Esempio n. 1
        internal static int GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndPortableLibrary(FrameworkName projectFrameworkName, FrameworkName packageTargetFrameworkName, NetPortableProfileTable portableProfileTable)
            NetPortableProfile profile  = NetPortableProfile.Parse(projectFrameworkName.get_Profile(), false, portableProfileTable);
            NetPortableProfile profile2 = NetPortableProfile.Parse(packageTargetFrameworkName.get_Profile(), true, portableProfileTable);
            int num  = 0;
            int num2 = 0;

            foreach (FrameworkName supportedPackageTargetFramework in profile2.SupportedFrameworks)
                FrameworkName name = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <FrameworkName>(profile.SupportedFrameworks, (Func <FrameworkName, bool>)(f => IsCompatible(f, supportedPackageTargetFramework, portableProfileTable)));
                if ((name != null) && (name.get_Version() > supportedPackageTargetFramework.get_Version()))
            foreach (FrameworkName optionalProjectFramework in profile.OptionalFrameworks)
                FrameworkName name2 = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <FrameworkName>(profile2.SupportedFrameworks, (Func <FrameworkName, bool>)(f => IsCompatible(f, optionalProjectFramework, portableProfileTable)));
                if ((name2 == null) || (name2.get_Version() > optionalProjectFramework.get_Version()))
                if ((name2 != null) && (name2.get_Version() < optionalProjectFramework.get_Version()))
            return(-((((((1 + profile.SupportedFrameworks.Count) + profile.OptionalFrameworks.Count) * num2) + num) * 50) + profile2.SupportedFrameworks.Count));
Esempio n. 2
        internal static long GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndNonPortableLibrary(FrameworkName frameworkName, FrameworkName portableFramework)
            NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(portableFramework.Profile);

            if (profile == null)
                // defensive coding, this should never happen
                Debug.Assert(false, "'portableFramework' is not a valid portable framework.");

            // among the supported frameworks by the Portable library, pick the one that is compatible with 'frameworkName'
            var compatibleFramework = profile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => IsCompatible(frameworkName, f));

            if (compatibleFramework != null)
                var score = GetProfileCompatibility(frameworkName, compatibleFramework);

                // This is to ensure that if two portable frameworks have the same score,
                // we pick the one that has less number of supported platforms.
                // The *2 is to make up for the /2 to which the result of this method is subject.
                score -= (profile.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2);


Esempio n. 3
        internal static long GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndNonPortableLibrary(FrameworkName projectFrameworkName, FrameworkName packagePortableFramework)
            NetPortableProfile packageFrameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(packagePortableFramework.Profile, treatOptionalFrameworksAsSupportedFrameworks: true);

            if (packageFrameworkProfile == null)
                // defensive coding, this should never happen
                Debug.Fail("'portableFramework' is not a valid portable framework.");

            // among the supported frameworks by the Portable library, pick the one that is compatible with 'projectFrameworkName'
            var compatibleFramework = packageFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => IsCompatible(projectFrameworkName, f));

            if (compatibleFramework != null)
                var score = GetProfileCompatibility(projectFrameworkName, compatibleFramework);

                // This is to ensure that if two portable frameworks have the same score,
                // we pick the one that has less number of supported platforms.
                // The *2 is to make up for the /2 to which the result of this method is subject.
                score -= (packageFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2);

            else if (NetPortableProfileTable.HasCompatibleProfileWith(packageFrameworkProfile, projectFrameworkName))
                // Get the list of portable profiles that supports projectFrameworkName
                // And, see if there is atleast 1 profile which is compatible with packageFrameworkProfile
                // If so, return 0 - (packageFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2)
                return(0 - (packageFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2));

Esempio n. 4
        public static string GetShortFrameworkName(FrameworkName frameworkName)
            // Do a reverse lookup in _frameworkNameAlias. This is so that we can produce the more user-friendly
            // "windowsphone" string, rather than "sl3-wp". The latter one is also prohibited in portable framework's profile string.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <FrameworkName, FrameworkName> pair in _frameworkNameAlias)
                // use our custom equality comparer because we want to perform case-insensitive comparison
                if (FrameworkNameEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(pair.Value, frameworkName))
                    frameworkName = pair.Key;

            string name;

            if (!_identifierToFrameworkFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Identifier, out name))
                name = frameworkName.Identifier;

