public static List<NewsBase> SearchList(string nid) { string espath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ESPath"].ToString(); string indexname = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IndexName"].ToString(); string typename = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TypeName"].ToString(); var node = new Uri(espath); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); //keyword = String.Format("*{0}*", keyword); var searchResults = client.Search<NewsBase>(s => s .Index(indexname) .Type(typename) .Query(q => q.QueryString(qs => qs.Query(nid).DefaultOperator(Operator.And))) .Sort(st => st.OnField(f => f.newsid).Order(SortOrder.Descending)) /*按ID排序,id为数字,排序正常*/ //.Sort(st=>st.OnField(f=>f.PubDate.Suffix("sort")).Descending()) /*按时间排序,时间格式,排序bug;中文字符串bug*/ .From(0) .Size(1) ); List<NewsBase> eslist = new List<NewsBase>(searchResults.Documents); //foreach (var data in searchResults.Documents) //{ // eslist.Add(data); //} return eslist; }
public PostIndexer() { var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200"); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node); _client = new ElasticClient(settings); }
public void TestFloatLookup() { var client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))); var expected = 12f; var id = new IdResolver().GetIdFor(new FloatIdClass { Id = expected }); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(expected.ToString(), id); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var context = new ElasticDBEntities(); var artists = context.Artists.ToList(); var node = "http://localhost:9200"; var searchBoxUri = new Uri(node); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(searchBoxUri); //settings.SetDefaultIndex("sample"); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); if (client.IndexExists("store").Exists) { client.DeleteIndex("store"); } //client.CreateIndex("sample"); foreach (var artist in artists) { //var index = client.Index(artist); var index = client.Index(artist, i => i.Index("store").Refresh()); } // Index all documents //client.IndexMany<Artist>(artists); }
public static void AddAutocompleteMappingToIndex(ElasticClient client) { // client.CreateIndex(descriptor => descriptor .Index(EsIndexName) .AddMapping<Skill>(m => m .Properties(p => p.MultiField(mf => mf .Name(n => n.Name) .Fields(f => f .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name).Index(FieldIndexOption.Analyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name.Suffix("sortable")).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name.Suffix("autocomplete")).IndexAnalyzer("shingle_analyzer")))))) .AddMapping<Certification>(m => m .Properties(p => p.MultiField(mf => mf .Name(n => n.Name) .Fields(f => f .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name).Index(FieldIndexOption.Analyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name.Suffix("sortable")).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(n => n.Name.Suffix("autocomplete")).IndexAnalyzer("shingle_analyzer")))))) .Analysis(a => a .Analyzers(b => b.Add("shingle_analyzer", new CustomAnalyzer { Tokenizer = "standard", Filter = new List<string> {"lowercase", "shingle_filter"} })) .TokenFilters(b => b.Add("shingle_filter", new ShingleTokenFilter { MinShingleSize = 2, MaxShingleSize = 5 }))) ); }
//requires a data processor to ensure unique row ids public ElasticsearchStorage(IDataProcessor DataProcessor, string Server = null, string Index = null, string Username = null, string Password = null) : base(DataProcessor) { this.Server = Framework.Settings.Get("ELASTICSEARCH_URL", Server); this.Index = Framework.Settings.Get("ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX", Index); this.Username = Framework.Settings.Get("ELASTICSEARCH_USER", Username); this.Password = Framework.Settings.Get("ELASTICSEARCH_PWD", Password); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Server)) { throw new Exception("No elasticsearch server defined!"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Index)) { throw new Exception("No elasticsearch index defined!"); } _client = new Nest.ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings( new Uri(this.Server)) .DefaultIndex(this.Index) .BasicAuthentication(this.Username, this.Password) .EnableHttpCompression() ); this.Log("Elasticsearch URI: {0}", this.Server); this.Log("Elasticsearch Index: {0}", this.Index); }
public BeerElasticsearch() { string url = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["elasticsearch"]; this._node = new Uri(url); this._settings = new ConnectionSettings(_node, defaultIndex: Setting.ElasticSearchIndex); this._client = new ElasticClient(_settings); }
