Esempio n. 1
        private void _LoadBone(BlendTypeRepository repository, BlendValueCapsule bone, int parentBoneIndex, ref List <DrawSystem.BoneData> outList)
            if (bone != null)
                // make bone data
                var   name   = bone.GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
                float length = bone.GetMember("length").GetRawValue <float>();
                var   offset = new Vector3()
                    X = bone.GetMember("head").GetAt(0).GetRawValue <float>(),
                    Y = bone.GetMember("head").GetAt(1).GetRawValue <float>(),
                    Z = bone.GetMember("head").GetAt(2).GetRawValue <float>(),
                offset = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(offset);

                var elements = new float[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                        elements[i * 4 + j] = bone.GetMember("arm_mat").GetAt(i, j).GetRawValue <float>();
                var modelTrans = new Matrix(elements);
                modelTrans = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(modelTrans);

                var result = new DrawSystem.BoneData()
                    Name          = name,
                    Parent        = parentBoneIndex,
                    BoneTransform = modelTrans,                    // convert local bone transformation after
                    BoneOffset    = Matrix.Invert(modelTrans),
                    Length        = length,

                parentBoneIndex = outList.Count() - 1;
                //Console.WriteLine("    found bone : " + name);

                // call for children
                var childBone = bone.GetMember("childbase").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                while (childBone != null)
                    _LoadBone(repository, childBone, parentBoneIndex, ref outList);
                    childBone = childBone.GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
Esempio n. 2
        private bool _LoadScene(BlendTypeRepository repository, List <BlockHeaderEntity> entityList)
            // find root
            BlendValueCapsule root = entityList.Where(e => e.Name == "GLOB").Select(e => e.Children[0].Value).First();

            if (root == null)

            var scene    = root.GetMember("curscene").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
            var listBase = scene.GetMember("base");
            var nextBase = listBase.GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            // load mesh
            while (nextBase != null)
                var obj = nextBase.GetMember("object").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                if (obj != null)
                    string name         = obj.GetMember("id").GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
                    int    restrictFlag = obj.GetMember("restrictflag").GetRawValue <char>();
                    if ((restrictFlag & 1) != 0)
                        // invisible object

                    var data = obj.GetMember("data").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                    if (data != null && data.Type.Name == "Mesh")
                        // mesh object
                        Console.WriteLine("found mesh : " + name);
                        if (!_LoadMesh(repository, obj))

                    var groupId = obj.GetMember("dup_group").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                    if (groupId != null)
                        // link object
                        Console.WriteLine("found link obj: " + name);

                        var lib  = groupId.GetMember("lib").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                        var path = lib.GetMember("filepath").GetAllValueAsString();

                        // make layout matrix
                        var elements = new float[16];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                                elements[i * 4 + j] = obj.GetMember("obmat").GetAt(i, j).GetRawValue <float>();
                        var layoutTrans = new Matrix(elements);
                        layoutTrans = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(layoutTrans);

                        var node = new LinkNode()
                            Name           = name,
                            Layout         = layoutTrans,
                            TargetFileName = Path.GetFileName(path),

                nextBase = nextBase.GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

Esempio n. 3
        private void _LoadAction(BlendTypeRepository repository, BlendValueCapsule bAnimAction, ref List <AnimType.ActionData> animActionList)
            var groupList = new List <AnimType.ActionGroupData>();
            var bGroup    = bAnimAction.GetMember("groups").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();

            while (bGroup != null)
                var groupData = new AnimType.ActionGroupData();
                groupData.BoneName = bGroup.GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
                groupData.Location = AnimType.ChannelData <Vector3> .Empty();

                groupData.Rotation = AnimType.ChannelData <Quaternion> .Empty();

                groupData.Scale = AnimType.ChannelData <Vector3> .Empty();

