private static void CalculateMoE(DateTime?moeLastDateXbox, DateTime?moeLastDatePs, DbProvider provider, DbRecorder recorder, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectoryXbox, string resultDirectoryPs, FtpPutter ftpPutterXbox, FtpPutter ftpPutterPs, int utcShiftToCalculate) { var csw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); recorder.CalculateMoE(utcShiftToCalculate); csw.Stop(); Log.Debug($"Cálculo das MoE feito em {csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N0}."); if (csw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 1) { mailSender.Send("Cálculo das MoE", $"Cálculo das MoE feito em {csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N0}."); } if (moeLastDateXbox.HasValue) { PutMoEOnPlataform(Platform.XBOX, moeLastDateXbox, provider, mailSender, resultDirectoryXbox, ftpPutterXbox); } if (moeLastDatePs.HasValue) { PutMoEOnPlataform(Platform.PS, moeLastDatePs, provider, mailSender, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterPs); } }
private static void CalculateTanksReferences(DateTime?lastReferencesXbox, DateTime?lastReferencesPs, DbProvider provider, DbRecorder recorder, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectoryXbox, string resultDirectoryPs, FtpPutter ftpPutterXbox, FtpPutter ftpPutterPs, int utcShiftToCalculate) { var csw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); recorder.CalculateReference(utcShiftToCalculate); csw.Stop(); Log.Debug($"Cálculo das Referências de Tanques feito em {csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N0}."); if (csw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 1) { mailSender.Send("Cálculo das Referências de Tanques", $"Cálculo das Referências de Tanques feito em {csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N0}."); } if (lastReferencesXbox.HasValue) { PutTanksReferencesOnPlataform(Platform.XBOX, lastReferencesXbox, provider, mailSender, resultDirectoryXbox, ftpPutterXbox, utcShiftToCalculate); } if (lastReferencesPs.HasValue) { PutTanksReferencesOnPlataform(Platform.PS, lastReferencesPs, provider, mailSender, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterPs, utcShiftToCalculate); } }
private static void PutMoEOnPlataform(Platform platform, DateTime?moeLastDate, DbProvider provider, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectory, FtpPutter ftpPutter) { Log.Debug($"Verificando atualização de MoE em {platform}"); Debug.Assert(moeLastDate != null, nameof(moeLastDate) + " != null"); Log.DebugFormat("Site Date: {0:yyyy-MM-dd}", moeLastDate.Value); var dbDate = provider.GetMoe(platform).First().Date; Log.DebugFormat("DB Date: {0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dbDate); var date = moeLastDate.Value.AddDays(1); while (date <= dbDate) { Log.InfoFormat("Calculando e fazendo upload para {0:yyyy-MM-dd}...", date); var moes = provider.GetMoe(platform, date).ToDictionary(t => t.TankId); if (moes.Count > 0) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(moes, Formatting.Indented); var file = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, "MoE", $"{date:yyyy-MM-dd}.moe.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, json, Encoding.UTF8); Log.DebugFormat("Salvo o MoE em '{0}'", file); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { ftpPutter.PutMoe(file); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting MoE on {platform}", ex); } }); Log.Debug("Feito uploado do MoE"); mailSender.Send($"Upload das MoE {platform} para {date:yyyy-MM-dd} Ok", $"MoE: https://{(platform == Platform.PS ? "ps." : "")}"); } else { Log.ErrorFormat("Os MoEs para {0:yyyy-MM-dd} retornaram 0 tanques!", date); } date = date.AddDays(1); } Log.Debug($"Verificação do MoE completa para {platform}."); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { try { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); ParseParans(args, out int ageHours, out int maxClans, out int maxRunMinutes, out bool