Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the given sphere intersects the current instance of <see cref="ConeF"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sphere">The sphere to check.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the given sphere intersects the current instance of <see cref="ConeF"/>; False otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Intersects(SphereF sphere)
            float sinAngle = MathEx.Sin(Angle);
            float cosAngle = MathEx.Cos(Angle);
            float invSin   = 1.0f / sinAngle;
            float cosSqr   = cosAngle * cosAngle;

            Vector3F cmv       = sphere.Origin - Origin;
            Vector3F d         = cmv + (sphere.Radius * invSin) * Axis;
            float    lengthSqr = d.LengthSquared();
            float    e         = Vector3F.Dot(d, Axis);

            if (e > 0 && e * e >= lengthSqr * cosSqr)
                float sinSqr = sinAngle * sinAngle;
                lengthSqr = cmv.LengthSquared();
                e         = -Vector3F.Dot(cmv, Axis);
                if (e > 0.0f && e * e >= lengthSqr * sinSqr)
                    float rSqr = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;
                    return(lengthSqr <= rSqr);
Esempio n. 2
        public bool Intersects(RayF ray)
            Vector3F p = ray.Origin - Origin;
            double   a = Vector3F.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction);
            double   b = Vector3F.Dot(ray.Direction, p);
            double   c = Vector3F.Dot(p, p) - Radius * Radius;
            double   d = b * b - c * a;

            if (d < 0)
Esempio n. 3
        public void ToBounds(out BoundsF result)
            Vector3F a    = Point2 - Point1;
            var      dotA = Vector3F.Dot(a, a);

            if (dotA == 0)
                dotA = MathEx.Epsilon;

            Vector3F e = new Vector3F(
                Radius * MathEx.Sqrt(1.0f - a.X * a.X / dotA),
                Radius * MathEx.Sqrt(1.0f - a.Y * a.Y / dotA),
                Radius * MathEx.Sqrt(1.0f - a.Z * a.Z / dotA));

            result = new BoundsF(Vector3F.Min(Point1 - e, Point2 - e), Vector3F.Max(Point1 + e, Point2 + e));
Esempio n. 4
        public bool Intersects(RayF ray, out float scale1, out float scale2)
            Vector3F p = ray.Origin - Origin;
            double   a = Vector3F.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction);
            double   b = Vector3F.Dot(ray.Direction, p);
            double   c = Vector3F.Dot(p, p) - Radius * Radius;
            double   d = b * b - c * a;

            if (d < 0)
                scale1 = 0;
                scale2 = 0;
            double sqrt = Math.Sqrt(d);

            a      = 1.0f / a;
            scale1 = (float)((-b + sqrt) * a);
            scale2 = (float)((-b - sqrt) * a);
Esempio n. 5
        public bool Intersects(Line3F line)
            Vector3F s = line.Start - Origin;
            Vector3F e = line.End - Origin;
            Vector3F r = e - s;
            float    a = Vector3F.Dot(-s, r);

            if (a <= 0)
                return(Vector3F.Dot(s, s) < Radius * Radius);
            else if (a >= Vector3F.Dot(r, r))
                return(Vector3F.Dot(e, e) < Radius * Radius);
                r = s + (a / (Vector3F.Dot(r, r))) * r;
                return(Vector3F.Dot(r, r) < Radius * Radius);
Esempio n. 6
        //!!!!было. сложно.
        //public bool Add( Vec3F p )
        //	if( radius < 0.0f )
        //	{
        //		origin = p;
        //		radius = 0.0f;
        //		return true;
        //	}
        //	else
        //	{
        //		float x = p.x - origin.x;
        //		float y = p.y - origin.y;
        //		float z = p.z - origin.z;
        //		float lengthSqr = x * x + y * y + z * z;
        //		float r = lengthSqr;
        //		//float r = ( p - origin ).LengthSqr();

        //		if( r > radius * radius )
        //		{
        //			r = MathEx.Sqrt( r );

        //			float coef = .5f * ( 1.0f - radius / r );
        //			origin.x += x * coef;
        //			origin.y += y * coef;
        //			origin.z += z * coef;
        //			//origin += ( p - origin ) * 0.5f * ( 1.0f - radius / r );

        //			radius += .5f * ( r - radius );
        //			return true;
        //		}
        //		return false;
        //	}

        static void ClosestPtPointTriangle(ref Vector3F p, ref Vector3F a, ref Vector3F b, ref Vector3F c, out Vector3F result)
            Vector3F ab;

            Vector3F.Subtract(ref b, ref a, out ab);
            //Vec3 ab = b - a;

            Vector3F ac;

            Vector3F.Subtract(ref c, ref a, out ac);
            //Vec3 ac = c - a;

            Vector3F ap;

            Vector3F.Subtract(ref p, ref a, out ap);
            //Vec3 ap = p - a;

            float d1;

            Vector3F.Dot(ref ab, ref ap, out d1);
            float d2;

            Vector3F.Dot(ref ac, ref ap, out d2);
            if (d1 <= 0.0f && d2 <= 0.0f)
                result = a;

            //check if P in vertex region outside B
            Vector3F bp;

            Vector3F.Subtract(ref p, ref b, out bp);
            //Vec3 bp = p - b;
            float d3;

            Vector3F.Dot(ref ab, ref bp, out d3);
            float d4;

            Vector3F.Dot(ref ac, ref bp, out d4);
            if (d3 >= 0.0f && d4 <= d3)
                result = b;

            float vc = d1 * d4 - d3 * d2;

            if (vc <= 0.0f && d1 >= 0.0f && d3 <= 0.0f)
                float v = d1 / (d1 - d3);
                result = a + v * ab;

            Vector3F cp;

            Vector3F.Subtract(ref p, ref c, out cp);
            //Vec3 cp = p - c;
            float d5; Vector3F.Dot(ref ab, ref cp, out d5);
            float d6; Vector3F.Dot(ref ac, ref cp, out d6);

            if (d6 >= 0.0f && d5 <= d6)
                result = c;

            float vb = d5 * d2 - d1 * d6;

            if (vb <= 0.0f && d2 >= 0.0f && d6 <= 0.0f)
                float w = d2 / (d2 - d6);
                result = a + w * ac;

            float va = d3 * d6 - d5 * d4;

            if (va <= 0.0f && (d4 - d3) >= 0.0f && (d5 - d6) >= 0.0f)
                float w = (d4 - d3) / ((d4 - d3) + (d5 - d6));
                result = b + w * (c - b);

                float denom = 1.0f / (va + vb + vc);
                float v     = vb * denom;
                float w     = vc * denom;
                result = a + ab * v + ac * w;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="PlaneF"/> with the normal and the point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">Any point that lies along the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal vector to the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="plane">When the method completes, contains the resulting plane.</param>
        public static void FromPointAndNormal(ref Vector3F point, ref Vector3F normal, out PlaneF plane)
            float distance = Vector3F.Dot(ref point, ref normal);

            plane = new PlaneF(normal, distance);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="PlaneF"/> with the normal and the point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">Any point that lies along the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal vector to the plane.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting plane.</returns>
        public static PlaneF FromPointAndNormal(Vector3F point, Vector3F normal)
            float distance = Vector3F.Dot(ref point, ref normal);

            return(new PlaneF(normal, distance));