/// <summary>
        /// Insert test data with new NorthwindDatabase() context
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>You need to insert the referencied data with InsertNorthwindReferencedData.InsertNorthwindReferencedData(...)</remarks>
        public static void InsertNorthwindTestData()
            var db = new NorthwindDatabase();

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert test data with given context
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        /// <param name="context">Local Northwind Context</param>
        public static void InsertNorthwindTestData(NorthwindDatabase context)
            List <Employees> employees = new List <Employees>()
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Florea", FirstName = "Andrei", Title = "Vice Presedinte, Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dr.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1952, 02, 18), HireDate = new DateTime(1992, 08, 13), Address = "Str.Hornului, nr. 22, ap 3, Bucuresti Sector 4", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "4", PostalCode = "031317", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0753255371", Extension = "", Notes = "Andrei a primit diploma de tehnician superior in 1984 si un doctorat in marketing international de la Universitatea din Dallas in 1991.Este fluent in franceza si italiana si citeste limba germana.A intrat in companie ca reprezentant de vanzari, a fost promovat in functia de director de vanzari in ianuarie 2002 si vicepresedinte al vanzarilor in martie 2003.Andrew este membru al camerei de comert din Seattle."
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Danciu", FirstName = "Nicoleta", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dra.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1948, 12, 07), HireDate = new DateTime(1992, 04, 30), Address = "Spl.Independentei, nr. 27, ap 27, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "050082", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0751292371", Extension = "", Notes = "Are o diploma de licenta in psihologie de la Universitatea de Stat din Colorado in 1980.Ea a completat, de asemenea, \"Arta apelului rece\".Nicoleta este membru al Toastmasters International.", ReportsTo = 2
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Leca", FirstName = "Ioana", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dra.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1963, 08, 29), HireDate = new DateTime(1992, 03, 31), Address = "Str.Cupolei, nr 54, ap 15, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "061158", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0723292441", Extension = "", Notes = "Ioana are o diploma in chimie din Boston College(1994). A finalizat un program de certificare in domeniul managementul vanzarii cu amanuntul a produselor alimentare. Ioana a fost angajata ca vanzatoare in 2001 si a fost promovata pe postul reprezentant vanzari in februarie 2002.", ReportsTo = 2
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Pescaru", FirstName = "Margareta", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dra", BirthDate = new DateTime(1937, 09, 18), HireDate = new DateTime(1993, 05, 02), Address = "Str.Hornului, nr. 22, ap 4, Bucuresti Sector 4", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "4", PostalCode = "031317", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0752212371", Extension = "", Notes = "Margareta detine o diploma de licenta in literatura engleza de la Concordia College(1978) si o diploma de licenta de la Institutul American de Arta culinara(1986).", ReportsTo = 2
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Bucurescu", FirstName = "Stefan", Title = "Manager Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dl.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1955, 03, 03), HireDate = new DateTime(1993, 10, 16), Address = "Str.Preciziei, nr 2, ap 32, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "062203", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0712292991", Extension = "", Notes = "Stefan a absolvit Universitatea din St. Andrews, Scotia, cu diploma in stiinte in 1986.Dupa ce s-a alaturat companiei ca reprezentant de vanzari in 2002, a petrecut 6 luni intr-un program de orientare la biroul din Seattle si apoi a revenit la postul sau permanent in Londra.A fost promovat manager de vanzari in martie 1993.Domnul Buchanan a absolvit cursurile \"Telemarketing de succes\" si \"Managementul vanzarilor internationale\".Este fluent in franceza.", ReportsTo = 2
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Surdu", FirstName = "Mihai", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dl.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1963, 07, 01), HireDate = new DateTime(1993, 10, 16), Address = "Str Ghirlandei, nr 5, ap 40, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "062242", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0751217471", Extension = "", Notes = "Mihai este absolvent al Universitatii din Sussex(MA, economie, 1993) si al Universitatii din California, Los Angeles(MBA, marketing, 2016). De asemenea, a luat cursurile \"Vanzari multiculturale\" si \"Managementul timpului pentru profesionistii in vanzari\".Este fluent in limba japoneza si poate citi si scrie franceza, portugheza si spaniola.", ReportsTo = 5
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Kiritescu", FirstName = "Robert", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dl.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1960, 05, 28), HireDate = new DateTime(1994, 01, 01), Address = "Str.Fabricii, nr 4, ap 4, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "060823", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0718642371", Extension = "", Notes = "Robert a fost in Corpul Pacii si a calatorit mult inaintae de a - si incheia studiile in limba engleza la Universitatea din Michigan in 2002, anul in care sa alatura companiei. Dupa finalizarea cursului de \"Vanzarea in Europa\" a fost transferat la biroul din Londra in martie 2003.", ReportsTo = 5
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Cojocaru", FirstName = "Laura", Title = "Coordonator Vanzari Intern", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dra.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1958, 01, 08), HireDate = new DateTime(1994, 03, 04), Address = "Str.Lugoj, nr 2, ap 12, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "012212", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0712392335", Extension = "", Notes = "Laura a obtinut o diploma in psihologie la Universitatea din Washington.De asemenea, a absolvit un curs de afaceri francez. Citeste si scrie franceza.", ReportsTo = 2
                new Employees()
                    LastName = "Dobrescu", FirstName = "Ana", Title = "Reprezentant Vanzari", TitleOfCourtesy = "Dra.", BirthDate = new DateTime(1966, 01, 26), HireDate = new DateTime(1994, 11, 14), Address = "Str.Comana, nr 2, ap 23, Bucuresti Sector 6", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "6", PostalCode = "011274", Country = "Romania", HomePhone = "0764882331", Extension = "", Notes = "Ana are o diploma de licenta in limba engleza de la Colegiul St. Lawrence.Este fluenta in franceza si germana.", ReportsTo = 5