noSaveOnDatabase, out TimeSpan webFetchInterval, out int maxToAutoAdd, out int hourToAutoAdd, out int autoMinNumberOfMembers); var saveOnDatabase = !noSaveOnDatabase; var cacheDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CacheDirectory"]; Log.Info("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Log.Info("FetchClanMembership iniciando..."); Log.InfoFormat( "ageHours: {0}; maxClans: {1}; maxRunMinutes: {2}; cacheDirectory: {3}; noSaveOnDatabase:{4}; webFetchInterval:{5}", ageHours, maxClans, maxRunMinutes, cacheDirectory, noSaveOnDatabase, webFetchInterval); var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Main"].ConnectionString; var provider = new DbProvider(connectionString); var fetcher = new Fetcher(cacheDirectory) { WebCacheAge = TimeSpan.FromHours(ageHours - 1), WebFetchInterval = webFetchInterval, ApplicationId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WgApi"] }; var recorder = new DbRecorder(connectionString); var mailSender = new MailSender(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpHost"], int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpPort"]), true, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpUsername"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpPassword"]) { From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpUsername"], "Membership Service") }; // Verifica a necessidade de adicionar novos clãs ao sistema var clansToAdd = provider.GetClansToAdd().ToArray(); foreach (var clanToAdd in clansToAdd) { var clanWithId = fetcher.FindClan(clanToAdd.Plataform, clanToAdd.ClanTag); if (clanWithId != null) { var existingClan = provider.GetClan(clanWithId.Plataform, clanWithId.ClanId); if (existingClan != null) { if (existingClan.Enabled) { Log.WarnFormat( "Foi requerido adicionar o clã {0}@{1}, mas já existe no sistema o clã {2}.{3}@{4}.", clanToAdd.ClanTag, clanToAdd.Plataform, existingClan.ClanId, existingClan.ClanTag, existingClan.Plataform); mailSender.Send($"Clã {clanWithId.ClanTag} já existe e está habilitado", $"Id: {clanWithId.ClanId}; Plataforma: {clanWithId.Plataform}; URL: {GetClanUrl(clanWithId.Plataform, clanWithId.ClanTag)}"); } else { // Reabilitar o cla recorder.EnableClan(clanWithId.Plataform, clanWithId.ClanId); mailSender.Send($"Habilitado manualmente o clã {clanWithId.ClanTag}", $"Id: {clanWithId.ClanId}; Plataforma: {clanWithId.Plataform}; URL: {GetClanUrl(clanWithId.Plataform, clanWithId.ClanTag)}"); } } else { clanWithId.Country = clanToAdd.Country; recorder.Add(clanWithId); mailSender.Send($"Adicionado manualmente o clã {clanWithId.ClanTag}", $"Id: {clanWithId.ClanId}; Plataforma: {clanWithId.Plataform}; URL: {GetClanUrl(clanWithId.Plataform, clanWithId.ClanTag)}"); } } else { Log.WarnFormat( "Foi requerido adicionar o clã {0}@{1}, mas ele não foi encontrado, ou é muito pequeno.", clanToAdd.ClanTag, clanToAdd.Plataform); mailSender.Send($"Clã {clanToAdd.ClanTag}@{clanToAdd.Plataform} não adicionado", $"Foi requerido adicionar o clã {clanToAdd.ClanTag}@{clanToAdd.Plataform}, mas ele não foi encontrado, ou é muito pequeno."); } } recorder.ClearClansToAddQueue(); // Autocadastro de clãs if (maxToAutoAdd > 0 && DateTime.UtcNow.Hour == hourToAutoAdd) { var toAdd = fetcher.GetClans(Platform.XBOX, autoMinNumberOfMembers) .Where(c => !provider.ClanExists(c.Plataform, c.ClanId)) .Concat(fetcher.GetClans(Platform.PS, autoMinNumberOfMembers) .Where(c => !provider.ClanExists(c.Plataform, c.ClanId))) .OrderByDescending(c => c.AllMembersCount).ThenBy(c => c.ClanId).ToArray(); foreach (var c in toAdd.Take(maxToAutoAdd)) { recorder.Add(c); mailSender.Send($"Adicionado automaticamente o clã {c.ClanTag}@{c.Plataform}", $"Id: {c.ClanId}, Plataforma: {c.Plataform}; Membros: {c.AllMembersCount}; URL: {GetClanUrl(c.Plataform, c.ClanTag)}"); } // Readição de clãs pequenos ou que ficaram inativos recorder.ReAddClans(maxToAutoAdd); } var clans = provider.GetClanMembershipUpdateOrder(maxClans, ageHours).ToArray(); Log.InfoFormat("{0} clãs devem ser atualizados.", clans.Length); if (clans.Length == 0) { Log.Info("Nenhum clã para atualizar."); return(0); } var clansToRename = new List <Clan>(); var clansToUpdate = fetcher.GetClans(clans).ToArray(); // Clãs debandados foreach (var clan in clansToUpdate.Where(c => c.IsDisbanded)) { var disbandedClan = provider.GetClan(clan.Plataform, clan.ClanId); if (saveOnDatabase) { recorder.DisableClan(disbandedClan.Plataform, disbandedClan.ClanId, DisabledReason.Disbanded); var putter = new Putter(disbandedClan.Plataform, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); putter.DeleteClan(disbandedClan.ClanTag); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine( $"Clã {disbandedClan.ClanTag}, id {disbandedClan.ClanId}, no {disbandedClan.Plataform}, com {disbandedClan.Count} jogadores, foi debandado."); sb.AppendLine($"WN8t15: {disbandedClan.Top15Wn8:N0} em {disbandedClan.Moment:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"); sb.AppendLine($"URL: {GetClanUrl(disbandedClan.Plataform, disbandedClan.ClanTag)}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Jogadores:"); foreach (var player in disbandedClan.Players) { sb.AppendLine( $"{player.Name}: WN8 recente de {player.MonthWn8:N0} em {player.MonthBattles:N0}"); } mailSender.Send($"Clã {disbandedClan.ClanTag}@{disbandedClan.Plataform} foi debandado", sb.ToString()); } // Clãs que ficaram pequenos demais foreach (var clan in clansToUpdate.Where(c => !c.IsDisbanded && c.Count < 4)) { if (saveOnDatabase) { recorder.DisableClan(clan.Plataform, clan.ClanId, DisabledReason.TooSmall); } mailSender.Send($"Clã {clan.ClanTag}@{clan.Plataform} foi suspenso", $"Clã {clan.ClanTag}@{clan.Plataform} com {clan.Count} jogadores foi suspenso de atualizações futuras. " + $"URL: {GetClanUrl(clan.Plataform, clan.ClanTag)}"); } foreach (var clan in clansToUpdate.Where(c => !c.IsDisbanded && c.Count >= 4)) { Log.DebugFormat("Clã {0}.{1}@{2}...", clan.ClanId, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform); if (saveOnDatabase) { recorder.Set(clan, true); if (clan.HasChangedTag) { clansToRename.Add(clan); } } } if (clansToRename.Any(c => c.Plataform == Platform.XBOX)) { var putter = new FtpPutter(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpFolder"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpPassworld"]); var resultDirectory = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResultDirectory"], "Clans"); foreach (var clan in clansToRename.Where(c => c.Plataform == Platform.XBOX)) { Log.InfoFormat("O clã {0}.{1}@{2} teve o tag trocado a partir de {3}.", clan.ClanId, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform, clan.OldTag); // Faz copia do arquivo local, e o upload com o novo nome string oldFile = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, $"clan.{clan.OldTag}.json"); if (File.Exists(oldFile)) { string newFile = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, $"clan.{clan.ClanTag}.json"); File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { putter.PutClan(newFile); putter.DeleteFile($"Clans/clan.{clan.OldTag}.json"); putter.SetRenameFile(clan.OldTag, clan.ClanTag); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error on XBOX renaming clan {clan.OldTag} to {clan.ClanTag}", ex); } }); } mailSender.Send($"Clã Renomeado: {clan.OldTag} -> {clan.ClanTag} em {clan.Plataform}", $"URL: {GetClanUrl(clan.Plataform, clan.ClanTag)}"); } } if (clansToRename.Any(c => c.Plataform == Platform.PS)) { var putter = new FtpPutter(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpFolder"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpPassworld"]); var resultDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsResultDirectory"]; foreach (var clan in clansToRename.Where(c => c.Plataform == Platform.PS)) { Log.InfoFormat("O clã {0}.