Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the content of the other runtime graph in to this runtime graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other graph to merge in to this graph</param>
        public static RuntimeGraph Merge(RuntimeGraph left, RuntimeGraph right)
            var runtimes = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeDescription>();

            foreach (var runtime in left.Runtimes.Values)
                runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = runtime.Clone();

            // Merge the right-side runtimes
            foreach (var runtime in right.Runtimes.Values)
                // Check if we already have the runtime defined
                RuntimeDescription leftRuntime;
                if (runtimes.TryGetValue(runtime.RuntimeIdentifier, out leftRuntime))
                    // Merge runtimes
                    runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = RuntimeDescription.Merge(leftRuntime, runtime);
                    runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = runtime;

            return(new RuntimeGraph(runtimes.Values));
Esempio n. 2
        private static void WriteRuntimeDescription(JObject jObject, RuntimeDescription data)
            var value = new JObject();

            jObject[data.RuntimeIdentifier] = value;
            value["#import"] = new JArray(data.InheritedRuntimes.Select(x => new JValue(x)));
            foreach (var x in data.RuntimeDependencySets.Values)
                WriteRuntimeDependencySet(value, x);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void WriteRuntimeDescription(IObjectWriter writer, RuntimeDescription data)

            writer.WriteNameArray("#import", data.InheritedRuntimes);

            var sortedDependencySets = data.RuntimeDependencySets
                                       .OrderBy(pair => pair.Key, StringComparer.Ordinal)
                                       .Select(pair => pair.Value);

            foreach (var set in sortedDependencySets)
                WriteRuntimeDependencySet(writer, set);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the content of the other runtime graph in to this runtime graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The other graph to merge in to this graph</param>
        public static RuntimeGraph Merge(RuntimeGraph left, RuntimeGraph right)
            var runtimes = new Dictionary <string, RuntimeDescription>();

            foreach (var runtime in left.Runtimes.Values)
                runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = runtime.Clone();

            // Merge the right-side runtimes
            foreach (var runtime in right.Runtimes.Values)
                // Check if we already have the runtime defined
                RuntimeDescription leftRuntime;
                if (runtimes.TryGetValue(runtime.RuntimeIdentifier, out leftRuntime))
                    // Merge runtimes
                    runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = RuntimeDescription.Merge(leftRuntime, runtime);
                    runtimes[runtime.RuntimeIdentifier] = runtime;

            // Copy over the right ones
            var supports = new Dictionary <string, CompatibilityProfile>();

            foreach (var compatProfile in right.Supports)
                supports[compatProfile.Key] = compatProfile.Value;

            // Overwrite with non-empty profiles from left
            foreach (var compatProfile in left.Supports.Where(p => p.Value.RestoreContexts.Any()))
                supports[compatProfile.Key] = compatProfile.Value;

            return(new RuntimeGraph(runtimes, supports));