public void TestIndexTimeout() { var timeout = 1; var s = new ConnectionSettings(Test.Default.Host, Test.Default.Port, timeout) .SetDefaultIndex(Test.Default.DefaultIndex) .SetMaximumAsyncConnections(Test.Default.MaximumAsyncConnections) .UsePrettyResponses(); var client = new ElasticClient(s); var newProject = new ElasticSearchProject { Name = "COBOLES", //COBOL ES client ? }; var t = client.IndexAsync<ElasticSearchProject>(newProject); t.Wait(1000); var cs = t.Result; Assert.False(cs.Success); Assert.NotNull(cs.Error); Assert.NotNull(cs.Error.OriginalException); Trace.WriteLine(cs.Error.OriginalException); Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(cs.Error.ExceptionMessage); Assert.IsTrue(cs.Error.OriginalException is WebException); var we = cs.Error.OriginalException as WebException; Assert.IsTrue(cs.Error.ExceptionMessage.Contains("The request was canceled")); Assert.IsTrue(we.Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); Assert.True(t.IsCompleted, "task did not complete"); Assert.False(t.IsFaulted, "task was faulted, wich means the exception did not cleanly pass to ConnectionStatus"); }
public void RebuildIndex(string userId, int? noteId) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId)) { var notes = new List<NoteModel>(); if (noteId.HasValue) notes.Add(Repository.GetById(noteId.Value)); else notes = Repository.GetByUserId(userId).ToList(); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"), "mapnotes"); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); var indexExists = client.IndexExists("mapnotes"); if (!indexExists.Exists) { client.CreateIndex(descriptor => descriptor.Index("mapnotes") .AddMapping<NoteIndex>(m => m.Properties(p => p.GeoPoint(d => d.Name(f => f.Location).IndexLatLon())))); } foreach (var note in notes) { client.Index(new NoteIndex { Id = note.Id, UserId = note.UserId, Title = note.Title, Location = new Location(note.Latitude, note.Longitude) }); } } }
public void ShouldRoundtripDateTimeAndDateTimeOffsetWithSameKindAndOffset() { var dates = new Dates { DateTimeUtcKind = new DateTime(2016,1,1,1,1,1,DateTimeKind.Utc), DateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(1999, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, TimeSpan.FromHours(5)), DateTimeOffsetUtc = new DateTimeOffset(1999, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, TimeSpan.Zero) }; var client = new ElasticClient(); var serializedDates = client.Serializer.SerializeToString(dates,SerializationFormatting.None); serializedDates.Should() .Be("{\"dateTimeUtcKind\":\"2016-01-01T01:01:01Z\"," + "\"dateTimeOffset\":\"1999-01-01T01:01:01.001+05:00\"," + "\"dateTimeOffsetUtc\":\"1999-01-01T01:01:01.001+00:00\"}"); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedDates))) { var deserializedDates = client.Serializer.Deserialize<Dates>(stream); deserializedDates.DateTimeUtcKind.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeUtcKind); deserializedDates.DateTimeUtcKind.Kind.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeUtcKind.Kind); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffset.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffset); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffset.Offset.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffset.Offset); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffset.Date.Kind.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffset.Date.Kind); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffsetUtc.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffsetUtc); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffsetUtc.Offset.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffsetUtc.Offset); deserializedDates.DateTimeOffsetUtc.Date.Kind.Should().Be(dates.DateTimeOffsetUtc.Date.Kind); } }
public Storage(string serverUrl) { var passportIndices = new List<string> { ServiceIndex, UserIndex, ClaimIndex, TenantIndex }; var local = new Uri(serverUrl); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(local).DefaultIndex(DefaultIndex); _client = new ElasticClient(settings); var res = _client.LowLevel.ClusterHealth<object>(); if (res.SuccessOrKnownError) { foreach (var index in passportIndices) { res = _client.LowLevel.IndicesExists<object>(index); if (res.HttpStatusCode != 200) { Console.WriteLine($"{index} Index does not exist - Initialising"); InitialiseIndex(index); } else { Console.WriteLine($"{index} Index is accesible"); } } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Elastic search server is not reachable"); } }
public ProductRepository(IAggregateFactory aggregateFactory) { _client = new ElasticClient(); _factory = aggregateFactory; Mapper.CreateMap<Product, ProductDTO>(); }
