Esempio n. 1
         * Update sheet name in all formulas and named ranges.
         * Called from {@link XSSFWorkbook#SetSheetName(int, String)}
         * <p/>
         * <p>
         * The idea is to parse every formula and render it back to string
         * with the updated sheet name. The IFormulaParsingWorkbook passed to the formula Parser
         * is constructed from the old workbook (sheet name is not yet updated) and
         * the FormulaRenderingWorkbook passed to FormulaRenderer#toFormulaString is a custom implementation that
         * returns the new sheet name.
         * </p>
         * @param sheetIndex the 0-based index of the sheet being Changed
         * @param name       the new sheet name
        public void UpdateSheetName(int sheetIndex, String name)
             * An instance of FormulaRenderingWorkbook that returns
            IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb = new XSSFFormulaRenderingWorkbook(_fpwb, sheetIndex, name);

            // update named ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < _wb.NumberOfNames; i++)
                IName nm = _wb.GetNameAt(i);
                if (nm.SheetIndex == -1 || nm.SheetIndex == sheetIndex)
                    UpdateName(nm, frwb);

            // update formulas
            foreach (ISheet sh in _wb)
                foreach (IRow row in sh)
                    foreach (ICell cell in row)
                        if (cell.CellType == CellType.Formula)
                            UpdateFormula((XSSFCell)cell, frwb);
Esempio n. 2
         * Update sheet name in all formulas and named ranges.
         * Called from {@link XSSFWorkbook#SetSheetName(int, String)}
         * <p/>
         * <p>
         * The idea is to parse every formula and render it back to string
         * with the updated sheet name. The IFormulaParsingWorkbook passed to the formula Parser
         * is constructed from the old workbook (sheet name is not yet updated) and
         * the FormulaRenderingWorkbook passed to FormulaRenderer#toFormulaString is a custom implementation that
         * returns the new sheet name.
         * </p>
         * @param sheetIndex the 0-based index of the sheet being Changed
         * @param name       the new sheet name
        public void UpdateSheetName(int sheetIndex, String name)

             * An instance of FormulaRenderingWorkbook that returns
            IFormulaRenderingWorkbook frwb = new XSSFFormulaRenderingWorkbook(_fpwb, sheetIndex, name);
            // update named ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < _wb.NumberOfNames; i++)
                IName nm = _wb.GetNameAt(i);
                if (nm.SheetIndex == -1 || nm.SheetIndex == sheetIndex)
                    UpdateName(nm, frwb);

            // update formulas
            foreach (ISheet sh in _wb)
                foreach (IRow row in sh)
                    foreach (ICell cell in row)
                        if (cell.CellType == CellType.FORMULA)
                            UpdateFormula((XSSFCell)cell, frwb);