Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Places the specified origin into the repository.
        /// If the origin is already in the repository, an
        /// exception is not thrown.
        /// </summary>
        public void Insert(IntlNotam notam)

            if (notam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notam");

            if (!_Notams.Contains(notam))

                #region Refrence IntlNotam
                if (notam.RefId > 0)
                    NotamArchive archive = null;
                    var refNotam = _Notams.Where(n => n.Id.Equals(notam.RefId)).First();
                    if (refNotam != null)
                        refNotam.Status = "A";
                    if (notam.NotamType.Equals("R"))
                        archive = new NotamArchive()
                            Id = refNotam.Id,
                            Reason =
                                String.Format(NotamArchive.ReplacedBy, DateTime.Now.ToString())
                    else if (notam.NotamType.Equals("C"))
                        archive = new NotamArchive()
                            Id = refNotam.Id,
                            Reason =
                                String.Format(NotamArchive.CancledBy, DateTime.Now.ToString())

                    if (archive != null)

                if (this.NotamAdded != null)
                    this.NotamAdded(this, new EntityAddedEventArgs<IntlNotam>(notam));

Esempio n. 2
        public IntlNotamViewModel(IntlNotam notam, IntlNotamService notamService)
            if (notam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notam");

            if (notamService == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notamService");
            _notam = notam.Clone();
            _notamService = notamService;

            this.validators = this.GetType()
               .Where(p => this.GetValidations(p).Length != 0)
               .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => this.GetValidations(p));

            this.propertyGetters = this.GetType()
                .Where(p => this.GetValidations(p).Length != 0)
                .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => this.GetValueGetter(p));
Esempio n. 3
 public IntlNotamViewModel(IntlNotam notam, IntlNotamService notamService, ObservableCollection<WorkspaceViewModel> parent)
     : this(notam, notamService)
     parentWorkSpaces = parent;
Esempio n. 4
 public IntlNotamViewModel(IntlNotam notam, IntlNotamService notamService, ObservableCollection<WorkspaceViewModel> parent,string archiveReason)
     : this(notam, notamService,parent)
     ArchiveReason = archiveReason;
Esempio n. 5
        private void SendRQN(Dictionary<string, string> dic,NotamDataContext dcontext)
            if (!dic.ContainsKey("FIR"))
                MessageBox.Show("No FIR in RQN");
            string strFir = dic["FIR"];
            if (strFir.Length != 4)
            Notam notam2=null;
            if (!strFir.Substring(0, 2).Equals("OI"))
                FIR fir = dcontext.FIRs.Where(n => n.Code.Equals(strFir)).FirstOrDefault();
                IntlNotam innotam = (
                    from o in App._dataDC2.IntlNotams
                    where o.Number.Equals(dic["RQNN"]) && (o.Type.Equals(dic["RQNT"]) && o.Year.Equals(dic["RQNY"]) && o.FIR == fir)
                    select o).FirstOrDefault<IntlNotam>();
                if (innotam == null)
                    innotam = new IntlNotam();
                    innotam.Type = dic["RQNT"];
                    innotam.Number = dic["RQNN"];
                    innotam.Year = dic["RQNY"];
                    innotam.FIR = dcontext.FIRs.Where(n => (n.Code.Length == 4) && n.Code.Substring(0, 2).Equals(strFir.Substring(0, 2))).FirstOrDefault();
                    innotam.SendTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmm");
                    innotam.Origin = (
                        from x in App._dataDC2.Origins
                        where x.Code.Equals("OIIIYNYX")
                        select x).FirstOrDefault<Origin>();
                    innotam.Status = "N";
                    IntlNotam notam3 = (
                        from o in App._dataDC2.IntlNotams
                        where o.Type.Equals(dic["RQNT"]) && o.Year.Equals(dic["RQNY"]) && o.FIR == fir
                        select o into x
                        orderby x.Number descending
                        select x).FirstOrDefault<IntlNotam>();
                    if (int.Parse(notam3.Number) > int.Parse(notam2.Number))
                        innotam.Status = "BL";
                notam2 = IntlNotamService.ConvertToNotam(innotam);
                notam2 = (
                    from o in App._dataDC2.Notams
                    where o.Number.Equals(dic["RQNN"]) && (o.Type.Equals(dic["RQNT"]) && o.Year.Equals(dic["RQNY"]))
                    select o).FirstOrDefault<Notam>();