public GameDataManager() { try { var elasticSearchUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ElasticStoreConnection"]; var index = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EIndex_Game"]; _settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(elasticSearchUrl)).SetDefaultIndex(index).PluralizeTypeNames(); _client = new ElasticClient(_settings); var isIndexExist = _client.IndexExists(i => i.Index(index)); if (!isIndexExist.Exists) { _client.CreateIndex(c => c.Index(index)); _settings.SetDefaultIndex(index); _client = new ElasticClient(_settings); } var response = _client.Map<Game>( h => h.Properties(p => p .String(s => s.Name(i => i.GameId).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(i => i.Status).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(i => i.TurnOfPlayer).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .Object<Winner>(o => o.Name(w => w.Winner).Properties(wp => wp.String(f => f.Name(l => l.FacebookId).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed))) ))); IsServerError(response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, _source, "GameDataManager", Severity.Critical); throw; } }
public Nest.ElasticClient GetClient() { var connectionSettings = this.CreateDefaulConnectionSettings(); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(connectionSettings); return(client); }
public BlackListDataManager() { try { var elasticSearchUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ElasticStoreConnection"]; var index = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EIndex_BlackList"]; _settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(elasticSearchUrl)).SetDefaultIndex(index).PluralizeTypeNames(); _client = new ElasticClient(_settings); var isIndexExist = _client.IndexExists(i => i.Index(index)); if (!isIndexExist.Exists) { _client.CreateIndex(c => c.Index(index)); _settings.SetDefaultIndex(index); _client = new ElasticClient(_settings); } var response = _client.Map<BlockedUser>( h => h.MapFromAttributes(10).Properties(p => p .String(s => s.Name(i => i.ByEmail).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) .String(s => s.Name(i => i.ToEmail).Index(FieldIndexOption.NotAnalyzed)) )); IsServerError(response); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, _soruce, "BlackListDataManager", Severity.Critical); throw; } }
public async Task<IEnumerable<Message>> Get(string q, int from, int size) { var url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ES_URL"]; var setting = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(url)); var client = new ElasticClient(setting); // Parse the search query string[] terms = q.Split(' '); var personTerm = terms.SingleOrDefault(x => x.StartsWith("person:")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(personTerm)) { terms = terms.Except(new string[] { personTerm }).ToArray(); personTerm = personTerm.Replace("person:", string.Empty); } var textTerms = string.Join(" ", terms); var searchResults = await client.SearchAsync<Message>(s => s .AllIndices() .AllTypes() .Size(size) .From(from) .SortAscending(f => f.Date) .Query(qry => (qry.Term("from", personTerm) || qry.Term("to", personTerm)) && qry.Match(m => m .OnField(f => f.Text) .Query(textTerms) .Operator(Operator.And)))); return searchResults.Documents; }
public void TestDoubleLookup() { var client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))); var expected = 12d; var id = client.GetIdFor(new DoubleIdClass { Id = expected }); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(expected.ToString(), id); }
private static ElasticClient ElasticClientForIndexingFiles( IConnectionSettingsValues connectionSettingsForIndexingFiles) { var elasticClientForIndexingFiles = new ElasticClient(connectionSettingsForIndexingFiles); return elasticClientForIndexingFiles; }
public void PopulateFromConnections(IEnumerable<string> settingNodes) { string lastErrorMessage = null; Exception lastException = null; foreach (var n in settingNodes) { var uri = new Uri(string.Format("http://{0}", n)); var cs = new ConnectionSettings(uri).SetTimeout(2000); var profiledConn = new ProfiledElasticConnection(cs); var cli = new ElasticClient(cs, profiledConn); IResponse response = RefreshFromConnection(cli); // Some implementations are raw if (response == null) return; // All's well with the world if (response.IsValid) return; if (response.ConnectionStatus.Error == null) continue; lastErrorMessage = response.ConnectionStatus.Error.ExceptionMessage; lastException = response.ConnectionStatus.Error.OriginalException; } // Failed to poll all nodes if (lastErrorMessage.HasValue()) { throw new Exception("Failed to poll all elastic nodes for " + GetType().Name + ": " + lastErrorMessage, lastException); } throw new Exception("Failed to poll all elastic nodes for " + GetType().Name); }