{1}@{2} teve o tag trocado a partir de {3}.", clan.ClanId, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform, clan.OldTag); // Faz copia do arquivo local, e o upload com o novo nome string oldFile = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, $"clan.{clan.OldTag}.json"); if (File.Exists(oldFile)) { string newFile = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, $"clan.{clan.ClanTag}.json"); File.Copy(oldFile, newFile, true); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { putter.PutClan(newFile); putter.DeleteFile($"Clans/clan.{clan.OldTag}.json"); putter.SetRenameFile(clan.OldTag, clan.ClanTag); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error on PS renaming clan {clan.OldTag} to {clan.ClanTag}", ex); } }); } mailSender.Send($"Clã Renomeado: {clan.OldTag} -> {clan.ClanTag} em {clan.Plataform}", $"URL: {GetClanUrl(clan.Plataform, clan.ClanTag)}"); } } // Tempo extra para os e-mails terminarem de serem enviados Log.Info("Esperando 2 minutos antes de encerrar para terminar de enviar os e-mails..."); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); Log.InfoFormat("FetchClanMembership terminando normalmente em {0}.", sw.Elapsed); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex); Console.WriteLine(ex); return(1); } }
private static void HandleWn8ExpectedValues(Platform platform, DbProvider provider, string resultDirectory, FtpPutter ftpPutter, DbRecorder recorder, Fetcher fetcher) { // Aproveito e pego e salvo os dados de WN8 if ((recorder != null) && (fetcher != null)) { Log.Info($"Pegando dados de WN8 para {platform}..."); recorder.Set(fetcher.GetXvmWn8ExpectedValuesAsync().Result); Log.Info("Dados de WN8 obtidos e salvos."); } var wn8 = provider.GetWn8ExpectedValues(platform); if (wn8 != null) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wn8, Formatting.Indented); var file = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, "MoE", $"{wn8.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}.WN8.json"); File.WriteAllText(file, json, Encoding.UTF8); Log.DebugFormat("Salvo o WN8 Expected em '{0}'", file); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { ftpPutter.PutMoe(file); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting WN8 on {platform}", ex); } }); Log.Debug($"Feito upload do WN8 para {platform}"); } }
private static void PutTanksReferencesOnPlataform(Platform platform, DateTime?lastReferences, DbProvider provider, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectory, FtpPutter ftpPutter, int utcShiftToCalculate) { Debug.Assert(lastReferences != null, nameof(lastReferences) + " != null"); Log.Debug($"Referências no site {platform}: {lastReferences.Value:yyyy-MM-dd ddd}"); var cd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(utcShiftToCalculate); var previousMonday = cd.PreviousDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Monday); Log.Debug($"Segunda-Feira anterior: {previousMonday:yyyy-MM-dd ddd}; Current: {cd:o}"); if (previousMonday <= lastReferences.Value) { return; } // Preciso gerar referências e subir var references = provider .GetTanksReferences(platform, previousMonday).ToArray(); var referencesDir = Path.Combine(resultDirectory, "Tanks"); var leaders = new ConcurrentBag <Leader>(); Parallel.For(0, references.Length, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 }, (i) => { var r = references[i]; var tankFile = r.Save(referencesDir); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { ftpPutter.PutTankReference(tankFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting tank reference files for {platform} and tank {r.Name}", ex); } }); Log.Info($"Escrito e feito upload da referência {tankFile}"); foreach (var leader in r.Leaders) { leaders.Add(leader); } }); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(leaders.ToArray(), Formatting.Indented); var leadersFile = Path.Combine(referencesDir, $"{previousMonday:yyyy-MM-dd}.Leaders.json"); File.WriteAllText(leadersFile, json, Encoding.UTF8); _ = Task.Run(() => { try { ftpPutter.PutTankReference(leadersFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting leader file for {platform}", ex); } }); mailSender.Send($"Upload das Referências {platform} para {previousMonday:yyyy-MM-dd} Ok", $"Leaderboard: https://{(platform == Platform.PS ? "ps." : "")}"); }