                //Console.WriteLine("    found anim action group : " + groupData.BoneName);

                var channelList = new List <AnimType.ChannelData <float> >();
                var bChannel    = bGroup.GetMember("channels").GetMember("first").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                while (bChannel != null)
                    string boneName     = "";
                    string propertyName = "";
                    var    bRnaPath     = bChannel.GetMember("rna_path").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll(Blender.BlendPrimitiveType.Char());
                    string rnaPath      = Blender.ConvertUtil.CharArray2String(bRnaPath.Select(c => (object)c.GetRawValue <char>()));
                    if (!BlenderUtil.ParseRnaPath(rnaPath, ref boneName, ref propertyName))
                        Debug.Fail("Failed to parse rna path(" + rnaPath + ")");
                    int arrayIndex = bChannel.GetMember("array_index").GetRawValue <int>();

                    if (boneName == groupData.BoneName)
                        //Console.WriteLine(String.Format("        {0}.{1}[{2}]", boneName, propertyName, arrayIndex));

                        var bBeztList = bChannel.GetMember("bezt").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
                        var channel   = new AnimType.ChannelData <float>();
                        channel.KeyFrames = new AnimType.KeyData <float> [bBeztList.Count()];

                        foreach (var bBezt in bBeztList.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }))
                            float frame = bBezt.value.GetMember("vec").GetAt(1, 0).GetRawValue <float>();
                            float value = bBezt.value.GetMember("vec").GetAt(1, 1).GetRawValue <float>();

                            channel.KeyFrames[bBezt.index] = new AnimType.KeyData <float>((int)frame, value);


                    bChannel = bChannel.GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                }                       // while

                if (channelList.Count() == 10)
                    // channel type convertion
                    // location : floatx3 to Vector3
                    // rotation : floatx4 to Quatanion
                    // scale : floatx3 to Vector3
                        = channelList[0].KeyFrames
                          .Select((key, index) => new AnimType.KeyData <Vector3>(key.Frame, new Vector3(key.Value, channelList[1].KeyFrames[index].Value, channelList[2].KeyFrames[index].Value)))
                          .Select(key => { key.Value = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(key.Value); return(key); })
                          //.Select(key => { key.Frame--; return key; })	// blender frame index starts from 1
                        = channelList[3].KeyFrames
                          .Select((key, index) => new AnimType.KeyData <Quaternion>(key.Frame, new Quaternion(channelList[4].KeyFrames[index].Value, channelList[5].KeyFrames[index].Value, channelList[6].KeyFrames[index].Value, key.Value)))
                          .Select(key => { key.Value = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(key.Value); return(key); })
                          //.Select(key => { key.Frame--; return key; })	// blender frame index starts from 1
                        = channelList[7].KeyFrames
                          .Select((key, index) => new AnimType.KeyData <Vector3>(key.Frame, new Vector3(key.Value, channelList[8].KeyFrames[index].Value, channelList[9].KeyFrames[index].Value)))
                          .Select(key => { key.Value = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(key.Value); return(key); })
                          //.Select(key => { key.Frame--; return key; })	// blender frame index starts from 1

                    bGroup = bGroup.GetMember("next").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceOne();
                    Debug.Fail("unexpected the number of channels.");

            if (groupList.Count != 0)
                var actionData = new AnimType.ActionData();
                var actionName = bAnimAction.GetMember("id").GetMember("name").GetAllValueAsString();
                actionName = actionName.Substring(2, actionName.Length - 2);                //  ACArmatureAction => ArmatureAction

                actionData.Name   = actionName;
                actionData.Groups = groupList.ToArray();
Esempio n. 4
        private VertexOriginal[] _CreateOriginalVertices(BlendTypeRepository repository, BlendValueCapsule mesh, int[] deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex)
            var mpolyList   = mesh.GetMember("mpoly").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
            var mloopList   = mesh.GetMember("mloop").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
            var mloopuvList = mesh.GetMember("mloopuv").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
            var mvertList   = mesh.GetMember("mvert").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
            var dvertList   = mesh.GetMember("dvert").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();

            int capacity = mpolyList.Count() * 6;            // assume that all polygons is square.
            var vertices = new List <VertexOriginal>(capacity);

            foreach (var mpoly in mpolyList)
                int   offset        = mpoly.GetMember("loopstart").GetRawValue <int>();
                int   count         = mpoly.GetMember("totloop").GetRawValue <int>();
                short materialIndex = mpoly.GetMember("mat_nr").GetRawValue <short>();
                Debug.Assert(count >= 0, "negative totloop is here!");                // todo: ref previous loop

                int[] plan = null;
                switch (count)
                case 3:
                    plan = new int[] { offset + 2, offset + 1, offset + 0 };

                case 4:
                    // triangulation
                    plan = new int[] { offset + 2, offset + 1, offset, offset + 3, offset + 2, offset };

