/// <summary>
        ///     Collects batchSize elements from an LdapSearchQueue message
        ///     queue and places them in a Vector.
        ///     If the last message from the server,
        ///     the result message, contains an error, it will be stored in the Vector
        ///     for nextElement to process. (although it does not increment the search
        ///     result count) All search result entries will be placed in the Vector.
        ///     If a null is returned from getResponse(), it is likely that the search
        ///     was abandoned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     true if all search results have been placed in the vector.
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <bool> GetBatchOfResultsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            LdapMessage msg;

            // <=batchSize so that we can pick up the result-done message
            for (var i = 0; i < _batchSize;)
                    if ((msg = await _queue.GetResponse(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) != null)
                        // Only save controls if there are some
                        var ctls = msg.Controls;
                        if (ctls != null)
                            ResponseControls = ctls;

                        if (msg is LdapSearchResult)
                            // Search Entry
                            object entry = ((LdapSearchResult)msg).Entry;
                        else if (msg is LdapSearchResultReference)
                            // Search Ref
                            var refs = ((LdapSearchResultReference)msg).Referrals;

                            if (_cons.ReferralFollowing)
                                _referralConn = await _conn.ChaseReferralAsync(_queue, _cons, msg, refs, 0, true, _referralConn, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            // LdapResponse
                            var resp       = (LdapResponse)msg;
                            var resultCode = resp.ResultCode;

                            // Check for an embedded exception
                            if (resp.HasException())
                                // Fake it, results in an exception when msg read
                                resultCode = LdapException.ConnectError;

                            if (resultCode == LdapException.Referral && _cons.ReferralFollowing)
                                // Following referrals
                                _referralConn = await _conn.ChaseReferralAsync(_queue, _cons, resp, resp.Referrals, 0, false, _referralConn, cancellationToken : cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            else if (resultCode != LdapException.Success)
                                // Results in an exception when message read

                            // We are done only when we have read all messages
                            // including those received from following referrals
                            var msgIDs   = _queue.MessageIDs;
                            var controls = _cons.GetControls();
                            if (msgIDs.Length == 0 && (controls == null || controls.Length == 0))
                                // Release referral exceptions
                                await _conn.ReleaseReferralConnections(_referralConn, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                return(true); // search completed
                        // We get here if the connection timed out
                        // we have no responses, no message IDs and no exceptions
                        var e = new LdapException(null, LdapException.LdapTimeout, null);
                catch (LdapException e)
                    // Hand exception off to user

            return(false); // search not completed