                if (notam2 == null)
                    notam2 = new Notam();
                    notam2.Type = dic["RQNT"];
                    notam2.Number = dic["RQNN"];
                    notam2.Year = dic["RQNY"];
                    notam2.FIR = dcontext.FIRs.Where(n =>  (n.Code.Length==4) && n.Code.Substring(0,2).Equals(strFir.Substring(0,2))).FirstOrDefault();
                    notam2.SendTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmm");
                    notam2.Origin = (
                        from x in App._dataDC2.Origins
                        where x.Code.Equals("OIIIYNYX")
                        select x).FirstOrDefault<Origin>();
                    notam2.Status = "N";
                    Notam notam3 = (
                        from o in App._dataDC2.Notams
                        where o.Type.Equals(dic["RQNT"]) && o.Year.Equals(dic["RQNY"])
                        select o into x
                        orderby x.Number descending
                        select x).FirstOrDefault<Notam>();
                    if (int.Parse(notam3.Number) > int.Parse(notam2.Number))
                        notam2.Status = "BL";
            NotamSender notamSender = new NotamSender(notam2);
            if (dic.ContainsKey("Originat"))

Esempio n. 6
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
            CustomPrincipal customPrincipal = new CustomPrincipal();
            AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(App._dataDC);
            if (e != null && e.Args != null && e.Args.Count<string>() > 0)
                    Dictionary<string, string> dic = this.MakeDictionary(e.Args);
                    if (dic != null)
                            User user = authenticationService.AuthenticateUser(dic["User"], dic["Pass"]);
                            customPrincipal = (Thread.CurrentPrincipal as CustomPrincipal);
                            if (customPrincipal == null)
                                throw new ArgumentException("The application's default thread principal must be set to a CustomPrincipal object on startup.");
                            customPrincipal.Identity = new CustomIdentity(user.Username, user.Role);
                        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exp)
                            MessageBox.Show("Login failed! Please provide some valid credentials.");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message);
                        if (this.IsAuthenticated)
                            MainWindowViewModel viewModel = null;
                            MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
                            string notamType = null;
                            if (dic.ContainsKey("GetAddr"))
                                var aftnService = new AftnService(App._dataDC2);
                                var AftnList = aftnService.GetAftnList().OrderBy(t => t.Series).ToList();
                                string strFinal="";
                                foreach(var aftn in AftnList)
                                    strFinal += aftn.Series + "=" + aftn.AftnList+"\n";
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\\NOTDIR\\ADDR.TXT", strFinal);
                            if (dic["NotamType"] != null)
                                notamType = dic["NotamType"].Substring(dic["NotamType"].Length - 1);
                            if (dic["NotamType"].Contains("NOTAM"))
                                if (dic["Originat"].IndexOf("OI") != 0)
                                    IntlNotam notam = new IntlNotam
                                        Number = dic.ContainsKey("Num") ? dic["Num"] : "",
                                        NotamType = notamType,
                                        SendTime = dic.ContainsKey("Filling") ? dic["Filling"] : "",
                                        Type = dic.ContainsKey("Type") ? dic["Type"] : "",
                                        Year = dic.ContainsKey("year") ? dic["year"] : "",
                                        RefType = dic.ContainsKey("RefT") ? dic["RefT"] : "",
                                        RefYear = dic.ContainsKey("RefY") ? dic["RefY"] : "",
                                        RefNum = dic.ContainsKey("RefN") ? dic["RefN"] : "",
                                        LowerLimit = dic.ContainsKey("Lower") ? dic["Lower"] : "",
                                        HigherLimit = dic.ContainsKey("Upper") ? dic["Upper"] : "",
                                        Latitude = dic.ContainsKey("Latitude") ? dic["Latitude"] : "",
                                        Longtitude = dic.ContainsKey("Longtitude") ? dic["Longtitude"] : "",
                                        Radius = dic.ContainsKey("Radius") ? dic["Radius"] : "",
                                        FirAero = dic.ContainsKey("FirAd") ? dic["FirAd"] : "",
                                        FromDate = dic.ContainsKey("FromDate") ? dic["FromDate"] : "",
                                        ToDate = dic.ContainsKey("ToDate") ? dic["ToDate"] : "",
                                        PermEst = dic.ContainsKey("EstPerm") ? dic["EstPerm"] : "",
                                        EFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemE") ? dic["ItemE"] : "",
                                        DFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemD") ? dic["ItemD"] : "",
                                        FFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemF") ? dic["ItemF"] : "",
                                        GFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemG") ? dic["ItemG"] : "",
                                        Origin = dic.ContainsKey("FIR") ? (
                                            from o in App._dataDC2.Origins