            employees[0].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "12" || x.TerritoryID == "19" || x.TerritoryID == "23" || x.TerritoryID == "26" || x.TerritoryID == "27").ToList();
            employees[1].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "10" || x.TerritoryID == "34" || x.TerritoryID == "35" || x.TerritoryID == "36" || x.TerritoryID == "5" || x.TerritoryID == "9").ToList();
            employees[2].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "11" || x.TerritoryID == "12" || x.TerritoryID == "3" || x.TerritoryID == "35" || x.TerritoryID == "37" || x.TerritoryID == "38" || x.TerritoryID == "4").ToList();
            employees[3].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "11" || x.TerritoryID == "12" || x.TerritoryID == "13" || x.TerritoryID == "14" || x.TerritoryID == "16").ToList();
            employees[4].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "1" || x.TerritoryID == "2" || x.TerritoryID == "29" || x.TerritoryID == "33" || x.TerritoryID == "42" || x.TerritoryID == "43" || x.TerritoryID == "6").ToList();
            employees[5].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "22" || x.TerritoryID == "28" || x.TerritoryID == "29" || x.TerritoryID == "30" || x.TerritoryID == "31" || x.TerritoryID == "32" || x.TerritoryID == "33").ToList();
            employees[6].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "36" || x.TerritoryID == "37" || x.TerritoryID == "38" || x.TerritoryID == "39" || x.TerritoryID == "40" || x.TerritoryID == "41" || x.TerritoryID == "42").ToList();
            employees[7].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "15" || x.TerritoryID == "16" || x.TerritoryID == "17" || x.TerritoryID == "18" || x.TerritoryID == "20" || x.TerritoryID == "21" || x.TerritoryID == "25" || x.TerritoryID == "26" || x.TerritoryID == "39" || x.TerritoryID == "40" || x.TerritoryID == "7").ToList();
            employees[8].Territories = context.Territories.Where(x => x.TerritoryID == "17" || x.TerritoryID == "18" || x.TerritoryID == "20" || x.TerritoryID == "21" || x.TerritoryID == "23" || x.TerritoryID == "24" || x.TerritoryID == "26" || x.TerritoryID == "27" || x.TerritoryID == "7" || x.TerritoryID == "8").ToList();

            foreach (var empolyee in employees)
                //to keep the order

            List <Shippers> shippers = new List <Shippers>
                new Shippers()
                    CompanyName = "FedEx", Phone = "+40213034567"
                new Shippers()
                    CompanyName = "Urgent Cargus", Phone = "021 9330"
                new Shippers()
                    CompanyName = "FAN Courier", Phone = "+40742552233"

            foreach (var shipper in shippers)

