Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult GetInfo(FactualDownloadParameter parameter)
            List<BusinessCategoryViewModel> listReturn = new List<BusinessCategoryViewModel>();
            if (parameter != null)
                //get zip code of county
                var zipcodes = zipcodeService.Get()
                    .Where(c => c.City.Equals(parameter.City) && c.Country.Equals(parameter.Country) && c.State.Equals(parameter.State))
                //get categoryL1
                BusinessCategory CategoryL1;
                BusinessCategory CategoryL2;
                BusinessCategory CategoryL3;
                BusinessCategory CategoryL4;
                BusinessCategory MainCategory = new BusinessCategory();
                ArrayList category_ids = new ArrayList();
                if (parameter.CategoryL1 != null)
                    CategoryL1 = businessCategoryService.Get(parameter.CategoryL1);
                    MainCategory = CategoryL1;
                    if (MainCategory != null)
                if (parameter.CategoryL2 != null && parameter.CategoryL2 != Guid.Empty)
                    CategoryL2 = businessCategoryService.Get(parameter.CategoryL2);
                    MainCategory = CategoryL2;
                    if (MainCategory != null)
                if (parameter.CategoryL3 != null && parameter.CategoryL3 != Guid.Empty)
                    CategoryL3 = businessCategoryService.Get(parameter.CategoryL3);
                    MainCategory = CategoryL3;
                    if (MainCategory != null)
                if (parameter.CategoryL4 != null && parameter.CategoryL4 != Guid.Empty)
                    CategoryL4 = businessCategoryService.Get(parameter.CategoryL4);
                    MainCategory = CategoryL4;
                    if (MainCategory != null)
                string categoryIDs = string.Join(",", category_ids.ToArray());
                if (MainCategory != null && MainCategory.Id != Guid.Empty)

                    foreach (var zip in zipcodes)
                        //insert new
                        Category_ZipCode cate = new Category_ZipCode();
                        cate.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                        cate.BusinessCategoryId = MainCategory.Id;
                        cate.ZipcodeId = zip.Id;
                        cate.ZipcodeName = zip.Zip;
                        cate.TotalRecord = 0;
                        cate.Downloaded = 0;
                        cate.CategoryName = MainCategory.Name;
                        cate.CategoryId = MainCategory.CategoryId;

                        var cate_zip = category_ZipCodeService.Get().FirstOrDefault(c => c.BusinessCategoryId == MainCategory.Id && c.ZipcodeName == zip.Zip);
                        if (cate_zip == null)

                        //convert to businesCategory View model
                        BusinessCategoryViewModel model = new BusinessCategoryViewModel();
                        model.Category_ZipId = cate.Id;
                        model.Zipcode = zip.Zip;
                        model.TotalDownloaded = cate_zip == null ? 0 : cate_zip.Downloaded;
                        model.State = zip.State;
                        model.City = zip.City;
                        model.Availble = cate_zip == null ? 0 : cate_zip.TotalRecord;
                        model.IsChoose = false;
                        model.CategoryInclude = categoryIDs;
            return Json(listReturn, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Esempio n. 2
 public ActionResult GenerateQueryFactual(FactualDownloadParameter parameter)
     return Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);