            // for Portable framework name, the short name has the form "portable-sl4+wp7+net45"
            string profile;

            if (name.Equals("portable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                NetPortableProfile portableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(frameworkName.Profile);
                if (portableProfile != null)
                    profile = portableProfile.CustomProfileString;
                    profile = frameworkName.Profile;
                // only show version part if it's >
                if (frameworkName.Version > new Version(0, 0))
                    // Remove the . from versions
                    name += frameworkName.Version.ToString().Replace(".", String.Empty);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkName.Profile))

                if (!_identifierToProfileFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Profile, out profile))
                    profile = frameworkName.Profile;

            return(name + "-" + profile);
Esempio n. 5
        private static bool IsPortableLibraryCompatible(FrameworkName frameworkName, FrameworkName targetFrameworkName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFrameworkName.Profile))

            NetPortableProfile targetFrameworkPortableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(targetFrameworkName.Profile);

            if (targetFrameworkPortableProfile == null)

            if (frameworkName.IsPortableFramework())
                // this is the case with Portable Library vs. Portable Library
                if (String.Equals(frameworkName.Profile, targetFrameworkName.Profile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                NetPortableProfile frameworkPortableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(frameworkName.Profile);
                if (frameworkPortableProfile == null)

                // this is the case with Portable Library installed into a normal project
                bool isCompatible = targetFrameworkPortableProfile.IsCompatibleWith(frameworkName);

                if (!isCompatible)
                    // TODO: Remove this logic when out dependencies have moved to ASP.NET Core 5.0
                    // as this logic is super fuzzy and terrible
                    if (string.Equals(frameworkName.Identifier, AspNetCoreFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var frameworkIdentifierLookup = targetFrameworkPortableProfile.SupportedFrameworks
                                                        .ToLookup(f => f.Identifier);

                        if (frameworkIdentifierLookup[NetFrameworkIdentifier].Any(f => f.Version >= new Version(4, 5)) &&
                            frameworkIdentifierLookup[NetCoreFrameworkIdentifier].Any(f => f.Version >= new Version(4, 5)))

Esempio n. 6
        internal static long GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndNonPortableLibrary(FrameworkName projectFrameworkName, FrameworkName packagePortableFramework, NetPortableProfileTable portableProfileTable)
            NetPortableProfile packageFramework = NetPortableProfile.Parse(packagePortableFramework.get_Profile(), true, portableProfileTable);

            if (packageFramework == null)
            FrameworkName packageTargetFrameworkName = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <FrameworkName>(packageFramework.SupportedFrameworks, (Func <FrameworkName, bool>)(f => IsCompatible(projectFrameworkName, f, portableProfileTable)));

            return((packageTargetFrameworkName == null) ? (!portableProfileTable.HasCompatibleProfileWith(packageFramework, projectFrameworkName, portableProfileTable) ? -9223372036854775808L : ((long)(0 - (packageFramework.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2)))) : (GetProfileCompatibility(projectFrameworkName, packageTargetFrameworkName, portableProfileTable) - (packageFramework.SupportedFrameworks.Count * 2)));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to calculate how compatible a portable framework folder is to a portable project.
        /// The two portable frameworks passed to this method MUST be compatible with each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned score will be negative value.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static int GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndPortableLibrary(FrameworkName frameworkName, FrameworkName targetFrameworkName)
            // Algorithms: Give a score from 0 to N indicating how close *in version* each package platform is the project’s platforms
            // and then choose the folder with the lowest score. If the score matches, choose the one with the least platforms.
            // For example:
            // Project targeting: .NET 4.5 + SL5 + WP71
            // Package targeting:
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0)                            == 0
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 0
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 1
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 2
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL4 (1) + WP70 (1) + Win8 (0)                 == 3
            // Above, there’s two matches with the same result, choose the one with the least amount of platforms.
            // There will be situations, however, where there is still undefined behavior, such as:
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0)                            == 1
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0)                            == 1

