public Behavior ReadSettings() { if (!File.Exists(FilePath.Settings)) { Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("[Settings] cant find base settings.txt, using default settings"); return(SetDefaultSettings()); } Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("[Settings] reading settings.txt "); string[] lines = new string[] { }; try { lines = File.ReadAllLines(FilePath.Settings); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("[Settings] cant find read settings.txt, using default settings"); return(SetDefaultSettings()); } foreach (string ss in lines) { string s = ss.Replace(" ", ""); if (s.Contains(";")) { s = s.Split(';')[0]; } if (s.Contains("#")) { s = s.Split('#')[0]; } if (s.Contains("//")) { s = s.Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; } if (s.Contains(",")) { s = s.Split(',')[0]; } if (s == "" || s == " ") { continue; } s = s.ToLower(); const string ignoring = "[Settings] ignoring the setting "; string searchword = "maxwide="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.maxwide = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "twotsamount="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.twotsamount = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "simenemysecondturn="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.simEnemySecondTurn = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "enfacehp="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enfacehp = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "playarround="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.playarround = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "playaroundprob="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.playaroundprob = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "playaroundprob2="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.playaroundprob2 = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "enemyturnmaxwide="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemyTurnMaxWide = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "enemyturnmaxwidesecondtime="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemyTurnMaxWideSecondTime = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "enemysecondturnmaxwide="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemySecondTurnMaxWide = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "nextturndeep="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.nextTurnDeep = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "nextturnmaxwide="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.nextTurnMaxWide = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "nextturntotalboards="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.nextTurnTotalBoards = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "usesecretsplayarround="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.useSecretsPlayArround = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "alpha="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.alpha = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "simulateplacement="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.simulatePlacement = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "useexternalprocess="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.useExternalProcess = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "passivewaiting="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.passiveWaiting = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "behave="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); if (a.StartsWith("control")) { behave = new BehaviorControl(); } if (a.StartsWith("rush")) { behave = new BehaviorRush(); } if (a.StartsWith("mana")) { behave = new BehaviorMana(); } if (a.StartsWith("face")) { behave = new BehaviorFace(); } if (a.StartsWith("aggrowarlock")) { behave = new BehaviorAggroWarlock(); } if (a.StartsWith("aggroshaman")) { behave = new BehaviorAggroshaman(); } } searchword = "concedeonbadboard="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemyConcede = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "concedeonboardvalue="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemyConcedeValue = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "speed="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.speedy = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "secretstandard ="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.SecretStandard = Convert.ToBoolean(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } searchword = "enemyherovaluemultiply="; if (s.StartsWith(searchword)) { string a = s.Replace(searchword, ""); try { this.enemyherovaluemultiply = Convert.ToInt32(a); } catch { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog(ignoring + searchword); } } } ApplySettings(); return(behave); }
//private void startEnemyTurnSim(Playfield p, bool simulateTwoTurns, bool print, bool playaround, int playaroundprob, int playaroundprob2) //{ // if (p.ownHero.Hp >= 1 && p.enemyHero.Hp>=1) // { // //simulateEnemysTurn(simulateTwoTurns, playaround, print, pprob, pprob2); // p.prepareNextTurn(p.isOwnTurn); // //Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("tc " + p.turnCounter); // Ai.Instance.enemySecondTurnSim[this.thread].simulateEnemysTurn(p, simulateTwoTurns, playaround, print, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); // /* // if (p.turnCounter >= 2) // Ai.Instance.enemySecondTurnSim.simulateEnemysTurn(p, simulateTwoTurns, playaround, print, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); // else // Ai.Instance.enemyTurnSim.simulateEnemysTurn(p, simulateTwoTurns, playaround, print, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); // */ // } // p.complete = true; //} public float doallmoves(Playfield playf, bool isLethalCheck, bool print = false) { //todo only one