/// <summary>
        /// TODO: load from XML files
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadBehaviors()
            // Pointing
            //  Forward X                     = 400D; Y = 0D; Z = 0D;
            //  Up right X                    = 400D; Y = -500D; Z = 600D;
            //IBehaviorProfile Pointing      = new BehaviorProfilePointing();
            IBehaviorProfile Pointing        = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(400D, -500D, 600D); // up right
            IBehaviorProfile PointingForward = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(400D, 0, 0);
            IBehaviorProfile PointingRight   = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(400D, -600D, -150D); // x should not small, z should not big
            IBehaviorProfile PointingUp      = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(100D, -200D, 400D);
            IBehaviorProfile PointingFrontDown = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(400D, 50D, -200D);
            // Direction/Position/Shape
            IBehaviorProfile FromAToB        = new BehaviorProfileFromAToB();
            IBehaviorProfile OneTheOther     = new BehaviorProfileOneTheOther();
            IBehaviorProfile LRUD            = new BehaviorProfileLRUD();
            IBehaviorProfile Tiny            = new BehaviorProfileTiny();
            // Social
            IBehaviorProfile Waving          = new BehaviorProfileWaving();
            IBehaviorProfile Clap            = new BehaviorProfileClap();
            // Abstract
            IBehaviorProfile Capisce         = new BehaviorProfileCapisce();
            IBehaviorProfile CapisceRotate   = new BehaviorProfileCapisceRotate();
            IBehaviorProfile State           = new BehaviorProfileState(); // ReverseCapisce (originally is left arm)
            IBehaviorProfile Propose         = new BehaviorProfilePropose();
            IBehaviorProfile HandOver        = new BehaviorProfileHandOver();
            IBehaviorProfile PushAside       = new BehaviorProfilePushAside();
            IBehaviorProfile Spread          = new BehaviorProfileSpread();
            IBehaviorProfile PressDown       = new BehaviorProfilePressDown();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowSide        = new BehaviorProfileShowSide();
            IBehaviorProfile Motivate        = new BehaviorProfileMotivate(); // ShakeHands
            IBehaviorProfile Weigh           = new BehaviorProfileWeigh();
            IBehaviorProfile Convince        = new BehaviorProfileConvince();
            IBehaviorProfile ConvergeHands   = new BehaviorProfileConvergeHands();
            IBehaviorProfile Applaud         = new BehaviorProfileApplaud();
            // I; You
            IBehaviorProfile FirstMe         = new BehaviorProfileFirstMe(); // raise hand + Me/I
            IBehaviorProfile First           = new BehaviorProfileFirst();
            IBehaviorProfile Me              = new BehaviorProfileMe();    // Me/I
            IBehaviorProfile YouAndMe        = new BehaviorProfileYouAndMe();
            IBehaviorProfile MeAndYou        = new BehaviorProfileMeAndYou();
            // head-oriented movements
            IBehaviorProfile Nod             = new BehaviorProfileNod();
            IBehaviorProfile NoShakeHead     = new BehaviorProfileNoShakeHead();
            IBehaviorProfile LookAround      = new BehaviorProfileLookAround();
            IBehaviorProfile Think           = new BehaviorProfileThink();
            IBehaviorProfile PhotoHeadPose   = new BehaviorProfilePhotoHeadPose();
            // Leg movements
            IBehaviorProfile Balance         = new BehaviorProfileBalance();
            IBehaviorProfile LeanRight       = new BehaviorProfileLeanRight();
            // Torso
            IBehaviorProfile Bow             = new BehaviorProfileBow();
            IBehaviorProfile SmallBow        = new BehaviorProfileSmallBow();
            IBehaviorProfile StandHead       = new BehaviorProfileStandHead();
            IBehaviorProfile HeadPose        = new BehaviorProfileHeadPose();
            // Show sensors
            IBehaviorProfile ShowSonars      = new BehaviorProfileShowSonars();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowMic         = new BehaviorProfileShowMic();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowArmJoints   = new BehaviorProfileRArmDOF();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowArmJointsOneByOne = new BehaviorProfileRArmDOFOneByOne();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowBody        = new BehaviorProfileShowBody();
            IBehaviorProfile ShowBiceps      = new BehaviorProfileShowBiceps();
            // Idle behavior
            IBehaviorProfile LegRandomMove   = new BehaviorProfileLegRandomMove();
            IBehaviorProfile HeadRandomScan  = new BehaviorProfileHeadRandomScan();