                                            where o.Code.Equals(dic["Originat"])
                                            select o).FirstOrDefault<Origin>() : null,
                                        FIR = dic.ContainsKey("FIR") ? 
                                            App._dataDC2.FIRs.Where(n =>  (n.Code.Length==4) && n.Code.Substring(0,2).Equals(dic["FIR"].Substring(0,2))).FirstOrDefault()
                                             : null,
                                        Status = "D",
                                        NotamCode = dic.ContainsKey("QCode") ? (
                                            from o in App._dataDC2.NotamCodes
                                            where (o.Subject + o.Condition).Equals(dic["QCode"])
                                            select o).FirstOrDefault<NotamCode>() : null
                                    IntlNotamService intlNotamService = new IntlNotamService(App._dataDC2);
                                    if (!intlNotamService.ContainsNotam(notam))
//                                      MessageBox.Show("International NOTAM Inserted To Database Successfully");
//                                        MessageBox.Show("International NOTAM Already Inserted To Database");
//                                 if (!dic.ContainsKey("FIR"))
//                                 {
//                                     dic.Add("FIR", "OIIX");
//                                 }
//                                 Notam notam2 = new Notam
//                                 {
//                                     Number = "",
//                                     NotamType = notamType,
//                                     SendTime = dic.ContainsKey("Filling") ? dic["Filling"] : "",
//                                     Type = dic.ContainsKey("Type") ? dic["Type"] : "",
//                                     Year = dic.ContainsKey("year") ? dic["year"] : "",
//                                     RefType = dic.ContainsKey("RefT") ? dic["RefT"] : "",
//                                     RefYear = dic.ContainsKey("RefY") ? dic["RefY"] : "",
//                                     RefNum = dic.ContainsKey("RefN") ? dic["RefN"] : "",
//                                     LowerLimit = dic.ContainsKey("Lower") ? dic["Lower"] : "",
//                                     HigherLimit = dic.ContainsKey("Upper") ? dic["Upper"] : "",
//                                     Latitude = dic.ContainsKey("Latitude") ? dic["Latitude"] : "",
//                                     Longtitude = dic.ContainsKey("Longtitude") ? dic["Longtitude"] : "",
//                                     Radius = dic.ContainsKey("Radius") ? dic["Radius"] : "",
//                                     FirAero = dic.ContainsKey("FirAd") ? dic["FirAd"] : "",
//                                     FromDate = dic.ContainsKey("FromDate") ? dic["FromDate"] : "",
//                                     ToDate = dic.ContainsKey("ToDate") ? dic["ToDate"] : "",
//                                     PermEst = dic.ContainsKey("EstPerm") ? dic["EstPerm"] : "",
//                                     EFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemE") ? dic["ItemE"] : "",
//                                     DFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemD") ? dic["ItemD"] : "",
//                                     FFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemF") ? dic["ItemF"] : "",
//                                     GFreeText = dic.ContainsKey("ItemG") ? dic["ItemG"] : "",
//                                     Origin = (
//                                         from o in App._dataDC2.Origins
//                                         where o.Code.Equals(dic["Originat"])
//                                         select o).FirstOrDefault<Origin>(),
//                                     FIR = (
//                                         from o in App._dataDC2.FIRs
//                                         where o.Code.Equals(dic["FIR"])
//                                         select o).FirstOrDefault<FIR>(),
//                                     Status = "D",
//                                     NotamCode = dic.ContainsKey("QCode") ? (
//                                         from o in App._dataDC2.NotamCodes
//                                         where (o.Subject + o.Condition).Equals(dic["QCode"])
//                                         select o).FirstOrDefault<NotamCode>() : null
//                                 };
//                                 viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(App._dataDC2, notam2);
                                if (dic["NotamType"].Contains("RQN"))
                                    SendRQN(dic, App._dataDC2);
                            catch (System.Exception ex)
                            EventHandler handler = null;
                            handler = delegate
                                viewModel.RequestClose -= handler;
                            viewModel.RequestClose += handler;
                            window.DataContext = viewModel;
                catch (Exception ex)
            if (!IsAuthenticated)
                //Show the login view
                AuthenticationViewModel viewModel = new AuthenticationViewModel(authenticationService);
Esempio n. 7
        string GenerateNotamText(IntlNotam notam)
            var ntmBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            #region First Line
            if (notam.Origin != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.SendTime))
                ntmBuilder.Append(notam.SendTime.Substring(notam.SendTime.Length - 6, 6) + " " +
                                  notam.Origin.Code + Environment.NewLine);

