Esempio n. 1
        // Dynamically determine which SDK version to copy by checking the TFM of test project assembly and the dotnet.dll.
        private static string GetSdkToTestByAssemblyPath(string testAssemblyPath)
            // The TFM we're testing
            var testTfm = AssemblyReader.GetTargetFramework(testAssemblyPath);

            var selectedVersion =
                Directory.EnumerateDirectories(SdkDirSource) // get all directories in sdk folder
                .Where(path =>
            {                                                // SDK is for TFM to test
                if (string.Equals(Path.GetFileName(path), "NuGetFallbackFolder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                var dotnetPath = Path.Combine(path, "dotnet.dll");
                var sdkTfm     = AssemblyReader.GetTargetFramework(dotnetPath);

                return(testTfm == sdkTfm);
                .Select(Path.GetFileName)                                              // just the folder name (version string)
                .OrderByDescending(path => NuGetVersion.Parse(Path.GetFileName(path))) // in case there are multiple matching SDKs, selected the highest version

            if (selectedVersion == null)
                var message = $@"Could not find suitable SDK to test in {SdkDirSource}
TFM being tested: {testTfm.DotNetFrameworkName}
SDKs found: {string.Join(", ", Directory.EnumerateDirectories(SdkDirSource).Select(Path.GetFileName).Where(d => !string.Equals(d, "NuGetFallbackFolder", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))}";

                throw new Exception(message);

Esempio n. 2
        // For non fullframework code path, we could dynamically determine which SDK version to copy by checking the TFM of test project assembly and the dotnet.dll.
        public static TestDirectory CopyAndPatchLatestDotnetCli(string testAssemblyPath)
            CliDirSource = Path.GetDirectoryName(TestFileSystemUtility.GetDotnetCli());
            SdkDirSource = Path.Combine(CliDirSource, "sdk" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            // Dynamically determine which SDK version to copy
            SdkVersion = GetSdkToTestByAssemblyPath(testAssemblyPath);

            // Dynamically determine the TFM of the dotnet.dll
            SdkTfm = AssemblyReader.GetTargetFramework(Path.Combine(SdkDirSource, SdkVersion, "dotnet.dll"));

            var cliDirDestination = TestDirectory.Create();


Esempio n. 3
        // For non fullframework code path, we could dynamically determine which SDK version to copy by checking the TFM of TestDotnetCLiUtility.dll and the dotnet.dll,
        // so there is no need to pass sdkVersion or sdkTfm.
        // But for fullframework code path, the test project dll could not be used to dynamically determine which SDK version to copy,
        // so we need to specify the sdkVersion and sdkTfm in order to patch the right version of SDK.
        public static TestDirectory CopyAndPatchLatestDotnetCli(string sdkVersion = null, string sdkTfm = null)
            CliDirSource = Path.GetDirectoryName(TestFileSystemUtility.GetDotnetCli());
            SdkDirSource = Path.Combine(CliDirSource, "sdk" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

            if (sdkVersion == null)
                // Dynamically determine which SDK version to copy
                SdkVersion = GetSdkToTest();
                // Use specified sdkVersion
                SdkVersion = GetSdkToTest(sdkVersion);

            if (sdkTfm == null)
                // Dynamically determine the TFM of the dotnet.dll
                SdkTfm = AssemblyReader.GetTargetFramework(Path.Combine(SdkDirSource, SdkVersion, "dotnet.dll"));
                // Use specified sdkVersion
                SdkTfm = NuGetFramework.Parse(sdkTfm);

            var cliDirDestination = TestDirectory.Create();
