Esempio n. 1
        public static IList<Candidate> AdvancedSearchCandidatesByPage(CandidateSearchCriteria criteria, 
            int pageSize, int pageNumber, string sortOrder, string sortOrderInvert)
            IList<Candidate> result = new List<Candidate>();
            List<SqlParameter> paramList;
            string sql = BuildAdvancedQuery(criteria, out paramList);
            sql = "select {0} * from (" + sql + ") as T0 ";
            sql += " order by " + sortOrder;
            sql = string.Format(sql, "top " + pageSize * pageNumber + " ");
            sql = "(select top " + pageSize + " * from \n (" + sql + " ) As T1 \n"
                    + " Order by " + sortOrderInvert;
            sql = "select * from \n " + sql + " ) As T2 \n"
                    + " Order by " + sortOrder;

            //sql = string.Format(sql, lastName);
            SqlDataReader reader = null;
                reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(_connectionString, CommandType.Text, sql, paramList.ToArray());
                result = GetCandidateFromReader(reader);
                if (reader != null)
            return result;
Esempio n. 2
        public static int CountAdvancedSearchCandidates(CandidateSearchCriteria criteria)
            List<SqlParameter> paramList;
            string sql = BuildAdvancedQuery(criteria, out paramList);
            sql = "select count(*) from (" + sql + ") as T0 ";

            return (int) SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(_connectionString, CommandType.Text, sql, paramList.ToArray());
Esempio n. 3
        private static string BuildAdvancedQuery(CandidateSearchCriteria criteria, out List<SqlParameter> paramList)
            string sql = @"select distinct Cand.CandidatID, Cand.Unit, Cand.Nom, Cand.Prenom, Cand.Adresse, Cand.CVMail,
                            Cand.CodePostal, Cand.inactif, Cand.DateModif
                            from tblCandidat as Cand
                            left outer join tblCandidatFonction as Func on Cand.candidatID=Func.CandidatID
                            left outer join tblCandidatAttentes as Att on Cand.CandidatID=Att.CandidatID
                            left outer join tblCandidatConaiss as Con on Cand.candidatID=Con.CandidatID
                            left outer join tblCandidatformation as Form  on Cand.candidatID=Form.CandidatID
                            left outer join tblCandidatEval as CanEval on Cand.candidatID=CanEval.candidatID

            StringBuilder whereCond = new StringBuilder();
            whereCond.Append(" where Cand.CandidatID is not null ");
            paramList = new List<SqlParameter>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.LastName))
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.Nom like @lastName ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@lastName", "%" + criteria.LastName + "%"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.FirstName))
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.Prenom like @firstName ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@firstName", "%" + criteria.FirstName + "%"));
            if (criteria.AgeFrom.HasValue)
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.DateNaissance >= @DateNaissanceFrom ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@DateNaissanceFrom", criteria.AgeFrom.Value));
            if (criteria.AgeTo.HasValue)
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.DateNaissance <= @DateNaissanceTo ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@DateNaissanceTo", criteria.AgeTo.Value));
            if (criteria.Active == "Yes")
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.inactif = 0 ");
            else if (criteria.Active == "No")
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.inactif = 1 ");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Interviewer))
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.Interviewer = @Interviewer ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Interviewer", criteria.Interviewer));
            if (criteria.DateInterviewerFrom.HasValue)
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.DateInterview >= @DateInterviewFrom ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@DateInterviewFrom", criteria.DateInterviewerFrom.Value));
            if (criteria.DateInterviewerTo.HasValue)
                whereCond.Append(" and Cand.DateInterview <= @DateInterviewTo ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@DateInterviewTo", criteria.DateInterviewerTo.Value));

            string[] locations = criteria.Locations.ToArray();
            ParamLocationsRepository locRepo = new ParamLocationsRepository();
            if (locations != null && locations.Length > 0)
                ParamLocations location0 = locRepo.FindOne(new ParamLocations(locations[0]));
                whereCond.Append(" and ((Att.region like @location0 or Att.region like @locationUk0 or Att.region like @locationNl0)");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@location0", "%" + location0.Location + "%"));
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@locationUk0", "%" + location0.LocationUk + "%"));
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@locationNl0", "%" + location0.LocationNL + "%"));

                for (int i = 1; i < locations.Length; i++)
                    ParamLocations locationi = locRepo.FindOne(new ParamLocations(locations[i]));
                    whereCond.AppendFormat(" or (Att.region like @location{0} or Att.region like @locationUk{0} or Att.region like @locationNl{0})", i.ToString());
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@location{0}", i), "%" + locationi.Location + "%"));
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@locationUk{0}", i), "%" + locationi.LocationUk + "%"));
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@locationNl{0}", i), "%" + locationi.LocationNL + "%"));
                whereCond.Append(") ");

