Esempio n. 1
		///<summary>Patient Identifier segment.  Required.  Guide page 137.</summary>
		private void PID() {
			_seg=new SegmentHL7(SegmentNameHL7.PID);
			_seg.SetField(1,"1");//PID-1 Set ID - PID.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..1].  Must be "1" for the first occurrence.  Not sure why there would ever be more than one.
			//PID-2 Patient ID.  No longer used.
			//PID-3 Patient Identifier List.  Required.  Cardinality [1..*].  Type CX (see guide page 58 for type definition).
				_pat.PatNum.ToString(),//PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
				"",//PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
				"",//PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  Required if PID-3.2 is specified.  Not required for our purposes.  Value set HL70061.
				"Open Dental",//PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required.  Value set HL70363.
				"MR"//PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  MR=medical record number.
				//PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length undefined).
				//PID-3.7 Effective Date.  Optional (length 4..8).
				//PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  Optional (length 4..8).
				//PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  Optional (length undefined).
				//PID-3.10 Assigning Agency or Department.  Optional (length undefined).
			if(_pat.SSN.Trim()!="") {
					_pat.SSN.Trim(),//PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
					"",//PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
					"",//PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  Required if PID-3.2 is specified.  Not required for our purposes.  Value set HL70061.
					"Open Dental",//PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required.  Value set HL70363.
					"SS"//PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  SS=Social Security Number.
						//PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length undefined).
						//PID-3.7 Effective Date.  Optional (length 4..8).
						//PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  Optional (length 4..8).
						//PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  Optional (length undefined).
						//PID-3.10 Assigning Agency or Department.  Optional (length undefined).
			//PID-4 Alternate Patient ID - 00106.  No longer used.
			WriteXPN(5,_pat.FName,_pat.LName,_pat.MiddleI,"L");//PID-5 Patient Name.  Required (length unspecified).  Cardinality [1..*].  Type XPN.  The first repetition must contain the legal name.
			EhrPatient ehrPatient=EhrPatients.Refresh(_pat.PatNum);
			WriteXPN(6,ehrPatient.MotherMaidenFname,ehrPatient.MotherMaidenLname,"","M");//PID-6 Mother's Maiden Name.  Required if known (length unspecified).  Cardinality [0..1].  Type XPN.
			//PID-7 Date/Time of Birth.  Required.  Cardinality [1..1].  We must specify "UNK" if unknown.
			if(_pat.Birthdate.Year<1880) {
			else {
			WriteGender(8,_pat.Gender);//PID-8 Administrative Sex.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70001.
			//PID-9 Patient Alias.  No longer used.
			//PID-10 Race.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..*].  Value set HL70005 (guide page 194).  Each race definition must be type CE.  Type CE is defined on guide page 53.
			List<PatientRace> listPatientRaces=PatientRaces.GetForPatient(_pat.PatNum);
			List<PatRace> listPatRacesFiltered=new List<PatRace>();
			bool isHispanicOrLatino=false;
			for(int i=0;i<listPatientRaces.Count;i++) {
				PatRace patRace=listPatientRaces[i].Race;
				if(patRace==PatRace.Hispanic) {
				else if(patRace==PatRace.NotHispanic) {
					//Nothing to do. Flag is set to false by default.
				else if(patRace==PatRace.DeclinedToSpecifyRace) {
				else {
			for(int i=0;i<listPatRacesFiltered.Count;i++) {
				PatRace patRace=listPatRacesFiltered[i];
				string strRaceCode="";
				string strRaceName="";
				if(patRace==PatRace.AfricanAmerican) {
					strRaceName="Black or African American";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.AmericanIndian) {
					strRaceName="American Indian or Alaska Native";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.Asian) {
				else if(patRace==PatRace.HawaiiOrPacIsland) {
					strRaceName="Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.White) {
				else {//Aboriginal, Other, Multiracial
					strRaceName="Other Race";
					strRaceCode,//PID-10.1 Identifier.  Required (length 1..50).
					strRaceName,//PID-10.2  Text.  Required if known (length 1..999). Human readable text that is not further used.