/**== Custom Connection Implementations * * The client abstracts sending the request and creating a response behind `IConnection` * * By default the client will use a WebRequest based version on the desktop CLR (.NET 4.5 and up targets) * and a HttpClient based HttpConnection specifically build for the Core CLR (netstandard 1.6). * * The reason for the split is because WebRequest and ServicePoint are not directly available on netstandard 1.6 * * However the implementation written against WebRequest is the most matured implementation that we weren't ready to it give up. * There are also a couple of important toggles that are easy to set against a `ServicePoint` that we'd have to give up * had we jumped on the `HttpClient` completely. * * Another limitation is that `HttpClient` has no synchronous code paths and supporting that means doing hacky async patches which definitely * need time to bake. * * So why would you ever want to pass your own `IConnection`? Let's look at a couple of examples * */ public void OverrideHow() { var connection = new InMemoryConnection(); var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); }
public async static Task <IDeleteIndexResponse> DeleteIndexAsync(string elasticSearchConnectionString, string index) { var req = new DeleteIndexRequest(index); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(new Uri(elasticSearchConnectionString)); return(await client.DeleteIndexAsync(req)); }
public static ValidateQueryResponse ValidateSpecificQueryRaw <T>(Nest.ElasticClient client, QueryContainer qc) where T : class { var res = client.Indices .ValidateQuery <T>(v => v .Query(q => qc) ); return(res); }
public static void LoadData() { var nodes = new List <Uri> { new Uri("http://*****:*****@"C:\cities_canada-usa.csv")) { if (!reader.EndOfStream) { reader.ReadLine(); } var documents = new List <City>(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); var values = line.Split(';'); //0 - id //1 - name //3 - alt_name //4 - lat //5 - lon //8 - country_code documents.Add(new City { Id = int.Parse(values[0]), Name = values[1], AltName = values[3], Country = values[8], Location = new Location(double.Parse(values[4]), double.Parse(values[5])), FullText = string.Concat(values[1], ", ", values[8]) }); } var result = client.IndexMany(documents, "city"); } }
public static void CreateIndex(string elasticSearchConnectionString, string index, int shards, int replicas) { CreateIndexRequest req = new CreateIndexRequest(index); req.Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = replicas, NumberOfShards = shards }; var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(new Uri(elasticSearchConnectionString)); var res = client.CreateIndex(req); }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index() { var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool) .DefaultIndex("product") .DisableDirectStreaming() .OnRequestCompleted(RequestHandler.OnRequestCompletedHandler); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings); ISearchResponse <EsDocument> data = client.Search <EsDocument>(s => s.Query(q => q.MatchAll())); return(View(data.Documents)); }
protected static ElasticClient GetESClient(PluginConfig pluginConfig) { using (ConnectionSettings connection = new Nest.ConnectionSettings(new Uri(pluginConfig.ElasticsearchUrl))) { if (pluginConfig.SecurityType == "basic" && pluginConfig.Username != null && pluginConfig.Password != null) { connection.BasicAuthentication(pluginConfig.Username, pluginConfig.Password); } connection.DefaultIndex("active-homeseer-index"); ElasticClient client = new Nest.ElasticClient(connection); return(client); } }
public DataContracts.IndexResponse AddDocument(IndexRequest query) { ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "Entering ESI4TIndexManager.AddDocument for TCM URI: " + query.ItemURI); DataContracts.IndexResponse response = new DataContracts.IndexResponse(); OperationResult result = OperationResult.Failure; try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string ID = string.Empty; doc.LoadXml(Utility.UpdateContentTypeXML(Regex.Replace(query.DCP.ToString(), @"\b'\b", ""))); string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc); // var bln = Deserialize<Esnews>(doc); var conString = ESI4TServicesConstants.elasticSearch_URL; ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "conString: " + conString); node = new Uri(conString); settings = new ConnectionSettings(node); settings.DefaultIndex("fromelasticstoweb8"); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings); var indexResponse = client.LowLevel.Index <string>("fromelasticstoweb8", "esnews", jsonText); // var responseBool = client.Index(bln); result = OperationResult.Success; } catch (Exception ex) { string logString = ESI4TServiceConstants.LOG_MESSAGE + Environment.NewLine; logString = string.Concat(logString, Environment.NewLine, string.Format("{0}{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.ERROR, logString); result = OperationResult.Failure; } response.Result = (int)result; ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "Exiting ESI4TIndexManager.AddDocument, Result: " + result.ToString()); return(response); }
