Esempio n. 1
        public Mat Crop()
            using (CroppingWindow = new OpenCvSharp.Window("Cropper", WindowMode.FullScreen, srcImage))
                CvMouseCallback onMouse = new CvMouseCallback(mouseCallback);
                CvTrackbarCallback2 onZoom = new CvTrackbarCallback2(trackbarCallback);
                CvTrackbar          zoom   = CroppingWindow.CreateTrackbar2("Zoom", 100, 200, onZoom, null);

                // This line is very important
                // OpenCV is written in C++, which means it's unmanaged.
                // So when a delegate callback variable is passed to it as a function point,
                // GC in C# can no longer identify the life cycle of this delegate variable
                // It's our reponsebility to make sure GC in C# will not collect it when it's still in use.
                // Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
            // seems that srcImage will be released by GC, so I must return a copy of it