public void checkForMoveCombination(AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo) { //if there's an animation playing, no need to check for anything if (combatAnimationInitiated) { skipMoveCombinationCheck = true; } foreach (var move in tierList) { if (skipMoveCombinationCheck) { break; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(move.Combo[0].ToString()) && move.ComboPressed.Count == 0) { move.ComboPressed.Add(move.Combo[0].ToString()); } if (move.ComboPressed.Count == 1) { if (move.ComboPressed[0].Equals(move.Combo[0].ToString())) { if (!move._IsInCoroutine) { if (debug) { Debug.Log("starting coroutine"); } StartCoroutine(move.CombatSequnce(Time.time)); } } } if (move.ComboActivated) { //if you have queued up a move, then try to use another move during the delay period //add in baseDelay if (!isDelayCoRoutineRunning && !isDelayFinished) { StartCoroutine(WaitForDelay(move.ExciteDelay)); } else if (isDelayCoRoutineRunning) { continue; } if (debug) { Debug.Log(isDelayFinished); } if (isDelayFinished) { if (name == "Player") { if (PlayerMovement.inControl(true)) { //reset the path so that it stops calculating PlayerMovement.agent.ResetPath(); } } else { if (PlayerMovement.inControl(false)) { //reset the path so that it stops calculating PlayerMovement.agent.ResetPath(); } } currentTierPlaying = move; combatAnimationInitiated = true; //set the combat to true so the animation goes straight from run -> combat //anim.SetBool(isCombat, true); //set the speed to zero which implies no more movement therefore no more running PlayerMovement.agent.velocity =; anim.SetTrigger(move.AnimationHash); //clears all combo pressed tierList.ForEach(x => x.ComboPressed.Clear()); //print("MOVE EXPANSION RATE: " + move.ExpansionRate); break; } else { //this block is when we are in the delay phase } } if (move.ComboPressed.Count > 0) { //they are in mid-keypress of a combo } } //foreach move if (combatAnimationInitiated && stateInfo.IsName(currentTierPlaying.AnimationStateName)) { if (debug) { Debug.Log("Animation has begun playing"); } animationPlayed = true; } if (combatAnimationInitiated && animationPlayed) { StartCoroutine(SphereWithTime(currentTierPlaying.ExpansionRate)); isAnimationFinished = true; //while playing animation for (int x = 0; x < tierList.Count; x++) { if (tierList[x].ComboActivated) { //reset all variables //anim.ResetTrigger(tierList[x].AnimationHash); //anim.SetBool(isCombat, false); combatAnimationInitiated = false; animationPlayed = false; tierList[x].ComboActivated = false; tierList[x]._IsComboFinished = false; isDelayFinished = false; } }//iterate tierList skipMoveCombinationCheck = false; ResetAllCombatTriggers(); }//stop combat }