            string[] studies = criteria.StudyAndLevelIDs;
            if (studies != null && studies.Length > 0)
                string[] composeID = studies[0].Split(';');
                whereCond.Append(" and ((Form.FormationID = @FormationID0 and Form.NiveauEtudeID = @NiveauEtudeID0) ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@FormationID0", int.Parse(composeID[0])));
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@NiveauEtudeID0", int.Parse(composeID[1])));
                for (int i = 1; i < studies.Length; i++)
                    string[] composeID2 = studies[i].Split(';');
                    if (criteria.StudyHaveOne)
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(" or (Form.FormationID = @FormationID{0} and Form.NiveauEtudeID = @NiveauEtudeID{0}) ", i.ToString());
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(@" and ((select count(*) from tblCandidatFormation t1
                                                      where t1.FormationID = @FormationID{0} and t1.NiveauEtudeID = @NiveauEtudeID{0}
                                                      and Cand.candidatID = t1.candidatID) = 1)", i.ToString());
                        //whereCond.AppendFormat(" and (Form.FormationID = @FormationID{0} and Form.NiveauEtudeID = @NiveauEtudeID{0}) ", i.ToString());
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@FormationID{0}", i), int.Parse(composeID2[0])));
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@NiveauEtudeID{0}", i), int.Parse(composeID2[1])));
                whereCond.Append(") ");

            if (criteria.FrenchLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Francais >= @Francais ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Francais", criteria.FrenchLevel));
            if (criteria.DutchLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Neerlandais >= @Neerlandais ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Neerlandais", criteria.DutchLevel));
            if (criteria.EnglishLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Anglais >= @Anglais ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Anglais", criteria.EnglishLevel));
            if (criteria.GermanLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Allemand >= @Allemand ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Allemand", criteria.GermanLevel));
            if (criteria.SpanishLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Espagnol >= @Espagnol ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Espagnol", criteria.SpanishLevel));
            if (criteria.ItalianLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.Italien >= @Italien ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@Italien", criteria.ItalianLevel));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.OtherLang) && criteria.OtherLevel > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.AutreLangue = @AutreLangue ");
                whereCond.Append(" and CanEval.ScoreAutreLangue >= @ScoreAutreLangue ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@AutreLangue", criteria.OtherLang));
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@ScoreAutreLangue", criteria.OtherLevel));
            int[] knowledgeIDs = criteria.KnowledgeIDs;
            if (knowledgeIDs != null && knowledgeIDs.Length > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and (Con.ConnaissanceID = @ConnaissanceID0 ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@ConnaissanceID0", knowledgeIDs[0]));
                for (int i = 1; i < knowledgeIDs.Length; i++)
                    if (criteria.KnowledgeHaveOne)
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(" or Con.ConnaissanceID = @ConnaissanceID{0} ", i.ToString());
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(@" and ((select count(*) from tblCandidatConaiss t1
                                                      where t1.ConnaissanceID = @ConnaissanceID{0}
                                                      and Cand.candidatID = t1.candidatID) = 1)", i.ToString());
                        //whereCond.AppendFormat(" and Con.ConnaissanceID = @ConnaissanceID{0} ", i.ToString());
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@ConnaissanceID{0}", i), knowledgeIDs[i]));
                whereCond.Append(") ");

            int[] functionIDs = criteria.FunctionIDs;
            if (functionIDs != null && functionIDs.Length > 0)
                whereCond.Append(" and (Func.FonctionID = @FonctionID0 ");
                paramList.Add(new SqlParameter("@FonctionID0", functionIDs[0]));
                for (int i = 1; i < functionIDs.Length; i++)
                    if (criteria.FunctionHaveOne)
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(" or Func.FonctionID = @FonctionID{0} ", i.ToString());
                        whereCond.AppendFormat(@" and ((select count(*) from tblCandidatFonction t1
                                                      where t1.FonctionID = @FonctionID{0}
                                                      and Cand.candidatID = t1.candidatID) = 1)", i.ToString());
                        //whereCond.AppendFormat(" and Func.FonctionID = @FonctionID{0} ", i.ToString());
                    paramList.Add(new SqlParameter(string.Format("@FonctionID{0}", i), functionIDs[i]));
                whereCond.Append(") ");
            return sql + whereCond.ToString();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (SessionManager.CurrentUser == null)
        else if (!IsPostBack)

            //set properties for the labels of each column
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Left = 150;
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.Appearance.Dimensions.Margins.Right = 50;

            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.MaxLength = 1000;
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.AutoTextWrap = AutoTextWrap.Auto;
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.XAxis.Appearance.TextAppearance.TextProperties.Font = new Font("Arial", 10);
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = false;
            RadChartGeneralStatistics.PlotArea.XAxis.LayoutMode = ChartAxisLayoutMode.Between;

            //set the value for the columns
            ChartSeries generalSeries = new ChartSeries();// ("General", ChartSeriesType.a);
            generalSeries.Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor = Color.LightGreen;
            generalSeries.Appearance.FillStyle.FillType = FillType.Solid;
            generalSeries.Appearance.TextAppearance.Visible = true;


            List<int> generalStatisticList = new List<int>();

            CandidateSearchCriteria criteria = new CandidateSearchCriteria();
            //Number of active candidates.
            criteria.Active = "Yes";
            //Total number of candidates.
            criteria.Active = null;

            //Number of active candidates related to the currently logged Néos user (based on [tblCandidat].[Interviewer])
            criteria.Active = "Yes";
            criteria.Interviewer = SessionManager.CurrentUser.UserID.Trim();
            //Total number of candidates related to the currently logged Néos user
            criteria.Active = null;
            CompanyRepository comRepo = new CompanyRepository();
            //Number of companies.
            //Number of Active Customers

            //Number of Prospects