time! this.doEnemySecondTurn = Settings.Instance.simEnemySecondTurn; int totalboards = Settings.Instance.nextTurnTotalBoards; int maxwide = Settings.Instance.nextTurnMaxWide; int maxdeep = Settings.Instance.nextTurnDeep; bool playaround = Settings.Instance.playarround; int playaroundprob = Settings.Instance.playaroundprob; int playaroundprob2 = Settings.Instance.playaroundprob2; //Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("NXTTRN" + playf.mana); if (botBase == null) { botBase = Ai.Instance.botBase; } bool test = false; this.posmoves.Clear(); this.addToPosmoves(playf, totalboards); bool havedonesomething = true; List <Playfield> temp = new List <Playfield>(); int deep = 0; //Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("NXTTRN" + playf.mana + " " + posmoves.Count); this.calculated = 0; Playfield bestold = null; while (havedonesomething) { //if (this.printNormalstuff) Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("ailoop"); //GC.Collect(); temp.Clear(); temp.AddRange(this.posmoves); havedonesomething = false; float bestoldval = -20000000; foreach (Playfield p in temp) { if (p.complete || p.ownHero.Hp <= 0) { continue; } List <Action> actions = movegen.getMoveList(p, isLethalCheck, usePenalityManager, useCutingTargets); foreach (Action a in actions) { havedonesomething = true; Playfield pf = new Playfield(p); pf.doAction(a); addToPosmoves(pf, totalboards); } if (isLethalCheck) { p.complete = true; } else { p.sEnemTurn = this.doEnemySecondTurn; p.endTurn(this.simulateSecondTurn, playaround, false, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); //this.startEnemyTurnSim(p, this.simulateSecondTurn, false, playaround, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); } //sort stupid stuff ouf if (botBase.GetPlayfieldValue(p) > bestoldval) { bestoldval = botBase.GetPlayfieldValue(p); bestold = p; } if (!test) { posmoves.Remove(p); } if (this.calculated > totalboards) { break; } } if (!test && bestoldval >= -10000 && bestold != null) { this.posmoves.Add(bestold); } //Helpfunctions.Instance.loggonoff(true); /*if (this.printNormalstuff) * { * int donec = 0; * foreach (Playfield p in posmoves) * { * if (p.complete) donec++; * } * Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("deep " + deep + " len " + this.posmoves.Count + " dones " + donec); * }*/ if (!test) { cuttingposibilities(maxwide); } //if (this.printNormalstuff) Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("cut to len " + this.posmoves.Count); //Helpfunctions.Instance.loggonoff(false); deep++; if (this.calculated > totalboards) { break; } if (deep >= maxdeep) { break; //remove this? } } foreach (Playfield p in posmoves)//temp { if (!p.complete) { if (isLethalCheck) { p.complete = true; } else { p.sEnemTurn = this.doEnemySecondTurn; p.endTurn(this.simulateSecondTurn, playaround, false, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); //this.startEnemyTurnSim(p, this.simulateSecondTurn, false, playaround, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); } } } // Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("find best "); if (posmoves.Count >= 1) { float bestval = int.MinValue; int bestanzactions = 1000; Playfield bestplay = posmoves[0]; //temp[0] foreach (Playfield p in posmoves) //temp { float val = botBase.GetPlayfieldValue(p); if (bestval <= val) { if (bestval == val && bestanzactions < p.playactions.Count) { continue; } bestplay = p; bestval = val; bestanzactions = p.playactions.Count; } } this.bestboard = new Playfield(bestplay); if (print) { Helpfunctions.Instance.ErrorLog("best board after your second turn (value included enemy second turn)----------"); bestplay.printBoard(); bestplay.value = int.MinValue; //bestplay.sEnemTurn = this.doEnemySecondTurn; //Ai.Instance.enemySecondTurnSim[this.thread].simulateEnemysTurn(bestplay, false, playaround, false, playaroundprob, playaroundprob2); //Ai.Instance.enemySecondTurnSim.simulateEnemysTurn(bestplay, false, false, true, 100, 100); //dont play arround in enemys second turn } this.bestmove = bestplay.getNextAction(); this.bestmoveValue = bestval; this.bestboard = new Playfield(bestplay); //Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("return"); return(bestval); } //Helpfunctions.Instance.logg("return"); this.bestmove = null; this.bestmoveValue = -100000; this.bestboard = playf; return(-10000); }
public void dosomethingclever(Behavior bbase) { //return; //turncheck //help.moveMouse(950,750); //help.Screenshot(); this.botBase = bbase; hp.updatePositions(); posmoves.Clear(); posmoves.Add(new Playfield()); posmoves[0].sEnemTurn = Settings.Instance.simulateEnemysTurn; /* foreach (var item in this.posmoves[0].owncards) * { * help.logg("card " + + " is playable :" + item.handcard.card.canplayCard(posmoves[0]) + " cost/mana: " + item.handcard.card.cost + "/" + posmoves[0].mana); * } */ //help.logg("is hero ready?" + posmoves[0].ownHeroReady); help.loggonoff(false); //do we need to recalc? help.logg("recalc-check###########"); if (this.dontRecalc && posmoves[0].isEqual(this.nextMoveGuess, true)) { doNextCalcedMove(); } else { help.logg("Lethal-check###########"); bestmoveValue = -1000000; DateTime strt = DateTime.Now; if (useLethalCheck) { strt = DateTime.Now; doallmoves(false, true); help.logg("calculated " + (DateTime.Now - strt).TotalSeconds); } if (bestmoveValue < 1500) { posmoves.Clear(); posmoves.Add(new Playfield()); posmoves[0].sEnemTurn = Settings.Instance.simulateEnemysTurn; List <Handmanager.Handcard> newcards = posmoves[0].getNewHandCards(Ai.Instance.nextMoveGuess); foreach (var card in newcards) { if (!Silverfish.Instance.IsCardCreated(card)) { Hrtprozis.Instance.removeCardFromTurnDeck(card.card.cardIDenum); } } help.logg("no lethal, do something random######"); strt = DateTime.Now; doallmoves(false, false); help.logg("calculated " + (DateTime.Now - strt).TotalSeconds); } } //help.logging(true); }