            //customers and orders
            List <Customers> customers = new List <Customers>
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "ALFKI", CompanyName = "RadioCom S.A.", ContactName = "Danut Gogean", ContactTitle = "Reprezentant Vanzari", Address = "STR. 10 MAI nr. 15, DaMBOVITA", City = "Targoviste", Region = "Muntenia", PostalCode = "130062", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0245-216 446"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "ANATR", CompanyName = "OTE S.A.", ContactName = "Gabriella Anghelescu", ContactTitle = "Patron", Address = "Strada Caraiman 3, Constanta", City = "Constanta", Region = "Dobrogea", PostalCode = "907021", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0723-564 218", Fax = "0251.411688"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "ANTON", CompanyName = "Digi Telecom S.A.", ContactName = "Dorin Butacu", ContactTitle = "Patron", Address = "Piata Revolutiei 3/26, Maramures", City = "Maramures", Region = "Maramures", PostalCode = "873309", Country = "Romania", Phone = "+40(262)260999", Fax = "+40(262)271338"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "AROUT", CompanyName = "Cosmote S.A.", ContactName = "Ioana Draghici", ContactTitle = "Reprezentant Vanzari", Address = "STR. VULCAN SAMUIL nr. 16, BEIUS", City = "BIHOR", Region = "Crisana", PostalCode = "653271", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0259-320 222", Fax = "0251.418803"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "BERGS", CompanyName = "Telecom S.R.L.", ContactName = "Varujan Puscas", ContactTitle = "Administrator Comenzi", Address = "Bulevardul Ion Mihalache 148B, Bucuresti", City = "Bucuresti", Region = "Muntenia", PostalCode = "666708", Country = "Romania", Phone = "+40(21)2246714", Fax = "0251.413102"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "BLAUS", CompanyName = "Vodafone S.A.", ContactName = "Stefan Manole", ContactTitle = "Reprezentant Vanzari", Address = "STR. 9 MAI, BACAU", City = "Bacau", Region = "Moldova", PostalCode = "546708", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0740-082 824", Fax = "0251.413102"
                new Customers()
                    CustomerID = "BLONP", CompanyName = "Orange S.A.", ContactName = "Varujan Teodorescu", ContactTitle = "Director Marketing", Address = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", City = "SALAJ", Region = "Transilvania", PostalCode = "437945", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0260-616 920", Fax = "0251.418803"

            foreach (var customer in customers)

