Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts from <see cref="DoubleMatrixRow"/> to <see cref="DoubleMatrix"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The object to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>The converted object.</returns>
        public static DoubleMatrix ToDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrixRow value)
            if (value is null)

            return(value.collection.matrix[value.rowIndex, ":"]);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the current object with another object of the same type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <inheritdoc cref="DoubleMatrixRow"
        /// path="para[@id='quasi.lexicographic.order']"/>
        /// <inheritdoc cref="DoubleMatrixRow"
        /// path="para[@id='quasi.lexicographic.equality']"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>A value that indicates the relative order of the objects
        /// being compared. The return value has the following meanings:
        ///      <list type="table">
        ///         <listheader>
        ///            <term>Value</term>
        ///            <term>Meaning</term>
        ///         </listheader>
        ///         <item>
        ///            <term>Less than zero</term>
        ///            <term>This object is less than the <paramref name="other" /> parameter.</term>
        ///         </item>
        ///         <item>
        ///            <term>Zero</term>
        ///            <term>This object is equal to <paramref name="other" />.</term>
        ///         </item>
        ///         <item>
        ///            <term>Greater than zero</term>
        ///            <term>This object is greater than <paramref name="other" />.</term>
        ///         </item>
        ///    </list>
        /// </returns>
        /// <seealso href=""/>
        public int CompareTo(DoubleMatrixRow other)
            if (other is null)

            //  A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared.
            //  The return value has the following meanings:
            //  Value                    Meaning
            //  Less than zero          This object is less than the other parameter.
            //  Zero                    This object is equal to other.
            //  Greater than zero        This object is greater than other.

            // Quasi-lexicographic order

            // Order by length first
            int thisLength       = this.Length;
            int lengthDifference = other.Length - thisLength;

            if (lengthDifference > 0)

            if (lengthDifference < 0)

            // Here if and only if lengthDifference == 0

            int    result = 0;
            double thisValue, otherValue;

            for (int j = 0; j < thisLength; j++)
                thisValue  = this[j];
                otherValue = other[j];
                if (thisValue < otherValue)
                    result = -1;
                else if (thisValue > otherValue)
                    result = 1;

Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other" />
 /// parameter; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <inheritdoc cref="DoubleMatrixRow"
 /// path="para[@id='quasi.lexicographic.order']"/>
 /// <inheritdoc cref="DoubleMatrixRow"
 /// path="para[@id='quasi.lexicographic.equality']"/>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <seealso href=""/>
 public bool Equals(DoubleMatrixRow other)
     return(0 == this.CompareTo(other));
 public DoubleMatrixRowEnumerator(DoubleMatrixRow matrixRow)
     this.matrixRow = matrixRow;