                    Debug.Fail("tutloop must be 3 or 4");                            // todo: ref previous loop

                if (plan == null)

                foreach (int i in plan)
                    int vIndex   = mloopList[i].GetMember("v").GetRawValue <int>();
                    var position = mvertList[vIndex].GetMember("co");
                    var normal   = mvertList[vIndex].GetMember("no");

                    VertexOriginal vertex;
                    vertex.Position.X = position.GetAt(0).GetRawValue <float>();
                    vertex.Position.Y = position.GetAt(1).GetRawValue <float>();
                    vertex.Position.Z = position.GetAt(2).GetRawValue <float>();
                    vertex.Position.W = 1;
                    vertex.Position   = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(vertex.Position);

                    vertex.Normal.X = normal.GetAt(0).GetRawValue <short>();
                    vertex.Normal.Y = normal.GetAt(1).GetRawValue <short>();
                    vertex.Normal.Z = normal.GetAt(2).GetRawValue <short>();
                    vertex.Normal   = BlenderUtil.ChangeCoordsSystem(vertex.Normal);

                    var uv = mloopuvList[i].GetMember("uv");
                    vertex.Texcoord.X = uv.GetAt(0).GetRawValue <float>();
                    vertex.Texcoord.Y = 1 - uv.GetAt(1).GetRawValue <float>();

                    vertex.Tangent  = Vector3.Zero;
                    vertex.Binormal = Vector3.Zero;

                    vertex.MaterialIndex = materialIndex;

                    var weights = dvertList == null
                                                ? null
                                                : dvertList[vIndex].GetMember("dw").GetRawValue <BlendAddress>().DereferenceAll();
                    if (weights == null || deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex == null)
                        vertex.BoneWeights = null;
                        vertex.BoneIndices = null;
                        // load bone weights
                        // bone weight can be stored 0, so we ignore this case.
                        //int maxWeightCount = dvertList[vIndex].GetMember("totweight").GetRawValue<int>();
                        var noneZeroWeightList =
                            weights.Select(w => new Tuple <float, int>(w.GetMember("weight").GetRawValue <float>(), w.GetMember("def_nr").GetRawValue <int>()))
                            .OrderByDescending(tuple => tuple.Item1)    // sort by descending
                            .Where(tuple => tuple.Item1 > 0.0f);        // ignore zero value too
                        int weightCount = noneZeroWeightList.Count();

                        vertex.BoneWeights = new float[weightCount];
                        vertex.BoneIndices = new uint[weightCount];

                        int wIndex = 0;
                        foreach (var tuple in noneZeroWeightList)
                            float weight           = tuple.Item1;
                            int   deformGroupIndex = tuple.Item2;
                            vertex.BoneWeights[wIndex] = weight;

                            // def_nr is NOT index of bones, but index of deform group
                            // we must replace to index of bones using bone-deform mapping.
                            vertex.BoneIndices[wIndex] = (uint)deformGroupIndex2BoneIndex[deformGroupIndex];



            // compute tangent and binormal
            int polyCount = vertices.Count / 3;

            for (int polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < polyCount; ++polyIndex)
                var posArray = new Vector4[]
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3].Position,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 1].Position,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 2].Position,

                var normalArray = new Vector3[]
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3].Normal,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 1].Normal,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 2].Normal,

                var uvArray = new Vector2[]
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3].Texcoord,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 1].Texcoord,
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + 2].Texcoord,

                var faceTangent = MathUtil.ComputeFaceTangent(posArray[0], posArray[1], posArray[2], uvArray[0], uvArray[1], uvArray[2]);

                for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < 3; ++vIndex)
                    // calc tangent
                    var normal  = normalArray[vIndex];
                    var tangent = faceTangent;
                    MathUtil.Orthonormalize(ref normal, ref tangent);

                    // calc binormal
                    var binormal = Vector3.Cross(normalArray[vIndex], tangent);

                    var oldVertex = vertices[polyIndex * 3 + vIndex];
                    oldVertex.Tangent  = tangent;
                    oldVertex.Binormal = binormal;
                    vertices[polyIndex * 3 + vIndex] = oldVertex;