            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ALFKI", EmployeeID = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 22), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 20), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 02), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)40.26, ShipName = "Vinyl Fever", ShipAddress = "STR. 10 MAI nr. 15, DaMBOVITA", ShipCity = "Targoviste", ShipRegion = "Muntenia", ShipPostalCode = "453993", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ALFKI", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 11, 18), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 16), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 01), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)34.88, ShipName = "Vinyl Fever", ShipAddress = "STR. 10 MAI nr. 15, DaMBOVITA", ShipCity = "Targoviste", ShipRegion = "Muntenia", ShipPostalCode = "453993", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ALFKI", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 04), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 01), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 08), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)3.94, ShipName = "Vinyl Fever", ShipAddress = "STR. 10 MAI nr. 15, DaMBOVITA", ShipCity = "Targoviste", ShipRegion = "Muntenia", ShipPostalCode = "453993", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANATR", EmployeeID = 8, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 12), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 09, 09), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 15), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)25.83, ShipName = "Kash n", ShipAddress = "Strada Caraiman 3, Constanta", ShipCity = "Constanta", ShipRegion = "Dobrogea", ShipPostalCode = "907021", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANATR", EmployeeID = 4, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 02, 09), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 03, 09), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 02, 27), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)86.53, ShipName = "Kash n", ShipAddress = "Strada Caraiman 3, Constanta", ShipCity = "Constanta", ShipRegion = "Dobrogea", ShipPostalCode = "907021", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANATR", EmployeeID = 4, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 04, 01), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 04, 29), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 04, 08), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)65.99, ShipName = "Kash n", ShipAddress = "Strada Caraiman 3, Constanta", ShipCity = "Constanta", ShipRegion = "Dobrogea", ShipPostalCode = "907021", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANATR", EmployeeID = 3, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 07, 07), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 08, 04), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 07, 13), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)43.90, ShipName = "Ana", ShipAddress = "Strada Caraiman 3, Constanta", ShipCity = "Constanta", ShipRegion = "Dobrogea", ShipPostalCode = "05021", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANTON", EmployeeID = 6, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 31), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 28), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 29), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)4.54, ShipName = "Tech Hifi", ShipAddress = "Piata Revolutiei 3/26, Maramures", ShipCity = "Maramures", ShipRegion = "Maramures", ShipPostalCode = "873309", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "ANTON", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 08), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 22), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 13), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)64.86, ShipName = "Tech Hifi", ShipAddress = "Piata Revolutiei 3/26, Maramures", ShipCity = "Maramures", ShipRegion = "Maramures", ShipPostalCode = "873309", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "AROUT", EmployeeID = 7, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 01), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 29), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 10), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)64.50, ShipName = "Beatties", ShipAddress = "STR. VULCAN SAMUIL nr. 16, BEIUS", ShipCity = "BIHOR", ShipRegion = "Crisana", ShipPostalCode = "653271", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "AROUT", EmployeeID = 6, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 14), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 12), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 19), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)41.95, ShipName = "Around the Horn", ShipAddress = "Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary", ShipCity = "Colchester", ShipRegion = "Essex", ShipPostalCode = "CO7 6JX", ShipCountry = "UK"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "AROUT", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 08), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 27), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2015, 