public void PlayIntervalsAndConfirmTheirName() { const int totalIterations = 10; const int sectionCount = 2; const int iterationsPerSection = totalIterations / sectionCount; const int secondsToSleep = 5; var notes = new MusicalNotes(); var setOfTones = new NoteUtility(_toneProvider); var upperLimit = notes.GetAllNotes().Count - 1; SpeakIntroduction(); for (var i = 0; i < totalIterations; i++) { // do a break so that the listener has time to consolidate a bit if (i % iterationsPerSection == 0) { _synth.Speak($"This is; Musical Intervals: Section {i / iterationsPerSection + 1}"); } //we want substantially more ascending than descending intervals - this spread gives about 80%: var currentDirectionType = i % 3 == 0 ? NumberUtilities.Direction.Random : NumberUtilities.Direction.Ascending; var interval = NumberUtilities.GetRandomInterval(0, upperLimit, 12, _random, currentDirectionType); if (i < (totalIterations/2)) { // play the voice/piano versions... setOfTones.PlayIntervalWithCommentary(interval, secondsToSleep, "Emm", true); } else { setOfTones.PlayIntervalWithCommentary(interval, secondsToSleep); } } }
public void FrequencyCanBeGotViaSequence() { TraceExecutingMethod(); var notes = new MusicalNotes(); var frequency = notes.GetNoteFromSequence(KnownSequenceForFrequency).Frequency; Assert.AreEqual(TestFrequency, frequency); }
public void PlayAllNotes() { const int totalIterations = 1000; const int delayInSecondsBetweenAudioSnippets = 5; var notes = new MusicalNotes(); var setOfTones = new NoteUtility(_toneProvider); var frequencies = notes.GetAllFrequencies(); for (var i = 0; i < totalIterations; i++) { var intervalBoundaries = NumberUtilities.GetRandomInterval(0, 24, 12, _random); var frequency0 = frequencies[intervalBoundaries[0]]; var frequency1 = frequencies[intervalBoundaries[1]]; setOfTones.PlayNote(notes.GetNoteFromIndex(intervalBoundaries[0])); setOfTones.PlayNote(notes.GetNoteFromIndex(intervalBoundaries[1])); Console.WriteLine(frequency0); Console.WriteLine(frequency1); Console.WriteLine(frequency1 - frequency0); Thread.Sleep(delayInSecondsBetweenAudioSnippets * 1000); setOfTones.PlayNote(notes.GetNoteFromIndex(intervalBoundaries[0])); setOfTones.PlayNote(notes.GetNoteFromIndex(intervalBoundaries[1])); Thread.Sleep(delayInSecondsBetweenAudioSnippets * 1000); var semitoneCount = intervalBoundaries[1] - intervalBoundaries[0]; var spokenInterval = Intervals.GetInterval(semitoneCount); _synth.Speak(spokenInterval); Thread.Sleep(delayInSecondsBetweenAudioSnippets * 1000); } }
public void EachFrequencyInTheCollectionsNaturalOrderIsHigherThanThePrevious() { var notes = new MusicalNotes(); var previousFrequency = 0; foreach (var frequency in notes.GetAllFrequencies()) { Console.WriteLine(frequency); Assert.IsTrue(frequency > previousFrequency, $"The current frequency {frequency} is not higher than the previous frequency {previousFrequency}"); previousFrequency = frequency; } }
public void GettingFrequencyViaNonValidIndexThrowsException() { TraceExecutingMethod(); var notes = new MusicalNotes(); try { var dummy = notes.GetNoteFromIndex(999).Frequency; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Assert.AreEqual("No MusicalNote found with an index of [999]", e.Message); throw; } }
public void PlayIntervalsAndConfirmTheirNameNoSound() { const int totalIterations = 1000; const int sectionCount = 5; var iterationsPerSection = totalIterations/sectionCount; var notes = new MusicalNotes(); var upperLimit = notes.GetAllNotes().Count - 1; var directionTally = new Dictionary<int, int> { {(int) NumberUtilities.Direction.Ascending, 0}, {(int) NumberUtilities.Direction.Descending, 0} }; for (var i = 0; i < totalIterations; i++) { // do a break so that the listener has time to consolidate a bit if (i == 0) { Debug.WriteLine($"Section 1"); } else if (i%iterationsPerSection == 0) { Debug.WriteLine($"Section {i/iterationsPerSection + 1}"); } //we want substantially more ascending than descending: var currentDirectionType = i%3 == 0 ? NumberUtilities.Direction.Random : NumberUtilities.Direction.Ascending; var interval = NumberUtilities.GetRandomInterval(0, upperLimit, 12, RandomInterval, currentDirectionType); notes.GetNoteFromIndex(interval[0]); notes.GetNoteFromIndex(interval[1]); directionTally[(int) NumberUtilities.GetDirection(interval)]++; } Debug.WriteLine(directionTally[0]); Debug.WriteLine(directionTally[1]); }