Esempio n. 1
		public IList FindProcessInstances(DateTime startedAfter, DateTime startedBefore, String initiatorActorId, String actorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processInstances = null;
			String query = queryFindAllProcessInstances;
			ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList types = new ArrayList();

			if (startedAfter != DateTime.MinValue)
				query += "and pi.StartNullable > ? ";

			if (startedBefore != DateTime.MinValue)
				query += "and pi.StartNullable < ? ";

			if (initiatorActorId != null && initiatorActorId != "")
				query += "and pi.InitiatorActorId = ? ";

			if (actorId != null && actorId != "")
				query += "and f.ActorId = ? ";

			if (processDefinitionId != 0)
				query += "and pi.ProcessDefinition.Id = ? ";

			query += "order by pi.StartNullable desc";

			log.Debug("query for searching process instances : '" + query + "'");

			Object[] parameterArray = parameters.ToArray();
			IType[] typeArray = (IType[]) types.ToArray(typeof (IType));

			processInstances = dbSession.Find(query, parameterArray, typeArray);

			if (relations != null)

			log.Debug("process instances : '" + processInstances + "'");

			return processInstances;
Esempio n. 2
		public IProcessInstance StartProcessInstance(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, IDictionary attributeValues, String transitionName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance = null;

			// First check if the actor is allowed to start this instance
			authorizationHelper.CheckStartProcessInstance(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId, attributeValues, transitionName, dbSession);

			// get the process-definition and its start-state    
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
			StartStateImpl startState = (StartStateImpl) processDefinition.StartState;

			log.Info("actor '" + authenticatedActorId + "' starts an instance of process '" + processDefinition.Name + "'...");

			// create the process-instance
			processInstance = new ProcessInstanceImpl(authenticatedActorId, processDefinition);
			FlowImpl rootFlow = (FlowImpl) processInstance.RootFlow;

			// create the execution-context
			ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(authenticatedActorId, rootFlow, dbSession, organisationComponent);

			// save the process instance to allow hibernate queries    

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.BEFORE_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, startState.Id, executionContext);

			// store the attributes
			executionContext.CreateLog(authenticatedActorId, EventType.PROCESS_INSTANCE_START);
			executionContext.CheckAccess(attributeValues, startState);

			// if this activity has a role-name, save the actor in the corresponding attribute
			executionContext.StoreRole(authenticatedActorId, startState);

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.PROCESS_INSTANCE_START, processDefinitionId, executionContext);

			// from here on, we consider the actor as being the previous actor

			// process the start-transition
			TransitionImpl startTransition = executionContext.GetTransition(transitionName, startState, dbSession);
			engine.ProcessTransition(startTransition, executionContext);

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.AFTER_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, startState.Id, executionContext);

			// flush the updates to the db

/*			if (relations != null)
			return processInstance;
        public IList FindAttributeInstanceByName(string attributeName,long scopeId,DbSession dbSession)
            Object[] values = new Object[] { attributeName, scopeId };
            IType[] types = new IType[] { DbType.STRING, DbType.LONG };

            return dbSession.Find(queryFindAttributeInstanceByName, values, types);
 /* package private */
 internal virtual TransitionImpl GetTransition(String transitionName, StateImpl state, DbSession dbSession)
     TransitionImpl transition = null;
     if ((Object)transitionName != null)
         Object[] values = new Object[] { transitionName, state.Id };
         IType[] types = new IType[] { DbType.STRING, DbType.LONG };
         transition = (TransitionImpl)dbSession.FindOne(queryFindTransitionByName, values, types);
         ISet leavingTransitions = state.LeavingTransitions;
         if (leavingTransitions.Count == 1)
             IEnumerator transEnum = leavingTransitions.GetEnumerator();
             transition = (TransitionImpl)transEnum.Current;
             throw new SystemException("no transitionName was specified : this is only allowed if the state (" + state.Name + ") has exactly 1 leaving transition (" + leavingTransitions.Count + ")");
     return transition;
Esempio n. 5
        public void ProcessActivityState(ActivityStateImpl activityState, ExecutionContextImpl executionContext,DbSession dbSession)
            // first set the flow-state to the activity-state
            FlowImpl flow = (FlowImpl) executionContext.GetFlow();

            log.Debug("processing activity-state '" + activityState + "' for flow '" + executionContext.GetFlow() + "'");