					"HL70005"//PID-10.3 Name of Coding System.  Required (length 1..20).
					//PID-10.4 Alternate Identifier.  Required if known (length 1..50).
					//PID-10.5 Alternate Text.  Required if known (length 1..999).
					//PID-10.6 Name of Alternate Coding system.  Required if PID-10.4 is not blank.
			//PID-11 Patient Address.  Required if known (length unspecified).  Cardinality [0..*].  Type XAD (guide page 74).  First repetition must be the primary address.
			//PID-12 County Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-13 Phone Number - Home.  Required if known (length unspecified).  Cardinality [0..*].  Type XTN (guide page 84).  The first number must be the primary number (if email only, then blank phone followed by email).
			//PID-14 Phone Number - Business.  Optional.
			//PID-15 Primary Language.  Optional.
			//PID-16 Marital Status.  Optional.
			//PID-17 Religion.  Optional.
			//PID-18 Patient Account Number.  Optional.
			//PID-19 SSN Number - Patient.  No longer used.
			//PID-20 Driver's License Number - Patient.  No longer used.
			//PID-21 Mother's Identifier.  No longer used.
			//PID-22 Ethnic Group.  Required if known (length unspecified).  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70189 (guide page 201).  Type CE.
			if(listPatRacesFiltered.Count>0) {//The user specified a race and ethnicity and did not select the decline to specify option.
				if(isHispanicOrLatino) {
					WriteCE(22,"2135-2","Hispanic or Latino","CDCREC");
				else {//Not hispanic or latino.
					WriteCE(22,"2186-5","not Hispanic or Latino","CDCREC");
			//PID-23 Birth Place.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-24 Multiple Birth Indicator.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-25 Birth Order.  Required when PID-24 is set to "Y".  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-26 Citizenship.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-27 Veterans Military Status.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-28 Nationality.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-29 Patient Death Date and Time.  Required if PID-30 is set to "Y".  Cardinaility [0..1].  Date is required, time is not.
			//PID-30 Patient Death Indicator.  Required if known.  Cardinaility [0..1].  Value set HL70136.  Set this field to "Y" if the death date and time year is greater than 1880, otherwise do not set.
			//PID-31 Identity Unknown.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-32 Identity Reliability Code.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-33 Last Update Date/Time.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-34 Last Update Facility.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-35 Species Code.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-36 Breed Code.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-37 Strain.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-38 Production Class Code.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-39 Tribal Citizenship.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
Esempio n. 2
        ///<summary>Patient Identifier segment.  Required.  Guide page 40.</summary>
        private void PID()
            _seg = new SegmentHL7(SegmentNameHL7.PID);
            _seg.SetField(0, "PID");
            _seg.SetField(1, "1");           //PID-1 Set ID - PID.  Optional.  Cardinality [0..1].  Must be "1" for the first occurrence.  Not sure why there would ever be more than one.
            //PID-2 Patient ID.  No longer used.
            //PID-3 Patient Identifier List.  Required (length up to 478).  Cardinality [1..*].  Type CX.
                          _pat.PatNum.ToString(), //PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
                          "",                     //PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
                          "",                     //PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  No longer used.
                          "Open Dental",          //PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required (1..227).  Value set HL70363.
                          "MR"                    //PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  MR=medical record number.
                                                  //PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length 1..227).
                                                  //PID-3.7 Effective Date.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.10 Assigning Facility.  No longer used.
            if (_pat.SSN.Trim() != "")
                                 _pat.SSN.Trim(), //PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
                                 "",              //PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
                                 "",              //PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  No longer used.
                                 "Open Dental",   //PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required (length 1..227).  Value set HL70363.
                                 "SS"             //PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  SS=Social Security Number.
