public override bool Admissable(Frame th, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { if (named != null && named.IsNonEmpty) { return(false); } if (!AdmissableArity(pos.Length)) { return(false); } object dummy; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out dummy, args[i], pos[i]) || (refs[i] && !pos[i].rw)) { return(false); } } // XXX: maybe param arrays should be treated as slurpies? for (int i = args.Length; i < pos.Length; i++) { if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out dummy, param_array, pos[i])) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void WritebackRefs(Variable[] pos, object[] argv) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (refs[i]) { pos[i].Store(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(args[i], argv[i]).Fetch()); } } }
public override P6any Fetch() { if (!prop.CanRead) { throw new NieczaException("Property " + prop.Name + " is write-only"); } MethodInfo mi = prop.GetGetMethod(); object ret = mi.Invoke(obj, argv); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(mi.ReturnType, ret).Fetch()); }
public override void Store(P6any v) { if (field.IsInitOnly || field.IsLiteral) { throw new NieczaException("Field " + field.Name + " is read-only"); } object clr; if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out clr, field.FieldType, Kernel.NewROScalar(v))) { throw new NieczaException("Unable to coerce value of type " + + " for " + field.Name); // could also be a range problem } field.SetValue(obj, clr); }
public Variable Invoke(object obj, Variable[] pos, VarHash named) { object[] argv = new object[args.Length + (param_array != null ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out argv[i], args[i], pos[i]); } if (param_array != null) { int npa = pos.Length - args.Length; Array pa = Array.CreateInstance(param_array, npa); for (int j = 0; j < npa; j++) { object arg; CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out arg, param_array, pos[j + args.Length]); pa.SetValue(arg, j); } argv[args.Length] = pa; } if (what_call is MethodInfo) { MethodInfo mi = (MethodInfo)what_call; object ret = mi.Invoke((mi.IsStatic ? null : obj), argv); WritebackRefs(pos, argv); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(mi.ReturnType, ret)); } else if (what_call is ConstructorInfo) { ConstructorInfo ci = (ConstructorInfo)what_call; object ret = ci.Invoke(argv); WritebackRefs(pos, argv); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(ci.DeclaringType, ret)); } else if (what_call is FieldInfo) { return(new FieldProxy((FieldInfo)what_call, obj)); } else if (what_call is PropertyInfo) { return(new PropertyProxy((PropertyInfo)what_call, obj, argv)); } else { throw new NieczaException("Unhandled member type " + what_call.GetType()); } }
public override void Store(P6any v) { if (!prop.CanWrite) { throw new NieczaException("Property " + prop.Name + " is read-only"); } MethodInfo mi = prop.GetSetMethod(); object[] argv_ = argv; Array.Resize(ref argv_, argv.Length + 1); if (!CLRWrapperProvider.CoerceArgument(out argv_[argv.Length], prop.PropertyType, Kernel.NewROScalar(v))) { throw new NieczaException("Unable to coerce value of type " + + " for " + prop.Name); // could also be a range problem } mi.Invoke(obj, argv_); }
public override P6any Fetch() { object ret = field.GetValue(obj); return(CLRWrapperProvider.BoxResult(field.FieldType, ret).Fetch()); }