            // execute the actions scheduled for this assignment
            delegationService.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.BEFORE_ACTIVITYSTATE_ASSIGNMENT, activityState.Id, executionContext,dbSession);

            String actorId = null;
            String role = activityState.ActorRoleName;
            DelegationImpl assignmentDelegation = activityState.AssignmentDelegation;

            if (assignmentDelegation != null)
                // delegate the assignment of the activity-state
                actorId = delegationHelper.DelegateAssignment(activityState.AssignmentDelegation, executionContext);
                if ((Object) actorId == null)
                    throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : assigner of activity-state '" + activityState.Name + "' returned null instead of a valid actorId");
                log.Debug("setting actor of flow " + flow + " to " + actorId);
                // get the assigned actor from the specified attribute instance
                if ((Object) role != null)
                    IActor actor = (IActor) executionContext.GetAttribute(role);
                    if (actor == null)
                        throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : activity-state must be assigned to role '" + role + "' but that attribute instance is null");
                    actorId = actor.Id;
                    throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : activity-state '" + activityState.Name + "' does not have an assigner or a role");

            flow.ActorId = actorId;

            // If necessary, store the actor in the role
            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) == false) && (assignmentDelegation != null))
                executionContext.StoreRole(actorId, activityState);

            // the client of performActivity wants to be Informed of the people in charge of the process

            // log the assignment
            executionContext.CreateLog(actorId, EventType.AFTER_ACTIVITYSTATE_ASSIGNMENT);
            executionContext.AddLogDetail(new ObjectReferenceImpl(activityState));

            // execute the actions scheduled for this assignment
            delegationService.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.AFTER_ACTIVITYSTATE_ASSIGNMENT, activityState.Id, executionContext,dbSession);
        internal virtual TransitionImpl FindLeavingTransitionByName(long nodeId,string transitionName, DbSession dbSession)
            Object[] values = new Object[] { nodeId, transitionName };
            IType[] types = new IType[] { DbType.LONG, DbType.STRING };

            return (TransitionImpl)dbSession.FindOne(queryFindLeavingTransitionByName, values, types);
Esempio n. 7
        public AttributeInstanceImpl FindAttributeInstanceInScope(String attributeName, FlowImpl scope,DbSession dbSession)
            AttributeInstanceImpl attributeInstance = null;

            while (attributeInstance == null)
                IList attributes = this.FindAttributeInstanceByName(attributeName, scope.Id, dbSession);
                IEnumerator iter = attributes.GetEnumerator();
                if (iter.MoveNext())
                    attributeInstance = (AttributeInstanceImpl)iter.Current;
                    if (iter.MoveNext())
                        throw new NetBpm.Util.DB.DbException("duplicate value");
                    if (!scope.IsRootFlow())
                        scope = (FlowImpl)scope.Parent;
                        log.Warn("couldn't find attribute-instance '" + attributeName + "' in scope of flow '" + scope + "'");
            return attributeInstance;
Esempio n. 8
 public TransitionService(string previousActorId,DbSession session)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization
     this.session = session;
     delegationService = new DelegationService();
     actorExpressionResolverService = new ActorExpressionResolverService(previousActorId);
Esempio n. 9
		public void CheckGetStartForm(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, DbSession dbSession)
			IAuthorizationHandler authorizationHandler = GetHandlerFromProcessDefinitionId(processDefinitionId, dbSession);
			if (authorizationHandler != null)
				authorizationHandler.CheckGetStartForm(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId);
Esempio n. 10
		public void CheckPerformActivity(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, IDictionary attributeValues, String transitionName, DbSession dbSession)
			IAuthorizationHandler authorizationHandler = GetHandlerFromFlowId(flowId, dbSession);
			if (authorizationHandler != null)
				authorizationHandler.CheckPerformActivity(authenticatedActorId, flowId, attributeValues, transitionName);
Esempio n. 11
		public void CheckDelegateActivity(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, String delegateActorId, DbSession dbSession)
			IAuthorizationHandler authorizationHandler = GetHandlerFromFlowId(flowId, dbSession);
			if (authorizationHandler != null)
				authorizationHandler.CheckDelegateActivity(authenticatedActorId, flowId, delegateActorId);
Esempio n. 12
		public void CheckCancelProcessInstance(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processInstanceId, DbSession dbSession)
			IAuthorizationHandler authorizationHandler = GetHandlerFromProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId, dbSession);
			if (authorizationHandler != null)
				authorizationHandler.CheckCancelProcessInstance(authenticatedActorId, processInstanceId);
Esempio n. 13
		public void CheckStartProcessInstance(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, IDictionary attributeValues, String transitionName, DbSession dbSession)
			IAuthorizationHandler authorizationHandler = GetHandlerFromProcessDefinitionId(processDefinitionId, dbSession);
			if (authorizationHandler != null)
				authorizationHandler.CheckStartProcessInstance(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId, attributeValues, transitionName);
Esempio n. 14
		public void DeleteAccount(string bank, string costumer, DbSession dbSession)

