Esempio n. 1
        public void CreateLink(Vector3 linkCenter, Vector3 linkDirection, float upDistance, float downDistance, Transform targetParent, int agentTypeId)
            //holders for found start and end from GetClosestOnNavMesh
            Vector3 startPoint;
            Vector3 endPoint;

            if (NavHelper.GetClosestOnNavMesh(linkCenter, linkDirection, upDistance, downDistance, FindNavMeshDistance, out startPoint) &&
                NavHelper.GetClosestOnNavMesh(linkCenter, -linkDirection, upDistance, downDistance, FindNavMeshDistance, out endPoint))
                //if start is higher than end then swap.  This keeps bidirectional falling down instead of jumping up
                if (startPoint.y < endPoint.y)
                    Vector3 startHolder = startPoint;
                    startPoint = endPoint;
                    endPoint   = startHolder;
                //if link start and end match another link's start and end or end and start then return
                if (!IsLinkDistantEnough(startPoint, endPoint))
                //return if obstructed
                if (IsLinkObstructed(startPoint, endPoint))
                //grounded vectors to find ground distance
                Vector3 startGrounded    = startPoint.GroundedVector();
                Vector3 endGrounded      = endPoint.GroundedVector();
                float   groundedDistance = Vector3.Distance(startGrounded, endGrounded);
                float   yDistance        = Mathf.Abs(startPoint.y - endPoint.y);

                //return if yDistance is greater than fall distance//
                if (yDistance > MaxFallHeight)
                //return if distance is too far
                if (groundedDistance > MaxHorizontalDistance)

                //create NavMeshLink
                NavMeshLink navLink = targetParent.gameObject.AddComponent <NavMeshLink>();
                navLink.startPoint  = targetParent.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(startPoint);
                navLink.endPoint    = targetParent.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(endPoint);
                navLink.width       = NavLinkWidth;
                navLink.agentTypeID = agentTypeId;

                //if height difference is greater than jump height then only allow falling
                if (yDistance > MaxJumpHeight)
                    navLink.bidirectional = false;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// create NavMeshLinks between two points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="refDirection"></param>
        /// <param name="targetParent"></param>
        /// <param name="agentTypeID"></param>
        public void CreateLinksBetweenPoints(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3 refDirection, Transform targetParent, int agentTypeID)
            Vector3 calcNormal  = NavHelper.FindFlatPerpVector(refDirection, start, end);
            Vector3 heading     = end - start;
            float   mag         = heading.magnitude;
            Vector3 normHeading = heading.normalized;

            for (float i = (NavLinkWidth / 2) + .1f; i < mag; i += NavLinkWidth)
                //create jump to links
                CreateLink(start + normHeading * i, calcNormal, MaxJumpHeight, MaxJumpHeight + MaxFallHeight + .1f, targetParent, agentTypeID);
                //create fall to links
                CreateLink(start + normHeading * i, calcNormal, .1f, MaxFallHeight + .1f, targetParent, agentTypeID);
                //create mid links
                CreateLink(start + normHeading * i, calcNormal, MaxJumpHeight / 2, MaxJumpHeight / 2, targetParent, agentTypeID);