Esempio n. 1
 protected override void PrepareDrawBitmap(ImageData img, VirtScreen vs,
                                           Point p, int width, int height,
                                           int stripnr, int numstrip)
     if (_objectMode)
         var imgData = (ImageData1)img;
         objectMap = imgData.ObjectMap;
Esempio n. 2
 public virtual ImageData Clone()
     var data = new ImageData{ IsBomp = IsBomp };
     data.Data = new byte[Data.Length];
     Array.Copy(Data, data.Data, Data.Length);
     foreach (var zplane in ZPlanes)
     return data;
Esempio n. 3
        byte[] GrabPixels(ImageData im, int w, int h)
            // Backup the screen content
            var backup = (byte[])MainVirtScreen.Surfaces[0].Pixels.Clone();

            // Do some drawing
            DrawBox(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, 0xFF);

            MainVirtScreen.HasTwoBuffers = false;
            Gdi.IsZBufferEnabled = false;
            Gdi.DrawBitmap(im, MainVirtScreen, _screenStartStrip, 0, w, h, 0, w / 8, MainVirtScreen.Width, DrawBitmaps.None);
            MainVirtScreen.HasTwoBuffers = true;
            Gdi.IsZBufferEnabled = true;

            // Grab the data we just drew and setup the cursor with it
            var pixels = Capture(MainVirtScreen, MainVirtScreen.XStart, 0, w, h);

            // Restore the screen content
            Array.Copy(backup, MainVirtScreen.Surfaces[0].Pixels, backup.Length);

            return pixels;
Esempio n. 4
 ImageData ReadImage(Stream stream, int numStrips)
     var br = new BinaryReader(stream);
     var img = new ImageData();
     var size = br.ReadInt32();
     br.BaseStream.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);
     if (size != 0)
         img.Data = br.ReadBytes(size + 2);
         br.BaseStream.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current);
         size = br.ReadUInt16();
         if (br.BaseStream.Position == br.BaseStream.Length)
             size = 0;
     while (size != 0 && img.ZPlanes.Count < 3)
         var zPlane = ReadZPlane(br, size, numStrips);
         size = 0;
         br.BaseStream.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.Current);
         if ((br.BaseStream.Position + 2) < br.BaseStream.Length)
             size = br.ReadUInt16();
     return img;
Esempio n. 5
 protected ImageData ReadImage(long size, int numStrips)
     var img = new ImageData();
     var it = CreateChunkIterator(size);
     while (it.MoveNext())
         if (it.Current.Tag == "SMAP")
             img.Data = _reader.ReadBytes((int)(it.Current.Size));
         else if (it.Current.Tag.StartsWith("ZP", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             var zpNum = int.Parse(it.Current.Tag.Substring(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
             ZPlane zplane;
             using (var ms = new MemoryStream(_reader.ReadBytes((int)(it.Current.Size))))
                 var br = new BinaryReader(ms);
                 zplane = ReadZPlane(br, (int)(it.Current.Size), numStrips);
         else if (it.Current.Tag == "BOMP")
             img = ReadBomp(it.Current.Size - 8);
     return img;
Esempio n. 6
 protected IList<ImageData> ReadImages(long size)
     var images = new List<ImageData>();
     var it = CreateChunkIterator(size);
     while (it.MoveNext())
         if (it.Current.Tag == "WRAP")
             it = CreateChunkIterator(it.Current.Size);
         else if (it.Current.Tag == "OFFS")
             // skip it
         else if (it.Current.Tag == "BOMP")
             var img = ReadBomp(it.Current.Size - 8);
         else if (it.Current.Tag == "OBIM")
             // Object Image
             var obj = ReadObjectImages(it.Current.Size - 8);
         else if (it.Current.Tag == "SMAP")
             var img = new ImageData();
             img.Data = _reader.ReadBytes((int)(it.Current.Size - 8));
     return images;
Esempio n. 7
 protected virtual ImageData ReadBomp(long size)
     var id = _reader.ReadUInt16();
     var width = _reader.ReadUInt16();
     var height = _reader.ReadUInt16();
     var padding = _reader.ReadUInt32();
     var img = new ImageData();
     img.Data = _reader.ReadBytes((int)(size - 10));
     img.IsBomp = true;
     return img;
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void PrepareDrawBitmap(ImageData img, VirtScreen vs,
                               Point p, int width, int height,
                               int stripnr, int numstrip)
            var ptr = img.Data;
            // Since V3, all graphics data was encoded in strips, which is very efficient
            // for redrawing only parts of the screen. However, V2 is different: here
            // the whole graphics are encoded as one big chunk. That makes it rather
            // difficult to draw only parts of a room/object. We handle the V2 graphics
            // differently from all other (newer) graphic formats for this reason.
            var table = (_objectMode ? null : _roomStrips);
            int left = (stripnr * 8);
            int right = left + (numstrip * 8);
            PixelNavigator navDst;
            var srcOffset = 0;
            byte color, data = 0;
            int run;
            bool dither = false;
            byte[] dither_table = new byte[128];
            var ditherOffset = 0;
            int theX, theY, maxX;

            var surface = vs.HasTwoBuffers ? vs.Surfaces[1] : vs.Surfaces[0];
            navDst = new PixelNavigator(surface);
            navDst.GoTo(p.X * 8, p.Y);

            var mask_ptr = GetMaskBuffer(p.X, p.Y, 1);

            if (table != null)
                run =[stripnr];
                color = (byte)table.color[stripnr];
                srcOffset = table.offsets[stripnr];
                theX = left;
                maxX = right;
                run = 1;
                color = 0;
                srcOffset = 0;
                theX = 0;
                maxX = width;