			Object[] values = new Object[] {bank, costumer};
			IType[] types = new IType[] {DbType.STRING, DbType.STRING};

Esempio n. 15
 public ExecutionContextImpl(String actorId, ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
     this._actorId = actorId;
     this._processInstance = processInstance;
     this._processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) processInstance.ProcessDefinition;
     this._dbSession = dbSession;
     this._organisationComponent = organisationComponent;
     this._assignedFlows = new ArrayList();
Esempio n. 16
		public IProcessDefinition GetProcessDefinition(Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = null;
			processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinition;
Esempio n. 17
		public IProcessDefinition GetProcessDefinition(String processDefinitionName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = null;
			processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.FindOne(queryFindProcessDefinitionByName, processDefinitionName, DbType.STRING);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinition;
Esempio n. 18
		public IList GetProcessDefinitions(Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processDefinitions = null;
			processDefinitions = dbSession.Find(queryFindProcessDefinitions);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinitions;
Esempio n. 19
		public IList GetAllProcessDefinitions(Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processDefinitions = null;
			log.Debug("getting all process definitions...");
			processDefinitions = dbSession.Find(queryFindAllProcessDefinitions);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinitions;
Esempio n. 20
		public BankAccount GetBankAccount(string bank, string costumer, DbSession dbSession)
			BankAccount bankAccount = null;

			Object[] values = new Object[] {bank, costumer};
			IType[] types = new IType[] {DbType.STRING, DbType.STRING};

			bankAccount = (BankAccount) dbSession.FindOne(queryFindBankAccount,values,types);
			return bankAccount;
 public void DeployProcessArchive(byte[] processArchiveBytes, DbSession dbSession)
         Stream mstream = new MemoryStream(processArchiveBytes);
         DeployProcessArchive(mstream, dbSession);
     catch (IOException e)
         throw new NpdlException("couldn't deploy process archive, the processArchiveBytes do not seem to be a valid par-file : " + e.Message, e);
 public void Save(ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition,DbSession dbSession) 
     catch (DbException e)
         throw new NpdlException("couldn't deploy process archive due to a database exception : " + e.Message, e);
Esempio n. 23
 public override void Resolve(DbSession dbSession)
         log.Debug("resolving object reference : " + _referenceId + " : " + _className);
         Type clazz = Type.GetType(_className);
         _object = dbSession.Load(clazz, _referenceId);
     catch (System.Exception e)
         log.Error("error resolving object reference :", e);
        public void DeployProcessArchive(byte[] processArchiveBytes)
            ParFile parFile = new ParFile(processArchiveBytes);

            ProcessDefinitionBuildService buildService = new ProcessDefinitionBuildService(parFile.ProcessDefinition);
            ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = buildService.BuildProcessDefinition();

            using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
                DbSession nhSession = new DbSession(session);
                repository.Save(processDefinition, nhSession);
Esempio n. 25
        public void ProcessActivityState(ActivityStateImpl activityState, FlowImpl flow, DbSession dbSession)
            String actorId = null;
            String role = activityState.ActorRoleName;

            DelegationImpl assignmentDelegation = activityState.AssignmentDelegation;

            if (assignmentDelegation != null)
                var delegateParameters = activityState.AssignmentDelegation.ParseConfiguration();
                actorExpressionResolverService.CurrentScope = flow;
                actorExpressionResolverService.DbSession = dbSession;
                actorId = actorExpressionResolverService.ResolveArgument(delegateParameters["expression"].ToString()).Id;

                if ((Object)actorId == null)
                    throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : assigner of activity-state '" + activityState.Name + "' returned null instead of a valid actorId");
                if ((Object)role != null)
                    IActor actor = null;
                    var attr = attributeRepository.FindAttributeInstanceInScope(role, flow, dbSession);
                    if (attr != null)
                        actor = (IActor)attr.GetValue();

                    if (actor == null)
                        throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : activity-state must be assigned to role '" + role + "' but that attribute instance is null");
                    actorId = actor.Id;
                    throw new SystemException("invalid process definition : activity-state '" + activityState.Name + "' does not have an assigner or a role");

            flow.ActorId = actorId;