protected DataSet(string datasourceName, bool fireException) { this.datasetId = datasourceName.ToLower(); this.client = Lib.ES.Manager.GetESClient(datasetId, idxType: ES.Manager.IndexType.DataSource); var ret = client.Indices.Exists(client.ConnectionSettings.DefaultIndex); //todo: es7 check if (ret.Exists == false) { if (fireException) { throw new DataSetException(this.datasetId, ApiResponseStatus.DatasetNotFound); } else { this.client = null; } } }
private IBulkResponse IndexNews(IEnumerable <NewsArticle> newsArticles) { if (newsArticles == null || !newsArticles.Any()) { return(null); } // Connecting to Elasticsearch string protocol = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Protocol", "http"); string host = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Host", "elastic.local"); string port = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.Port", "9200"); var node = new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}", protocol, host, port)); var settings = new Nest.ConnectionSettings(node); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings); // Reindexing items var indexName = Settings.GetSetting("ElasticSearch.ArticlesIndex", "articles-index"); var indexerResponse = client.IndexMany(newsArticles, indexName); return(indexerResponse); }
public Mouth(Contexts.Mouths.Mouth destination) { _destination = destination; _client = new Nest.ElasticClient(new Nest.ConnectionSettings(new Uri(destination.Url))); }
protected NamespacedClientProxy(ElasticClient client) => _client = client;
static void Main(string[] args) { var dataFolder = @"G:\src\hackatons\chaintrack\storage\decisions\"; var crawlerIndex = @"G:\src\hackatons\chaintrack\storage\decisions\data.json"; var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")) .DefaultIndex("documents").DisableDirectStreaming(true); var crawled = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrawlersResult>(File.ReadAllText(crawlerIndex)); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings); var createIndexResponse = client.Indices.Create("documents", c => c .Settings(s => s .Analysis(a => a .TokenFilters(f => f .Stemmer("russian_stemmer", st => st.Language("russian")) .Stop("russian_stop", st => st.StopWords("_russian_")) ) .Analyzers(aa => aa .Custom("ru", ca => ca .Tokenizer("standard") .Filters("russian_stop", "russian_stemmer") // TODO: lowercase ) ) ) ) .Map(x => x.AutoMap().Properties(pz => pz.Text(tttt => tttt.Name("heading").Analyzer("ru")) .Text(tttt => tttt.Name("group").Analyzer("ru")) .Text(tttt => tttt.Name("name").Analyzer("ru")) .Text(tttt => tttt.Name("body").Analyzer("ru")) .Text(tttt => tttt.Name("institute").Analyzer("ru")) .Text(tttt => tttt.Name("reactionSlug").Analyzer("ru")) ) ) ); Console.WriteLine(createIndexResponse.DebugInformation); foreach (var c in crawled.Entries) { Console.WriteLine(; var entry = new LawEntry(); =; entry.heading = c.heading; =; entry.number = c.number; entry.body = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(dataFolder, c.textFile)); =; entry.publishedAt = DateTime.ParseExact(, "dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ru")); entry.reactionSlug = c.reactionSlug != null && c.reactionSlug.Any()? c.reactionSlug.Aggregate((acc, e) => acc + ", " + e) : null; Console.WriteLine("21312213 " + entry.reactionSlug); client.IndexDocument(entry); } Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); }
static ElasticClient() { DeserializeSettings = ElasticClient.CreateDeserializeSettings(); SerializationSettings = ElasticClient.CreateSettings(); PropertyNameResolver = new PropertyNameResolver(SerializationSettings); }
public BuildRepository(IClientBuilder clientBuilder) { this.client = clientBuilder.GetClient(); }
public async static Task <ICatResponse <CatIndicesRecord> > ListIndexAsync(string elasticSearchConnectionString) { var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(new Uri(elasticSearchConnectionString)); return(await client.CatIndicesAsync()); }
public static ISearchResponse <object> _searchData(DataSet ds, string queryString, int page, int pageSize, string sort = null, bool excludeBigProperties = true, bool withHighlighting = false, bool exactNumOfResults = false) { SortDescriptor <object> sortD = new SortDescriptor <object>(); if (sort == "0") { sort = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort)) { if (sort.EndsWith(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc) || sort.ToLower().EndsWith(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl)) { sort = sort.Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "").Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "").Trim(); sortD = sortD.Field(sort, SortOrder.Descending); } else { sort = sort.Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "").Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "").Trim(); sortD = sortD.Field(sort, SortOrder.Ascending); } } Nest.ElasticClient client = Lib.ES.Manager.GetESClient(ds.DatasetId, idxType: ES.Manager.IndexType.DataSource); QueryContainer qc = GetSimpleQuery(ds, queryString); //QueryContainer qc = null; //if (queryString == null) // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>().MatchNone(); //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>().MatchAll(); //else //{ // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>() // .QueryString(qs => qs // .Query(queryString) // .DefaultOperator(Operator.And) // ); //} page = page - 1; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (page * pageSize > Lib.Data.Smlouva.Search.MaxResultWindow) { page = (Lib.Data.Smlouva.Search.MaxResultWindow / pageSize) - 1; } //exclude big properties from result var maps = excludeBigProperties ? ds.GetMappingList("DocumentPlainText").ToArray() : new string[] { }; var res = client .Search <object>(s => s .Size(pageSize) .Source(ss => ss.Excludes(ex => ex.Fields(maps))) .From(page * pageSize) .Query(q => qc) .Sort(ss => sortD) .Highlight(h => Lib.Searching.Tools.GetHighlight <Object>(withHighlighting)) .TrackTotalHits(exactNumOfResults ? true : (bool?)null) ); //fix Highlighting for large texts if (withHighlighting && res.Shards != null && res.Shards.Failed > 0) //if some error, do it again without highlighting { res = client .Search <object>(s => s .Size(pageSize) .Source(ss => ss.Excludes(ex => ex.Fields(maps))) .From(page * pageSize) .Query(q => qc) .Sort(ss => sortD) .Highlight(h => Lib.Searching.Tools.GetHighlight <Object>(false)) .TrackTotalHits(exactNumOfResults ? true : (bool?)null) ); } Audit.Add(Audit.Operations.Search, "", "", "Dataset." + ds.DatasetId, res.IsValid ? "valid" : "invalid", queryString, null); return(res); }
public TopChildrenQueryDescriptor() { this._Type = ElasticClient.GetTypeNameFor <T>(); }
public ElasticClient(Nest.ElasticClient cli) => _cli = cli;
public HasChildFilterDescriptor() { this._Type = ElasticClient.GetTypeNameFor <T>(); }
public static ISearchResponse <object> _searchData(DataSet ds, string queryString, int page, int pageSize, string sort = null, bool excludeBigProperties = true) { SortDescriptor <object> sortD = new SortDescriptor <object>(); if (sort == "0") { sort = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort)) { if (sort.EndsWith(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc) || sort.ToLower().EndsWith(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl)) { sort = sort.Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDesc, "").Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderDescUrl, "").Trim(); sortD = sortD.Field(sort, SortOrder.Descending); } else { sort = sort.Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAsc, "").Replace(DataSearchResult.OrderAscUrl, "").Trim(); sortD = sortD.Field(sort, SortOrder.Ascending); } } Nest.ElasticClient client = Lib.ES.Manager.GetESClient(ds.DatasetId, idxType: ES.Manager.IndexType.DataSource); QueryContainer qc = GetSimpleQuery(ds, queryString); //QueryContainer qc = null; //if (queryString == null) // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>().MatchNone(); //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>().MatchAll(); //else //{ // qc = new QueryContainerDescriptor<object>() // .QueryString(qs => qs // .Query(queryString) // .DefaultOperator(Operator.And) // ); //} page = page - 1; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (page * pageSize > Lib.ES.SearchTools.MaxResultWindow) { page = (Lib.ES.SearchTools.MaxResultWindow / pageSize) - 1; } //exclude big properties from result var maps = excludeBigProperties ? ds.GetMappingList("DocumentPlainText").ToArray() : new string[] { }; var res = client .Search <object>(s => s .Type("data") .Size(pageSize) .Source(ss => ss.Excludes(ex => ex.Fields(maps))) .From(page * pageSize) .Query(q => qc) .Sort(ss => sortD) ); return(res); }
public static bool ValidateQuery <T>(Nest.ElasticClient client, QueryContainer qc) where T : class { return(ValidateSpecificQueryRaw <T>(client, qc)?.Valid ?? false); }
/// <summary> /// This method removes an index from Elastic /// </summary> /// <param name="query">IndexRequest containing delete criteria</param> /// <returns>IndexResponse indicating success or failure</returns> public DataContracts.IndexResponse RemoveDocument(IndexRequest query) { ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "Entering ESI4TIndexManager.RemoveDocument for TCM URI: " + query.ItemURI); DataContracts.IndexResponse response = new DataContracts.IndexResponse(); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); serializer.