Esempio n. 1
 // Initializes a new client handler
 public void startClient(TcpClient inClientSocket, int inClientCode, ConnectionManager managerRef, Queue<LogEntry> queueRef = null)
     // Set the manager of this handler to the provided reference
     manager = managerRef;
     // Set the socket in use to the provided reference
     clientSocket = inClientSocket;
     // Set the client code to the provided code
     clientCode = inClientCode;
     // Set the last interaction time to the current time
     lastReceived = DateTime.Now;
     // If a log queue was provided, set this class to generate log entries
     if (queueRef != null)
         logQueue = queueRef;
         verbose = true;
     // Set the main interaction loop to keep running
     keepRunning = true;
     // Create an SQL connection handler for this object to use
     sqlConnect = new SQLConnect();
     // Create a new thread to handle server-client interaction
     clientThread = new Thread(Handle);
     // Start the thread
Esempio n. 2
        // Called when the start server button is clicked
        private void startServerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Disable the start server button
            startServerButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // Create a test connection to validate connection to SQL server
            Log("Creating SQL test connection...");
            SQLConnect testConnection = new SQLConnect(logQueue);

            // Create a new connection manager and start it in a new thread
            Log("Initializing Connection Manager...");
            connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(logQueue);
            connectionManagerThread = new Thread(connectionManager.Listen);

            // Enable the close server button
            closeServerButton.IsEnabled = true;