internal SystemEnvironmentValue(string name, byte[] value, OptionalInt32 attributes, OptionalGuid vendor_guid)
     Name       = name;
     Value      = value;
     Attributes = (SystemEnvironmentValueAttribute)attributes.Value;
     VendorGuid = vendor_guid.Value;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Wake the thread from an alertable state and resume the thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The previous suspend count for the thread.</returns>
        public int AlertResume()
            OptionalInt32 suspend_count = new OptionalInt32();

            NtSystemCalls.NtAlertResumeThread(Handle, suspend_count).ToNtException();
 public static extern NtStatus NtQueryIoCompletion(
     SafeKernelObjectHandle IoCompletionHandle,
     IoCompletionInformationClass IoCompletionInformationClass,
     SafeBuffer IoCompletionInformation,
     int IoCompletionInformationLength,
     OptionalInt32 ReturnLength
Esempio n. 4
 public static extern NtStatus NtQueryEaFile(
     SafeKernelObjectHandle FileHandle,
     [Out] IoStatus IoStatusBlock,
     [Out] byte[] Buffer,
     int Length,
     bool ReturnSingleEntry,
     SafeBuffer EaList,
     int EaListLength,
     [In] OptionalInt32 EaIndex,
     bool RestartScan
 public static extern NtStatus NtAlpcConnectPort(
     out SafeKernelObjectHandle PortHandle,
     [In] UnicodeString PortName,
     [Optional, In] ObjectAttributes ObjectAttributes,
     [Optional, In] AlpcPortAttributes PortAttributes,
     uint Flags,
     [Optional] IntPtr RequiredServerSid,
     [Optional, In, Out] AlpcPortMessage ConnectionMessage,
     [Optional, In, Out] OptionalInt32 BufferLength,
     [Optional, In, Out] AlpcMessageAtributes OutMessageAttributes,
     [Optional, In, Out] AlpcMessageAtributes InMessageAttributes,
     [Optional, In] LargeInteger Timeout
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Query a single system environment value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the value.</param>
        /// <param name="vendor_guid">The associated vendor guid</param>
        /// <param name="throw_on_error">True to throw on error.</param>
        /// <returns>The system environment value.</returns>
        public static NtResult <SystemEnvironmentValue> QuerySystemEnvironmentValue(string name, Guid vendor_guid, bool throw_on_error)
            UnicodeString name_string  = new UnicodeString(name);
            int           value_length = 0;
            NtStatus      status       = NtSystemCalls.NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(name_string, ref vendor_guid, null, ref value_length, 0);

            if (status != NtStatus.STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
                return(status.CreateResultFromError <SystemEnvironmentValue>(throw_on_error));

            byte[]        value      = new byte[value_length];
            OptionalInt32 attributes = new OptionalInt32();

            return(NtSystemCalls.NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(name_string, ref vendor_guid, value, ref value_length, attributes)
                   .CreateResult(throw_on_error, () => new SystemEnvironmentValue(name, value, attributes, vendor_guid)));
 public static extern NtStatus NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx([In] UnicodeString ValueName,
                                                               ref Guid VendorGuid, [Out] byte[] Value, ref int ValueLength, OptionalInt32 Attributes);
Esempio n. 8
 public static extern NtStatus NtLockProductActivationKeys(
     OptionalInt32 pPrivateVer, OptionalInt32 pSafeMode);
Esempio n. 9
 public static extern NtStatus NtAlertResumeThread(
     SafeKernelObjectHandle ThreadHandle,
     [Out] OptionalInt32 PreviousSuspendCount
Esempio n. 10
 public static extern NtStatus LdrLoadDll(
     IntPtr Flags,
     OptionalInt32 DllCharacteristics,
     UnicodeString DllName,
     out IntPtr DllHandle
        /// <summary>
        /// Wake the thread from an alertable state and resume the thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="throw_on_error">True to throw on error.</param>
        /// <returns>The previous suspend count for the thread.</returns>
        public NtResult <int> AlertResume(bool throw_on_error)
            OptionalInt32 suspend_count = new OptionalInt32();

            return(NtSystemCalls.NtAlertResumeThread(Handle, suspend_count).CreateResult(throw_on_error, () => suspend_count.Value));