Esempio n. 1
        public void WriteScroll(byte data)
            if (!WriteLatch) // First write.
                // The data is split into two parts. The first 3 bits are the fine X scroll and the upper 5 bits are
                // the course X scroll.
                FineX = (byte)(data & 0b000_0111);

                // Set course X in the temporary address register without touching the other
                TAddress = (ushort)((TAddress & ~0x001f) | ((data >> 3) & 0x001f));

                WriteLatch = true;
            else // Second write.
                // The data is split into two parts again. The first 5 bits are the course Y scroll and the upper 3
                // bits are the fine Y scroll.

                // First set the course Y scroll in the temporary address register without touching the other
                // Course Y is stored as bits 3-7 in data so we only have to left shift data by 2 to get bits 3-7 into
                // positions 5-9 for the temporary address register.
                TAddress = (ushort)((TAddress & ~0x03e0) | ((data << 2) & 0x03e0));

                // Now set the fine Y scroll in the temporary address register without touching the other  Fine Y
                // is stored as bits 0-2 in data so we have to left shift data by 12 to get bits 0-2 into positions
                // 12-14.
                TAddress = (ushort)((TAddress & ~0x7000) | ((data << 12) & 0x7000));

                WriteLatch = false;
Esempio n. 2
        public void WriteAddress(byte data)
            if (!WriteLatch) // First write.
                // Write data into the high byte position of the temporary address register. Don't touch the low byte
                // of the temporary address register.
                TAddress = (ushort)((TAddress & ~0xff00) | ((data << 8) & 0xff00));

                // We do have to set bit 15 of the temporary address register to zero since it technically doesn't
                // exist.
                TAddress &= 0x7fff; // Mask the bottom 15

                WriteLatch = true;
            else // Second write.
                // Write data into the low byte position of the temporary address register. Don't touch the high byte
                // of the temporary address register.
                TAddress = (TAddress & ~0x00ff) | data;

                // Set the current address register to the value of the temporary address register.
                VAddress = TAddress;

                WriteLatch = false;