            NetPortableProfile frameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(frameworkName.Profile);

            Debug.Assert(frameworkName != null);

            NetPortableProfile targetFrameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(targetFrameworkName.Profile);

            Debug.Assert(targetFrameworkName != null);

            int score = 0;

            foreach (var framework in targetFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks)
                var matchingFramework = frameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => IsCompatible(f, framework));
                if (matchingFramework != null && matchingFramework.Version > framework.Version)

            // This is to ensure that if two portable frameworks have the same score,
            // we pick the one that has less number of supported platforms.
            score = score * 50 + targetFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count;

            // Our algorithm returns lowest score for the most compatible framework.
            // However, the caller of this method expects it to have the highest score.
            // Hence, we return the negative value of score here.
Esempio n. 8
 private static Version GetEffectiveFrameworkVersion(FrameworkName projectFramework, FrameworkName targetFrameworkVersion, NetPortableProfileTable portableProfileTable)
     if (targetFrameworkVersion.IsPortableFramework())
         NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(targetFrameworkVersion.get_Profile(), false, portableProfileTable);
         if (profile != null)
             FrameworkName name = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <FrameworkName>(profile.SupportedFrameworks, (Func <FrameworkName, bool>)(f => IsCompatible(projectFramework, f, portableProfileTable)));
             if (name != null)
Esempio n. 9
        internal static int GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndNonPortableLibrary(FrameworkName frameworkName, FrameworkName portableFramework)
            NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(portableFramework.Profile);

            if (profile == null)
                // defensive coding, this should never happen
                Debug.Fail("'portableFramework' is not a valid portable framework.");

            // among the supported frameworks by the Portable library, pick the one that is compatible with 'frameworkName'
            var compatibleFramework = profile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => VersionUtility.IsCompatible(frameworkName, f));

            return(compatibleFramework == null ? 0 : GetProfileCompatibility(frameworkName, compatibleFramework));
Esempio n. 10
        public static string GetShortFrameworkName(FrameworkName frameworkName, NetPortableProfileTable portableProfileTable)
            string str;
            string str2;

            if (frameworkName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("frameworkName");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <FrameworkName, FrameworkName> pair in _frameworkNameAlias)
                if (FrameworkNameEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(pair.Value, frameworkName))
                    frameworkName = pair.Key;
            if (!_identifierToFrameworkFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.get_Identifier(), out str))
                str = frameworkName.get_Identifier();
            if (str.Equals("portable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (portableProfileTable == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(NuGetResources.PortableProfileTableMustBeSpecified, "portableProfileTable");
                NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(frameworkName.get_Profile(), false, portableProfileTable);
                str2 = (profile == null) ? frameworkName.get_Profile() : profile.CustomProfileString;
                if (frameworkName.get_Version() > new Version())
                    str = str + frameworkName.get_Version().ToString().Replace(".", string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkName.get_Profile()))
                if (!_identifierToProfileFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.get_Profile(), out str2))
                    str2 = frameworkName.get_Profile();
            return(str + "-" + str2);
Esempio n. 11
        private static Version GetEffectiveFrameworkVersion(FrameworkName projectFramework, FrameworkName targetFrameworkVersion)
            if (targetFrameworkVersion.IsPortableFramework())
                NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(targetFrameworkVersion.Profile);
                if (profile != null)
                    // if it's a portable library, return the version of the matching framework
                    var compatibleFramework = profile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => VersionUtility.IsCompatible(projectFramework, f));
                    if (compatibleFramework != null)

        private static bool IsPortableLibraryCompatible(
            NetPortableProfileTable table,
            FrameworkName projectFrameworkName,
            FrameworkName packageTargetFrameworkName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageTargetFrameworkName.Profile))