            // Decode and draw the image data.
            Debug.Assert(height <= 128);
            for (; theX < maxX; theX++)
                ditherOffset = 0;
                for (theY = 0; theY < height; theY++)
                    if (--run == 0)
                        data = ptr[srcOffset++];
                        if ((data & 0x80) != 0)
                            run = data & 0x7f;
                            dither = true;
                            run = data >> 4;
                            dither = false;
                        color = RoomPalette[data & 0x0f];
                        if (run == 0)
                            run = ptr[srcOffset++];
                    if (!dither)
                        dither_table[ditherOffset] = color;
                    if (left <= theX && theX < right)
                if (left <= theX && theX < right)
                    navDst.Offset(1, -height);

            // Draw mask (zplane) data
            theY = 0;

            if (table != null)
                srcOffset = table.zoffsets[stripnr];
                run = table.zrun[stripnr];
                theX = left;
                run = ptr[srcOffset++];
                theX = 0;
            while (theX < right)
                byte runFlag = (byte)(run & 0x80);
                if (runFlag != 0)
                    run &= 0x7f;
                    data = ptr[srcOffset++];
                    if (runFlag == 0)
                        data = ptr[srcOffset++];

                    if (left <= theX)
                    if (theY >= height)
                        if (left <= theX)
                            mask_ptr.Offset(1, -height);
                        theY = 0;
                        theX += 8;
                        if (theX >= right)
                } while ((--run) != 0);
                run = ptr[srcOffset++];
Esempio n. 9
 public Room()
     Boxes = new List<Box>();
     Objects = new List<ObjectData>();
     BoxMatrix = new List<byte>();
     EntryScript = new ScriptData();
     ExitScript = new ScriptData();
     LocalScripts = new ScriptData[1024];
     TransparentColor = 255;
     Scales = new ScaleSlot[0];
     ColorCycle = new ColorCycle[16];
     for (int i = 0; i < ColorCycle.Length; i++)
         ColorCycle[i] = new ColorCycle();
     Image = new ImageData();
     Palettes = new List<Palette>();
     Palettes.Add(new Palette());
Esempio n. 10
 protected override ImageData ReadBomp(long size)
     var width = _reader.ReadUInt32();
     var height = _reader.ReadUInt32();
     var img = new ImageData();
     img.Data = _reader.ReadBytes((int)(size - 8));
     img.IsBomp = true;
     return img;
Esempio n. 11
 protected virtual void PrepareDrawBitmap(ImageData img, VirtScreen vs,
                                          Point p, int width, int height,
                                          int stripnr, int numstrip)
Esempio n. 12
        public void DrawBitmap(ImageData img, VirtScreen vs, Point p, int width, int height, int stripnr, int numstrip, int roomWidth, DrawBitmaps flags, bool isLightOn)
            var x = p.X;
            var y = p.Y;
            if ((_vm.TownsPaletteFlags & 2) != 0)
                int cx = (x - _vm.ScreenStartStrip) << 3;
                    new Rect(cx * _vm.TextSurfaceMultiplier, y * _vm.TextSurfaceMultiplier, 
                        (cx + width - 1) * _vm.TextSurfaceMultiplier, (y + height - 1) * _vm.TextSurfaceMultiplier), 0);

            _objectMode = flags.HasFlag(DrawBitmaps.ObjectMode);
            PrepareDrawBitmap(img, vs, p, width, height, stripnr, numstrip);

            int sx = x - vs.XStart / 8;
            if (sx < 0)
                numstrip -= -sx;
                x += -sx;
                stripnr += -sx;
                sx = 0;

            // Compute the number of strips we have to iterate over.
            // TODO/FIXME: The computation of its initial value looks very fishy.
            // It was added as a kind of hack to fix some corner cases, but it compares
            // the room width to the virtual screen width; but the former should always
            // be bigger than the latter (except for MM NES, maybe)... strange
            int limit = Math.Max(roomWidth, vs.Width) / 8 - x;
            if (limit > numstrip)
                limit = numstrip;
            if (limit > NumStrips - sx)
                limit = NumStrips - sx;

            for (int k = 0; k < limit; ++k, ++stripnr, ++sx, ++x)
                if (y < vs.TDirty[sx])
                    vs.TDirty[sx] = y;

                if (y + height > vs.BDirty[sx])
                    vs.BDirty[sx] = y + height;

                // In the case of a double buffered virtual screen, we draw to
                // the backbuffer, otherwise to the primary surface memory.
                var surface = vs.HasTwoBuffers ? vs.Surfaces[1] : vs.Surfaces[0];
                var navDst = new PixelNavigator(surface);
                navDst.GoTo(x * 8, y);

                bool transpStrip;
                using (var smapReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(img.Data)))
                    transpStrip = DrawStrip(navDst, width, height, stripnr, smapReader);

                // COMI and HE games only uses flag value
                if (game.Version == 8)
                    transpStrip = true;

                if (vs.HasTwoBuffers)
                    var navFrontBuf = new PixelNavigator(vs.Surfaces[0]);
                    navFrontBuf.GoTo(x * 8, y);
                    if (isLightOn)
                        Copy8Col(navFrontBuf, navDst, height);
                        Clear8Col(navFrontBuf, height);

                DecodeMask(x, y, width, height, stripnr, img.ZPlanes, transpStrip, flags);
Esempio n. 13
 public void DrawBitmap(ImageData img, VirtScreen vs, int x, int y, int width, int height, int stripnr, int numstrip, int roomWidth, DrawBitmaps flags)
     // Check whether lights are turned on or not
     var lightsOn = _vm.IsLightOn();
     DrawBitmap(img, vs, new Point(x, y), width, height, stripnr, numstrip, roomWidth, flags, lightsOn);