr = "";

            switch (jsonCarrierNetwork.Network_Folder)
            case "ABC":                    //Alberta Blue Cross
                odAbbr = "ABC";

            case "TGA":                    //Telus Group A, this isn't in our current json file. Best guess.
                odAbbr = "TELUS A";

            case "TGB":                    //Telus Group B
                odAbbr = "TELUS B";

            case "INS":                    //instream
                odAbbr = "CSI";            //CSI is the previous name for the network now known as INSTREAM.

            default:                                    //Unknown network_foler, CanadianNetworkNum will not be set.
                ODException.SwallowAnyException(() => { //Let HQ known if this ever happens so that it doesn't go unnoticed.
                        new ApplicationException("Unknown iTrans Network. Name: " + jsonCarrierNetwork.Name + " - Folder: " + jsonCarrierNetwork.Network_Folder)
            CanadianNetwork network = listCanadianNetworks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Abbrev == odAbbr);

            if (network != null)
                odCarrier.CanadianNetworkNum = network.CanadianNetworkNum;
Esempio n. 2
 ///<summary>Attempts to submit an exception to HQ.
 ///Checks PrefName.SendUnhandledExceptionsToHQ prior to web call.
 ///Returns BugSubmissionResult.UpdateRequired when submitter is not on most recent stable or any version of the beta.
 ///Returns BugSubmissionResult.Failed when an error occured in the web call method.
 ///Returns BugSubmissionResult.Success when bugSubmissions was successfully created at HQ.</summary>
 public static BugSubmissionResult SubmitException(Exception ex, string threadName = "", long patNumCur = -1, string moduleName = "")
     if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.SendUnhandledExceptionsToHQ) ||
         _listInvalidExceptionText.Any(x => ex.Message.ToLower().Contains(x.ToLower())))
                            new BugSubmission(ex, threadName, patNumCur, moduleName), "bugSubmission")
                        , eServiceCode.BugSubmission))));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>ListFixedBugInfos must be set prior to calling this.</summary>
        /// <param name="programVersionOverride">Rarely we might need to pass in a target program version when this submissions programversion is not set.
        /// For example this is done in unit test to target a specific match.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the pertinent MatchedBugInfo.</returns>
        public MatchedBugInfo GetPertinentFixedVersion(Version programVersionOverride = null)
            Version        pertinentFixedVersion = null;
            MatchedBugInfo pertinentBugInfo      = null;

            if (programVersionOverride == null)
                programVersionOverride = new Version(this.ProgramVersion);
            foreach (MatchedBugInfo bugInfo in this.ListFixedBugInfos)
                List <Version> listFixedVersions = bugInfo.VersionsFixed.Split(';').Select(x => new Version(x)).ToList();
                if (BugSubmissions.TryMatchPertinentFixedVersion(programVersionOverride, listFixedVersions, out Version versionFound))
                    if (pertinentFixedVersion == null || pertinentFixedVersion < versionFound)
                        pertinentBugInfo = bugInfo;
                    pertinentFixedVersion = new[] { pertinentFixedVersion ?? new Version(), versionFound }.Max();