01, 12), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)22.21, ShipName = "Beatties", ShipAddress = "STR. VULCAN SAMUIL nr. 16, BEIUS", ShipCity = "BIHOR", ShipRegion = "Crisana", ShipPostalCode = "653271", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "AROUT", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 02, 20), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 03, 20), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 02, 25), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)25.36, ShipName = "Around the Horn", ShipAddress = "Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary", ShipCity = "Colchester", ShipRegion = "Essex", ShipPostalCode = "CO7 6JX", ShipCountry = "UK"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "AROUT", EmployeeID = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 05, 28), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 06, 25), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 06, 04), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)83.22, ShipName = "Beatties", ShipAddress = "STR. VULCAN SAMUIL nr. 16, BEIUS", ShipCity = "BIHOR", ShipRegion = "Crisana", ShipPostalCode = "653271", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BERGS", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 31), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 28), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 01), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)136.54, ShipName = "Cut Above", ShipAddress = "Bulevardul Ion Mihalache 148B, Bucuresti", ShipCity = "Bucuresti", ShipRegion = "Muntenia", ShipPostalCode = "666708", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLAUS", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 31), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 28), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 15), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)83.93, ShipName = "Sears Homelife", ShipAddress = "STR. 9 MAI, BACAU", ShipCity = "Bacau", ShipRegion = "Moldova 546708", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLAUS", EmployeeID = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 06), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 02, 03), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 01, 29), ShipVia = 2, Freight = (decimal?)91.48, ShipName = "Sears Homelife", ShipAddress = "STR. 9 MAI, BACAU", ShipCity = "Bacau", ShipRegion = "Moldova 546708", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLAUS", EmployeeID = 4, OrderDate = new DateTime(2017, 04, 16), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2017, 05, 14), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2017, 04, 28), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)0.15, ShipName = "Blauer See", ShipAddress = "Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 ", ShipCity = "Mannheim", ShipPostalCode = "68306", ShipCountry = "Germany"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLONP", EmployeeID = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 24), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 21), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 11), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)55.28, ShipName = "Blondel père et fils", ShipAddress = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", ShipCity = "SALAJ", ShipRegion = "Transilvania", ShipPostalCode = "67000", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLONP", EmployeeID = 4, OrderDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 22), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2015, 09, 19), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2015, 09, 02), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)7.45, ShipName = "Century House", ShipAddress = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", ShipCity = "SALAJ", ShipRegion = "Transilvania", ShipPostalCode = "67000", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLONP", EmployeeID = 4, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 11, 21), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 19), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 01), ShipVia = 3, Freight = (decimal?)131.70, ShipName = "Blondel père et fils", ShipAddress = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", ShipCity = "SALAJ", ShipPostalCode = "67000", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLONP", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 05), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 02), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 21), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)34.82, ShipName = "Century House", ShipAddress = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", ShipCity = "SALAJ", ShipRegion = "Transilvania", ShipPostalCode = "67000", ShipCountry = "Romania"
            context.Orders.Add(new Orders()
                CustomerID = "BLONP", EmployeeID = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 05), RequiredDate = new DateTime(2016, 08, 02), ShippedDate = new DateTime(2016, 07, 21), ShipVia = 1, Freight = (decimal?)34.82, ShipName = "Services", ShipAddress = "STR. BARNUTIU SIMION nr. 67, SALAJ", ShipCity = "SALAJ", ShipRegion = "Transilvania", ShipPostalCode = "67000", ShipCountry = "Romania"