private static void RunCalculations(bool calculateReference, bool calculateMoe, DateTime?moeLastDateXbox, DateTime?moeLastDatePs, DateTime?lastReferencesXbox, DateTime?lastReferencesPs, DbProvider provider, DbRecorder recorder, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectory, string resultDirectoryPs, FtpPutter ftpPutterXbox, FtpPutter ftpPutterPs, Fetcher fetcher, int utcShiftToCalculate) { Debug.Assert(mailSender != null); // Obtem os valores esperados de WN8 if ((DateTime.UtcNow.Hour % 4) == 1) { HandleWn8ExpectedValues(Platform.XBOX, provider, resultDirectory, ftpPutterXbox, recorder, fetcher); HandleWn8ExpectedValues(Platform.PS, provider, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterPs, recorder, fetcher); } if (calculateMoe) { CalculateMoE(moeLastDateXbox, moeLastDatePs, provider, recorder, mailSender, resultDirectory, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterXbox, ftpPutterPs, utcShiftToCalculate); } if (calculateReference) { CalculateTanksReferences(lastReferencesXbox, lastReferencesPs, provider, recorder, mailSender, resultDirectory, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterXbox, ftpPutterPs, utcShiftToCalculate); } }
private static int Main(string[] args) { try { ParseParams(args, out var ageHours, out var maxRunMinutes, out var hourToDeleteOldFiles, out var daysToKeepOnDelete, out var calculateMoe, out var calculateReference, out var playersPerMinute, out var utcShiftToCalculate, out var waitForRemote); var resultDirectoryXbox = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResultDirectory"]; var resultDirectoryPs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsResultDirectory"]; Log.Info("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Log.Info("CalculateClanStats iniciando..."); Log.InfoFormat( "ageHours: {0}; maxRunMinutes: {1}; resultDirectory: {2}; resultDirectoryPs: {3}; utcShiftToCalculate: {4}; waitForRemote: {5}", ageHours, maxRunMinutes, resultDirectoryXbox, resultDirectoryPs, utcShiftToCalculate, waitForRemote); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Main"].ConnectionString; var provider = new DbProvider(connectionString); var clans = provider.GetClanCalculateOrder(ageHours).ToArray(); Log.InfoFormat("{0} clãs devem ser calculados.", clans.Length); const int averageOutTimeMinutes = 30; const int averageClanSize = 25; var maxPerDay = playersPerMinute * 60 * 24 - averageOutTimeMinutes * playersPerMinute; var minPerDay = maxPerDay - averageClanSize; Log.Info($"playersPerMinute: {playersPerMinute}; maxPerDay: {maxPerDay}; minPerDay: {minPerDay}"); var recorder = new DbRecorder(connectionString); var putterXbox = new FtpPutter(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpFolder"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FtpPassworld"]); var putterPs = new FtpPutter(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpFolder"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsFtpPassworld"]); var mailSender = new MailSender(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpHost"], int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpPort"]), true, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpUsername"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpPassword"]) { From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpUsername"], "Calculate Service") }; var webCacheAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); var cacheDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CacheDirectory"]; var fetcher = new Fetcher(cacheDirectory) { WebCacheAge = webCacheAge, WebFetchInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), ApplicationId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WgApi"] }; // Obtém