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue; var webClient = new WebClient(); OperationResult result = OperationResult.Failure; try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string ID = query.ItemURI; string strId = "\"" + ID + "\""; var content = webClient.DownloadString(@"http://*****:*****@"\b'\b", ""))); foreach (var item in data) { var aa = item; if (aa.Key == "hits") { foreach (var item2 in aa.Value) { var aaaa = item2; if (aaaa.Key == "hits") { foreach (var item3 in aaaa.Value) { foreach (var item4 in item3) { if (item4.Key == "_id") { Id = item4.Key; idValue = item4.Value; } } } } } } } //var bln = Deserialize<Esnews>(doc); node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200"); settings = new ConnectionSettings(node); settings.DefaultIndex("fromelasticstoweb8"); var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(settings); var responseReturn = client.Delete <Esnews>(idValue, d => d .Index("fromelasticstoweb8") .Type("esnews")); result = OperationResult.Success; ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "Exit ESI4TIndexManager.RemoveDocument for TCM URI: " + query.ItemURI + " result " + result); } catch (Exception ex) { string logString = ESI4TServiceConstants.LOG_MESSAGE + Environment.NewLine; logString = string.Concat(logString, string.Format("Item URI : {0}", query.ItemURI), Environment.NewLine, string.Format("{0}{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.ERROR, logString); result = OperationResult.Failure; } response.Result = (int)result; ESI4TLogger.WriteLog(ELogLevel.INFO, "Exiting ESI4TIndexManager.RemoveDocument, Result: " + result.ToString()); return(response); }
// GET: Search public ActionResult Index(string r) { var uri = new Uri(""); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(uri).SetDefaultIndex("indexdem"); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); var result = client.Search<Demotivator>(q => q .Query(f => f .QueryString(t => t.Query(r + "*").OnFields(u => u.Name)) || f .QueryString(t => t.Query(r + "*").OnFields(u => u.Str1))) ); SearchViewModel model = new SearchViewModel(); List<Demotivator> tr = new List<Demotivator>(); foreach (var t in result.Hits) { var sleep = (Demotivator)t.Source; int temp = new int(); if (sleep != null) { tr.Add(sleep); } else { } } model.demotivators = tr; return View(model); }
public ActionResult ReIndexAll() { var documents = db.Documents.ToList(); var uriString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SEARCHBOX_URL"]; var searchBoxUri = new Uri(uriString); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(searchBoxUri); settings.SetDefaultIndex("sample"); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); // delete index if exists at startup if (client.IndexExists("sample").Exists) { client.DeleteIndex("sample"); } // Create a new "sample" index with default settings client.CreateIndex("sample", new IndexSettings()); // Index all documents client.IndexMany<Document>(documents); ViewBag.Message = "Reindexing all database is complete!"; return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public void Run(string indexName, int port, int numMessages, int bufferSize) { var bulkParms = new SimpleBulkParameters() { Refresh = false }; var settings = new ConnectionSettings("localhost", port) .SetDefaultIndex(indexName); var client = new ElasticClient(settings, new ThriftConnection(settings)); Connect(client, settings); IList<Message> msgBuffer = new List<Message>(bufferSize); var msgGenerator = new MessageGenerator(); foreach (var msg in msgGenerator.Generate(numMessages)) { msgBuffer.Add(msg); // Flush buffer once max size reached if (msgBuffer.Count >= bufferSize) { client.IndexMany(msgBuffer, indexName, bulkParms); msgBuffer.Clear(); Interlocked.Add(ref NumSent, bufferSize); // Output how many messages sent so far if (NumSent % 10000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Sent {0:0,0} messages over Thrift", NumSent); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200"); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node, "elastic-searcher"); settings.SetDefaultTypeNameInferrer(t => t.Name.ToUpperInvariant()); IElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(settings); IPersonSearch personSearcher = new PersonSearch(client); Utils.IndexItems(client); var value = Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(value); if (id != 0) { personSearcher.GetItem<Person>(id); } else { Utils.ClearItems(client); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void construct_client_with_null() { Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => { var client = new ElasticClient(null); }); }