            BehaviorGenerator = new Dictionary<string, IBehaviorProfile>();
            // Deictic
            AddBehavior("Pointing", Pointing);
            AddBehavior("PointForward", PointingForward); // pointing omni
            AddBehavior("PointLeft", PointingRight); // pointing omni; mirror right
            AddBehavior("PointRight", PointingRight); // pointing omni
            AddBehavior("PointUpRight", Pointing); // pointing omni
            AddBehavior("PointUpLeft", Pointing); // pointing omni
            AddBehavior("PointUp", PointingUp);
            AddBehavior("PointFrontDown", PointingFrontDown);
            // Direction/position/Shape
            AddBehavior("LRUD", LRUD);
            AddBehavior("FromAToB", FromAToB);
            AddBehavior("FromAToBLeft", FromAToB);
            AddBehavior("OneTheOther", OneTheOther); // used for comparing two
            AddBehavior("Tiny", Tiny);
            AddBehavior("WavyShape", PressDown); // TODO: not implemented yet
            // Social
            AddBehavior("Waving", Waving);
            AddBehavior("HelloEverybody", Waving); // just waving
            AddBehavior("Clap", Clap);
            AddBehavior("Applaud", Applaud);
            // Head-oriented
            AddBehavior("Nod", Nod);
            AddBehavior("No", NoShakeHead);
            AddBehavior("LookAround", LookAround); // Quiz
            AddBehavior("Think", Think);
            AddBehavior("PhotoHeadPose", PhotoHeadPose); // for taking a photo
            // Abstract
            AddBehavior("HandOver", HandOver);
            AddBehavior("HandOverLeft", HandOver);
            AddBehavior("HandOverBoth", HandOver);
            AddBehavior("PushAside", PushAside);
            AddBehavior("PushAsideLeft", PushAside);
            AddBehavior("PushAsideBoth", PushAside);
            AddBehavior("ShowSide", ShowSide); // avoid Hitler gestre;
            AddBehavior("ShowSideLeft", ShowSide);
            AddBehavior("Spread", Spread);     // Can be used to point right bottom
            AddBehavior("SpreadLeft", Spread); // Can be used to point left bottom
            AddBehavior("SpreadBoth", Spread);
            AddBehavior("PressDown", PressDown);
            AddBehavior("PressDownLeft", PressDown);
            AddBehavior("PressDownBoth", PressDown);
            AddBehavior("State", State);     // ReverseCapisce (originally is left arm)
            AddBehavior("StateLeft", State); // ReverseCapisce
            AddBehavior("Propose", Propose); // Propose an idea
            AddBehavior("ProposeLeft", Propose); // Propose an idea
            AddBehavior("Capisce", Capisce); // nip 捏手指; emphasize
            AddBehavior("CapisceLeft", Capisce); // nip 捏手指; emphasize
            AddBehavior("RotatingCapisce", CapisceRotate); //
            AddBehavior("RotatingCapisceLeft", CapisceRotate); //
            // Abstract double hands only
            AddBehavior("Motivate", Motivate); // originally ShakeHands
            AddBehavior("Weigh", Weigh); //
            AddBehavior("Convince", Convince);
            AddBehavior("ConvergeHands", ConvergeHands); //
            // Self-related; You
            AddBehavior("Intro", Me); // TODO: add leg movements
            AddBehavior("First", First);
            AddBehavior("FirstMe", FirstMe);
            AddBehavior("Me", Me);
            AddBehavior("MeLeft", Me);
            AddBehavior("YouAndMe", YouAndMe);
            AddBehavior("YouAndMeLeft", YouAndMe);
            AddBehavior("MeAndYou", MeAndYou);
            AddBehavior("MeAndYouLeft", MeAndYou);
            AddBehavior("You", PointingForward);
            // Show sensors/effectors/functions
            AddBehavior("ShowArmJoints", ShowArmJoints);
            AddBehavior("ShowArmJointsOneByOne", ShowArmJointsOneByOne);
            AddBehavior("ShowChest", ShowSonars);
            AddBehavior("ShowMic", ShowMic);
            AddBehavior("ShowMicLeft", ShowMic); // used for showing Tactile sensors on the head
            AddBehavior("ShowBiceps", ShowBiceps);
            AddBehavior("ShowBody", ShowBody);
            // Torso
            AddBehavior("Bow", Bow);
            AddBehavior("SmallBow", SmallBow);
            AddBehavior("StandHead", StandHead);
            AddBehavior("HeadPose", HeadPose);
            // Leg
            AddBehavior("LeanRight", LeanRight);
            AddBehavior("Balance", Balance);

