Esempio n. 1
        public PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationInstance(PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition theDefinition, TestExecution testExecution)
            : base(theDefinition, testExecution)
            if (theDefinition.VariationThreshhold == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have a value assigned to VariationThreshhold");
            mVariationThreshhold = testExecution.DataValueRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.VariationThreshhold.Name);

            if (theDefinition.Sloppiness == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have a value assigned to Sloppiness");
            mSloppiness = testExecution.DataValueRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.Sloppiness.Name);

            if (theDefinition.MinWindow == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have a value assigned to MinWindow");
            mMinWindow = testExecution.DataValueRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.MinWindow.Name);

            if (theDefinition.BrightPixelFactor == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have a value assigned to BrightPixelFactor");
            mBrightPixelFactor = testExecution.DataValueRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.BrightPixelFactor.Name);

            if (theDefinition.DarkPixelFactor == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have a value assigned to DarkPixelFactor");
            mDarkPixelFactor = testExecution.DataValueRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.DarkPixelFactor.Name);

            if (theDefinition.ROI == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have an ROI assigned");
            mROI = testExecution.ROIRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.ROI.Name);

            if (theDefinition.SourceImage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern Match tool '" + theDefinition.Name + "' doesn't have an image assigned to SourceImage");
            mSourceImage = testExecution.ImageRegistry.GetObject(theDefinition.SourceImage.Name);

            mDeepAnalysisEnabled = theDefinition.DeepAnalysisEnabled;
            mDeepAnalysisTop     = theDefinition.DeepAnalysisTop;
            mDeepAnalysisBottom  = theDefinition.DeepAnalysisBottom;
            mDeepAnalysisRight   = theDefinition.DeepAnalysisRight;
            mDeepAnalysisLeft    = theDefinition.DeepAnalysisLeft;

            mResult = new GeneratedValueInstance(theDefinition.Result, testExecution);

            mCreateMarkedImage = theDefinition.CreateMarkedImage;
            if (mCreateMarkedImage)
                mMarkedImage = new GeneratedImageInstance(theDefinition.MarkedImage, testExecution);
            mMarkColor = theDefinition.MarkColor;
Esempio n. 2
//		public const string AnalysisType = "Color Present Fails";
//		public override string Type() { return AnalysisType; }

        public override void DoWork()
            TestExecution().LogMessageWithTimeFromTrigger("PatternMatch " + Name + " started");

             * if (Definition(.ScoreFilter != null)
             * {
             *  mScoreFilter = testExecution.GetScoreFilter(theDefinition.ScoreFilter.Name);
             * }

            Bitmap sourceBitmap = SourceImage.Bitmap;
            Bitmap markedBitmap = null;
            PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition theDef = (PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition)Definition();

            if (theDef.mPatternMinValues == null || theDef.mPatternMaxValues == null)
            Bitmap patternMinValues = theDef.mPatternMinValues;
            Bitmap patternMaxValues = theDef.mPatternMaxValues;

            if (patternMinValues == null || patternMaxValues == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Pattern to match isn't defined.");

            if (mMarkedImage != null && sourceBitmap != null)
                mMarkedImage.SetImage(new Bitmap(sourceBitmap));
                markedBitmap = mMarkedImage.Bitmap;
                TestExecution().LogMessageWithTimeFromTrigger("Created copy of image for markings");

            long score = 0;

            if (sourceBitmap != null)
                // for LockBits see &
                BitmapData sourceBitmapData           = null;
                BitmapData markedBitmapData           = null;
                BitmapData patternMinValuesBitmapData = null;
                BitmapData patternMaxValuesBitmapData = null;

                if (mScoreFilter != null)
                    mScoreFilter.SetImageSize(mSourceImage.Bitmap.Width, mSourceImage.Bitmap.Height);

                    sourceBitmapData           = sourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_FORMAT);
                    patternMinValuesBitmapData = patternMinValues.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, patternMinValues.Width, patternMinValues.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.PATTERN_PIXEL_FORMAT);
                    patternMaxValuesBitmapData = patternMaxValues.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, patternMaxValues.Width, patternMaxValues.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.PATTERN_PIXEL_FORMAT);
                    if (markedBitmap != null)
                        markedBitmapData = markedBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, markedBitmap.Width, markedBitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                    int sourceStride       = sourceBitmapData.Stride;
                    int sourceStrideOffset = sourceStride - (sourceBitmapData.Width * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH);

                    int patternStride       = patternMinValuesBitmapData.Stride;
                    int patternStrideOffset = patternStride - (patternMinValuesBitmapData.Width * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.PATTERN_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH);

