public Shop stockShop() { var club1 = new Weapon("Knobbly Branch", 2, 3, 1); var sword1 = new Weapon("Squire's Sword", 3, 4, 2); var axe1 = new Weapon("Woodcutter's Axe", 4, 5, 3); var club2 = new Weapon("Knight's Mace", 5, 6, 2); var sword2 = new Weapon("Knight's Blade", 6, 7, 5); var axe2 = new Weapon("Executioner's Axe", 6, 8, 6); var weaponStock = new List <Weapon>(); weaponStock.Add(club1); weaponStock.Add(sword1); weaponStock.Add(axe1); weaponStock.Add(club2); weaponStock.Add(sword2); weaponStock.Add(axe2); var armor1 = new Armor("Leather Armor", 5, 7, 5); var armor2 = new Armor("Studded Leather Armor", 7, 10, 5); var armor3 = new Armor("Chain Armor", 10, 15, 12); var armorStock = new List <Armor>(); armorStock.Add(armor1); armorStock.Add(armor2); armorStock.Add(armor3); var potion1 = new Potion("Healing Potion", 5, 3, 1); var potion2 = new Potion("Greater Healing Potion", 10, 6, 3); var potion3 = new Potion("Superior Healing Potion", 15, 8, 5); var potionStock = new List <Potion>(); potionStock.Add(potion1); potionStock.Add(potion2); potionStock.Add(potion3); var shopFront = new Shop(armorStock, weaponStock, potionStock, this, hero); return(shopFront); }
public void AddPotions(string name, int originalValue, int resellValue, int hp) { var potion = new Potion(name, hp, originalValue, resellValue); this.Potions.Add(potion); }
private void ExecuteSell() { var pick = ""; if (this.Hero.WeaponsBag.Count == 0 && this.Hero.ArmorsBag.Count == 0 && this.Hero.PotionBag.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nThere are currently no items in your bags that you can sell at this time."); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to go back to the shop menu"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); this.ShopMenu(); } do { Console.WriteLine($"\nWhich item would you like to sell?"); Console.WriteLine($"Type E if you do not wish to purch anything at this time."); pick = Console.ReadLine(); } while (pick.Length <= 0); var weapon = new Weapon(); var armor = new Armor(); var potion = new Potion(); switch (pick.Substring(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "w": if (WeaponCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out weapon)) { Hero.WeaponsBag.Remove(weapon); this.WeaponList.Add(weapon); Hero.Gold += weapon.ResellValue; Console.WriteLine($"Hero just sold {weapon.Name}, for {weapon.ResellValue}!"); Console.WriteLine($"Hero now has {Hero.Gold}! Time to go shopping!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "a": if (ArmorCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out armor)) { Hero.ArmorsBag.Remove(armor); this.ArmorList.Add(armor); Hero.Gold += armor.ResellValue; Console.WriteLine($"Hero just sold {armor.Name}, for {armor.ResellValue}!"); Console.WriteLine($"Hero now has {Hero.Gold}! Time to go shopping!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "p": if (PotionCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out potion)) { Hero.PotionBag.Remove(potion); this.PotionList.Add(potion); Hero.Gold += potion.ResellValue; Console.WriteLine($"Hero just sold {potion.Name}, for {potion.ResellValue}!"); Console.WriteLine($"Hero now has {Hero.Gold}! Time to go shopping!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "e": Console.Clear(); this.ShopMenu(); break; default: Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); break; } }
private void ExecutePuchase() { var pick = ""; do { Console.WriteLine($"\nWhich item would you like to purchase?"); Console.WriteLine($"Type E if you do not wish to purch anything at this time."); pick = Console.ReadLine(); } while (pick.Length <= 0); var weapon = new Weapon(); var armor = new Armor(); var potion = new Potion(); switch (pick.Substring(0, 1).ToLower()) { case "w": if (WeaponCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out weapon)) { if (Hero.Gold >= weapon.OriginalValue) { Hero.Gold -= weapon.OriginalValue; Hero.WeaponsBag.Add(weapon); WeaponList.Remove(weapon); Console.WriteLine($"Hero just purchased {weapon.Name}!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"You do not have enough Gold to purchase {weapon.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"{weapon.Name} costs {weapon.OriginalValue}, you only have {Hero.Gold -4:C0}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "a": if (ArmorCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out armor)) { if (Hero.Gold >= armor.OriginalValue) { Hero.Gold -= armor.OriginalValue; Hero.ArmorsBag.Add(armor); ArmorList.Remove(armor); Console.WriteLine($"Hero just purchased {armor.Name}!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"You do not have enough Gold to purchase {armor.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"{armor.Name} costs {armor.OriginalValue}, you only have {Hero.Gold -4:C0}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "p": if (PotionCatalog.TryGetValue(pick.Substring(0, 2), out potion)) { if (Hero.Gold >= potion.OriginalValue) { Hero.Gold -= potion.OriginalValue; Hero.PotionBag.Add(potion); PotionList.Remove(potion); Console.WriteLine($"Hero just purchased {potion.Name}!"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"You do not have enough Gold to purchase {potion.Name}"); Console.WriteLine($"{potion.Name} costs {potion.OriginalValue}, you only have {Hero.Gold - 4:C0}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); } break; case "e": Console.Clear(); this.ShopMenu(); break; default: Console.WriteLine($"Item {pick} does not exist..."); break; } }
public void AddPotions(string name, int number, int originalValue, int resellValue, int strength) { var potions = new Potion(name, number, strength, originalValue, resellValue); this.Potions.Add(potions); }