            //order details
            List <Order_Details> orderDetails = new List <Order_Details>
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 11, UnitPrice = 14.00M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 42, UnitPrice = 9.80M, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 72, UnitPrice = 34.80M, Quantity = 5, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 31, UnitPrice = 10.00M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 33, UnitPrice = 2.00M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 1, ProductID = 40, UnitPrice = 14.70M, Quantity = 60, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 2, ProductID = 14, UnitPrice = 18.60M, Quantity = 9, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 2, ProductID = 51, UnitPrice = 42.40M, Quantity = 40, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 2, ProductID = 41, UnitPrice = 7.70M, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 51, UnitPrice = 42.40M, Quantity = 35, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 65, UnitPrice = 16.80M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 22, UnitPrice = 16.80M, Quantity = 6, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 76, UnitPrice = 14.40M, Quantity = 33, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 71, UnitPrice = 17.20M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 3, ProductID = 72, UnitPrice = 27.80M, Quantity = 7, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 4, ProductID = 57, UnitPrice = 15.60M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 4, ProductID = 65, UnitPrice = 16.80M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 4, ProductID = 20, UnitPrice = 64.80M, Quantity = 40, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 5, ProductID = 33, UnitPrice = 2.00M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 5, ProductID = 60, UnitPrice = 27.20M, Quantity = 40, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 5, ProductID = 31, UnitPrice = 10.00M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 39, UnitPrice = 14.40M, Quantity = 42, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 49, UnitPrice = 16.00M, Quantity = 40, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 24, UnitPrice = 3.60M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 25, UnitPrice = 3.60M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 59, UnitPrice = 44.00M, Quantity = 6, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 6, ProductID = 10, UnitPrice = 24.80M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 7, ProductID = 55, UnitPrice = 19.20M, Quantity = 21, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 7, ProductID = 74, UnitPrice = 8.00M, Quantity = 21, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 7, ProductID = 2, UnitPrice = 15.20M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 16, UnitPrice = 13.90M, Quantity = 35, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 36, UnitPrice = 15.20M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 59, UnitPrice = 44.00M, Quantity = 30, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 13, UnitPrice = 4.80M, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 28, UnitPrice = 36.40M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 62, UnitPrice = 39.40M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 8, ProductID = 44, UnitPrice = 15.50M, Quantity = 16, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 9, ProductID = 53, UnitPrice = 26.20M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 9, ProductID = 77, UnitPrice = 10.40M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 9, ProductID = 27, UnitPrice = 35.10M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 10, ProductID = 39, UnitPrice = 14.40M, Quantity = 6, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 10, ProductID = 77, UnitPrice = 10.40M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 10, ProductID = 2, UnitPrice = 15.20M, Quantity = 50, Discount = 0.2f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 11, ProductID = 5, UnitPrice = 17.00M, Quantity = 65, Discount = 0.2f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 11, ProductID = 32, UnitPrice = 25.60M, Quantity = 6, Discount = 0.2f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 11, ProductID = 21, UnitPrice = 8.00M, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 12, ProductID = 37, UnitPrice = 20.80M, Quantity = 1, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 12, ProductID = 41, UnitPrice = 7.70M, Quantity = 16, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 12, ProductID = 57, UnitPrice = 15.60M, Quantity = 50, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 13, ProductID = 62, UnitPrice = 39.40M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 13, ProductID = 70, UnitPrice = 12.00M, Quantity = 21, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 13, ProductID = 21, UnitPrice = 8.00M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 14, ProductID = 35, UnitPrice = 14.40M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 14, ProductID = 5, UnitPrice = 17.00M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0.2f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 14, ProductID = 7, UnitPrice = 24.00M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 15, ProductID = 56, UnitPrice = 30.40M, Quantity = 2, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 15, ProductID = 16, UnitPrice = 13.90M, Quantity = 60, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 15, ProductID = 24, UnitPrice = 3.60M, Quantity = 28, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 30, UnitPrice = 20.70M, Quantity = 60, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 74, UnitPrice = 8.00M, Quantity = 36, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 2, UnitPrice = 15.20M, Quantity = 35, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 24, UnitPrice = 3.60M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 55, UnitPrice = 19.20M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 75, UnitPrice = 6.20M, Quantity = 30, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 16, ProductID = 19, UnitPrice = 7.30M, Quantity = 1, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 17, ProductID = 41, UnitPrice = 7.70M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 17, ProductID = 17, UnitPrice = 31.20M, Quantity = 30, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 17, ProductID = 70, UnitPrice = 12.00M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 18, ProductID = 12, UnitPrice = 30.40M, Quantity = 12, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 18, ProductID = 40, UnitPrice = 14.70M, Quantity = 50, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 18, ProductID = 59, UnitPrice = 44.00M, Quantity = 70, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 19, ProductID = 76, UnitPrice = 14.40M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.15f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 19, ProductID = 29, UnitPrice = 99.00M, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 19, ProductID = 72, UnitPrice = 27.80M, Quantity = 4, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 33, UnitPrice = 2.00M, Quantity = 60, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 72, UnitPrice = 27.80M, Quantity = 20, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 36, UnitPrice = 15.20M, Quantity = 30, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 59, UnitPrice = 44.00M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 63, UnitPrice = 35.10M, Quantity = 8, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 73, UnitPrice = 12.00M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 20, ProductID = 17, UnitPrice = 31.20M, Quantity = 15, Discount = 0.25f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 21, ProductID = 43, UnitPrice = 36.80M, Quantity = 25, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 21, ProductID = 33, UnitPrice = 2.00M, Quantity = 24, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 21, ProductID = 20, UnitPrice = 64.80M, Quantity = 6, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 22, ProductID = 31, UnitPrice = 10.00M, Quantity = 40, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 22, ProductID = 72, UnitPrice = 27.80M, Quantity = 24, Discount = 0
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 22, ProductID = 10, UnitPrice = 24.80M, Quantity = 24, Discount = 0.05f
                new Order_Details()
                    OrderID = 23, ProductID = 83, UnitPrice = 120.00M, Quantity = 24, Discount = 0.05f