            #region 3rd line
            ntmBuilder.Append(openPar + notam.Type + notam.Number + slash + notam.Year + " " +
                              "NOTAM" + notam.NotamType + Environment.NewLine);

            #region Q line
            if (notam.FIR != null)
                ntmBuilder.Append("Q" + closePar + notam.FIR.Code);

            if (notam.NotamCode != null)
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.NotamCode.ToString());
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.NotamCode.Traffic))
                    ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.NotamCode.Traffic);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.NotamCode.Purpose))
                    ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.NotamCode.Purpose);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.NotamCode.Scope))
                    ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.NotamCode.Scope);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.LowerLimit))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.LowerLimit);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.HigherLimit))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.HigherLimit);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.Latitude))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.Latitude);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.Longtitude))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.Longtitude);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.Radius))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.Radius);

            #region A B C line

            ntmBuilder.Append("A" + closePar + notam.FirAero);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.FirA2))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.FirA2);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.FirA3))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.FirA3);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.FirA4))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.FirA4);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.FirA5))
                ntmBuilder.Append(slash + notam.FirA5);

            ntmBuilder.Append(" B" + closePar + notam.FromDate);

            ntmBuilder.Append(" C" + closePar + notam.ToDate);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.PermEst))
                ntmBuilder.Append(" " + notam.PermEst);

            #region D E line

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.DFreeText))
                ntmBuilder.Append("D" + closePar + notam.DFreeText + Environment.NewLine);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.EFreeText))
                ntmBuilder.Append("E" + closePar + notam.EFreeText);

            #region F G line

            return ntmBuilder.ToString();

Esempio n. 8
        public IntlNotam Clone()
            IntlNotam n = new IntlNotam();
            n.Code_Id = this.Code_Id;
            n.Id = this.Id;
            n.Number = this.Number;
            n.Origin = this.Origin;
            n.DFreeText = this.DFreeText;
            n.EFreeText = this.EFreeText;
            n.FFreeText = this.FFreeText;
            n.FIR = this.FIR;
            n.Fir_Id = this.Fir_Id;
            n.FirA2 = this.FirA2;
            n.FirA3 = this.FirA3;
            n.FirA4 = this.FirA4;
            n.FirA5 = this.FirA5;
            n.FirAero = this.FirAero;
            n.FromDate = this.FromDate;
            n.FromRDate = this.FromRDate;
            n.GFreeText = this.GFreeText;
            n.HigherLimit = this.HigherLimit;
            n.Latitude = this.Latitude;
            n.Longtitude = this.Longtitude;
            n.LowerLimit = this.LowerLimit;
            n.NotamCode = this.NotamCode;
            n.NotamType = this.NotamType;
            n.Origin_Id = this.Origin_Id;
            n.PermEst = this.PermEst;
            n.Radius = this.Radius;
            n.RefId = this.RefId;
            n.RefNum = this.RefNum;
            n.RefType = this.RefType;
            n.RefYear = this.RefType;
            n.SendTime = this.SendTime;
            n.Status = this.Status;
            n.ToDate = this.ToDate;
            n.ToRDate = this.ToRDate;
            n.Type = this.Type;
            n.Year = this.Year;
            return n;