                    Color  color;
                    int    grayValue;
                    int    grayValue2;
                    long   variation         = 0;
                    long   patternWindow     = 0;
                    long   threshhold        = mVariationThreshhold.ValueAsLong();
                    double sloppiness        = mSloppiness.ValueAsDecimal() / 100.0;
                    long   minWindow         = Math.Max(1, mMinWindow.ValueAsLong());
                    double brightPixelFactor = mBrightPixelFactor.ValueAsDecimal();
                    double darkPixelFactor   = mDarkPixelFactor.ValueAsDecimal();
                    bool   needToMark        = false;
                    long   scoreChange       = 0;
                    int    varSum;

                    Point currentPoint = new Point(-1, -1);

                    TestExecution().LogMessageWithTimeFromTrigger("PatternMatch " + Name + " testing X Axis");
                    mROI.GetFirstPointOnXAxis(mSourceImage, ref currentPoint);

                    unsafe // see
                        byte *sourcePointer;
                        byte *sourcePointer2;
                        byte *markedPointer;
                        byte *patternMinValuesPointer;
                        byte *patternMaxValuesPointer;

                        while (currentPoint.X != -1 && currentPoint.Y != -1)
                            scoreChange    = -999;
                            variation      = -999;
                            sourcePointer  = (byte *)sourceBitmapData.Scan0;                                                                                          // init to first byte of image
                            sourcePointer += (currentPoint.Y * sourceStride) + (currentPoint.X * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH); // adjust to current point
                            color          = Color.FromArgb(sourcePointer[3], sourcePointer[2], sourcePointer[1], sourcePointer[0]);                                  // Array index 0 is blue, 1 is green, 2 is red, 0 is alpha
                            grayValue      = (int)(0.3 * color.R + 0.59 * color.G + 0.11 * color.B);                                                                  // Then, add 30% of the red value, 59% of the green value, and 11% of the blue value, together. .... These percentages are chosen due to the different relative sensitivity of the normal human eye to each of the primary colors (less sensitive to green, more to blue).

                            // check pixel above
                            sourcePointer2 = sourcePointer - sourceStride;
                            grayValue2     = (int)(0.3 * sourcePointer2[2] + 0.59 * sourcePointer2[1] + 0.11 * sourcePointer2[0]); // Then, add 30% of the red value, 59% of the green value, and 11% of the blue value, together. .... These percentages are chosen due to the different relative sensitivity of the normal human eye to each of the primary colors (less sensitive to green, more to blue).
                            varSum         = Math.Abs(grayValue - grayValue2);                                                     // NOTE: using '=' to init varSum for this pixel

 *                          // check pixel below
 *                          sourcePointer2 = sourcePointer + sourceStride;
 *                          grayValue2 = (int)(0.3 * sourcePointer2[2] + 0.59 * sourcePointer2[1] + 0.11 * sourcePointer2[0]); // Then, add 30% of the red value, 59% of the green value, and 11% of the blue value, together. .... These percentages are chosen due to the different relative sensitivity of the normal human eye to each of the primary colors (less sensitive to green, more to blue).
 *                          varSum += Math.Abs(grayValue - grayValue2); // NOTE: using '+=' to sum varSum
 *                          // check left pixel
 *                          sourcePointer2 = sourcePointer - PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH;
 *                          grayValue2 = (int)(0.3 * sourcePointer2[2] + 0.59 * sourcePointer2[1] + 0.11 * sourcePointer2[0]); // Then, add 30% of the red value, 59% of the green value, and 11% of the blue value, together. .... These percentages are chosen due to the different relative sensitivity of the normal human eye to each of the primary colors (less sensitive to green, more to blue).
 *                          varSum += Math.Abs(grayValue - grayValue2); // NOTE: using '+=' to sum varSum
 *                          // check right pixel
 *                          sourcePointer2 = sourcePointer + PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH;
 *                          grayValue2 = (int)(0.3 * sourcePointer2[2] + 0.59 * sourcePointer2[1] + 0.11 * sourcePointer2[0]); // Then, add 30% of the red value, 59% of the green value, and 11% of the blue value, together. .... These percentages are chosen due to the different relative sensitivity of the normal human eye to each of the primary colors (less sensitive to green, more to blue).
 *                          varSum += Math.Abs(grayValue - grayValue2); // NOTE: using '+=' to sum varSum

                            varSum = Math.Min(255, varSum);

                            patternMinValuesPointer  = (byte *)patternMinValuesBitmapData.Scan0;                                                                                // init to first byte of image
                            patternMinValuesPointer += (currentPoint.Y * patternStride) + (currentPoint.X * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.PATTERN_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH); // adjust to current point