            foreach (var orderDetail in orderDetails)
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert referenced data with given context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Local Northwind Context</param>
        public static void InsertNorthwindReferencedData(NorthwindDatabase context)
            //list of region
            List <Region> regions = new List <Region>
                //add region in list
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 1, RegionDescription = "Banat"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 2, RegionDescription = "Bucovina"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 3, RegionDescription = "Crisana"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 4, RegionDescription = "Dobrogea"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 5, RegionDescription = "Maramures"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 6, RegionDescription = "Moldova"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 7, RegionDescription = "Muntenia"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 8, RegionDescription = "Oltenia"
                new Region()
                    RegionID = 9, RegionDescription = "Transilvania"

            //add territories in regions
            regions[0].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "1", TerritoryDescription = "Timis", RegionID = 1
            regions[0].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "2", TerritoryDescription = "Caras - Severin", RegionID = 1
            regions[1].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "3", TerritoryDescription = "Botosani", RegionID = 2
            regions[1].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "4", TerritoryDescription = "Suceava", RegionID = 2
            regions[2].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "5", TerritoryDescription = "Bihor", RegionID = 3
            regions[2].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "6", TerritoryDescription = "Arad", RegionID = 3
            regions[3].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "7", TerritoryDescription = "Tulcea", RegionID = 4
            regions[3].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "8", TerritoryDescription = "Constanta", RegionID = 4
            regions[4].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "9", TerritoryDescription = "Satu - Mare", RegionID = 5
            regions[4].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "10", TerritoryDescription = "Maramures", RegionID = 5
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "11", TerritoryDescription = "Neamt", RegionID = 6
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "12", TerritoryDescription = "Iasi", RegionID = 6
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "13", TerritoryDescription = "Bacau", RegionID = 6
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "14", TerritoryDescription = "Vaslui", RegionID = 6
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "15", TerritoryDescription = "Vrancea", RegionID = 6
            regions[5].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "16", TerritoryDescription = "Galati", RegionID = 6
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "17", TerritoryDescription = "Braila", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "18", TerritoryDescription = "Buzau", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "19", TerritoryDescription = "Calarasi", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "20", TerritoryDescription = "Prahova", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "21", TerritoryDescription = "Dambovita", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "22", TerritoryDescription = "Arges", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "23", TerritoryDescription = "Ialomita", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "24", TerritoryDescription = "Calarasi", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "25", TerritoryDescription = "Ilfov", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "26", TerritoryDescription = "Bucuresti", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "27", TerritoryDescription = "Giurgiu", RegionID = 7
            regions[6].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "28", TerritoryDescription = "Teleorman", RegionID = 7
            regions[7].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "29", TerritoryDescription = "Gorj", RegionID = 8
            regions[7].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "30", TerritoryDescription = "Valcea", RegionID = 8
            regions[7].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "31", TerritoryDescription = "Olt", RegionID = 8
            regions[7].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "32", TerritoryDescription = "Dolj", RegionID = 8
            regions[7].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "33", TerritoryDescription = "Mehedinti", RegionID = 8
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "34", TerritoryDescription = "Salaj", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "35", TerritoryDescription = "Bistrita - Nasaud", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "36", TerritoryDescription = "Cluj", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "37", TerritoryDescription = "Mures", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "38", TerritoryDescription = "Harghita", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "39", TerritoryDescription = "Covasna", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "40", TerritoryDescription = "Brasov", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "41", TerritoryDescription = "Sibiu", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "42", TerritoryDescription = "Alba", RegionID = 9
            regions[8].Territories.Add(new Territories()
                TerritoryID = "43", TerritoryDescription = "Hunedoara", RegionID = 9

            foreach (var region in regions)

            //category (they need to be added in this order)
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "Clasice", Description = "Telefoane cu butoane"
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "Smartphone", Description = "Touchscreen"
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "Accesorii", Description = "Selfie sticks, Incarcatoare, Casti, Baterii, Huse"
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "Gadgeturi", Description = "Boxe, Ochelari VR, Telecomenzi"
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "eBook Reader", Description = "Bookreader"
            context.Categories.Add(new Categories()
                CategoryName = "Servicii", Description = "Servicii oferite"

            //Suppliers (they need to be added in this order)
            context.Suppliers.Add(new Suppliers()
                CompanyName = "EURO GSM IMPEX S.R.L.", ContactName = "Ion Vasilde", ContactTitle = "Proprietar", Address = "B-dul Muncii nr.18", City = "CLUJ - NAPOCA", PostalCode = "400641", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0264450450", HomePage = "https://eurogsm.ro"
            context.Suppliers.Add(new Suppliers()
                CompanyName = "GERSIM IMPEX S.R.L.", ContactName = "Mircea Daniel", ContactTitle = "Manager depozit", Address = "Strada Bilciure?ti 9A", City = "BUCURESTI", PostalCode = "014012", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0213264850", Fax = "0213264851", HomePage = "http://www.gersim.ro"
            context.Suppliers.Add(new Suppliers()
                CompanyName = "EMAG S.A.", ContactName = "Dumitru George", ContactTitle = "Agent Vanzari", Address = "Windsor Building Sos.Bucuresti Nord nr. 15 - 23 ", City = "ILFOV", PostalCode = "077190", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0722.25.00.00", HomePage = "https://emag.ro"
            context.Suppliers.Add(new Suppliers()
                CompanyName = "SC MEDIA GALAXY S.R.L.", ContactName = "Popescu Mihai ", ContactTitle = "Reprezentant Vanzari", Address = "Bulevardul Poligrafiei Nr.1, Sector 1", City = "Bucuresti", PostalCode = "400641", Country = "Romania", Phone = "0212062000", Fax = "0213199939", HomePage = "www.mediagalaxy.ro"

