Esempio n. 1
        public Chart Draw(params string[] filtros)
            // Create a new instance of Chart
            Chart chart = new Chart();

            chart.AnimationEnabled = true;
            // Create a new instance of Title
            Title title = new Title();
            // Set title property
            title.Text = "VOLUMEN POR GRUPO";
            // Add title to Titles collection
            // Create a new instance of DataSeries
            DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries();
            DataSeries dataSeriesSecundary = new DataSeries();

            // Set DataSeries property
            dataSeries.RenderAs = RenderAs.Line;
            #region configuracion eje X
            // Creating AxisX
            Axis axisX = new Axis();
            // Date time standard format
            axisX.ValueFormatString = "000000";
            // To avoid auto skip

            // Create a DataPoint
            DataPoint dataPoint;
            #region consulta
            DataTable kpis;
                kpis = new DataTable();
                Consultas consulta = new Consultas();
                kpis = consulta.SelectKPI_VolumenPorGrupo(filtros).Tables[0];
                consulta = null;
                bool band1 = true;
                bool band2 = true;
                string serAnt = "-5555";
                string ser = "-1111";
                foreach (DataRow g in kpis.Rows)

                     Decimal? y= g["CPW"] != DBNull.Value ? (Decimal?)g["CPW"] : null;
                     int x = (int)g["Ciclo"];
                     ser = (string)g["Segmentacion"];
                     ser = ser.ToUpper();
                     //--Condicion para el hueco se vaya a cero y no se corte la linea.
                     //if (y == null)
                     //    y = 0;
                     if (ser != "TOTAL  VOLUMEN CPW" )
                     { //Creando las series
                         if (serAnt != ser)
                             if (serAnt != "-5555")

                             // Create a new instance of DataSeries
                             dataSeries = new DataSeries();
                             dataSeries.Name = ser;
                             // Set DataSeries property
                             dataSeries.RenderAs = RenderAs.Line;
                             if (ser == "TIGRE")
                             dataSeries.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Diamond;
                             if (ser == "LOBO")
                                 dataSeries.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Triangle;
                             if (ser == "AGUILA")
                                 dataSeries.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Square;
                             if (ser == "COBRA")
                                 dataSeries.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Cross;
                             if (ser == "PEZ")
                                 dataSeries.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Line;
                             dataSeries.SelectionEnabled = true;
                             dataSeries.LineThickness = 3;
                             band1 = false;

                         // Create a new instance of DataPoint
                         dataPoint = new DataPoint();
                         // Set YValue for a DataPoint
                         if (x != null && y != null) dataPoint.AxisXLabel = x.ToString();
                         if (!ciclos.Contains(x.ToString())) ciclos.Add(x.ToString());
                         dataPoint.YValue = System.Convert.ToDouble(y);
                         // Add dataPoint to DataPoints collection.
                         serAnt = ser;

                         if (serAnt != ser)
                             //////////////dataseries secundario para segundo eje y
                             // Create a new instance of DataSeries secundary

                             // Set DataSeries property
                             dataSeriesSecundary.AxisYType = AxisTypes.Secondary;
                             dataSeriesSecundary.Name = "TOTAL  VOLUMEN CPW";
                             dataSeriesSecundary.Padding = new Thickness(30);
                             dataSeriesSecundary.RenderAs = RenderAs.Line;
                             dataSeriesSecundary.MarkerType = Visifire.Commons.MarkerTypes.Circle;
                             dataSeriesSecundary.SelectionEnabled = true;
                             dataSeriesSecundary.LineThickness = 3;
                             band2 = false;
                         dataPoint = new DataPoint();
                         if (x != null && y != null) dataPoint.AxisXLabel = x.ToString();
                         if (!ciclos.Contains(x.ToString())) ciclos.Add(x.ToString());
                         dataPoint.YValue = System.Convert.ToDouble(y);
                         serAnt = ser;
                // Add dataSeries to Series collection.
                if (band1 != true)
                if (band2 != true)

                return chart;
            catch (Exception Error)
                throw (new Exception(Error.ToString()));