                            patternMaxValuesPointer  = (byte *)patternMaxValuesBitmapData.Scan0;                                                                                // init to first byte of image
                            patternMaxValuesPointer += (currentPoint.Y * patternStride) + (currentPoint.X * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.PATTERN_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH); // adjust to current point

                            patternWindow = patternMaxValuesPointer[0] - patternMinValuesPointer[0];                                                                            // give tight windows more weight in the score
                            patternWindow = Math.Max(minWindow, patternWindow);                                                                                                 // ensure minWindow>0 to prevent divideBy0

                            if (patternWindow > threshhold)
                                scoreChange      = 0;
                                markedPointer    = (byte *)markedBitmapData.Scan0;
                                markedPointer   += (currentPoint.Y * sourceStride) + (currentPoint.X * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH);
                                markedPointer[3] = Color.Yellow.A;
                                markedPointer[2] = Color.Yellow.R;
                                markedPointer[1] = Color.Yellow.G;
                                markedPointer[0] = Color.Yellow.B;
                                if (varSum < patternMinValuesPointer[0] - sloppiness * patternWindow)
                                    variation = patternMinValuesPointer[0] - varSum;
                                    //scoreChange = (long)(((variation / patternWindow) + 1) * darkPixelFactor);
                                    scoreChange = (long)(variation * ((variation / (patternWindow / 2)) + 1) * darkPixelFactor);
                                    score      += scoreChange;
                                    needToMark  = true;
                                    TestExecution().LogMessage("Pattern Match score event: " + currentPoint.X + "," + currentPoint.Y + "  dark spot score=" + scoreChange + "  var=" + varSum + "  min=" + patternMinValuesPointer[0] + "  max=" + patternMaxValuesPointer[0] + "  window=" + patternWindow + "  var=" + variation);
                                    if (mScoreFilter != null)
                                        mScoreFilter.ProcessScore(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, scoreChange);
                                else if (varSum > patternMaxValuesPointer[0] + sloppiness * patternWindow)
                                    variation = varSum - patternMaxValuesPointer[0];
                                    //scoreChange = (long)(((variation / patternWindow) + 1) * brightPixelFactor);
                                    scoreChange = (long)(variation * ((variation / (patternWindow / 2)) + 1) * brightPixelFactor);
                                    score      += scoreChange;
                                    needToMark  = true;
                                    TestExecution().LogMessage("Pattern Match score event: " + currentPoint.X + "," + currentPoint.Y + "  bright spot score=" + scoreChange + "  var=" + varSum + "  min=" + patternMinValuesPointer[0] + "  max=" + patternMaxValuesPointer[0] + "  window=" + patternWindow + "  var=" + variation);
                                    if (mScoreFilter != null)
                                        mScoreFilter.ProcessScore(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, scoreChange);
                                    variation   = 0;
                                    scoreChange = 0;
                                    needToMark  = false;
                                if (needToMark && mMarkedImage != null)
                                    markedPointer    = (byte *)markedBitmapData.Scan0;
                                    markedPointer   += (currentPoint.Y * sourceStride) + (currentPoint.X * PatternMatchOfAbsGrayVariationDefinition.TRAINING_PIXEL_BYTE_WIDTH);
                                    markedPointer[3] = mMarkColor.A;
                                    markedPointer[2] = mMarkColor.R;
                                    markedPointer[1] = mMarkColor.G;
                                    markedPointer[0] = mMarkColor.B;

                            if (mDeepAnalysisEnabled && currentPoint.X >= mDeepAnalysisLeft && currentPoint.X <= mDeepAnalysisRight && currentPoint.Y >= mDeepAnalysisTop && currentPoint.Y <= mDeepAnalysisBottom)
                                string message = "DEEP ANALYSIS: '" + Name + "' " + currentPoint.X + "," + currentPoint.Y + " ";
                                if (patternWindow > threshhold)
                                    message += "PATTERN WINDOW > THRESHOLD;";
                                message += "  score change=" + scoreChange
                                           + "  var=" + varSum
                                           + "  min=" + patternMinValuesPointer[0]
                                           + "  max=" + patternMaxValuesPointer[0]
                                           + "  window=" + patternWindow
                                           + "  slop=" + (sloppiness * patternWindow)
                                           + "  marked=" + needToMark


                            mROI.GetNextPointOnXAxis(mSourceImage, ref currentPoint);
                    } // end unsafe block
                    if (markedBitmap != null)

            if (mMarkedImage != null)
            TestExecution().LogMessageWithTimeFromTrigger("PatternMatch " + Name + " completed; score=" + score);