[U] public void SearchDoesNotTakeDefaultIndexIntoAccount() { var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200"); var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(node); var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection: new InMemoryConnection()) .DefaultIndex("logstash-*") .DefaultFieldNameInferrer(p => p) .OnRequestCompleted(info => { // info.Uri is /_search/ without the default index // my ES instance throws an error on the .kibana index (@timestamp field not mapped because I sort on @timestamp) }); var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings); var response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(s=>s); response.ApiCall.Uri.AbsolutePath.Should().Be("/logstash-%2A/eslogevent/_search"); response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(new SearchRequest<ESLogEvent>{ }); response.ApiCall.Uri.AbsolutePath.Should().Be("/logstash-%2A/eslogevent/_search"); response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(new SearchRequest { }); response.ApiCall.Uri.AbsolutePath.Should().Be("/_search"); }
public void TestAlternateIdLookup() { var client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))); var expectedGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var id = new IdResolver().GetIdFor(new AlternateIdClass { Guid = expectedGuid }); StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(expectedGuid.ToString(), id); }
private SearchAdapter() { esconnSetting = new ConnectionSettings( new Uri(ESConnectionSetting.Node), "lt028310"); esClient = new ElasticClient(esconnSetting); }
protected static void GenerateAndIndex(ElasticClient client, string indexName, int numMessages, int bufferSize) { var msgGenerator = new MessageGenerator(); var tasks = new List<Task>(); var partitionedMessages = msgGenerator.Generate(numMessages).Partition(bufferSize); client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c .NumberOfReplicas(0) .NumberOfShards(1) .Settings(s => s.Add("refresh_interval", "-1")) .AddMapping<Message>(p=>p.MapFromAttributes()) ); Interlocked.Exchange(ref NumSent, 0); foreach (var messages in partitionedMessages) { var t = client.IndexManyAsync(messages, indexName) .ContinueWith(tt => { Interlocked.Add(ref NumSent, bufferSize); Console.WriteLine("Sent {0:0,0} messages to {1}, {2}", NumSent, indexName, tt.Result.Took); }) ; tasks.Add(t); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); client.UpdateSettings(u => u .Index(indexName) .RefreshInterval("1s") ); }
public LogstashRepo() { var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200"); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node, defaultIndex: "logstash-2015.08.18"); var client = new ElasticClient(settings); _client = client; }
/** = Connection Pooling * Connection pooling is the internal mechanism that takes care of registering what nodes there are in the cluster and which * we can use to issue client calls on. */ /** == SingleNodeConnectionPool * The simplest of all connection pools, this takes a single `Uri` and uses that to connect to elasticsearch for all the calls * It doesn't opt in to sniffing and pinging behavior, and will never mark nodes dead or alive. The one `Uri` it holds is always * ready to go. */ [U] public void SingleNode() { var uri = new Uri("http://localhost:9201"); var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(uri); pool.Nodes.Should().HaveCount(1); var node = pool.Nodes.First(); node.Uri.Port.Should().Be(9201); /** This type of pool is hardwired to optout out sniffing*/ pool.SupportsReseeding.Should().BeFalse(); /** and pinging */ pool.SupportsPinging.Should().BeFalse(); /** When you use the low ceremony ElasticClient constructor that takes a single Uri * We default to this SingleNodeConnectionPool */ var client = new ElasticClient(uri); client.ConnectionSettings.ConnectionPool.Should().BeOfType<SingleNodeConnectionPool>(); /** However we urge that you always pass your connection settings explicitly */ client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(uri)); client.ConnectionSettings.ConnectionPool.Should().BeOfType<SingleNodeConnectionPool>(); /** or even better pass the connection pool explicitly */ client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(pool)); client.ConnectionSettings.ConnectionPool.Should().BeOfType<SingleNodeConnectionPool>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { elasticSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("")) .SetDefaultIndex("people"); client = new ElasticClient(elasticSettings); ///// ** Basic search with QueryString var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s => s.Query(q => q. QueryString(x => x.Query("toto"). OnField(of => of.LastName)))); foreach (var result in searchResults.Documents) { Console.WriteLine("Found: {0}", result.FirstName + " " + result.LastName); } ///// ** Basic search on Message //var searchResults = client.Search<Person>(s => s.Query(q => q. // QueryString(x => x.Query("brother"). // OnField(of => of.Message). // Operator((Operator.and))))); //foreach (var result in searchResults.Documents) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Found: {0}", result.FirstName + " " + result.LastName); //} Console.ReadKey(); }