o status, por causa da data dos MoE, para disparar o cálculo assíncrono DateTime lastMoeXbox, lastMoePs, lastReferencesXbox, lastReferencesPs; SiteDiagnostic siteStatusXbox, siteStatusPs; try { siteStatusXbox = fetcher.GetSiteDiagnostic( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RemoteSiteStatusApi"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); siteStatusPs = fetcher.GetSiteDiagnostic( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsRemoteSiteStatusApi"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); lastMoeXbox = siteStatusXbox.TanksMoELastDate; lastMoePs = siteStatusPs.TanksMoELastDate; lastReferencesXbox = siteStatusXbox.TankLeadersLastDate; lastReferencesPs = siteStatusPs.TankLeadersLastDate; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error getting initial site diagnostics", ex); // Since the site id offline... siteStatusXbox = siteStatusPs = new SiteDiagnostic(null); GetLastDatesFromFiles(resultDirectoryXbox, out lastMoeXbox, out lastReferencesXbox); GetLastDatesFromFiles(resultDirectoryPs, out lastMoePs, out lastReferencesPs); } Log.Info($"lastMoeXbox: {lastMoeXbox:yyyy-MM-dd}"); Log.Info($"lastMoePs: {lastMoePs:yyyy-MM-dd}"); Log.Info($"lastReferencesXbox: {lastReferencesXbox:yyyy-MM-dd}"); Log.Info($"lastReferencesPs: {lastReferencesPs:yyyy-MM-dd}"); // Dispara as tarefas de calculo gerais var calculationTask = Task.Run(() => RunCalculations(calculateReference, calculateMoe, lastMoeXbox, lastMoePs, lastReferencesXbox, lastReferencesPs, provider, recorder, mailSender, resultDirectoryXbox, resultDirectoryPs, putterXbox, putterPs, fetcher, utcShiftToCalculate)); // Dispara a tarefa de apagar arquivos antigos dos servidores var deleteTask = Task.Run(() => { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Hour != hourToDeleteOldFiles || daysToKeepOnDelete < 28) { return; } // Apaga arquivos com a API administrativa var cleanXBox = Task.Run(() => { try { var cleaner = new Putter(Platform.XBOX, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); cleaner.CleanFiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Erro cleaning XBOX", ex); } }); var cleanPs = Task.Run(() => { try { var cleaner = new Putter(Platform.PS, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); cleaner.CleanFiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Erro cleaning XBOX", ex); } }); if (waitForRemote) { Task.WhenAll(cleanXBox, cleanPs); } }); // Calcula cada clã var doneCount = 0; var timedOut = false; Parallel.For(0, clans.Length, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 }, i => { if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > maxRunMinutes) { timedOut = true; return; } var clan = clans[i]; Log.InfoFormat("Processando clã {0} de {1}: {2}@{3}...", i + 1, clans.Length, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform); var csw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var cc = CalculateClan(clan, provider, recorder); Log.InfoFormat("Calculado clã {0} de {1}: {2}@{3} em {4:N1}s...", i + 1, clans.Length, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform, csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); if (cc != null) { var fsw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); switch (cc.Plataform) { case Platform.XBOX: { var fileName = cc.ToFile(resultDirectoryXbox); Log.InfoFormat("Arquivo de resultado escrito em '{0}'", fileName); var putTask = Task.Run(() => { try { putterXbox.PutClan(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting XBOX clan file for {cc.ClanTag}", ex); } }); if (waitForRemote) { putTask.Wait(); } } break; case Platform.PS: { var fileName = cc.ToFile(resultDirectoryPs); Log.InfoFormat("Arquivo de resultado escrito em '{0}'", fileName); var putTask = Task.Run(() => { try { putterPs.PutClan(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error putting PS clan file