Esempio n. 1
 public GameAttributeDependency(GameAttribute attribute, int?key, bool usesExplicitKey,
                                bool isManualDependency)
     Attribute          = attribute;
     Key                = key;
     UsesExplicitKey    = usesExplicitKey;
     IsManualDependency = isManualDependency;
        public static void ProcessAttributes(GameAttribute[] attributes)
            // build string -> GameAttribute lookup
            var attributeLookup = attributes.ToDictionary(attr => attr.Name);
            // will contain C# code for the func<> body that represents each attribute's script.
            var csharpScripts = new Dictionary <GameAttribute, string>();

            // generate C#-compatible source lines from scripts and create attribute dependency lists
            foreach (GameAttribute attr in attributes)
                // check for valid script in the attribute and select it
                string script;

                if (attr.ScriptA.Length > 0 && attr.ScriptA != "0")
                    script = attr.ScriptA;
                else if (attr.ScriptB.Length > 0 && attr.ScriptB != "0")
                    script = attr.ScriptB;
                    continue;  // no valid script, done processing this attribute
                // by default all scripts are not settable
                // can be set to true if self-referring identifier is found
                attr.ScriptedAndSettable = false;

                // replace attribute references with GameAttributeMap lookups
                // also record all attributes used by script into each attribute's dependency list
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"([A-Za-z_]\w*)(\.Agg)?(\#[A-Za-z_]\w*)?(?=[^\(\w]|\z)( \?)?",
                                       (match) =>
                    // lookup attribute object
                    string identifierName = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    if (!attributeLookup.ContainsKey(identifierName))
                        throw new ScriptedAttributeInitializerError("invalid identifer parsed: " + identifierName);

                    GameAttribute identifier = attributeLookup[identifierName];

                    // key selection
                    int?key              = null;
                    string keyString     = "_key";
                    bool usesExplicitKey = false;

                    if (match.Groups[3].Success)
                        switch (match.Groups[3].Value.ToUpper())
                        case "#NONE": key = null; break;

                        case "#PHYSICAL": key = 0; break;

                        case "#FIRE": key = 1; break;

                        case "#LIGHTNING": key = 2; break;

                        case "#COLD": key = 3; break;

                        case "#POISON": key = 4; break;

                        case "#ARCANE": key = 5; break;

                        case "#HOLY": key = 6; break;

                            throw new ScriptedAttributeInitializerError("error processing attribute script, invalid key in identifier: " + match.Groups[3].Value);

                        if (key == null)
                            keyString = "null";
                            keyString = key.ToString();

                        usesExplicitKey = true;

                    // add comparsion for int attributes that are directly used in an ?: expression.
                    string compare = "";
                    if (match.Groups[4].Success)
                        compare = identifier is GameAttributeI ? " > 0 ?" : " ?";

                    // handle self-referring lookup. example: Resource.Agg
                    if (match.Groups[2].Success)
                        attr.ScriptedAndSettable = true;
                        return("_map._RawGetAttribute(GameAttribute." + identifierName
                               + ", " + keyString + ")" + compare);

                    // record dependency
                    if (identifier.Dependents == null)
                        identifier.Dependents = new List <GameAttributeDependency>();

                    identifier.Dependents.Add(new GameAttributeDependency(attr, key, usesExplicitKey, false));

                    // generate normal lookup
                    return("_map[GameAttribute." + identifierName + ", " + keyString + "]" + compare);

                // transform function calls into C# equivalents
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"floor\(", "(float)Math.Floor(", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"max\(", "Math.Max(", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"min\(", "Math.Min(", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"pin\(", "ScriptedAttributeInitializer.Pin(", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                // add C# single-precision affix to decimal literals. example: 1.25 => 1.25f
                script = Regex.Replace(script, @"\d+\.\d+", "$0f");

                csharpScripts[attr] = script;

            // generate and write final C# code to file
            string sourcePathBase = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "NullDScriptedAttributeFuncs");

            using (StreamWriter fout = new StreamWriter(sourcePathBase + ".cs"))
                    @"// This file was auto-generated by NullD class ScriptedAttributeInitializer
// It contains Funcs derived from GameAttribute.ScriptA/B scripts.
// Funcs will be assigned to their respective GameAttribute.ScriptFunc member.
using System;
using NullD.Net.GS.Message;
using NullD.Core.GS.Objects;

namespace NullD.Net.GS.Message.GeneratedCode
    public class ScriptedAttributeFuncs
                foreach (var scriptEntry in csharpScripts)
                    // select output type cast to ensure it matches attribute type
                    string castType = scriptEntry.Key is GameAttributeF ? "float" : "int";

                    // write out full Func static class field
                    fout.WriteLine("        public static Func<GameAttributeMap, int?, GameAttributeValue> {0} = (_map, _key) => new GameAttributeValue(({1})({2}));",

                    @"    }

            // compile code
            var options = new CompilerParameters();

            options.GenerateExecutable      = false;
            options.OutputAssembly          = sourcePathBase + ".dll";
            options.IncludeDebugInformation = true;

            var results = new CSharpCodeProvider().CompileAssemblyFromFile(options, sourcePathBase + ".cs");

            if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder emsg = new StringBuilder();
                emsg.AppendLine("encountered errors compiling attribute funcs:");
                foreach (var e in results.Errors)

                throw new ScriptedAttributeInitializerError(emsg.ToString());

            // pull funcs from new assembly and assign them to their respective attributes
            Type funcs = results.CompiledAssembly.GetType("NullD.Net.GS.Message.GeneratedCode.ScriptedAttributeFuncs");

            foreach (var attr in csharpScripts.Keys)
                attr.ScriptFunc = (Func <GameAttributeMap, int?, GameAttributeValue>)funcs