public override IDevice createNewInstance(DeviceMetadata m, IDevice parent)
            if (m.Type == NanoleafDevice.NANOLEAF_DEVICE_TYPE_NAME)
                NanoleafDevice d = new NanoleafDevice(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                d.Name       = "new Nanoleaf Panel";
                d.DeviceType = (EDeviceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EDeviceType), m.Model);

                //Find the next ID if possible
                var lamps = org.dmxc.lumos.Kernel.Project.DeviceManager.getInstance()
                            .Devices.OfType <NanoleafDevice>().Where(c => c.DeviceType.Equals(d.DeviceType)).Select(c => c.PanelID);
                var firstid = NanoleafPlugin.getAllPanels(d.DeviceType).Select(p => p.ID)

                if (firstid != 0)
                    d.PanelID = firstid;

            throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to create a Device for Type: " + m.Type);
        public override IDevice createSavedInstance(ManagedTreeItem item, LumosIOContext context, IDevice parent)
            //If this is the right Factory
            if (!item.Name.Equals(NanoleafDevice.NANOLEAF_DEVICE_TYPE_NAME))
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to create a Device for Type: " + item.Name);

            string id = item.getValue <string>("ID");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                throw ItemLoadException.UnableToLoad("ID", "NanoleafDevice");

            IDevice d = new NanoleafDevice(id);

            //Delegate the loading of the Values to the Device Class.
            d.loadFromManagedTree(item, context);