            // If necessary, store the actor in the role
            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(role) == false) && (assignmentDelegation != null))
                //executionContext.StoreRole(actorId, activityState);

            // the client of performActivity wants to be Informed of the people in charge of the process
Esempio n. 26
		public IList GetTaskList(String authenticatedActorId, IList actorIds, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			ArrayList tasks = null;
			IEnumerator actorIdsIterator = actorIds.GetEnumerator();
			while (actorIdsIterator.MoveNext())
				String actorId = (String) actorIdsIterator.Current;
				if (tasks == null)
					tasks = new ArrayList();
				tasks.AddRange(GetTaskList(authenticatedActorId, actorId, relations, dbSession, organisationComponent));
			return tasks;
Esempio n. 27
 public IList GetTaskList(String actorId,Relations relations = null)
     IList taskLists = null;
     IOrganisationService organisationComponent = null;
         using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
             DbSession dbSession = new DbSession(session);
             IActor actor = organisationService.FindActorById(actorId);
             taskLists = taskRepository.FindTasks(actorId, dbSession);
     return taskLists;
Esempio n. 28
        public void RunActionsForEvent(EventType eventType, long definitionObjectId, ExecutionContextImpl executionContext,DbSession dbSession)
            log.Debug("processing '" + eventType + "' events for executionContext " + executionContext);

            // find all actions for definitionObject on the given eventType
            Object[] values = new Object[] { eventType, definitionObjectId };
            IType[] types = new IType[] { DbType.INTEGER, DbType.LONG };

            IList actions = dbSession.Find(queryFindActionsByEventType, values, types);
            IEnumerator iter = actions.GetEnumerator();
            log.Debug("list" + actions);
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                ActionImpl action = (ActionImpl)iter.Current;
                log.Debug("action: " + action);
                delegationHelper.DelegateAction(action.ActionDelegation, executionContext);
            log.Debug("ende runActionsForEvent!");
Esempio n. 29
		public IList GetTaskList(String authenticatedActorId, String actorId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			IList tasks = null;
			IActor actor = organisationComponent.FindActorById(actorId);

			if (actor is IUser)
				log.Debug("getting task lists for actor --> User : [" + actor + "]");
				tasks = GetActorTaskList(actorId, dbSession);
			else if (actor is IGroup)
				log.Debug("getting task lists for actor --> Group : [" + actor + "]");
				tasks = GetGroupTaskList(authenticatedActorId, null, actorId, dbSession, organisationComponent);

			if (relations != null)

			return tasks;
Esempio n. 30
        public void CancelFlow(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            // first check if the actor is allowed to cancel this flow
            authorizationHelper.CheckCancelFlow(authenticatedActorId, flowId, dbSession);

            FlowImpl flow = (FlowImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (FlowImpl), flowId);

            log.Info("actor '" + authenticatedActorId + "' cancels flow '" + flowId + "'...");

            // only perform the cancel if this flow is not finished yet
            if (!flow.EndHasValue)
                ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(authenticatedActorId, flow, dbSession, organisationComponent);
                executionContext.CreateLog(authenticatedActorId, EventType.FLOW_CANCEL);

                if (flow.IsRootFlow())
                    // set the flow in the end-state
                    log.Debug("setting root flow to the end state...");
                    EndStateImpl endState = (EndStateImpl) flow.ProcessInstance.ProcessDefinition.EndState;
                    engine.ProcessEndState(endState, executionContext, dbSession);
                    // set the flow in the join
                    ConcurrentBlockImpl concurrentBlock = (ConcurrentBlockImpl) flow.Node.ProcessBlock;
                    JoinImpl join = (JoinImpl) concurrentBlock.Join;
                    log.Debug("setting concurrent flow to join '" + join + "'");
                    engine.ProcessJoin(join, executionContext, dbSession);

                // flush the updates to the db