Esempio n. 1
            public void AfterReceiveReply(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message reply, object correlationState)
                MessageBuffer msgBuffer = reply.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue);

                Message msg = msgBuffer.CreateMessage();

                soapMessages.SoapResponse = ConvertMessageToString(msg);

                reply = msgBuffer.CreateMessage();


                // Verify signature on soap response
                    soapMessages.SoapResponseSignatureStatus = SoapSignatureUtility.VerifyXML(soapMessages.SoapResponse);
                catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 2
            public object BeforeSendRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel)
                string startInfo = "application/soap+xml";
                string boundary  = string.Format("uuid:{0}+id=1", Guid.NewGuid());
                string startUri  = "";

                // Set message ID
                UniqueId messageId = new UniqueId();

                soapMessages.SoapRequestMessageId = messageId.ToString();

                // Modify MessageId and From headers
                request.Headers.MessageId = messageId;
                request.Headers.From      = new EndpointAddress("");
                request.Headers.To        = new Uri("");

                // Create message buffer (Message needs to be recreated multiple times)
                MessageBuffer msgBuffer = request.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue);

                // Get assembled soap request and sign
                var messageToSign = msgBuffer.CreateMessage();
                var bigXml        = ConvertMessageToString(messageToSign);
                var signedBigXml  = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(SoapSignatureUtility.SignBodyAndAddressingHeaders(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(bigXml), signingCertificate));

                soapMessages.SoapRequest = signedBigXml;

                // Encoding message into MTOM format using MTOM writer
                request = msgBuffer.CreateMessage();
                var initialMs     = new MemoryStream();
                var initialWriter = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateMtomWriter(initialMs, Encoding.UTF8, int.MaxValue, startInfo, boundary, startUri, true, true);


                var originalMessageSize = (int)initialMs.Length;

                // Copy MTOM message into buffer
                byte[] bufferUnsigned = new byte[originalMessageSize];
                Array.Copy(initialMs.GetBuffer(), 0, bufferUnsigned, 0, (int)initialMs.Position);
                string mtomString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bufferUnsigned);

                // Get SOAP XML from MTOM message, with start and end index
                int startSoapIndex;
                var unsignedXml  = GetSoapFromString(mtomString, out startSoapIndex);
                int endSoapIndex = startSoapIndex + unsignedXml.Length;

                // If binary MIME parts are found in MTOM message, then replace out base64 content with MTOM include statement
                string signedFinalXml    = signedBigXml;
                var    partHeaderMatches = Regex.Matches(mtomString, @"((Content-ID: <.*>\s+)|(Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\s+)|(Content-Type: application/octet-stream\s+)){3}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (partHeaderMatches.Count > 0)
                    for (int x = 0; x < partHeaderMatches.Count; x++)
                        var contentId          = Regex.Match(partHeaderMatches[x].Value, "Content-ID: <(.*?)>");
                        var encodedContentId   = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(contentId.Groups[1].Value).Replace(".", @"\.");
                        var unencodedContentId = contentId.Groups[1].Value.Replace(".", @"\.");

                        // var xopIncludeMatch = Regex.Match(unsignedXml, "(<[^>]+?>)(<([^>]+?:)?Include href=\"cid:(" + encodedContentId + ")\"[^>]*?/>)(</[^>]+?>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        var xopIncludeMatch = Regex.Match(unsignedXml, "(<[^>]+?>)(<([^>]+?:)?Include href=\"cid:(" + encodedContentId + "|" + unencodedContentId + ")\"[^>]*?/>)(</[^>]+?>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                        signedFinalXml = Regex.Replace(signedFinalXml,
                                                       xopIncludeMatch.Groups[1] + "[^<]*?" + xopIncludeMatch.Groups[5],
                    signedFinalXml = signedBigXml;

                // Get difference in message length between unsigned and signed SOAP messages
                int diff = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signedFinalXml).Length - Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(unsignedXml).Length;

                // Create buffer large enough to contain MTOM message with signed SOAP XML
                byte[] bufferSigned = new byte[bufferUnsigned.Length + diff];

                // Copy MIME start content (everything before SOAP XML) from unsigned buffer to signed buffer
                Array.Copy(bufferUnsigned, bufferSigned, startSoapIndex);

                // Copy signed SOAP XML into signed buffer after MIME start content
                var signedXmlArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signedFinalXml);

                Array.Copy(signedXmlArray, 0, bufferSigned, startSoapIndex, signedXmlArray.Length);

                // Copy MIME end content to after signed SOAP XML
                Array.Copy(bufferUnsigned, endSoapIndex, bufferSigned, startSoapIndex + signedXmlArray.Length, bufferUnsigned.Length - (endSoapIndex + 1));

                var mimeContent = new ArraySegment <byte>(bufferSigned, 0, originalMessageSize + diff).Array;

                soapMessages.MtomRequest = mimeContent;

                // Recreate request (Message) using MTOM reader
                var outputReader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateMtomReader(mimeContent, 0, mimeContent.Length, Encoding.UTF8, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());

                request = Message.CreateMessage(outputReader, int.MaxValue, request.Version);

                // Dispose things