                                                  //PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length 1..227).
                                                  //PID-3.7 Effective Date.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  No longer used.
                                                  //PID-3.10 Assigning Facility.  No longer used.
            //PID-4 Alternate Patient ID.  No longer used.
            //PID-5 Patient Name.  Required (length up to 294).  Cardinality [1..*].  Type XPN.  The first repetition must contain the legal name.
            WriteXPN(5, _pat.FName, _pat.LName, _pat.MiddleI, "L");
            //PID-6 Mother's Maiden Name.  No longer used.
            //PID-7 Date/Time of Birth.  Optional.  Cardinality [0..1].
            if (_pat.Birthdate.Year > 1880)
                _seg.SetField(7, _pat.Birthdate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            WriteGender(8, _pat.Gender);           //PID-8 Administrative Sex.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70001.
            //PID-9 Patient Alias.  No longer used.
            //PID-10 Race.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..*].  Value set HL70005.  Each race definition must be type CE.
            List <PatientRace> listPatientRaces     = PatientRaces.GetForPatient(_pat.PatNum);
            List <PatientRace> listPatRacesFiltered = new List <PatientRace>();
            bool isHispanicOrLatino = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < listPatientRaces.Count; i++)
                if (listPatientRaces[i].IsEthnicity)
                    if (listPatientRaces[i].CdcrecCode == "2186-5")                   //Not hispanic
                    //Nothing to do. Flag is set to false by default.
                    else if (listPatientRaces[i].CdcrecCode != PatientRace.DECLINE_SPECIFY_ETHNICITY_CODE)
                        isHispanicOrLatino = true;                      //All other ethnicities are Hispanic
                    if (listPatientRaces[i].CdcrecCode == PatientRace.DECLINE_SPECIFY_RACE_CODE)
            for (int i = 0; i < listPatRacesFiltered.Count; i++)
                string strRaceCode = listPatRacesFiltered[i].CdcrecCode;
                string strRaceName = listPatRacesFiltered[i].Description;
                                      strRaceCode, //PID-10.1 Identifier.  Required (length 1..50).
                                      strRaceName, //PID-10.2  Text.  Required if known (length 1..999). Human readable text that is not further used.
                                      "CDCREC"     //PID-10.3 Name of Coding System.  Required (length 1..20).
                                                   //PID-10.4 Alternate Identifier.  Required if known (length 1..50).
                                                   //PID-10.5 Alternate Text.  Required if known (length 1..999).
                                                   //PID-10.6 Name of Alternate Coding system.  Required if PID-10.4 is not blank.
            //PID-11 Patient Address.  Required if known (length up to 513).  Cardinality [0..*].  Type XAD.
            WriteXAD(11, _pat.Address, _pat.Address2, _pat.City, _pat.State, _pat.Zip);
            //PID-12 County Code.  No longer used.
            //PID-13 Phone Number - Home.  No longer used.
            //PID-14 Phone Number - Business.  No longer used.
            //PID-15 Primary Language.  No longer used.
            //PID-16 Marital Status.  No longer used.
            //PID-17 Religion.  No longer used.
            //PID-18 Patient Account Number.  Optional.  However, we already sent this above.  Why do they have another field for this data?
            //PID-19 SSN Number - Patient.  No longer used.  We send SSN in PID-3.
            //PID-20 Driver's License Number - Patient.  No longer used.
            //PID-21 Mother's Identifier.  No longer used.
            //PID-22 Ethnic Group.  Required if known (length up to 478).  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70189 (guide page 201).  Type CE.
            if (listPatRacesFiltered.Count > 0)           //The user specified a race and ethnicity and did not select the decline to specify option.
                if (isHispanicOrLatino)
                    WriteCE(22, "2135-2", "Hispanic or Latino", "CDCREC");
                else                  //Not hispanic or latino.
                    WriteCE(22, "2186-5", "not Hispanic or Latino", "CDCREC");
            //PID-23 Birth Place.  No longer used.
