public static void TestProbability()
            Workshop_02_2_DICE dice02 = new Workshop_02_2_DICE();
            Workshop_02_2_DICE dice03 = new Workshop_02_2_DICE();

            int d02;
            int d03;
            int count = 0;

            for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++)

                d02 = dice02.getStrFaceUp();
                d03 = dice03.getStrFaceUp();

                if (d02 + d03 == 8)

            Console.WriteLine("\n TestProability() ");
            Console.WriteLine(" After throwing the dices a thousand times ... ... ");
            Console.WriteLine(" No. of count for getting 8 from throwing both dices a thousand times =  " + count++);
            Console.WriteLine($" Proability of getting 8 from throwing both dices a thousand times(approx.) = {(count++ *100/1000)} % ");
        public static void ModifiedTestProbability(int valueOfThrows)
            Workshop_02_2_DICE dice04 = new Workshop_02_2_DICE();
            Workshop_02_2_DICE dice05 = new Workshop_02_2_DICE();

            int d04;
            int d05;
            int count01 = 0;

            for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++)

                d04 = dice04.getStrFaceUp();
                d05 = dice05.getStrFaceUp();

                if (d04 + d05 == valueOfThrows)

            Console.WriteLine("\n ModifiedTestProability() ");
            Console.WriteLine(" After throwing the dices a thousand times ... ... ");
            Console.WriteLine(" No. of count for getting " + valueOfThrows + " from throwing both dices a thousand times =  " + count01++);

            Console.WriteLine($" Proability of getting {valueOfThrows} from throwing both dices a thousand times(approx.) = {(count01++ * 100 / 1000)} % ");
        public static void TestDice()
            Workshop_02_2_DICE dice01 = new Workshop_02_2_DICE();


            Console.WriteLine(" TestDice() ");
            Console.WriteLine(" Throwing the dice... ");
            Console.WriteLine(" Dice's face value: " + dice01.getStrFaceUp());