            //products (they need to be added in this order)
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Kindle 6 Glare Touch Screen WiFi Black", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)339.00, UnitsInStock = 39, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 10, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Kindle PaperWhite Model 2015 Black", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)629.00, UnitsInStock = 17, UnitsOnOrder = 40, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Kindle PaperWhite Model 2015 White", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)599.00, UnitsInStock = 13, UnitsOnOrder = 70, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "PocketBook Touch LUX 3 Red pb626", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)569.00, UnitsInStock = 53, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "PocketBook Touch LUX 3 White pb626", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)569.00, UnitsInStock = 0, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "PocketBook Touch LUX 3 Grey pb626", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)569.00, UnitsInStock = 120, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "PocketBook Touch HD Black pb631", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)799.00, UnitsInStock = 15, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 10, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bookeen CybooK Muse FrontLight Black", SupplierID = 3, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)699.00, UnitsInStock = 6, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Prestigio MultiReader SUPREME 4GB Black", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)549.00, UnitsInStock = 29, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bookeen Cybook Muse HD 8GB Black", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)569.00, UnitsInStock = 31, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bookeen Cybook Muse Light 4GB Black", SupplierID = 3, CategoryID = 5, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)579.00, UnitsInStock = 22, UnitsOnOrder = 30, ReorderLevel = 30, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "CAT B25 Dual SIM Black", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)229.00, UnitsInStock = 86, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 3310 Dual SIM Dark Blue", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)249.00, UnitsInStock = 24, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 5, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Alcatel Tiger X3 1016G Black", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)69.00, UnitsInStock = 35, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 3310 Single Sim Orange", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)249.00, UnitsInStock = 39, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 5, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 130 Dual SIM Red", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)99.00, UnitsInStock = 29, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 10, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Alcatel 1054 White", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)83.00, UnitsInStock = 0, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 150 Single Sim White", SupplierID = 3, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)141.00, UnitsInStock = 42, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "MaxCom MM 141 Dual Sim Grey", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)101.00, UnitsInStock = 25, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 5, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Alcatel 2008G Black-Silver", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)165.00, UnitsInStock = 40, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 216 Dual Sim Black", SupplierID = 3, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)156.00, UnitsInStock = 3, UnitsOnOrder = 40, ReorderLevel = 5, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Nokia 216 Dual SIM Grey", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)156.00, UnitsInStock = 104, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Karbonn K-flip Dual Sim White", SupplierID = 1, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)127.00, UnitsInStock = 61, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "MyPhone Metro Red", SupplierID = 2, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)209.00, UnitsInStock = 20, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "MyPhone 6310 Dual Sim Black", SupplierID = 3, CategoryID = 1, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)104.00, UnitsInStock = 76, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 30, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bratara Xiaomi Silicon - Roz", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)24.00, UnitsInStock = 15, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bratara Xiaomi Silicon - Verde", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)24.00, UnitsInStock = 49, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 30, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Curea Ceas 910XT GPS Negru", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)86.00, UnitsInStock = 26, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bratara Gear S3 Silicon Maron", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)127.00, UnitsInStock = 0, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 0, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Curea Apple Watch 38mm Piele Neagra", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)964.00, UnitsInStock = 10, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 15, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Dock Slate Union Pentru Apple Watch", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)217.00, UnitsInStock = 0, UnitsOnOrder = 70, ReorderLevel = 20, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Dock Native Union Luxury Tech Marble", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)423.00, UnitsInStock = 9, UnitsOnOrder = 40, ReorderLevel = 25, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Stand de incarcare Huawei Watch", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)95.00, UnitsInStock = 112, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 20, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Cablu de incarcare Fitbit Flex", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)25.00, UnitsInStock = 111, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 15, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Husa Apple Watch 38mm", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)49.00, UnitsInStock = 20, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 15, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
                ProductName = "Bratara Smartwatch Silicon Argintiur", SupplierID = 4, CategoryID = 3, QuantityPerUnit = "1", UnitPrice = (decimal?)128.00, UnitsInStock = 112, UnitsOnOrder = 0, ReorderLevel = 20, Discontinued = false
            context.Products.Add(new Products()
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            context.Products.Add(new Products()
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