Esempio n. 1
        public async Task RoleShopRemoveRole([Remainder] string name = "")
            var roles = await ShopRoleDb.GetRoles(Context.Guild.Id);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared()
                     .WithTitle(":star: Role Shop");

            if (!roles.Any())
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb.WithDescription(" *~ No roles in shop ~*\n").WithColor(Color.DarkRed).Build());


            int i    = 1;
            var role = await this.SelectItem(
                    "Enter the number of the role you wish to delete...\n\n" +
                    CustomPaginatedMessage.PagesArray(roles, 100, (r) => $"**#{i++}** <@&{r.RoleId}>\n", false).First()

            await ShopRoleDb.RemoveRole(role.RoleId);

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb.WithDescription($" *~ <@&{role.RoleId}> removed ~*\n").Build());
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task RoleShop([Remainder] string str = "")
            var roles = await ShopRoleDb.GetRoles(Context.Guild.Id);

            var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared()
                     .WithTitle(":star: Role Shop");

            if (!roles.Any())
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb.WithDescription(" *~ No roles in shop ~*\n").WithColor(Color.DarkRed).Build());


            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed :
                                                   eb.WithDescription(CustomPaginatedMessage.PagesArray(roles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price), 100, (r) => $"<@&{r.RoleId}> - **{r.Price:n0}**\n").First()).Build());
Esempio n. 3
        public static EmbedBuilder ListAllEmbed(List <ImageCount> images, string prefix = "!", IUser author = null)
            var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared(author);

            eb.WithDescription($"<:Awooo:582888496793124866> `{prefix}pat` - use reaction images!\n" +
                               $"<:NadeYay:564880253382819860> `{prefix}album pat` - link to an imgur album with all the images!\n" +
                               $"<:KannaHype:571690048001671238> `{prefix}i 20` - use a specific reaction image by id!");

            if (images.Any(x => x.Count >= 20))
                string list = "";
                foreach (var x in images.Where(x => x.Count >= 20))
                    list += "`" + x.ToString() + "` ";
                eb.AddField("20+ images", list);

            if (images.Any(x => x.Count >= 10 && x.Count < 20))
                string list = "";
                foreach (var x in images.Where(x => x.Count >= 10 && x.Count < 20))
                    list += "`" + x.ToString() + "` ";
                eb.AddField("10+ images", list);

            if (images.Any(x => x.Count >= 5 && x.Count < 10))
                string list = "";
                foreach (var x in images.Where(x => x.Count >= 5 && x.Count < 10))
                    list += "`" + x.ToString() + "` ";
                eb.AddField("5+ images", list);

            if (images.Any(x => x.Count > 0 && x.Count < 5))
                string list = "";
                foreach (var x in images.Where(x => x.Count >= 1 && x.Count < 5))
                    list += "`" + x.ToString() + "` ";
                eb.AddField("<5 images", list);

Esempio n. 4
File: Web.cs Progetto: ta1H3n/Namiko
        public async Task AutocompleteWaifu([Remainder] string name)
            await Context.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();

            var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared(Context.User);

            var waifus = await WebUtil.GetWaifus(name);

            string list = "";

            foreach (var w in waifus.Results.Take(10))
                list += $"`{w.MalId}` [{w.Name}]({w.URL}) - *{(w.Animeography.FirstOrDefault() == null ? w.Mangaography.FirstOrDefault().Name : w.Animeography.FirstOrDefault().Name)}*\n";

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : eb.Build());
Esempio n. 5
        public static EmbedBuilder BoxShopEmbed(IUser author)
            var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared(author);

            string str   = "";
            int    count = 0;

            foreach (var item in LootboxStats.Lootboxes)
                var box = item.Value;
                if (box.Price >= 0)
                    string emote = box.Emote == null ? "" : box.Emote == "" ? "" : box.Emote + " ";
                    str += $"{++count}. {emote}{box.Name} - **{box.Price}** {RandomEmote()}\n";

            eb.WithFooter("Try the `lootboxstats` command");
            eb.WithAuthor("Lootbox Shop", author.GetAvatarUrl(), LinkHelper.GetRedirectUrl(LinkHelper.Patreon, "Patreon", "cmd-embed-lootbox"));
            eb.AddField("Lootboxes", str);
            eb.WithDescription("`!bl` to buy a lootbox!");
Esempio n. 6
        public static async Task Timer_RequestSauce(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            Waifu        waifu  = null;
            List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>();
            SauceRequest req    = null;

            if (sender != null && sender is SauceRequest)
                req   = sender as SauceRequest;
                waifu = req.Waifu;

                using var db = new NamikoDbContext();
                if (waifu != null)
                    waifu = await db.Waifus.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Source.Equals(waifu.Source) && x.ImageSource.Equals("missing"));
                if (waifu == null)
                    waifu = await db.Waifus.AsQueryable().OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.ImageSource.Equals("missing"));

                    if (waifu == null)
                        await WebhookClients.SauceRequestChannel.SendMessageAsync("`No unknown sauces. Idling...`");


                var res = await WebUtil.SauceNETSearchAsync(waifu.HostImageUrl);

                if (res.Message.Contains("limit exceeded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Console.WriteLine("Sauce limit exceeded");
                    embeds.Add(WebUtil.SauceEmbed(res, waifu.HostImageUrl).Build());

                var family = await db.Waifus.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Source.Equals(waifu.Source) &&
                                                                 !(x.ImageSource == null || x.ImageSource.Equals("retry") || x.ImageSource.Equals("missing"))).ToListAsync();

                family = family.DistinctBy(x => x.ImageSource).ToList();

                string familySauces = "";
                foreach (var w in family)
                    string add = $"**{w.Name}** - {w.ImageSource}\n";
                    if ((familySauces + add).Length < 1900)
                        familySauces += add;
                if (familySauces != "")
                    var eb = new EmbedBuilderPrepared();
                    eb.WithTitle("Possible sauces");
                    eb.WithDescription($"Image sauces of waifus from **{waifu.Source}**:\n{familySauces}");

                if (req == null || req.Channel == null)
                    await WebhookClients.SauceRequestChannel.SendMessageAsync("Missing waifu image sauce", embeds : embeds);
                    foreach (var embed in embeds)
                        await req.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SentrySdk.WithScope(scope =>
                    if (waifu != null)
                if (req == null || req.Channel == null)
                    await WebhookClients.SauceRequestChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Broke on **{waifu.Name}** - please find source manually.");
                    await req.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Broke on **{waifu.Name}** - please find source manually.");