            NetPortableProfile targetFrameworkPortableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(table, packageTargetFrameworkName.Profile);

            if (targetFrameworkPortableProfile == null)

            if (projectFrameworkName.IsPortableFramework())
                // this is the case with Portable Library vs. Portable Library
                if (string.Equals(projectFrameworkName.Profile, packageTargetFrameworkName.Profile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                NetPortableProfile frameworkPortableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(table, projectFrameworkName.Profile);
                if (frameworkPortableProfile == null)

                // this is the case with Portable Library installed into a normal project
                return(targetFrameworkPortableProfile.IsCompatibleWith(table, projectFrameworkName));
Esempio n. 13
        private static bool IsPortableLibraryCompatible(FrameworkName projectFrameworkName, FrameworkName packageTargetFrameworkName, NetPortableProfileTable portableProfileTable)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageTargetFrameworkName.get_Profile()))
            NetPortableProfile profile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(packageTargetFrameworkName.get_Profile(), false, portableProfileTable);

            if (profile == null)
            if (!projectFrameworkName.IsPortableFramework())
            if (string.Equals(projectFrameworkName.get_Profile(), packageTargetFrameworkName.get_Profile(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            NetPortableProfile projectFrameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(projectFrameworkName.get_Profile(), false, portableProfileTable);

            return((projectFrameworkProfile != null) ? profile.IsCompatibleWith(projectFrameworkProfile, portableProfileTable) : false);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to calculate how compatible a portable framework folder is to a portable project.
        /// The two portable frameworks passed to this method MUST be compatible with each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned score will be negative value.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static int GetCompatibilityBetweenPortableLibraryAndPortableLibrary(FrameworkName projectFrameworkName, FrameworkName packageTargetFrameworkName)
            // Algorithms: Give a score from 0 to N indicating how close *in version* each package platform is the project’s platforms
            // and then choose the folder with the lowest score. If the score matches, choose the one with the least platforms.
            // For example:
            // Project targeting: .NET 4.5 + SL5 + WP71
            // Package targeting:
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0)                            == 0
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 0
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 1
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0) + Win8 (0)                 == 2
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL4 (1) + WP70 (1) + Win8 (0)                 == 3
            // Above, there’s two matches with the same result, choose the one with the least amount of platforms.
            // There will be situations, however, where there is still undefined behavior, such as:
            // .NET 4.5 (0) + SL4 (1) + WP71 (0)                            == 1
            // .NET 4.0 (1) + SL5 (0) + WP71 (0)                            == 1

            NetPortableProfile projectFrameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(projectFrameworkName.Profile);

            Debug.Assert(projectFrameworkProfile != null);

            NetPortableProfile packageTargetFrameworkProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(packageTargetFrameworkName.Profile, treatOptionalFrameworksAsSupportedFrameworks: true);

            Debug.Assert(packageTargetFrameworkProfile != null);

            int nonMatchingCompatibleFrameworkCount = 0;
            int inCompatibleOptionalFrameworkCount  = 0;

            foreach (var supportedPackageTargetFramework in packageTargetFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks)
                var compatibleProjectFramework = projectFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => IsCompatible(f, supportedPackageTargetFramework));
                if (compatibleProjectFramework != null && compatibleProjectFramework.Version > supportedPackageTargetFramework.Version)

            foreach (var optionalProjectFramework in projectFrameworkProfile.OptionalFrameworks)
                var compatiblePackageTargetFramework = packageTargetFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.FirstOrDefault(f => IsCompatible(f, optionalProjectFramework));
                if (compatiblePackageTargetFramework == null || compatiblePackageTargetFramework.Version > optionalProjectFramework.Version)
                else if (compatiblePackageTargetFramework != null && compatiblePackageTargetFramework.Version < optionalProjectFramework.Version)
                    // we check again if the package version < project version, because, if they are equal, they are matching compatible frameworks
                    // neither inCompatibleOptionalFrameworkCount nor nonMatchingCompatibleFrameworkCount should be incremented

            // The following is the maximum project framework count which is also the maximum possible incompatibilities
            int maxPossibleIncompatibleFrameworkCount = 1 + projectFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count + projectFrameworkProfile.OptionalFrameworks.Count;

