public void SingleUserTest()
     //PortalRole SingleUser(string email)
     AccountFacade facade = new AccountFacade();
        // The BindData helper method is used to bind the list of
        // security roles for this portal to an asp:datalist server control
        private void BindData()
            // Bind the Email and Password
            IAccountFacade facade = new AccountFacade();
            PortalUser user = facade.SingleUser(userName);

            Email.Text = user.Email;

            // add the user name to the title
            if (userName != "")
                title.InnerText = "Manage User: "******"PortalSettings"];

            // Get the portal's roles from the database
            // bind all portal roles to dropdownlist
            allRoles.DataSource = facade.PortalRoles(portalSettings.PortalId);