for {cc.ClanTag}", ex); } }); if (waitForRemote) { putTask.Wait(); } } break; case Platform.Virtual: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Log.InfoFormat("Upload do clã {0} de {1}: {2}@{3} em {4:N1}s...", i + 1, clans.Length, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform, fsw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); } Interlocked.Increment(ref doneCount); Log.InfoFormat("Processado clã {0} de {1}: {2}@{3} em {4:N1}s. {5} totais.", i + 1, clans.Length, clan.ClanTag, clan.Plataform, csw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, doneCount); }); var calculationTime = sw.Elapsed; // Envia o e-mail de status try { siteStatusXbox = fetcher.GetSiteDiagnostic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RemoteSiteStatusApi"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); siteStatusPs = fetcher.GetSiteDiagnostic(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PsRemoteSiteStatusApi"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiAdminKey"]); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error getting final site diagnostics", ex); // The site is offline... siteStatusXbox = siteStatusPs = new SiteDiagnostic(null); } Log.Debug("Obtendo informações do BD..."); var dd = provider.GetDataDiagnostic(); Log.InfoFormat("Filas: {0} jogadores; {1} clans; {2} cálculos.", dd.PlayersQueueLenght, dd.MembershipQueueLenght, dd.CalculateQueueLenght); Log.InfoFormat( "{0} jogadores; {1:N0} por dia; {2:N0} por hora; reais: {3:N0}; {4:N0}; {5:N0}; {6:N0}", dd.TotalPlayers, dd.ScheduledPlayersPerDay, dd.ScheduledPlayersPerHour, dd.AvgPlayersPerHourLastDay, dd.AvgPlayersPerHourLast6Hours, dd.AvgPlayersPerHourLast2Hours, dd.AvgPlayersPerHourLastHour); Log.Debug("Enviando e-mail..."); mailSender.SendStatusMessage(siteStatusXbox, siteStatusPs, dd, minPerDay, maxPerDay, calculationTime, doneCount, timedOut); if (dd.ScheduledPlayersPerDay < minPerDay || dd.ScheduledPlayersPerDay > maxPerDay) { recorder.BalanceClanSchedule(minPerDay, maxPerDay); } Log.DebugFormat( "DateTime.UtcNow: {0:o}; hourToDeleteOldFiles: {1}; daysToKeepOnDelete: {2}", DateTime.UtcNow, hourToDeleteOldFiles, daysToKeepOnDelete); // Espera o cálculo e a deleção terminarem Task.WaitAll(calculationTask, deleteTask); // Tempo extra para os e-mails terminarem de serem enviados Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); Log.InfoFormat("CalculateClanStats terminando normalmente para {1} clãs em {0}.", sw.Elapsed, clans.Length); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex); Console.WriteLine(ex); return(1); } }
private static void RunCalculations(bool calculateReference, bool calculateMoe, DateTime?moeLastDateXbox, DateTime?moeLastDatePs, DateTime?lastReferencesXbox, DateTime?lastReferencesPs, DbProvider provider, DbRecorder recorder, MailSender mailSender, string resultDirectory, string resultDirectoryPs, FtpPutter ftpPutterXbox, FtpPutter ftpPutterPs, Fetcher fetcher, int utcShiftToCalculate) { Debug.Assert(mailSender != null); // Obtém os valores esperados de WN8 if ((DateTime.UtcNow.Hour % 4) == 1) { HandleWn8ExpectedValues(Platform.XBOX, provider, resultDirectory, ftpPutterXbox, recorder, fetcher); HandleWn8ExpectedValues(Platform.PS, provider, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterPs, recorder, fetcher); } // 2nd hour of every day retrieve PC Tanks if (DateTime.UtcNow.Hour == 2) { Log.Info("Retrieving PC Tanks..."); recorder.Set(fetcher.GetTanks(Platform.PC)); Log.Debug("PC Tanks saved on Database"); } if (calculateMoe) { CalculateMoE(moeLastDateXbox, moeLastDatePs, provider, recorder, mailSender, resultDirectory, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterXbox, ftpPutterPs, utcShiftToCalculate); } if (calculateReference) { CalculateTanksReferences(lastReferencesXbox, lastReferencesPs, provider, recorder, mailSender, resultDirectory, resultDirectoryPs, ftpPutterXbox, ftpPutterPs, utcShiftToCalculate); } }