            //PID-24 Multiple Birth Indicator.  No longer used.
            //PID-25 Birth Order.  No longer used.
            //PID-26 Citizenship.  No longer used.
            //PID-27 Veterans Military Status.  No longer used.
            //PID-28 Nationality.  No longer used.
            //PID-29 Patient Death Date and Time.  Required if PID-30 is set to "Y" (length 12..26).  Cardinaility [0..1].
            if (_pat.DateTimeDeceased.Year > 1880)
                _seg.SetField(29, _pat.DateTimeDeceased.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"));
            //PID-30 Patient Death Indicator.  Required if known.  Cardinaility [0..1].  Value set HL70136.
            if (_pat.DateTimeDeceased.Year > 1880)
                _seg.SetField(30, "Y");
            //PID-31 Identity Unknown.  No longer used.
            //PID-32 Identity Reliability Code.  No longer used.
            //PID-33 Last Update Date/Time.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
            //PID-34 Last Update Facility.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
            //PID-35 Species Code.  No longer used.
            //PID-36 Breed Code.  No longer used.
            //PID-37 Strain.  No longer used.
            //PID-38 Production Class Code.  No longer used.
            //PID-39 Tribal Citizenship.  No longer used.
Esempio n. 3
		///<summary>Patient Identifier segment.  Required.  Guide page 40.</summary>
		private void PID() {
			_seg=new SegmentHL7(SegmentNameHL7.PID);
			_seg.SetField(1,"1");//PID-1 Set ID - PID.  Optional.  Cardinality [0..1].  Must be "1" for the first occurrence.  Not sure why there would ever be more than one.
			//PID-2 Patient ID.  No longer used.
			//PID-3 Patient Identifier List.  Required (length up to 478).  Cardinality [1..*].  Type CX.
				_pat.PatNum.ToString(),//PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
				"",//PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
				"",//PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  No longer used.
				"Open Dental",//PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required (1..227).  Value set HL70363.
				"MR"//PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  MR=medical record number.
				//PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length 1..227).
				//PID-3.7 Effective Date.  No longer used.
				//PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  No longer used.
				//PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  No longer used.
				//PID-3.10 Assigning Facility.  No longer used.
			if(_pat.SSN.Trim()!="") {
					_pat.SSN.Trim(),//PID-3.1 ID Number.  Required (length 1..15).
					"",//PID-3.2 Check Digit.  Optional (length 1..1).
					"",//PID-3.3 Check Digit Scheme.  No longer used.
					"Open Dental",//PID-3.4 Assigning Authority.  Required (length 1..227).  Value set HL70363.
					"SS"//PID-3.5 Identifier Type Code.  Required (length 2..5).  Value set HL70203.  SS=Social Security Number.
					//PID-3.6 Assigning Facility.  Optional (length 1..227).
					//PID-3.7 Effective Date.  No longer used.
					//PID-3.8 Expiration Date.  No longer used.
					//PID-3.9 Assigning Jurisdiction.  No longer used.
					//PID-3.10 Assigning Facility.  No longer used.
			//PID-4 Alternate Patient ID.  No longer used.
			//PID-5 Patient Name.  Required (length up to 294).  Cardinality [1..*].  Type XPN.  The first repetition must contain the legal name.
			//PID-6 Mother's Maiden Name.  No longer used.
			//PID-7 Date/Time of Birth.  Optional.  Cardinality [0..1].
			if(_pat.Birthdate.Year>1880) {
			WriteGender(8,_pat.Gender);//PID-8 Administrative Sex.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70001.
			//PID-9 Patient Alias.  No longer used.
			//PID-10 Race.  Required if known.  Cardinality [0..*].  Value set HL70005.  Each race definition must be type CE.
