Esempio n. 1
        // public static bool PrintStopLists = true; // this one doesn't do anything atm

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var      reader = new GTFSReader <GTFSFeed>();
            GTFSFeed feed   = reader.Read("gtfs/" + GTFSFilename);

            TimepointStrategy strat = TimepointFinder.GetTimepointStrategy(feed);

            var dateRange = CalendarTester.GetFeedDateRange(feed);

            var allUsedServices =
                from trips in feed.Trips
                group trips by trips.ServiceId into narrowTrips
                let servId = narrowTrips.First().ServiceId
                             select new
                Key   = servId,
                Value = CalendarTester.GetDescription(feed, servId, dateRange)

            Dictionary <string, string> serviceDescriptions = allUsedServices.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            foreach (Route route in feed.Routes)
                // What direction(s) does the route run?
                IEnumerable <DirectionType?> dirs =
                    from trips in feed.Trips
                    where trips.RouteId == route.Id
                    group trips by trips.Direction into narrowTrips
                    select narrowTrips.First().Direction;

                // What service(s) does the route run on?
                IEnumerable <string> services =
                    from trips in feed.Trips
                    where trips.RouteId == route.Id
                    group trips by trips.ServiceId into narrowTrips
                    select narrowTrips.First().ServiceId;

                if (PrintSchedules)
                    using StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter($"output/schedules/{route.Id}.md");

                    output.WriteLine("# " + (route.ShortName ?? "") + ((route.ShortName != null && route.LongName != null) ? " - " : "") + (route.LongName ?? ""));

                    foreach (DirectionType?dir in dirs)
                        output.WriteLine("## " + dir switch
                            DirectionType.OneDirection => "Main Direction",
                            DirectionType.OppositeDirection => "Opposite Direction",
                            _ => "No Direction"
 public static Tuple <List <string>, List <Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, TimeOfDay> > > > GetSchedule(GTFSFeed feed, string route, DirectionType?dir, string serviceId) =>
 GetSchedule(feed, route, dir, serviceId, TimepointFinder.GetTimepointStrategy(feed));
 public static List <string> GetScheduleHeader(GTFSFeed feed, string route, DirectionType?dir) =>
 GetScheduleHeader(feed, route, dir, TimepointFinder.GetTimepointStrategy(feed));