            // This is to ensure that profile with compatible optional frameworks wins over profiles without, even, when supported frameworks are highly compatible
            // If there are no incompatible optional frameworks, the score below will be simply nonMatchingCompatibleFrameworkCount
            // For example, Let Project target net45+sl5+monotouch+monoandroid. And, Package has 4 profiles, (THIS EXAMPLE IS LIKELY NOT A REAL_WORLD SCENARIO :))
            // A: net45+sl5, B: net40+sl5+monotouch, C: net40+sl4+monotouch+monoandroid, D: net40+sl4+monotouch+monoandroid+wp71
            // At this point, Compatibility is as follows. C = D > B > A. Scores for A = (5 * 2 + 0), B = (5 * 1 + 1), C = (5 * 0 + 2), D = (5 * 0 + 2)
            // The scores are 10, 6, 2 and 2. Both C and D are the most compatible with a score of 2
            // Clearly, having more number of frameworks, supported and optional, that are compatible is preferred over most compatible supported frameworks alone
            int score = maxPossibleIncompatibleFrameworkCount * inCompatibleOptionalFrameworkCount +

            // This is to ensure that if two portable frameworks have the same score,
            // we pick the one that has less number of supported platforms.
            // In the example described in comments above, both C and D had an equal score of 2. With the following correction, new scores are as follows
            // A = (10 * 50 + 2), B = (6 * 50 + 3), C = (2 * 50 + 4), D = (2 * 50 + 5)
            // A = 502, B = 303, C = 104, D = 105. And, C has the lowest score and the most compatible
            score = score * 50 + packageTargetFrameworkProfile.SupportedFrameworks.Count;

            // Our algorithm returns lowest score for the most compatible framework.
            // However, the caller of this method expects it to have the highest score.
            // Hence, we return the negative value of score here.
        internal static string GetShortFrameworkName(NetPortableProfileTable table, FrameworkName frameworkName)
            if (frameworkName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("frameworkName");

            // Do a reverse lookup in _frameworkNameAlias. This is so that we can produce the more user-friendly
            // "windowsphone" string, rather than "sl3-wp". The latter one is also prohibited in portable framework's profile string.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <FrameworkName, FrameworkName> pair in _frameworkNameAlias)
                // use our custom equality comparer because we want to perform case-insensitive comparison
                if (FrameworkNameEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(pair.Value, frameworkName))
                    frameworkName = pair.Key;

            if (frameworkName.Version.Major == 5 &&
                frameworkName.Version.Minor == 0 &&
                frameworkName.Identifier.Equals(NetPlatformFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Normalize version 5.0 to 0.0 for display purposes for dotnet
                frameworkName = new FrameworkName(frameworkName.Identifier, _emptyVersion, frameworkName.Profile);

            string name;

            if (!_identifierToFrameworkFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Identifier, out name))
                name = frameworkName.Identifier;

            // for Portable framework name, the short name has the form "portable-sl4+wp7+net45"
            string profile;

            if (name.Equals("portable", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var portableProfile = NetPortableProfile.Parse(

                if (portableProfile != null)
                    profile = portableProfile.CustomProfileString;
                    profile = frameworkName.Profile;
                // only show version part if it's >
                if (frameworkName.Version > new Version())
                    // Remove the . from versions
                    if (RequiresDecimalVersioning(frameworkName.Version))
                        // This version has digits over 10 and must be expressed using decimals
                        name += GetDecimalVersionString(frameworkName.Version);
                        if (frameworkName.Identifier.Equals(NetStandardAppFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                            frameworkName.Identifier.Equals(NetStandardFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                            frameworkName.Identifier.Equals(NetPlatformFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                            frameworkName.Identifier.Equals(NetCoreAppFrameworkIdentifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            // do not remove the . from versions for dotnet/netstandard(app)/netcoreapp frameworks
                            name += frameworkName.Version.ToString();
                            // remove the . from versions
                            name += frameworkName.Version.ToString().Replace(".", string.Empty);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkName.Profile))

                if (!_identifierToProfileFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Profile, out profile))
                    profile = frameworkName.Profile;

            return(name + "-" + profile);