            // IdleBehavior
            AddBehavior("LegRandomMove", LegRandomMove);
            AddBehavior("HeadRandomScan", HeadRandomScan);

Esempio n. 2
        public MessageEventArgs MessageHandler(string sendfrom, MessageEventArgs message)
                if (message.Cmd == "Say")
                    string texttosay = message.CmdArgs[0];

                    // Change robot mood
                    if (this.NaoAffect.SentiAffect.SentiTextEnabled) // a CheckBox needs to be checked manually
                    	//SendMessage("TextSentiment", new MessageEventArgs("TextSenti", new string [] {texttosay}));

                        MessageEventArgs backdata = this.NaoAffect.SentiAffect.MessageHandler(this.ID, new MessageEventArgs("TextSenti", new string[] { texttosay }));
                        double valence = (double)backdata.DataReturn;

                else if (message.Cmd == "ChangeRobotMood")
                    string moodstr = message.CmdArgs[0];
                    string[] vad = moodstr.Split(',');
                    string valence = vad[0];
                    //string arousal = vad[1];
                    //string dominance = vad[2]; 
                        this.NaoAffect.Valence = double.Parse(valence);

                    this.NaoAffect.SentiAffect.MessageHandler(this.ID, new MessageEventArgs("ChangeRobotMood", new string[] { valence }));
                else if (message.Cmd == "PointToRaisedHands") // respond to students' raising hands
                    double y = Convert.ToDouble(message.CmdArgs[0]), z = Convert.ToDouble(message.CmdArgs[1]), x = 400;
                    IBehaviorProfile prh = new BehaviorProfilePointingOmni(x, y, z);
                    MotionTimeline mtl = prh.LoadBehavior(0);
                else if (message.Cmd == "CheckBehavior")
                    string behaviorname = message.CmdArgs[0];
                    bool b = false;
                    if (behaviorname == "Twinkle" 
                        || behaviorname == "GangnamLong"
                        || behaviorname == "Wink"
                        || behaviorname == "Kick"
                        || behaviorname == "StandHead"
                        || behaviorname == "AllOn"
                        || behaviorname == "AllOff" 
                        || behaviorname == "EyesOn"
                        || behaviorname == "EyesOff"
                        || behaviorname == "RandomEyes"
                        || behaviorname == "Walk"
                        || behaviorname == "StandUp"
                        || behaviorname == "Squat"
                        || behaviorname == "Pushups"
                        || behaviorname == "Macarena") 
                        b = true; // temp solution
                    else b= this.BehaviorGenerator.ContainsKey(behaviorname);
                    return new MessageEventArgs(b as object);
                else if (message.Cmd == "ExecuteBehavior")
                    string behaviorname = message.CmdArgs[0];
                else if (message.Cmd == "CapturePhoto")
                    string imgfile = HandleCameraPhoto();
                    return new MessageEventArgs(imgfile);
                else if (message.Cmd == "Config")
                    string config = message.CmdArgs[0];
                    if (config == "text_senti_enabled") // maybe put into SentiAffect itself
                        this.NaoAffect.SentiAffect.MessageHandler(this.ID, new MessageEventArgs("TextSentiStart", new string[] { }));
                    else if (config == "constant_head")
                        this.NaoClient.RecoverHead = false;
                    else if (config == "forwardlooking_head")
                        this.NaoClient.HeadYawInhibition = true;
                    else if (config == "freelooking_head")
                        this.NaoClient.HeadYawInhibition = false;
                else if (message.Cmd == "CheckIdleMoveConflicts")
                    string behaviorname = message.CmdArgs[0];
                    if (IsLegInvolved(behaviorname))
                        if (this.NaoIdleMoveLeg != null) this.NaoIdleMoveLeg.Stop();
                    //if (IsHeadInvolved(behaviorname))
                    //    if (this.NaoIdleMoveHead != null) this.NaoIdleMoveHead.Stop();
            else if(message.MsgType == MessageEventArgs.MessageType.TEXT)
                if (message.TextMsg == "ScriptEnded")
                    if (this.NaoIdleMoveLeg != null) this.NaoIdleMoveLeg.Stop();
                else if (message.TextMsg == "ScriptPaused")
                    if (this.NaoIdleMoveLeg != null) this.NaoIdleMoveLeg.Stop();

                    Debug.WriteLine("{0}: Script paused!", this.ID);

            return null;