Esempio n. 9
        public void Archive(IntlNotam notam)

            if (notam.Status.Equals("D"))
                notam.Status = "A";
//                 archive = new NotamArchive()
//                 {
//                     Id = notam.Id,
//                     Reason =
//                         String.Format(NotamArchive.ForcedBy, DateTime.Now.ToString())
//                 };
//                 _NotamArchives.Add(archive);
//                _dataContext.NotamArchives.InsertOnSubmit(archive);

                _Notams = LoadNotams(_dataContext);
                _ArchNotams = LoadArchiveNotams(_dataContext);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Delete(IntlNotam notam)
            if (notam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notam");
            List<IntlNotam> listNotams = _Notams;
            switch (notam.Status[0])
                case 'A':
                    listNotams = _ArchNotams;
            if (listNotams.Contains(notam))

            if (this.NotamDeleted != null)
                this.NotamDeleted(this, new EntityAddedEventArgs<IntlNotam>(notam));
Esempio n. 11
 public static  Notam ConvertToNotam(IntlNotam nt)
     Notam n=new Notam();
     n.Code_Id = nt.Code_Id;
     n.Id = nt.Id;
     n.Number = nt.Number;
     n.Origin = nt.Origin;
     n.DFreeText = nt.DFreeText;
     n.EFreeText = nt.EFreeText;
     n.FFreeText = nt.FFreeText;
     n.FIR = nt.FIR;
     n.Fir_Id = nt.Fir_Id;
     n.FirA2 = nt.FirA2;
     n.FirA3 = nt.FirA3;
     n.FirA4 = nt.FirA4;
     n.FirA5 = nt.FirA5;
     n.FirAero = nt.FirAero;
     n.FromDate = nt.FromDate;
     n.FromRDate = nt.FromRDate;
     n.GFreeText = nt.GFreeText;
     n.HigherLimit = nt.HigherLimit;
     n.Latitude = nt.Latitude;
     n.Longtitude = nt.Longtitude;
     n.LowerLimit = nt.LowerLimit;
     n.NotamCode = nt.NotamCode;
     n.NotamType = nt.NotamType;
     n.Origin_Id = nt.Origin_Id;
     n.PermEst = nt.PermEst;
     n.Radius = nt.Radius;
     n.RefId = nt.RefId;
     n.RefNum = nt.RefNum;
     n.RefType = nt.RefType;
     n.RefYear = nt.RefType;
     n.SendTime = nt.SendTime;
     n.Status = nt.Status;
     n.ToDate = nt.ToDate;
     n.ToRDate = nt.ToRDate;
     n.Type = nt.Type;
     n.Year = nt.Year;
     return n;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the specified origin exists in the
        /// repository, or false if it is not.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ContainsNotam(IntlNotam notam)
            if (notam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notam");
            var notamInList = _AllNotams.Where(n => n.Number.Equals(notam.Number) && (n.Type.Equals(notam.Type)) && (n.Year.Equals(notam.Year))
                                                && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.FirAero) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.FirAero) && n.FirAero.Equals(notam.FirAero)))
            return notamInList.Count>0;
Esempio n. 13
        public void UpdateWithNumber(IntlNotam notam)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notam.Number))
                var curNumber = (from n in _Notams
                                 where (n.Type.Equals(notam.Type))
                                 orderby n.Number descending
                                 select n.Number).FirstOrDefault();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(curNumber))
                    curNumber = "0";

                notam.Number = (Int32.Parse(curNumber) + 1).ToString();

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        public void Update(IntlNotam notam)