			List<PatientRace> listPatientRaces=PatientRaces.GetForPatient(_pat.PatNum);
			List<PatRace> listPatRacesFiltered=new List<PatRace>();
			bool isHispanicOrLatino=false;
			for(int i=0;i<listPatientRaces.Count;i++) {
				PatRace patRace=listPatientRaces[i].Race;
				if(patRace==PatRace.Hispanic) {
				else if(patRace==PatRace.NotHispanic) {
					//Nothing to do. Flag is set to false by default.
				else if(patRace==PatRace.DeclinedToSpecifyRace) {
				else {
			for(int i=0;i<listPatRacesFiltered.Count;i++) {
				PatRace patRace=listPatRacesFiltered[i];
				string strRaceCode="";
				string strRaceName="";
				if(patRace==PatRace.AfricanAmerican) {
					strRaceName="Black or African American";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.AmericanIndian) {
					strRaceName="American Indian or Alaska Native";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.Asian) {
				else if(patRace==PatRace.HawaiiOrPacIsland) {
					strRaceName="Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander";
				else if(patRace==PatRace.White) {
				else {//Aboriginal, Other, Multiracial
					strRaceName="Other Race";
					strRaceCode,//PID-10.1 Identifier.  Required (length 1..50).
					strRaceName,//PID-10.2  Text.  Required if known (length 1..999). Human readable text that is not further used.
					"CDCREC"//PID-10.3 Name of Coding System.  Required (length 1..20).
					//PID-10.4 Alternate Identifier.  Required if known (length 1..50).
					//PID-10.5 Alternate Text.  Required if known (length 1..999).
					//PID-10.6 Name of Alternate Coding system.  Required if PID-10.4 is not blank.
			//PID-11 Patient Address.  Required if known (length up to 513).  Cardinality [0..*].  Type XAD.
			//PID-12 County Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-13 Phone Number - Home.  No longer used.
			//PID-14 Phone Number - Business.  No longer used.
			//PID-15 Primary Language.  No longer used.
			//PID-16 Marital Status.  No longer used.
			//PID-17 Religion.  No longer used.
			//PID-18 Patient Account Number.  Optional.  However, we already sent this above.  Why do they have another field for this data?
			//PID-19 SSN Number - Patient.  No longer used.  We send SSN in PID-3.
			//PID-20 Driver's License Number - Patient.  No longer used.
			//PID-21 Mother's Identifier.  No longer used.
			//PID-22 Ethnic Group.  Required if known (length up to 478).  Cardinality [0..1].  Value set HL70189 (guide page 201).  Type CE.
			if(listPatRacesFiltered.Count>0) {//The user specified a race and ethnicity and did not select the decline to specify option.
				if(isHispanicOrLatino) {
					WriteCE(22,"2135-2","Hispanic or Latino","CDCREC");
				else {//Not hispanic or latino.
					WriteCE(22,"2186-5","not Hispanic or Latino","CDCREC");
			//PID-23 Birth Place.  No longer used.
			//PID-24 Multiple Birth Indicator.  No longer used.
			//PID-25 Birth Order.  No longer used.
			//PID-26 Citizenship.  No longer used.
			//PID-27 Veterans Military Status.  No longer used.
			//PID-28 Nationality.  No longer used.
			//PID-29 Patient Death Date and Time.  Required if PID-30 is set to "Y" (length 12..26).  Cardinaility [0..1].
			if(_pat.DateTimeDeceased.Year>1880) {
			//PID-30 Patient Death Indicator.  Required if known.  Cardinaility [0..1].  Value set HL70136.
			if(_pat.DateTimeDeceased.Year>1880) {
			//PID-31 Identity Unknown.  No longer used.
			//PID-32 Identity Reliability Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-33 Last Update Date/Time.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-34 Last Update Facility.  Optional.  Cardinaility [0..1].
			//PID-35 Species Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-36 Breed Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-37 Strain.  No longer used.
			//PID-38 Production Class Code.  No longer used.
			//PID-39 Tribal Citizenship.  No longer used.